Sunday, October 01, 2017

On Meet the Press author makes case that without white supremacy there would be no President Trump.

Courtesy of Media Matters: 

CHUCK TODD (HOST): This is what you wrote about in the election, you were not subtle in pointing the blame directly at systemic racism and bigotry. And this is what you write: "The implications that systemic bigotry is still central to our politics, that the country is susceptible to such bigotry, that the salt of the earth Americans whom we lionize in our culture and politics are not so different than those same Americans who grin back in lynching photos are just too dark. Instead, the response has been an argument aimed at emotion, the summoning of the white working class, emblem of America’s hardscrabble roots, inheritor of it's pioneer spirit as a shield against the horrific and empirical evidence of trenchant bigotry." You've said even tougher words about this president. 

TA-NEHISI COATES: I have, yeah. 

TODD: You don't think he'd be here without white supremacy. 

COATES: No, no, I don’t. 

TODD: Explain that. 

COATES: Well, I think it's pretty easy. I mean, you have a political candidate who literally begins his presence or his campaign in birtherism. That was how it started. I don't think birtherism was a mistake and it wasn't a minority-held opinion – it wasn’t a small minority held opinion within the Republican Party. You had eight years of an African-American president, and if not majority to at least plurality of the Republican Party believed that Barack Obama was not legitimate because he was not born here. And Donald Trump saw that, played on that, and that was how he launched his campaign. I just don't think that was a mistake. And he's continued with that all the way through. You have a president who had no problem going on TV saying, "Someone can't judge me, a federal judge can’t judge my case because he's a Mexican," it doesn't get much more explicit than that. TODD: Solely a reaction to the election of Barack Obama? 


TODD: Do we have -- do we get Donald Trump without Barack Obama as president? 

COATES: I don't think so. I don't think without that reaction. That doesn't mean there weren't other factors contributing to a Trump presidency ultimately. I would argue that white supremacy is an indispensable factor. Which does not mean there weren't other factors that were there too. But I think if you take that on, no, no. I don’t think it’s a mistake we've never had a president who’s never held political office or never been an independent -- had a military posting or anything at all. No experience with the within the public sphere at all. To just hand it off like that. I think Trump is different. He's not Marco Rubio, he's not Mitt Romney, this is a very, very different thing. And I think 50 years from now, historians are going to ask themselves how this actually happened and I think the answer is going to be the reaction to Barack Obama's presidency.

This is one of those cases of hearing something, and even if you had not already been thinking it, you automatically know it is correct. 

The election of Donald Trump was ABSOLUTELY a racist reaction to President Obama.

There is no doubt about it.

And not only that but Trump KNEW that was where he was going to find his support.

That is why he keeps throwing out red meat to the racists.

Who else can be counted on to respond favorably to calling Mexicans drug dealers, restricting access to America from Muslim countries, defending neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, and suggesting that Puerto Ricans are lazy?

No, Coates is right.

Donald Trump is the president the white supremacists feel they deserve, and they hope that his presidency will wipe away the blemish that they feel the Obama presidency left on "their" country.


  1. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I'm not sure Trump is that acute a politician. I wonder if perhpas Putin figured this out, and the rest is history. Exactly how and what Putin did is not totally clear, but Trump would not have run, and not been successful, without Putinxx.

    1. Yes, that is likely true.

      But Trump DID attract votes, and the base of voters that were with him from the beginning were the angry white supremacists who were offended to their core that a black man was in the White House.

    2. Anonymous4:39 PM

      I don’t think it’s s matter of Trump being an acute politician. He is very very canny at reading people and playing to that. He’s a salesman. He would have made a great carnival barker.

    3. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Pooty hooked up with the NRA and the traveling gun show mob. Propaganda galore, guns, survival foods, hate, anger, bunkers, white crazies and red necks. Then facebook and twitter to stir the pot. Throw in some bombs, fires, attacks here and there. Yep and then hacking various sites. Players like snowden, assage, and a few American traitors hanging in Russia helping communist dictaters harm America. Americans Don't forget who caused this dangerous mess, never forget.

    4. Anonymous5:59 PM

      @4:39 the word Canny? I think NOT!
      having or showing shrewdness and good judgment, especially in money or business matters.

      More like>
      adjective: duplicitous
      "treacherous, duplicitous behavior"

    5. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Trump's been talking about running and winning the american presidency since the 90's. As all he had to do was wait until the bar was set low enough and the baser elements of the country were all set to fire off due to feeling like a black president left them behind and boom, it was his time.

  2. Rachel4:37 PM

    Absolutely. Just read Between the World and Me finally. Hands-down best book I have ever read in my life. Ta-Nehisi Coates is a genius.

    1. Anonymous9:44 PM

      "This is undoubtedly one of the most important books of the last 50 years. If I could gift a copy to every single American, I would."

  3. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Not only been thinking it for about a year, but saying it, too. Glad someone like COates, with a platform is saying it, too.

