Sunday, November 26, 2017

Donald Trump has suggested that the Access Hollywood "p*ssy grabbing" tape is fake and is now doubling down on his support for accused pedophile Roy Moore.

Courtesy of the New York Times:

But something deeper has been consuming Mr. Trump. He sees the calls for Mr. Moore to step aside as a version of the response to the now-famous “Access Hollywood” tape, in which he boasted about grabbing women’s genitalia, and the flood of groping accusations against him that followed soon after. He suggested to a senator earlier this year that it was not authentic, and repeated that claim to an adviser more recently. (In the hours after it was revealed in October 2016, Mr. Trump acknowledged that the voice was his, and he apologized.) 

So Mr. Trump has been particularly open to the idea, pushed by Mr. Moore’s defenders, that the candidate is being wrongly accused, even as Mr. McConnell and a parade of other Republicans have said they believe the accusers. When a group of senators gathered with the president in the White House last week to discuss the tax overhaul, it took little to get Mr. Trump onto the topic of Mr. Moore — and he immediately offered up the same it-was-40-years-ago defense, according to officials at the meeting. 

Mr. Trump’s responses to the Moore revelations have been pronounced but not consistent. He accepted the candidate’s initial denials, and then was shocked at how tepid Mr. Moore appeared when asked during an interview with Sean Hannity whether he still maintained his innocence, according to one person close to the president. 

Privately, Mr. Trump has acknowledged that he is making a cold political calculus in the hope that the Republicans will hold on to the seat. A White House official on Saturday reiterated the president’s view that he believes Mr. Moore should quit the race if the allegations are proved true, but the official stressed that the candidate has denied them. 

Moore's denials closely approximate the same denials put forward by Donald Trump himself in response to the huge number of accusations of sexual harassment and assault that emerged during the campaign.

In some ways you could see Trump's desire to support Moore as a vindication of his own accuser's failure to derail HIS campaign.

Even his private denials that the Access Hollywood tape was real is just another attempt to control the narrative.

After all his 2016 victory was proof positive that a woman should never be allowed to stand in the way of a man's ambitions, right?

That is likely why Trump is now pushing hard for Moore's victory in Alabama, turning the election into an "us VS them" battle, in order to shift the focus away from Moore's past behaviors.

The question to ask is who represents the "us" and who represents the "them?"

Because I think it is less about the Republicans VS the Democrats, and more about the Men VS the Women. 


  1. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I think the guy is going to shocked when he sees how the women disparage and dislike him - therefore, making him lose his reelection.

    He's anti women, sees them only (when and IF they are beautiful or good looking) as sexual objects!

    I suggest women throughout the nation will grown in their numbers and animosity toward him!

    He truly is the biggest male politician/creep in our country!

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM

      "Sees them only" if they are 14 years old or younger,and sweet and innocent so he could manipulate and sexual abuse their innocence.
      Fucking parasite, just like his supporters!!!!!

    2. Anonymous2:42 PM

      It's cute to see Gryphen pretend to be pro-women, when the reality is he's anything but.

    3. Anonymous3:26 PM

    4. 2:42- That you, Bristles?

  2. Anonymous9:15 AM

    "“No country can ever truly flourish if it stifles the potential of its women and deprives itself of the contributions of half of its citizens” states First Lady Michelle Obama."
    “Women Hold Up Half The Sky” asserts that the central MORAL challenge of the 21st century is the full emancipation of the world's women."
    "Mao Zedong's famous proclamation that:
    “Women Hold Up Half the Sky”

  3. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Hardly Anyone Showed up to a Brain-Melting Anti-LGBT Conference in Texas

