Monday, October 09, 2017

Donald Trump is rapidly filling the courts with conservative judges who may drive the country dramatically to the Right.

Courtesy of HuffPo: 

“Trump’s speed in nominating judges has been perhaps the most successful aspect of his presidency,” said Carl Tobias, a law professor at the University of Richmond who specializes in judicial nominations. “Trump has easily surpassed Obama, Bush and Clinton at this point in the first year of their presidencies in terms of the sheer number nominated.” 

He has. Ten months in, Trump has nominated 17 circuit court judges and 39 district court judges. That’s far more than former President Barack Obama’s seven circuit court nominees and four district court nominees by this point in his first year of office. Former President George W. Bush had nominated 11 circuit judges and 31 district judges by this point. 

He’s also got more court seats to fill. He inherited a whopping 108 court vacancies when he became president ― double the number of vacancies Obama inherited when he took office. That’s largely due to Republicans’ years-long strategy of denying votes to Obama’s court picks to keep those seats empty for a future GOP president to fill. It worked. 

If Trump’s current judicial nominees are a preview of the kinds of judges he plans to nominate in the coming years, prepare for a significantly more socially conservative group of people shaping the nation’s laws.

LGBTQ rights, employee protections, Roe Vs Wade, could all be in jeopardy once Trump fills the courts with judges who are determined to help Make America Great Again.

Their version of that is giving white males back all of the power, and to put everybody else back in their places. You know, where they belong.

Anybody who voted for Donald Trump because they thought he was a Republican who would not push conservative social values onto the people, should be taken out back an given a sound beating.


  1. Anonymous4:06 AM

    What news outlet promoted Donald john trump the most? MSNBC morning joe? or Fox news? Will they be held accountable?

  2. Anonymous4:27 AM

    CA. should look to secede then seriously in the future. All us libs can go there.

    1. Fuck you troll.

      Only the Right Wingers use the term "libs."

      I love my state, and I will fight for its future, and the future of this country.

    2. Anonymous8:17 AM

      'This' is fighting for the future of your country? The last post to break 100 comments was about Dakota Meyer lol. No others even come close. Whether you like it or not, you birthed and continue to nurse a Palin hate blog. A has been nobody with a nobody family.

    3. Anonymous4:34 PM

      And yet you continue to post here 8:17. Why?

    4. Anonymous10:38 PM

      @8:17 - I found this blog in 2008 when I was astonished by the GOP’s selection of Palin as VP nominee. But I’ve continued to read here because of Gryphen’s take on things. I know there are many other readers like me. We don’t always have time to comment but you can still see all of Gryph’s traffic over there — — — >

      Maybe it’s not what it used to be in 2010, but it’s still pretty great, by my lights. It moves so fast...from all over the world.

    5. Anonymous7:33 AM

      Great story 10:38.

  3. Anonymous4:54 AM



    Will Trump order Pense to show up at America's Got Talent and order him to get up and leave if they show people disgracing Trump's American flag?

    Watch "Simon Cowell Lectures Trump About Twitter via The Singing Trump | America's Got Talent 2017" on YouTube

  4. Anonymous7:49 AM

    "A 1943 Supreme Court case — West Virginia State Board of Education vs. Barnette — has been cited in the lawsuit and it protects students from being forced to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and salute the flag in public schools. In that case, Supreme Court ruled that forcing students to stand or recite the pledge constituted compelled speech and also violated the First Amendment."

  5. Anonymous8:27 AM

    "The Trump administration's new hard-line list includes draconian demands that seemingly contradict early agreement with Democratic leadership."

  6. Anonymous8:30 AM

    This latest makes me feel ill. My beautiful, smart, compassionate son is gay. I fear for the future.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.