  4. Anonymous4:45 PM

    And the reason those angry white supremacists - even the closeted ones who won't admit it to anyone besides their mirror, voted for T.Rump to see that he did enough damage that another person of color would be unable or afraid to run for decades.

  5. Anonymous4:46 PM

    gotta get that n$@$%^%@#$%r out of the White House and put him his place. you know, picking cotton while Michelle makes pancakes and looks after the masters children. mammy. that is over with and it's not coming back, and these racist idiots who can't accept that can move to Montana and have sex with their guns. the war that may come is their fault-they wanted him they got him.

  6. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Sadly, I saw this in my own family.

  7. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Coates is right. Tea Party was a racist response to a black President, and so is Trump. Racist comments about Presidenf Obama are a regular refrain at the PeePond, that ugly little window into the ultra-right soul.

  8. Anonymous6:54 PM

    #1- Watch "Puerto Rico News: Trump Dedicates Golf Trophy To Hurricane Victims" on YouTube

    #2 - Watch "Trump Pays Homage to Puerto Rico by Dedicating Trophy in New Jersey" on YouTube

  9. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Ted Lieu 

    Dear @realDonaldTrump: US citizens in Puerto Rico need water, food, oxygen tanks, medicine BUT NOT A GOLF TROPHY. You still don't get it. …

    1. Anonymous4:52 AM

      ‘I don’t see people dying’: Fox’s Geraldo Rivera scoffs in the face of San Juan mayor to back up Trump

  10. Anonymous6:59 PM

    US Rep Brendan Boyle 

    Hey Puerto Rico - you still don't have electricity or drinkable water. But good news: Trump dedicated a golf trophy to you. Feel better now? …

  11. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Gregory Meeks 

    I'm sure hurricane victims would rather have electricity, food, and water. …

    5:17 PM - Oct 1, 2017

  12. Anonymous7:00 PM

    1. Anonymous9:51 PM

      "academic, Carroll had studied advertising, data and design, but he was still shocked when Cambridge Analytica eventually sent him a “profile” that it had created about him though not the data it was created from. “It was very strange and unsettling because they had given me ‘scores’ for different issues but I had no idea what they’d based this on.” The company scored him 3/10 on “Gun Rights Importance”, 7/10 on “National Security Importance” and “unlikely” to vote Republican.

      “I was perplexed by it. I started thinking, ‘Have I had conversations about gun rights on Facebook? Where are they getting this from? And what are they doing with it?’” He reported the firm to the UK Information Commissioner’s Office, which is investigating the use of data in political campaigning; he has also launched a CrowdJustice campaign and is appealing to the public to help him take the case as far as he can through the British courts."
      '“There are so many disturbing aspects to this."
      "Frank Pasquale, a law professor at the University of Maryland, author of The Black Box Society and a leading expert on big data and the law, called the case a “watershed moment”.

      “It really is a David and Goliath fight and I think it will be the model for other citizens’ actions against other big corporations. I think we will look back and see it as a really significant case in terms of the future of algorithmic accountability and data protection. These issues are so critical and in the US there are only these incredible, lethargic data laws largely because of the incredible power of the lobbying industry.”"

  13. Anonymous7:47 PM

    "he’s promising $15 to attendees."
    " “yes
    pls make a sign to hold up that says $hame on dnc."

  14. Anonymous7:51 PM

    'Types of offensive conduct that has been found actionable by courts include offensive jokes, slurs, epithets, name calling, threats, intimidation, ridicule or mockery, and insults."Trump’s rhetoric and antics arguably rise to the level of severe and pervasive harassment deemed unlawful by well-established federal case law."His insults, threats and demeaning comments don’t just permeate the airwaves and social media sites. They infect the federal workplace and spread like a malignant cancer. These harassing statements dehumanize African Americans"


  15. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Puerto Rico is all our worst fears about Trump coming real

  16. Anonymous7:59 PM

    The numbers are in: Trump's tax plan is a bonanza for the rich, not the middle class
    Multi-millionaires get more than $700,000 back. The poorest fifth gets $60.

  17. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Hey Donnie, you lose an inch of penis length for every 30-50 lbs overweight that you are. I know you're too fat to even have seen your tiny little weenus in ages so maybe you should lose some weight, dumbass.

  18. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Worst mass shooting in USA history happened in Las Vegas last night

  19. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Tweet from Trump

    My warmest condolences and sympathies to the victims and families of the terrible Las Vegas shooting. God bless you!

    25 minutes ago · Twitter

    My feeling is fuck you Trump. You don't even feel like you are our president because you are very divisive, about to involve us in a nuclear war, you praise racist white people, your family is involved with Russia, you ignore the people of Puerto Rico and being president is over your head. You and your family are not wanted by the majority of the good people in America.

    Fuck off you reality tv president

  20. Michael Chey (sp?) during Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live was ruthless and brilliant in his descriptions of the Deplorables in general and Trump in particular. It was totally brilliant. Boy, he didn’t hold back at all.

    I loved it.


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