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      "Over the next two days, a few dozen attendees will learn what has gone wrong in America’s moral universe, and what to do about it, and also receive a box lunch and breakfast, included in the $25 ticket price. The rot will be exposed. To kick that off, here’s Pastor Stephen Broden, of Fair Park Bible Fellowship Church in Dallas. He tells the crowd that he “just got back from Birmingham, Alabama,” where he participated in “a press conference to support Judge Roy Moore for his candidacy for the Senate.” “What do we do with the homosexual community?”that the goal of the Left is the “complete elimination of the categories of male and female.”“Who benefits from transgender ideology?” she asks. “The state.” The toleration of sexual difference, she explains, is the leading edge of a “totalitarian ideology” that will end in blood and tears."
      "a grandmother, tells the audience that if homosexuals are not forced back into the closet one day soon, “the age of consent laws will disappear” and “the North American Man Boy Love Association will come for our children and grandchildren.” “The ultimate goal is the death of Christianity,” through the annihilation of sexual morality, and with that would return the pre-Roman world of “might-makes-right,” where life would be brutal, nasty and short. A woman in the audience posits that homosexuality is instead a plot by the devil to prevent procreation and make God lonely in Heaven."<RIGHT

    2. Is that the one that opened with the “interpretive dance?”

  4. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Noticed how Trump doesn't acknowledge Moore's name in his tweets?

    He wants to endorse Moore without actually saying his name.

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      He probably forgot.

    2. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Doesn't have to unless there is another child molester running for the senate.

      Moore was chosen by Bannon, how has he managed to stay off the radar?

  5. Anonymous10:02 AM

    ot:" The FBI failed to notify scores of U.S. officials that Russian hackers were trying to break into their personal Gmail accounts despite having evidence for at least a year that the targets were in the Kremlin’s crosshairs, The Associated Press has found.

    Nearly 80 interviews with Americans targeted by Fancy Bear, a Russian government-aligned cyberespionage group, turned up only two cases in which the FBI had provided a heads-up. Even senior policymakers discovered they were targets only when the AP told them"

  6. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I suspect the women in Alabama, if they are permitted to vote at all, are told just what to do and they do it. Prove me wrong, AL!

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Absolutely, and not just in AL. "Men are the head of household, do as they say," is preached in countless churches across this country.

    2. Anonymous12:11 PM

      Oh please.... your husband can't follow you into the voting booth for dogs sake!

    3. 12:11 - But he can fill out your absentee ballot and have you sign it.

    4. Anonymous3:51 AM

      4:18 Then you say " I'll take it to the post office honey here's a beer for ya while I'm gone".
      Then throw the damn thing out and go vote instead of getting "my hair did" .

  7. Anonymous10:06 AM



    LA Times:
    How #piegate is the latest example of the Trump administration's credibility being called into question

    Did she bake the pie or not?

    It’s a question only White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders can answer. It’s also a sign of where our polarizing politics have taken us in 2017.

    .... Indeed, on the surface the pie matter seems trivial, but it also speaks to the credibility of an administration and a president who have faced repeated questions about truthfulness, said longtime Republican strategist John Weaver....

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      What about Table Trash Gate?

      @IvankaTrumpHQ Nov 16 Thanksgiving table?

      Ivanka, Louise and the Little People

    2. She didn’t. Stock photo.

      And the push back was brutal. She was humiliated on Twitter.

    3. Anonymous12:11 PM

      My redneck kin loved it! Go figure.

    4. Anonymous2:23 PM

      that was just a bit of redneck fakery along the same lines as Sarah Palin used to do and her daughter does now, although Bristol Palin has no career achievements that she needs to denigrate by pretending that she nevertheless makes pie and feeds her family yada yada yada the rednecks understand it's bullshit but they still eat it up- because that's how they are.

    5. Anonymous2:25 PM

      I should add that the Right would have had a much easier time with Hillary Clinton if she would only pull on an apron once in a while like a real woman.... but she refused to play her role in their sick little fantasy where women are basically worth only what they can do for a man.

    6. Anonymous2:55 PM

      @2:25 HRC
      "I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life."
      "It felt almost as though [Hillary Clinton] had stepped outside the bounds of what was seen as the traditional role of first lady, potential first lady. And therefore, she had to pay a price. And the price she paid was then being placed in the midst of a cookie bake-off."

