Sunday, October 29, 2017

Donald Trump pushing the State Department to release more of Hillary Clinton's emails. Can you say "distraction."

Courtesy of CNN: 

President Donald Trump has made it clear to the State Department that he wants to accelerate the release of any remaining Hillary Clinton emails in its possession as soon as possible, according to three sources familiar with the President's thinking. 

This latest move for disclosure from the State Department comes at the same time the President called upon the Justice Department to lift a gag order on a key FBI informant in an investigation into Russian efforts to gain influence in the US uranium industry during the Obama administration. 

The sources described the President's interest in the release of the emails -- and the testimony of the FBI informant -- as rooted in a commitment to "transparency," with one source adding that "the law requires cooperation with Congress and the courts."

After the initial publication of this story, one White House official confirmed the President expressed interest in the release of the Clinton emails, and later -- in a conversation with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson -- learned of the vast backlog of more than 13,000 outstanding FOIA cases. Those cases involve not just Clinton's emails but a multitude of topics -- some going back almost a decade. Trump then asked Tillerson to work to clear the backlog.

Transparency my ass.

Trump is simply looking for a way to distract from the upcoming Mueller indictments, and ongoing Russian investigations, and he knows that Clinton emails are like catnip to the media and they cannot resist rolling around in them every time a new batch is released.

Of course what we have learned from every other batch of Hillary emails that the press breathlessly awaited is that they are for the most part the most boring emails ever written.

Damn the smell of desperation in this White House must be almost overwhelming at this point.


  1. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Look at that face! He's aged considerably in just 9 months! The stress is obviously getting to him!

  2. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Anon 1:35, he looks even more like a desiccated orange than he did in January.


  3. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Exclusive: Multiple sources with links to the justice and intelligence communities report that Special Counsel Mueller has dozens of sealed indictments against suspects in the Trump Russia scandal. There are now several sealed indictments against Donald Trump personally. This site exclusively reported the first indictment returned against Trump in May, a RICO charge involving Felix Sater, Bayrock, the Trump Organization, and agents of the Russian state.

    CNN broke the news that Robert Mueller would be revealing the first charge, or charges, in the Trump Russia investigation in the last week of October. Their reporting did not specify which suspects would be charged first.

    This article will attempt to summarize some of our reporting on evidence the Special Counsel has before him, and on existing sealed indictments. In a separate story, I will summarize which of my reports have been confirmed by the mainstream media.

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Funny that Trump's fat lap dog, Chris Christie, reported on Face the Nation today that his orange master is "not under investigation." I guess chunky Chris will still dance for chump change from Trump.

    2. Anonymous3:59 PM

    3. Anonymous7:59 PM

      As usual Louise Mensch gets it wrong, Trump technically can't be indicted, but hey what does she know she's British!

  4. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Mueller Meltdown: Trump, Other Suspects Squeal Online Over Charges

  5. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Exclusive: Sources with links to the intelligence community now confirm that a tape exists of Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House, discussing how Russian money could be funneled without detection to target GOP campaigns, including Ryan’s.

    These sources report that Mr. Ryan is also on tape discussing how he can best use and disseminate Wikileaks material that was hacked from the DNC by Russia in order to win both his own election and election for Trump.

    1. That’s a BLOG.

      NOT a credible source.

      Worse even than that Palmer Report BLOG.

      Why don’t you stick to credible news sources?

    2. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Palmer report blog might be worse, think nutty Bill Palmer gets half his stuff second hand from nutty patribotics blogger Ms. Mensch. Politicusa is just as laughable too. Most the links posted with all these non-comments are from hyped up but non credible sources frankly.

  6. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Nina Turner Repeats Right Wing Spin: Russians 'Control 20 Percent Of Our Uranium Extraction!'

    It's really bad form for someone from Our Revolution to choose to validate a groundless, factless, baseless right wing conspiracy theory by putting a lefty spin on it and tossing it into the Sunday show universe the way Nina Turner did today.

