Thursday, November 09, 2017

Bill Moyers has updated his Russia/Trump timeline. You might want to take a look at it.

Courtesy of Bill

When it comes to Donald Trump, his campaign and their dealings with Russia past and present, sometimes it’s hard to keep track of all the players without a scorecard. We have one of sorts — a deeply comprehensive timeline detailing what actually happened and what’s still happening in the ever-changing story of the president, his inner circle and a web of Russian oligarchs, hackers and government officials. 

Since first launched in February 2017, the Trump-Russia Timeline has grown to more than 600 entries — and we will continue to add updates regularly. What have reporters and investigators already uncovered and made public? 

What are the connections and patterns? Review the timeline to see.

The new information about George Papadopoulos is now included, as well as the revelations from Carter Page which came out during his testimony and his many bizarre cable news appearances.

Simply put once you scroll through it there is no longer any way to doubt that there was absolutely collusion between the Trump campaign and Kremlin operatives. 

On that note Seth Abramson is also convinced that recent information provided by Papadopoulos proves collusion as well:

You will likely have to actually visit the site if you want to read that on your phone or I-Pad.

So have we proven collusion yet?

Yeah, I think we have. 


  1. Anonymous7:57 AM

    HRC'“I think the fever is finally breaking,” she said. “I think that Americans, as we saw last night, are saying, ‘You know what? We really like our health care, we don't like hatred and bigotry, and we don't want to get shot wherever we go in our country.’ So I think there is a growing awareness that the only way to reverse this is actually to go out and vote, and vote for people who have your values and will stand up and fight for them.”'

    "Brazile writes, “I had promised Bernie when I took the helm of the Democratic National Committee after the convention that I would get to the bottom of whether Hillary Clinton’s team had rigged the nomination process,” adding later, “By September 7, the day I called Bernie, I had found my proof and it broke my heart.”

    " I think it weakens us. I think it gives a lot of aid and comfort to these leaders of countries that are trying to, frankly, take advantage of us during this time when we don't seem to have a particular strategic understanding of our role in the world.”"

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Bernie is not a Democrat,why doesn't he own up to the fact he would have gotten no where without using the DNC.

      The is no "law" that says the Democrats have to run an Independent.

      He did enough damage during the campaign as it is.

    2. He's admitted he would have gotten nowhere unless he was in the Democratic primary. Our system is pretty much rigged for two parties.

      Yes, there is no law that says the Democrats have to allow Independents on the ticket. But they allowed Bernie. (Get over it.) Bernie also caucuses and votes with the Democrats. (So. GET OVER IT.)

      The DNC allowed Bernie to run. Because they knew Hillary would have no chance if she was running unopposed. They simply didn't figure on Bernie doing as well as he did.

      You know why? Because Bernie knew what the people wanted. He sensed the movement of the populace. The DNC still doesn't get it. hence the purge of the progressives. Any damage that was done was done because the DNC doesn't listen and doesn't want to "pivot" to what the PEOPLE want.

    3. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Free college with no plan on how to pay for it,that is why Bernie LOST !!! As well as those crass,vulgar Bernie bros.
      Get over it

  2. Anonymous8:36 AM

    'Sting' um good.

  3. Anonymous8:38 AM


    Great news!

    Paving the way for Mueller.


  4. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Just wondering when Pooty will sneak on over to Trump as he travels to whisper into the orange one's most willing ear. Watch for it. Then Trumpy will come back to America and inundate us with more ways to get rid of the press, and free America. Gotta hand it to Putin, he does know how to take over countries.

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM


    2. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Will trump dare have a private one on one meeting with putin?

  5. Anonymous8:55 AM

    "Johnston discovered that the Russians had hacked the Democratic National Committee, he found they had launched a similar attack at the Joint Chiefs of Staff."
    "Most disturbing: The hackers had been gathering copies of all emails and sending them out to someone, somewhere. Every single email that every DNC staffer typed had been spied on. Every word, every joke, every syllable.

    There was still no warning that Russia might try to interfere on Donald Trump’s behalf. So the DNC officials hammered Johnston with questions: What would happen with all their information? All that stolen data? What would the computer hackers do with it?"

  6. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Moore More More...

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      If the Washington Post is lying and creating "fake" news, why isn't Moore suing for defamation of character as he and his party of sheepublicans feels wrongdoing? Lies stop when allegations speak truths that cannot be denied as long as facts are presented. Like any political battle, facts and innuendo can derail any candidate. Perhaps Moore wants these skeletons to remain in the closet when news media are given facts to report. Washington Post, CNN, CBS and many news organizations cannot survive unless news is reported and backed up by thorough research to present facts. Unfortunately, sheepublicans fully accept Fox-Faux News and The National Enquirer as the only two news media to foolishly promote our Liar in Chief Trump's continuing lies and deceit.

    2. Anonymous11:12 AM

      GOP calls on one sexual predator to go, still stands by the one in the White House

      If the GOP believes an accused sexual predator does not belong in public office, it is time for them to remove Trump, who has admitted to it.

    3. Anonymous11:13 AM

      LOL, another conservative Evangelical hypocrite! Good ol' "Red-State family values" in action!

  7. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Multiple intel agencies claim to have Trump sex videos —

  8. Anonymous9:37 AM

    mOScow Ru$$ia isis watching USa Xxx--->>>

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      9:37 You have nothing to worry about ... winner taunts terror group on Twitter ... and says FBI attempt to silence military on social media 'means the terrorists are winning'

      Scared ISIS is on the run!

      MIL has mOScow Ru$$ia covered...
      Proud as punch

  9. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Senate Dems Have Been Privately Investigating Russia’s Europe Meddling Without Republican Help

  10. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Pence’s voter suppression commission implodes, gets sued by one of its own members

  11. Anonymous10:24 AM

    ot Republican Senate nominee accused of preying on teenagers

    Hmmm... Palin does have a type
    Sarah Palin on Roy Moore: ‘We Can Win This War!’


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.