  8. SOME people would rather lie than tell the truth...a symptom of sociopathy.

    MOST people at one time would shun such a person. Now, it appears, the public yearns for a false prophet.

    I suspect it is a result of very long term propaganda.

  9. Anonymous10:29 AM

    FB.(Excerpt from Inclusion chapter from WHAT UNITES US)
    "We often hear about how we need to be more tolerant: to make room for people, ideas, and actions with which we may not agree. This is a prerequisite for a functional democracy. But tolerance alone is not sufficient; it allows us to accept others without engaging with them, to feel smug and self-satisfied without challenging the boundaries within which too many of us live. A society worthy of our ideals would be a much more inclusive one, a more integrated one. It would be a place where we continually strive to create a better whole out of our many separate parts. This is a sentiment that itself stretches back to our founding. Our first national motto was E pluribus unum, “From many, one.” From many states, we are one nation. And from many peoples, we should be one society. Under this framework, building tolerance is a worthy way station to a much grander destination of inclusion. This is a journey that is in our power as a nation to make. I know this to be true, because a journey from intolerance to tolerance to inclusion is one that many have made, myself included."

    "I find there is an extra pep in my step. The news cycle will undoubtedly continue to be unrelenting and often grim, but I am hopeful. Life is an unpredictable journey, and I am so thankful to be going through my latest chapter with all of you.
    Safe travels today, and in all that lies ahead."
    Dan the Man Rather

    1. Anonymous12:21 PM

      "Excerpt from FB>“Of all the things stuck in my craw these surreal days, the willful and deliberate decimation of the United States Department of State by President Trump and his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is a turn of events that is both bewildering and so obviously dangerous that it begs for reason in an age already plagued by a striking lack of reason,”
      "“This is an attack on the very health and security of the United States. It undermines our political, cultural, economic, and moral power around the globe."
      "so too is the courage and dedication of our diplomatic corp who wield words and the power of persuasion to further our national interests, along with the aspirations of peace and justice.”

      “Dollar for dollar they do more than almost anyone I can think of to make America what it has been, what it is, and what I believe we hope it to be,” he elaborated, before stating, “There should be a bipartisan outcry against this undermining of American VALUES"
      Make no mistake, our allies are watching with great unease. And our adversaries are salivating at our shortsightedness, and frankly, stupidity,”" D.R.

    2. Anonymous1:08 PM

      This tOO>

  10. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Billy Bush faked being fired!

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      I never understood why he was fired,it sounded like he was egging trump on to get him to say more.
      Billy did us a service by exposing trump

    2. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Billy Bush manipulated that poor girl right into Trump's arms to give the old buzzard a chance to kiss her.


      dirty little bastard

  11. Anonymous10:43 AM

    1. "Trump’s trip to Trump International was the fourth day in a row that the president has visited one of his golf properties over the Thanksgiving holidays.

      The Florida trip also marks the hundredth day he’s spent at a property he owns since his inauguration earlier this year."

      Don't blame the guy.

      Florida will not go for Trump in 2020. They are fucking pissed at his orange Assiness.

  12. Anonymous11:02 AM

    "‘This administration has pushed us into the gutter’" “What we are seeing is the institutionalization of discrimination again, the thing we’ve fought for 40 years,”

  13. Anonymous11:05 AM

    As a reminder, there is absolutely no need to treat this gibbering, tantrum-prone fart-in-a-suit with even the slightest trace of respect. He is dumb, unstable, and apparently incapable of truthful speech. The goal of every American should be to treat him like garbage, if for no other reason than to make the much-needed point to the rest of our leaders that there is indeed a limit to how monstrous and cretinous a person you are allowed to be, in office—a warning, to the rest of our politicians, that down this road of constant crookery and bullshit lies nothing but tar and feathers and an eventual grave surrounded by a high iron fence to discourage passersby from taking empty, petty revenge on it years and decades later.

