Saturday, October 07, 2017

Donald Trump Jr. attempts to use Harvey Weinstein controversy to smear Hillary Clinton, while apparently forgetting who his father is.

Courtesy of Newsweek: 

The 39-year-old also liked posts about how the film industry had covered up Weinstein's advances toward women, how close Weinstein was with several high-profile Democrats and how Weinstein planned to sue the Times for not giving him enough time to respond to the allegations. 

Trump Jr. then seized upon another part of Weinstein's statement, where the executive wrote that he "came of age in the '60s and '70s, when all the rules about behavior and workplaces were different." CNN journalist Jake Tapper wrote that "it's weird how many dad[s] grew up in the same exact era and never sexually harassed anyone," and Trump Jr. liked it. 

Wait, what? 

President Trump has been accused of harassment by several women—and, depending on how you interpret the 2005 tape, may have even admitted to it. In that conversation, recorded as the tycoon spoke with Access Hollywood host Billy Bush, Trump bragged about a lady and said he'd "moved on her like a bitch." He added that he was attracted to beautiful women, and when he wants to seduce them, he "just starts kissing."

It should be pointed out that yesterday, during the time that Junior was posting all of this, it was the first year anniversary of the release of the Access Hollywood pussy grabbing tape.

That's why the video was played on a loop for 12 hours yesterday just outside the White House.

This kind of deflection reminds me of when Trump invited all of those Bill Clinton accusers to the debate in order to rattle Hillary.

However that failed and she mopped the floor with him that night.

This right here is yet another epic fail on the part of the Trumps.

Harvey Weinsein is indeed a terrible person, and he deserves everything that seems to be coming his way right now.

However I think Nate Silver summed it up nicely.
Hillary Clinton is NOT responsible for Weinstein's actions. And it is really not her responsibility to publicly condemn him.

I mean it's not as if he were her father, who she was attempting to provide cover for or anything.



  1. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I really think that at the very least Jr, Ivanka and Eric are at least as bad as their father, if not worse. Grandpa was a KKK sympathizer. Trump Sr is a complete failure of a human being. And frankly, I think Tiffany could well be destined to be as bad as her half-siblings and Barron is just a dumb little autistic fuck up.

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      i couldnt agree more.

    2. Anonymous8:44 PM

      If Donald Jr had two brain cells to rub together, he would've kept quiet about this. But true to the misogynistic jerk he is, he just couldn't stfu. What a dumbass!

  2. Anonymous2:24 PM

    What's his problem?

    I think Trump and his family has way too much trouble to worry about Hillary Clinton.

    1. Anonymous5:14 PM

      Sexual assault should be fine and dandy except a politician with democratic affiliation did it. How Dare He! Was he a beloved idiot celebrity on a TV game show, of course not, and he ruined the innocence of rape for the rabid right.

  3. Kinda amusing how the Trump clan seem to be blind,deaf and clueless but then again, it’s also sort of appalling.

    Oh, and SAD.

  4. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Here we go again. Trump's modus operandi is too distract America from his Russian problems. Mueller must be getting too close.

  5. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Remember in the debate, the last one I think, when the moderator asked each of them to name something about the other that they liked/admired? Well Hillary said Trump had good children, or some such compliment. We should ask her to re-think that answer given Jr's constant insults to her.

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      They all just blow smoke up each other's asses trying to look like "the good guy".

  6. Anonymous2:49 PM

    tinydjt""Presidents and their administrations have been talking to North Korea for 25 years, agreements made and massive amounts of money paid ... hasn't worked, agreements violated before the ink was dry, makings fools of U.S. negotiators. Sorry, but only one thing will work!," Trump wrote on Twitter."

  7. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Trump became president 10 months ago. It’s time to quit bringing Hillary up every fucking day. I know Trump and his fans have nothing else to hold onto, but really, this Hillary fetish they have is boring and tiresome,

    1. Anonymous2:17 AM

      They can't brag about accomplishments because Donald has none.

  8. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Just cant help thinking paddock is somehow involved. He was a weird turkey like drumpfs.

  9. Anonymous3:10 PM

    This article goes a long way towards explaining both Donald Trump and other powerful men and women and the psychiatric problems that make them appealing to other people. Face it, wallflowers do not put themselves out there; people who seek fame, fortune and political office tend to have a different mental makeup than the masses.

  10. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Trump is a nasty little gossipy busybody.If he is not making up stories, then he is lying about simply everything!
    His number is just about up and he is going to have to pay the piper , big time!
    I live for the day that he falls ,and falls hard.
    I will be rothflmao. I wish him only the absolute worst.
    I look for his obituary everyday, with great enthusiasm!!!!

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      "I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction."

      Clarence Darrow 1932


  11. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Such a nasty ugly family. Inside and out, How on earth did they make it this far?

  12. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Jr. may have learned what sick fun it can be to get a feud going between two other people from Sr. Sr. tried with Rosie O'Donnel and another person. It's sick to feud with NFL and Puerto Rico, but if that doesn't work out try Hillary and Weinstein?

    Most people are smarter than Trump and won't take the bait. When trump wants to push someone else's buttons, watch and see how he is showing the whole world where his buttons are.

  13. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Junior is doing a good job at showing what a little prick he is.

    I used to kind of feel sorry for him regarding the story of his father slapping him to the ground in front of his dorm, but now, not so much. He's proving himself to be cut from the same cloth as daddy.

    1. Anonymous3:20 AM

      junior always looks like he is about to cry. And for good reason..

    2. Anonymous3:25 AM

      Stealing other people's money makes you a drumpf?

  14. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Like father, like son. He's actually probably closer to judicial jeopardy now than his dad.

    Tick tock.


  15. Anonymous6:31 PM

    I can't wait to see as many of these stupid fuckers in jail, especially Donald Jr, Ivanka and her skeevy husband. They are all so trashy.

  16. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Remember how sick we all got of Palin and her brood? I'm feeling that way again about Trump and his. Go away Donnie and Co. Please!

    1. Anonymous3:18 AM

      Palin a reoccurring wart, trump is like a open ulcer. And both are ugly nasty hateful liars.

    2. Anonymous8:17 PM


  17. WA Skeptic11:47 PM

    Don't worry about their words; watch their actions.

    DJT is going to be doing something really bad for the average American very shortly, I can tell.

  18. Anonymous2:24 AM

    How about when Donald was walking into pageant lockers? Does anyone think he stopped at leering? Donald was sexually harassing teenage girls and dumb Donnie junior really brings up this topic?

  19. Anonymous4:37 AM

    The idiot donald Jr. fails to recognize Hillary is a private citizen and has no duty to comment on Weinstein. In fact little donnie sr. should thank his lucky stars that she went easy on him after the “pussy tape” was exposed.

    Besides who died and made donald jr the police of who should or shouldn’t be commenting on anything. He should spend his time taking care of his mentally ill father.

  20. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Gotta be tired of winning so much.


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