    Really bad form. In the video above, Turner echoes the right-wing, but perhaps in a more careful way.

  7. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Joy Ann Reid And Panel Take Apart The 'Uranium One' Lies

    In case you missed it, right-wing media, led by Sean Hannity and Fox, have been pre-poisoning the political atmosphere, possibly in anticipation of an announcement by Mueller of indictments within Team Trump's Russian Collusion Cabal.

    Certainly, the timing is suspect.

    But the poison lies they've been telling are old and debunked. It's as if they are running out of conspiracies when it come to Hillary Clinton. Ya think?

    The old lie Fox dug up to make Hillary and the DNC the "REAL" Russia colluders, has to do with a word salad including the words "uranium," "Russia," "deal," and "e-mails."

    They toss the salad and voila, a weak-minded person might come away thinking that Hillary Cllinton personally wrote (and then deleted) 33,000 emails offering weapons-grade nuclear fuel for sale out of the State Department's offices in order to fund a world-take-over by the Clinton Foundation. Dr. Evil eat your heart out!

  8. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I have to admit that I was still so reeling from the shock of having Donald Trump as president (due in no small part to Vladimir Putin) that I missed the entire backstory of the Magnitsky Act. But I listened to former US Attorney Preet Bharara's new podcast this week, in which he interviewed William Browder, an American-born hedge fund manager who worked primarily in Russia, until he stumbled upon some corruption at the highest levels of the Russian government and ended up having to flee for his life. Unfortunately, his attorney, Sergei Magnitsky, was not so lucky. He was jailed and tortured to death.

    Determined that Magnitsky's death not be in vain, Browder worked with Democrat Ben Cardin and Republican John McCain to craft legislation that kept these oligarchs from enjoying their ill-gotten gains by essentially banning them from the US or using our banking system for their blood money (a convenient way to launder money, especially if you have willing friends in the US). These sanctions so enraged Putin (who didn't become the world's richest man through exactly honest means, and may have personally profited from the corruption that Browder and Magnitsky sought to expose.) that he immediately banned all American adoptions of Russian orphans (which is incredibly cruel and heartless to his most vulnerable citizens), the only action he felt he could take that wouldn't result in even stricter sanctions, or possibly military actions. That, by the way, was the roundabout alibi for the meeting with Trump campaign officials (and Don, Jr), but you can be sure that the Russian counterparts were far less concerned with the orphans than they were the freedom to bring their cash to the US for expensive penthouses and luxury vacations.

    Given that the only person that Trump hasn't criticized is Vladimir Putin, it should not be a surprise that reportedly the Trump administration had not done anything regarding the additional sanctions levied by Congress for Russia's interference in the 2016 elections. In fact, Rex Tillerson gave the order to close the sanctions office. Of course, he's quite cozy with Putin as well.

    There is little question that Trump would like to end the Magnitsky Act (and that's likely exactly what Natalia Veselnitskaya was lobbying for when she met with Don Jr, et al.) But since it was a law written by Congress, it will take more than an Executive Order to end them. However, that doesn't mean that they won't try to find a way around that.

    Call your senators to make sure they do not try to defang the Magnitsky Act to enable further Putin in our government.

  9. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Trump is tearing us apart

  10. Anonymous2:35 PM

  11. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Trump Scrambles for Something, Anything, to Distract from Mueller Investigation

  12. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Mueller Has Authority to Name President Trump as an “Unindicted Coconspirator”

    Imagine if Special Counsel Robert Mueller finds sufficient evidence to charge President Donald Trump, but his hands are tied because he or the Department of Justice concludes that they cannot indict a sitting President? Could Mueller instead identify President Trump by name as an “unindicted coconspirator” when bringing charges against other individuals? The stakes are enormously high. Such action would have some of the same reverberations across the country as a criminal indictment of the President.