    1. Plagiarist. Melania much?

      Here is the link to the article where this quote is stolen from:

      It's the last paragraph.

    2. Anonymous9:42 PM

      Probably Sarah @ 424. Copycat

  14. Anonymous11:09 AM

    The Nationalist's Delusion

    Trump’s supporters backed a time-honored American political tradition, disavowing racism while promising to enact a broad agenda of discrimination.

    Trump Supporters View Russia as Global Beacon of White Nationalism

    ...Trump’s witless followers are being played by the Russians. But stupid people looking for solace in all the wrong places is the dictionary definition of a patsy. And why would anyone look to Vladimir Putin as their savior? If you haven’t already done so, you should read the March 2017 Atlantic article: It’s Putin’s World How the Russian president became the ideological hero of nationalists everywhere. In one segment, Steve Bannon was quoted as saying: “We’re at the very beginning stages of a very brutal and bloody conflict. . . fight for our beliefs against this new barbarity that’s starting, that will completely eradicate everything that we’ve been bequeathed over the last 2,000, 2,500 years.”

    It’s Putin’s World
    How the Russian president became the ideological hero of nationalists everywhere

  15. Really? Now the TAPE is fake? He waited a year to deny the tape and claim it was fake?

    And you know plenty of his supporters are now going to believe and embrace *that* lie.

    But a few are going to say this is enough. This guy is certifiably crazy and I just can’t support his lies any more. Not even to prevent a sane Democrat from holding office.

  16. Anonymous11:37 AM

    His nose is longer than his dick! What a liar!

    1. His nose has always been longer than his dick.

      But I get the Pinocchio reference.

  17. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Things must be bad for Moore if they're making the Fat Orange Fuck do this. I hope those parasites Melania and Ivanka are cringing in shame.

  18. Anonymous11:53 AM

    I hope Billy Bush the pimp feels terrible when he reads that Trump never said all that shit that got Bush fired.

  19. Anonymous12:08 PM

    lOOks like dRUMPf is ready to go Motorboating on her.

  20. Anonymous12:18 PM

    The last thing America needs is a Lazy Lying Dotard committing treason and espionage against Americans. NO amount of fox FAKE news, lies, cons, or pos sob morons committing crimes is OK. Americans are draining the swamp starting at the top^. Its time for the hateful ignorance to end. Today. Trump and stumps must resign Today. Americans DEMAND that NO tax dollars be spent on trump for any reason and that he be required to reimburse every penny spent on this outrageous last year of chaos. Additionally reverse all executive orders and action the liar took against America.

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      lol. easy there bucky.

    2. Anonymous1:17 PM

      "“If you're dead to rights, flipping on others and cooperating with the prosecution is the only sane and rational move,” Bharara wrote. “Also, prosecutors accept cooperation only if you can provide "substantial assistance." Higher up in the food chain. Stay tuned,”"


    3. Anonymous3:48 AM

      12.35 If there were ever a time for bucky to buck it is now. I bet it will not stop until that illegitimate lying ass is removed from our buildings along with his crap show and family. Citizen united too. Remove this outrageous decision and crime against America NOW. NO corporate money in our elections. NONE. Cut the crap and crime today.

  21. Anonymous12:25 PM

    New shoes ZO2s.

  22. FAKE???? Alrighty then! Billy Bush should get his job back.

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      No he shouldn't, he couldn't stop sniggering in support of Trump then he pimped out that poor innocent woman so that Trump could have a feel of her.

      You must be a shitty mom.

    2. @2:16 pm - I should have signaled that I was making an absurd and facetious suggestion. Lesson learned. I do hope my children don't think of me as a shitty mom.

