Thursday, November 09, 2017

Barack Obama gives some folks in Chicago a thrill simply by showing up for jury duty.

Courtesy of the Chicago Tribune: 

Prospective juror Barack Obama, who ultimately was not chosen to sit on a jury, climbed out of a black SUV in a secure parking garage underneath the Daley Center around 10 a.m. Wednesday as a news helicopter hovered overhead. Then, accompanied by his Secret Service detail, Obama rode a private elevator reserved for judges to the 17th floor, where he was greeted by Chief Judge Timothy Evans. 

He emerged smiling as if in campaign mode, shaking hands as he made his way under the fluorescent lights to the jury assembly room. “This looks like Chicago right here,” Obama said to laughter after surveying the room filled with rows of black plastic chairs, according to one of the jurors who captured it on video. “I like that.”

A security guard at the courthouse warned a gaggle of news photographers, reporters, court staff and attorneys not to photograph the room, but all bets were off once the crowd caught a glimpse of Obama inside. The crowd rushed and pressed against the glass doors as everyone tried to snap a photo. 

“He’s gorgeous!” exclaimed court clerk Sonal Joshi, who briefly came upstairs and caught a glimpse of Obama before rushing back to her post on a lower floor of the building.

Just thought it would be nice to see a reminder of how a real public servant deals with his civic responsibilities. 


  1. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I so miss his presence in our world every day.

    What a difference there is between him and Trump. Glad to say I never voted for Trump but did for President Obama both times!!!

  2. Anonymous9:05 AM

    As much as I admire our former President, this is a bit over the top, even for him. He could not have believed he'd be seated as a juror. A quick call to the Bailiff and this whole scene would have been avoided. But considering what his successor has been up to, I'll let it slide. Damn, I'm envious of anyone who got to shake his hand.

    1. Anonymous9:22 AM

      The emphasis on this was his civic duty. He answered the call even though he is a former POTUS and knew he would not be selected.

      Thank you, President Obama! Loved seeing you and appreciate the effort!!

    2. Anonymous11:51 AM

      He knew he'd be dismissed, he was just setting an example.

    3. Anonymous3:34 PM

      You can't just call the bailiff to get out of juror duty!
      If he had,the republicans would have had a field day whining he should be impeached!!!

  3. Anonymous9:06 AM

    You’ll never see trump show up to do his civic duty. Bone spurs and all.

    1. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Would you want a Trump, any Trump, on YOUR jury?

    2. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Hell, he hasn't shown up to be a leader.

  4. Anonymous9:21 AM

    OT? Golf anyone?>
    "According to Page Six, an insider at the club said, "Trump has been a member of this club since 1969, and there is a big push to honor him at the club. We should be proud that the president of the United States is a member of Winged Foot. It is prestigious to have him here. But the senior club management has refused to put up a Trump portrait."
    "It is assumed that the decision of not honoring Trump is to avoid creating an unfriendly atmosphere among the 800 members of the club who include many well-known New York law firm partners, and investment bankers. It is also so that charities or organizations that may wish to hold events at the club are not offended.

    According to the website Trump Golf Count, Trump has unofficially played 73 rounds of golf in his first nine months as president."

    1. Anonymous12:21 PM

      Wow. 2 rounds a week...and he promised he'd be 'too busy. I'll never be playing golf." He even played golf in Japan.

    2. Grey One talks sass2:05 PM

      My concern is not that he golfs all the time. My concern is the ongoing and acceptable hypocrisy of calling out another for doing what they do themselves. The topic - golf - changes but the hypocrisy remains the same.

    3. Anonymous3:37 PM

      @2:05 agree,and he still has time to create havoc.just think what a mess we would be in if he spent the golf time on Twitter

  5. Anonymous9:30 AM

    "the fact that the laws and the culture tell you this. You have a right to go where you want to go, do what you want to do, be however — and people just got to accommodate themselves to you.”

    “So here comes this word that you feel like you invented,” Coates said. “And now somebody will tell you how to use the word that you invented. ‘Why can’t I use it? Everyone else gets to use it. You know what? That’s racism that I don’t get to use it. You know, that’s racist against me. You know, I have to inconvenience myself and hear this song and I can’t sing along. How come I can’t sing along?’”It will give you just a little peek into the world of what it means to be black. Because to be black is to walk through the world and watch people doing things that you cannot do, that you can’t join in and do. So I think there’s actually a lot to be learned from refraining.”"

  6. Anonymous10:36 AM

    GOP Leaders: Roy Moore ‘Must Step Aside’ If Allegations Of Underage Sexual Encounter True

    “If these allegations are true, he must step aside,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said in a statement Thursday afternoon, shortly after a bombshell Washington Post report in which a number of women accused Moore of coming onto them when they were underage — including a 14-year-old girl who said he initiated a sexual encounter.

    “If the allegations are true, yes, I think he should step aside,” Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) told reporters shortly after the news broke. “It’s very troubling. If the story’s true, I would hope that he would do the right thing and step aside.”

    Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-TX) didn’t go quite as far, calling the reports “deeply disturbing and troubling” but saying it was “up the governor and the folks in Alabama to make that decision as far as what the next steps.”

    And Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL), who like McConnell and Cornyn backed Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL) in his losing primary against Moore, sidestepped the issue as well.

    “I supported Senator Strange, y’all know that,” he said as he entered the Senate floor Thursday afternoon.

    GOP Rocked As Alabama Senate Nominee Roy Moore Accused Of Pursuing Sex With Underage Girls

    Woman Says Alabama Senate Nominee Roy Moore Sexually Assaulted Her When She Was 14
    “I wanted it over with — I wanted out.”

    Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14, he was 32

    1. Anonymous12:11 PM

      Completely believable for that ignorant Christian Taliban true believer to go assault and grope young girls.

    2. Anonymous12:16 PM

  7. Anonymous11:19 AM

    he knows how to obey the law.

  8. I'd like to now what excuses Trump used to get out of jury duty his entire life. Bet he's never even shown up, only to be dismissed from duty.

    1. Actually he did at least once in 2015.

      I Googled it.

    2. Anonymous12:23 PM

      Would anyone want DJT or Princess or Entitled Jared on THEIR jury? Not me. And not porn model either.

    3. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Bone spurs,can't serve on a jury,but I would have been the greatest juror in the history of jury duty.
      Little donnie

  9. Anonymous12:14 PM

    If I ever got the chance to see PResident Obama face to face I would ask him sincerely for his permission to give him the biggest hug ever.

    Obamacare gave me health insurance for the first time in 25 years, and it has literally saved me from a debilitating heart condition.

    I can't imagine being black, going through the river of shit that man has faced, and he put his life on the line from the racist KKK predators every day he served, and he still does.

    I'm sure there's a cadre of Richard Spencer Nazis who still plan on killing President Obama, and he's a very brave man.

    My heart goes out to him for serving his country with distinction

  10. Anonymous3:19 PM


    "More than 600,000 people selected health insurance plans on the exchange in the first four days of open enrollment despite the efforts of Trump and the Republicans to sabotage the law."

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Jimmy Kimmel is doing is best to get the morons to sign up by calling it trumpcare.

  11. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Aside from being on jury duty, these citizens look shell shocked from the last ten months of surrealism.
    I would have loved to bump into Obama. But he's just one citizen folks, we have to rally around each other and around people like Obama who mean good, and make sure that that Trump and his thugs leave Washington. No more KKK, no more Palin, no more Trump, and no more Putinism. It's just too much for the human heart. We need happiness not evil and hate.


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