    A facile answer would rely simply on the fact that the Special Prosecutor in Watergate did just that. The Watergate grand jury named President Richard M. Nixon as an unindicted coconspirator when it issued indictments of others.

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Trump Can Try to Pardon Mueller’s Suspects But It Isn’t Going To Work

    2. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Angus King: First charges under Robert Mueller Russia probe 'really just the beginning'

      Sen. Angus King, I-Maine, said Sunday the first indictments under special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe, expected to be made public Monday, are "really just the beginning."

      "Like everyone else in Washington, I'll be watching tomorrow to see what comes out of the Mueller investigation, but I think it's important to emphasize that this, whatever it is, is really just the beginning," King told CNN, referring to the first charges. "And I'm sure there will be additional evidence, assuming Director Mueller uncovers additional evidence."

      But King admitted he was not aware of any specifics.

      "I don't know any more than you or your prior guests about what those indictments are going to look like, who they're going to be, how many they're going to be," King told CNN host Jake Tapper. "I think we're just going to have to wait and see."

      King expressed concern that the extent to which Russia meddled in the U.S. 2016 elections was being lost in the politics of the Trump-Kremlin collusion investigation by Mueller, as well as those being conducted on Capitol Hill.

      "They have discovered a way to turn the strengths of our country and the West against ourselves," he said. "I call it geopolitical jiu-jitsu, where they're taking advantage of our free press and our open society and driving divisions, and there's no question that they did that in 2016 in a big way."

      However, King disputed Trump's dismissal of collusion allegations, saying it was "certainly not commonly agreed in" the Senate Intelligence Committee there had been no collusion between the campaign and Moscow, and "we're the ones doing the investigation."

    3. Anonymous5:35 PM

  13. Anonymous2:41 PM


    How the symbiotic relationship between Trump and Fox News has fundamentally changed American politics

  14. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Dan Abrams: Suspects in Mueller Indictment Might Think They’re Going to Get Pardoned

    ...“The fact that the president can pardon any of these people–at least on any federal crime, doesn’t mean necessarily on a state crime–but on the federal crime, means that they can be thinking, feeling ‘You know what, if I get indicted, that’s okay. I’m not going to respond to the pressure from the federal authorities the way that someone ordinarily would because I know that I’m ultimately going to get pardoned,'” Abrams said on This Week. “That’s going to be a really big question both for Mueller’s team and the potential defendants.”

  15. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Ahead of possible Mueller indictments, Donald Trump is attacking Hillary Clinton

    ...The political reason Trump is embracing both of these stories is clear enough: He’s trying to cast Russia-related dirt on both Democrats and the FBI (which he views as part of a “deep state” unfairly persecuting him), to try to discredit the investigation as a whole, and to change the subject from the question of whether any of his associates colluded with the Russian government during the campaign.
    The important thing to remember is: Regardless of their veracity, neither of these other issues has any bearing on whether the Trump campaign improperly coordinated with the Russian government to sway the 2016 presidential campaign.

    The attacks on Clintonworld for reportedly funding opposition research on Trump during a presidential campaign are a particular stretch. Funding opposition research is not the same as colluding with a foreign government, and the dossier in question is far from the only source of allegations about Trump and Russia.

    Here is how Vox’s Zack Beauchamp broke it down:

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      The big questions surrounding the Trump-Russia dossier

    2. Anonymous4:46 PM

      @3:33 "The dossier is a set of 17 memos on Trump's alleged interactions with Russians, dated between June and December of 2016 and prepared by Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer."

      "President Trump leaves Friday for the most consequential foreign trip of his presidency — a five country, 12 day tour of Asia. It's the longest visit to Asia by an American president in a quarter of a century.

      The $take$ couldn't be higher: "

  16. Anonymous2:54 PM

    The Pentagon on Sunday identified Chief Warrant Officer Jacob M. Sims as the U.S. service member who was killed in Afghanistan late Friday.