  23. Anonymous12:51 PM

    "The problem isn’t just that the women of the Bible are largely presented as temptresses, whores, and chattel; it is that they are also depicted as liars."“What she cannot get, she seeks to obtain through lying and diabolical deceptions. One must be on one’s guard with every woman, as if she were a poisonous snake and the horned devil.”Modern religious communities that cherry pick scriptures that support existing systems of power bring the dark chauvinism of the ancient world into the present. In a world in which the party injured by rape is the father of the girl involved, can the voice of the victim ever truly be heard and believed? INCEST

  24. Anonymous1:07 PM

    "Drug overdoses now surpass both gun violence and car crashes as the number one cause of accidental death in the United States. Almost 60,000 people died of overdoses in 2016.
    Fred jr @ 43 in 1981
    'his late brother, who died from alcohol addiction.
    "He got hooked on alcohol. Just hooked. Ultimately, it just was devastating,"'

    "I don't want to say no alcohol," he said, "but take it easy on the alcohol." WTF?

    Cumming from A tee-tot-aler $peedfreak Viagra Junkie

  25. Anonymous1:22 PM

    "Donald Trump has suggested that the Access Hollywood "p*ssy grabbing" tape is fake"

    In that case, Billy Bush can spell CHA CHING?

    Billy needs to hire Brett Talley, the 36-year-old lawyer whom President Trump nominated for a lifetime federal judgeship to represent Billy for getting fired and for being black balled.

    This guy Brett has never tried a case in his life but if President Trump has confidence in him to be a lifetime judge then Billy would be hiring the best non-experience lawyer around.

  26. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Trump is now saying the tape is fake,um.there are witnesses, Billy and probable some of the crew.
    Why doesn't Access Hollywood stand up for their reputation and have a VOICE ANALYSIS done?
    If it is fake,then why hasn't Billy gotten his job back,surly he has an attorney that can claim wrongful dismissal.
    Trump has probably bragged to other men about the same topic.
    Trump is not capable of telling the truth,he is only fooling his base,no one else believes anything he says and that is what happens when you lie about even the small stuff.
    A reporter should ask him,Mr.President have you ever told the truth? Then watch him blow up.

    1. Won't work. He'll just respond "I always tell the truth. I never lie." In fact, I think it's already been tried and that was the response, more or less.

  27. Anonymous2:07 PM

    dRUMPF 'grew up' in this culture and with song.

    'This is one of the most amazing songs ever written....l was fortunate enough to have seen Richard Harris perform this number on Top of the Pops....back in 68..we all met up afterwards.....brilliant!
    For all those ignoramuses out there, be clever enough to know that the lyrics have a special between the lines...if you don't understand, then l pity you!!......"

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Trump didn't drink, he was into acid. That explains a lot.

  28. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Wait, what? I said it but now it's fake? Total disconnect from reality. When do the ReThugs admit Dotard Don suffers from dementia?

  29. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I am surprised the folks from Alabama would listen to a Yankee, let alone a Yankee from NYC!
    Then again evangelicals have no moral compass.

  30. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Fox News Gets Called Out On Their Own Show For Enabling Sexual Harassment

    Carly Fiorina was supposed to be talking about the sexual harassment problem in Washington, on Fox News Sunday but instead, she made Fox News very uncomfortable by name dropping Roger Ailes into an answer about the enabling of sexual harassment.


  31. Anonymous3:24 PM

    RAPEd @ 14 @GunPoin't'

    1. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Will Trump side with the football player and claim the 14 year old is a liar and was never raped?

  32. Anonymous4:22 PM

    “There may never have been a First Lady less prepared for or suited to the role.”

    Free Melania Trump.

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Let her free herself.she is an adult.
      I have no sympathy at all for her,his character proceeded her marriage.
      She stays silent while her husband continues to bully and degrade people.
      At least Ivanka spoke out against the child molester, but the so called first lady that is "working" for woman and children,not a word.too busy reading fashion magazines.

    2. Anonymous3:56 AM

      She should go back to slovian Russia with her barron and leave the mess today before Mueller drags her in too. Packs the bags and drags them to da planes quick. Exit stage left.

    3. Anonymous3:59 AM

      What else could she do but speak out against child molesters? If she did not than it would appear she was all in and bubbly sitting on daddys lap for big bucks and fame.


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