Monday, October 09, 2017

The White Supremacists return to Charlottesville because...well because Donald Trump is still president isn't he?

Courtesy of WaPo: 

Richard Spencer, who in August led white nationalists and white supremacists in a torchlight march across the University of Virginia campus that touched off a weekend of deadly clashes, returned Saturday night to Charlottesville. 

Spencer, a white nationalist, posted video on social media of followers carrying torches to the statue of Robert E. Lee, which the city has sought to remove.

The march coincided with the university’s celebration of its bicentennial. 

“It was a planned flash mob,” Spencer said in an interview Saturday night. “It was a great success. We’ve been planning this for a long time.” 

“We wanted to prove that we came in peace in May, we came in peace in August, and we come again in peace,” he said. 

Their message, he said, is that, “Our identity matters. We are not going to stand by and allow people to tear down these symbols of our history and our people – and we’re going to do this again.”

Actually they are going to stand by while these symbols of hatred are torn down, because showing up with Tiki torches and Nazi armbands does nothing to stop them.

As for demonstrating again, I am sure they will.

However now they are too afraid to come out en masse and are only doing these quiet little flash mobs, and then fleeing the area before the big bad counter protesters show up and make them piss themselves.

No, despite having a sympathizer in the White House it is clear that the White Supremacist time is passed, and Americans will no longer cower in fear at their presence.


  1. Anonymous7:28 AM

    From your lips to G_d’s ears, G. These sewer rats will keep coming out and trying to intimidate & terrorize people until they are either jailed, or incapacitated. Worst part of it is that there are many LEO’s in this area that agree with them, and have no issue with looking the other way when counter-protesters are being threatened, harassed or assaulted by these goons.

  2. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Trump demands "appreciation" for pathetic hurricane response with jarring propaganda video

    Trump's new taxpayer-funded propaganda clip marries two of his most defining traits: narcissism and incompetence.

    1. Anonymous7:55 AM

      "“Responding to the evolving crisis, U.S. military officials spelled out Sunday how they will alter the distribution of food, water and fuel to many of the island’s 78 municipalities,”
      "Oxfam has monitored the response in Puerto Rico closely, and we are outraged at the slow and inadequate response the US Government has mounted in Puerto Rico. Clean water, food, fuel, electricity, and health care are in desperately short supply and quickly dwindling, and we’re hearing excuses and criticism from the administration instead of a cohesive and compassionate response. The US has more than enough resources to mobilize an emergency response but has failed to do so in a swift and robust manner."

  3. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Would the police stand by and watch if these were minorities? You know they wouldn't.

  4. Anonymous8:07 AM

    "purported to offer “a word of truth” to African-American audiences.
    “We, the black people, we stand in one unity. We stand in one to say that Hillary Clinton is not our candidate,” $O>"piggyback off of the Black Lives Matter protests to spread the Kremlin’s message. But this time, the Kremlin operation used real people, not just memes and hijacked hashtags.

    The discovery of living, breathing, real-life avatars for Kremlin talking points deepens and complicates the emerging picture of how Russian propaganda reached what Facebook alone estimated last week were 10 million users in the United States—a number considered by many outside experts to be a lowball estimate."
    Williams and Kalvin videos on Facebook reached thousands of people. Before the account was shuttered, Williams and Kalvin’s Facebook page had 48,000 fans.
    Facebook and Twitter declined to comment for this article."
    “To say the truth, Bill Clinton is a rapist. And there is a lot of fact to prove it,” the host says, before saying the Clintons are “serial killers and they are going to rape the whole nation.”
    The video concludes with the line: “We have to do all we can to not allow this racist bitch to become the next president.”
    "“Often, (the Kremlin) will contract out entities to do this so they can say, ‘You can’t prove that it’s us,’” Watts told The Daily Beast. “It’s pretty routine for them to try to gain resources through third parties and contract cutouts.”"

  5. Anonymous8:17 AM

    OT? Real War:

  6. Anonymous8:19 AM

    “It was a planned flash mob,”

  7. Anonymous8:35 AM

    " the protest was put together by the “Heart of Texas” Facebook page"Unlike the November anti-Hillary Clinton, pro-secession rallies the page attempted to organize across Texas, the May protest not only brought armed protesters, but a raft of counter-protesters to face down those calling for “white power!”
    "Not only did the “Heart of Texas” page call – successfully – for protesters to bring firearms (“concealed or not!”) but Russian operatives were able to convince armed white supremacists to congregate in downtown Houston, facing off with dozens opposed to their message. Given recent events in Charlottesville, the fact that Russian operatives organized rifle-toting white nationalists into a confrontation with counter-protesters should give pause to politicians on both sides of the aisle – all the more as one of the comments on the “Heart of Texas” page called to “blow … up” the Islamic center."
    "“What’s relevant about the Russia thing is it absolutely validates the concern that people have that the Russians were putting out completely fabricated stories,” THIS>
    "What’s kind of remarkable is that a Russian agent would be burrowing down that deep in the weeds to find a story that’s that local, and cooking up something, fabricating something, at such a small picture, such a detailed picture,” Shah added. “It really gives an indication of the extent to which there must be a major Russian apparatus, that they’re willing to put the kind of resources to drill down that deep. So I’m actually kind of fascinated by just the depth of FAKE NEW$.”"

  8. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Talk about disrespecting the flag, America, the constitution and Americans .....this particular gang is doing it.

  9. Anonymous9:32 AM

    " took on two hot-button topics during his Sunday night episode — Confederate memorials and the sexual harassment allegations against movie producer Harvey Weinstein."

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Wp history lesson & Penis Puns
      BLM then & NOW!

  10. Nothing says "white supremacist" like a Polynesian torch.

  11. Anonymous11:54 AM

    "Larry David and Bernie Sanders join Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. on Finding Your Roots." Cousins!

  12. Anonymous1:59 PM

    In Florida>"Any of you black apes caught ‘making eyes’ at a white girl will be beaten with bats and your mothers won’t get anymo’ bananas-That’s a promise,”
    "Along with threats against black people, the flier also contained multiple anti-Semitic references, including the phrase “smash Jew communism” and comparisons between Jewish people and Satan."

  13. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Half a century after the 1966 UT tower massacre, mass shootings have only become more common.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.