    "Chief Warrant Officer Jacob M. Sims, 36, of Juneau, Alaska, died Oct. 27 in Logar Province, Afghanistan, as a result of wounds sustained when he was involved in a helicopter crash. He was assigned to 4th Battalion, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington," the Department of Defense said in a statement.

    Sims had been in Afghanistan supporting Operation Freedom's Sentinel. The Pentagon said it is investigating the crash, which left six other crew members injured.

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      I hope Alaska has lowered it's flag(s).

  17. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Now Trump is shamefully ignoring a fallen soldier in Afghanistan — and veterans are fed up

    ...The Associated Press reported early Saturday morning that a member of the U.S. Army had died from wounds sustained in the previous day’s crash. The fallen service member was later identified by the Department of Defense as Chief Warrant Officer Jacob M. Sims, 36, of Juneau, Alaska.
    Sims, a member of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR) who was trained as a Blackhawk helicopter pilot, is described as a “decorated veteran of numerous tours in Iraq, Afghanistan and, previously, Kosovo.” He was in Afghanistan as part of NATO’s ongoing Operation Resolute Support.

    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      "Jacob lived by a creed that few understand and even fewer embody," said Col. Philip Ryan, commander of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment or SOAR in a statement. "He will not be forgotten and his legacy will endure through his family, friends, and fellow Nightstalkers."

    2. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Alaskans, especially the Republican majority in Juneau/Alaska Legislature had better be up in arms about this death of a Juneau soldier.

      Trump does not represent them and nor does he our Veterans! He's an ass and never served in the military himself. He's proven himself to have zero empathy for others - especially our vets!

  18. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Trump’s anti-American white nationalism backfires as his approval rating plummets

    The numbers don't lie: Americans are increasingly disgusted with Donald Trump.

    ...Trump’s repugnant behavior “can only appeal to a very small, hateful segment of the population,” McIntosh noted.
    “The vast majority of Americans understand that that is profoundly un-American and reject it 100 percent.”

  19. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Humiliated white supremacists cancel second rally to avoid further embarrassment

    ...After seeing the sheer number of counter-protesters who showed up Saturday to oppose the so-called “White Lives Matter” rally in Shelbyville, Tennessee, and facing equal crowds for a planned second rally later in the day in nearby Murfreesboro, white supremacists backed down and canceled that second demonstration.
    The rallies, which brought together several different far-right extremist groups, were hailed by organizers as the largest gathering of white supremacists since the deadly rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August.
    The League of the South, which organized the rallies, said they deliberately chose the location for Saturday’s demonstrations because they thought the local population would be more sympathetic to their cause.
    They were wrong.

  20. Anonymous3:17 PM

    The ‘dossier’ and the uranium deal: A guide to the latest allegations


    While we don’t yet know precisely what the charges will be or who the target is, there have been plenty of hints about the unfolding case—and there’s plenty of context we have to understand what Mueller’s actions might ultimately mean for our country and President Trump’s administration.

    Here are five rules of federal investigations to keep in mind as you read about the new charges and think about their implications:

  21. Anonymous3:22 PM

    The Fat Orange Fuck is (very slowly, admittedly) learning that the lies and bullshit that worked so well for him as a candidate won't ever fly again.

    Donald Trump never had anything but lies and bullshit, so all he has now is... DO SOMETHING!


    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      $h~IT~gibbon "is very slowly, admittedly) learning that the lies and bullshit that worked so well for him as {A 6 'T'imes file BANKruptcy Business Bo$$} &/a candidate won't ever fly again." <GO THAT RIGHT!

  22. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Yeah, because by and large Republicans historically are more corrupt, dishonest.

    James Comey and Robert Mueller Imperil the Rule of Law

    The former FBI directors tend to investigate Republicans far more zealously than Democrats.

    Looks like Murdoch and WSJ are stirring the pot and throwing shade every way they can to assassinate characters of the investigators.

