Sunday, October 29, 2017

I think I have a new hero.

Courtesy of Newsweek: 

Donald Trump's motorcade departing from the Trump National Golf Club in Virginia had an extra add-on Saturday, after the president spent the 96th day of his presidency visiting one of his own properties. That addition came in the form of a female cyclist, who had one goal in mind: to flip off the president of the United States.

Pool reporters first noticed the cyclist trailing the motorcade before she managed to snake her way next to the president’s car just outside of the Trump National Golf Club. "A female bicyclist along the motorcade route, just outside the golf course, traveling in the right lane repeatedly extended her middle left finger towards POTUS," the pool stated.

The president's car was stopped at a traffic light near the golf course, just about to turn left onto the parkway, when the bicyclist successfully gave the president the middle finger.

I think that brave woman speaks for a lot of us.

If I were given such an opportunity I imagine my response would be quite similar.

Essentially fuck this guy, fuck his administration, and fuck his Russian overlord for inflicting him upon the American people.


  1. Anonymous11:09 AM


  2. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Good for her and I sincerely hope he saw her middle finger aimed at him specifically.

  3. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Has he had her arrested yet for being a terrorist?

  4. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Every time I see the bastard's face on television or on-line, I give it/him the finger. This woman is my hero, too. She reminds me of the guy who blocked the tank in Tiananmen Square back in 1989.

  5. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Melania is that you sticking out your middle finger? Well alright girl.

  6. Fake news! Liar! She was just pointing out which turn to take! She was holding a banana and that was the only finger she had free to indicate the turn! The people love me. I have the best memory ever. Someone doctored that video to discredit me!


    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      she was telling dumpt she wanted to have sex with him! you, know he is the greatest the greatest, lover ever!

  7. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Isn't she marvelous? I work in DC so have managed to give Pence the finger several times ( I started doing it with Cheney). My office is on their route to work so it has become almost automatic for me to salute them if I'm on the sidewalk as they roll by me. Immensely satisfying I have to admit.

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM


    2. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Love it!
      I'll be making a special cake when Cheney finally finally dies. Don't care if it is the busiest of weeks. I am making and eating a cake with my family.

    3. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Wish we could be there with you 12:13 PM!

  8. Anonymous12:17 PM

    @OUR Helm-A $peedfreakViagria Junkie>Beware.

  9. You know that woman is either HRC or a plant hired by HRC to assassinate Drumpf with her finger in his eye.

    1. Anonymous1:18 PM

      very much so. or Obama. or brainwashed by aliens. dumpt will think of something.

    2. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Assassinate? With 'finger in his eye' rhetoric. The two don't match.

      The bike rider was simply providing Trump her solo finger knowing full well the majority of us would liked to have done joined in w/her and done it in unity!

    3. Anonymous3:23 PM

      A cyclist flipped off Trump’s motorcade and entered the annals of presidential protests

      ...The president left Trump National Golf Club at 3:12 p.m. after spending the day there on the edge of the Potomac River.

      A thick column of black SUVs escorted Trump past two pedestrians, a Guardian reporter wrote in a pool report — “one of whom gave a thumbs down sign.”

      “Then it overtook a female cyclist, wearing a white top and cycling helmet, who responded by giving the middle finger.”

      The cyclist was photographed for posterity. So was an “IMPEACH” sign held aloft outside the golf club that day.

      On Twitter, Voice of America reporter Steve Herman offered his account as eyewitness to the following events:

      “The cyclist flipped off @POTUS a second time when the motorcade halted at the traffic light,” he wrote. “No, we do not know her name.”

      Nor does anyone know if Trump, behind bulletproof windows, had seen either of the cyclist’s streetside salutes.

      But with knowns and unknowns thus established, the world set about interpreting a middle finger’s significance.

      ...The Guardian avoided analysis. The Reddit commenter zablyzibly did not: “Some heroes wear bike helmets.”

  10. Anonymous12:48 PM

    How could she get that close and not do something more...definitive?

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      she hasn't reached that part yet. and how would she have known dumpt was going to be there? she "spoke" for all of us!!

  11. Anonymous12:49 PM

    "Consider the mike dropped!" 'O' yea

  12. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I have it on very good authority that the press pool loved it.

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Maybe she was pissed off because 45 wouldn't stop to grab her by the pussy.

  13. Anonymous1:15 PM

    i think i love this woman-such courage. do we know who she is? i'd like to buy her all the chocolate ice cream she can eat!!!!

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      At least two scoops.

  14. Anonymous1:20 PM

    If she was a black person she'd be D.E.A.D.

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM


      ump left the National Golf Club at 3:12 PM Saturday afternoon, his motorcade passed two pedestrians, one of whom gave a thumbs down sign, according to the White House press pool report provided to PoliticusUSA."
      "The motorcade also overtook a female cyclist, whom the White House pool reporter said was wearing a white top and cycling helmet. She responded by giving the middle finger.

      Trump’s motorcade had to slow down, allowing the cyclist to catch back up, and she STILL held up her middle finger before turning in a different direction."

  15. Check out patriobotics
    The poop,is ready spew

  16. Anonymous1:28 PM

    #meToo “We’re waging our own war against rape and sexual harassment,” said Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA). “We’re waging a war against the perverts who believe we can be misused or exploited in the interests of a job, or recognition, or even so-called love.”"“It is very fortuitous that we are gathered here this afternoon in Detroit as we continue to witness a record number of women who are boldly coming forward to reveal disturbing and grotesque acts of sexual harassment, assault, and rape, oftentimes at the hands of men who believed they were too rich and too powerful to ever be confronted or held accountable,”
    "Including {Pu$$y grabbing &} his “stalking” HRC
    “the most dishonorable and despicable human being to ever serve in the office of the president.”
    "Waters’ message for women: speak up, and support each other. “At the top of our agenda at this convention,” she said, “there must be an effort to strengthen women’s courage and inspire them to continue to come forward and reveal the abuses that they have silently endured.”" she also had a message for predatory men: “Keep your nasty comments away from us, keep your tricks and your lies to yourself, and keep your hands off our backs and our goddamn bodies.” ‘Creep, get off my back!’”

  17. Replies
    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

  18. Anonymous2:03 PM

    .@realDonaldTrump-Is it true you asked one of your Advisers what the process would be if you wanted to resign? #TrumpResign

  19. Anonymous2:04 PM

    The message via middle finger " fuck yourself!
    You needle dick bug fucker" ! Mr. Tiny hands.

  20. We have a new national hero!

  21. Anonymous8:13 PM

    OT: Roy Moore


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