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Yep, Republican lawyers James Comey and Robert Mueller are absolutely biased against Republicans.
      Got it.

    2. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Both Comey AND Mueller are Republicans.

  23. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Here are a few of today's headlines:

    Tony Podesta, Brother of Clinton Campaign Chair, Now Engulfed in RussiaGate

    Senate to examine financial records of firm behind notorious Trump-Russia dossier

    US Congressman Trey Gowdy Slams Mueller Enquiry for Leaks to Media

    James Comey and Robert Mueller Imperil the Rule of Law

    Uranium Deal Turns Spotlight on Hillary Clinton But Not the Way She Wanted

    Hannity Reacts To Mueller Probe Charges: "When Will Hillary Clinton Be Indicted?"

    President Donald Trump Tweets Clinton/Russia Ties Should Be Investigated

    Without checking... can you tell which headline comes from Breitbart, which from the WSJ and which from Russian propaganda outlets RT, Sputnik and Zero Hedge?

  24. Anonymous3:53 PM

    An updating calculation of the president's approval rating, accounting for each poll's quality, recency, sample size and partisan lean.

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Ki$$ a Jew.

  25. Anonymous4:08 PM

    dRumpf has a macabre lOOk about him.
    the Grea'T' Ghastly!
    "the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed"

  26. Anonymous4:21 PM


    1. Woman on bicycle flips off trump

    2. Trump worried about Black Monday Indictments

    3. Ain't Trump day in the the NFL

    “We can’t have the nig#%@s running the prison,”
    -Houston Texans owner

    Well he didn't quite say it like that but it was taken like that.


    New York Post:
    Nearly entire Texans team protests after owner firestorm

    The Texans won’t stand for their team’s owner.

    Nearly the entire Houston team took a knee during the national anthem on Sunday in Seattle, a direct shot at Bob McNair after a tumultuous few days that have seen owner and players turned against each other.

    The Texans had debated how best to protest their owner’s comments from this month, revealed this week in an ESPN story, that, “We can’t have the inmates running the prison.” McNair, during the players-owners meeting, was trying to implore his fellow owners that they should not allow the players to protest the anthem, in the process risking some owner money and fan popularity.

    In the end, after reported conversations that included ripping off the Texans logo from their helmet, the Houston players — nearly all of them — took a knee during the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner.” The stance Colin Kaepernick began to protest racial discrimination in the United States has added another level.

  27. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Owner’s ‘inmate’ comment erupts into NFL infighting

    It might not be the best idea to make a racially insensitive analogy about a highly publicized meeting about racial inequality, but one NFL owner reportedly managed to do that....

    Troy Vincent, currently the executive vice president of football operations for the NFL, was not happy with McNair’s comment, going as far as saying he’d been called many names, including the N-word, while playing in the league but he never felt like an “inmate.”

  28. Speaking of distraction, Puerto Rico just canceled that stuck to the high heavens Ryan Zinke contract. Yeah, we know it’s nepotism. A two year old company with two employees from his home town gets a $300 million no bid contract? Oh, and his son happened to work for the company one summer. Plus the rates are way above market for the work. Stink doesn’t begin to describe the smell wafting from that piece of nepotistic shit.

  29. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Ow, he's serious..he's got that bottom jaw jutted out.
    Meanwhile "three sources familiar with the President's thinking.." THREE? It takes three sources to determine what the man is thinking? Whether he is thinking? Whether he's a man? Or does he have three psychologists on our payroll now to interpret his deep 'thoughts?' The man is terrified. Let's hope tomorrow sees Manafort, AND Jared in cuffs.

  30. I can’t help but think that the reason Trump wants that “backlog” of FoiA requests, some dating back 10 years, cleared is he wants to slow those releases to a stop so when current FOIA requests come in they can be put off and delayed because of that “backlog” that is being cleared.

  31. Anonymous5:42 PM


  32. Deflect, pivot. Why does he need Conway?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.