Sunday, November 26, 2017

California man's plan to launch himself 1,800 feet into the air to prove the earth is flat has been postponed. Wait, what's happening?

Courtesy of Fox News: 

Mike Hughes said the Bureau of Land Management wouldn't approve his plan to use public land for Saturday's planned experiment, so he'll have to move the project to private land next week, the Washington Post reported. 

The 61-year-old limo driver said he had received verval approval from the same federal agency just last year, pending an OK from the federal Aviation Commission, the paper reported. 

Hughes added that engine trouble in his motor home, which was converted into a ramp, also affected his original launch plans. 

“It’s still happening. We’re just moving it three miles down the road,” Hughes told the Post on Friday. “This is what happens any time you have to deal with any kind of government agency.” 

Hughes said the rocket will take flight next week, from private property near the Mojave Desert, along Route 66.

If all goes according to plan, Hughes said his stunt will be the first phase of the flat-Earth space program, sponsored by Research Flat Earth, a group that believes Earth is flat.

Climate change deniers,  anti-evolutionists, and these flat earth idiots probably feel that with Donald Trump in office this is their time.

After all clearly facts no longer matter, and denying reality seems to be a winning strategy.

 However after taking a look at the rocket in that picture up above I think the only thing this Mike Hughes is going to prove is that the human body can disintegrate on impact.


  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    In the spirit of Jeff Foxworthy, all I can say is....

    how many have died with their last words being "Watch this!"

    I predict the guy will blow up on the launch pad (in full Monty Python-esque glory)

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      Or "hold my beer." :)

    2. Anonymous7:20 AM

      ‘Watch this cuz ...’

    3. Anonymous11:56 AM

      And to quote his buddy, Bill Engvall, "Here's your sign!"

    4. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Here's a guy who cannot read signs: No Smoking at the gas station ...

  2. Anonymous6:37 AM

    This looks like the most elaborate suicide attempt EVAR.

  3. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Those damned government agencies. Always throwing a wrench into the follies of men. Now a real Freeman wouldn't bend to their will, he'd blast himself to pieces wherever he pleased.

  4. Anonymous7:23 AM

    I truly pity the first responders who have to deal with the aftermath of this stunt.

    1. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Shovels and bags would be my tools of choice.

    2. Leland12:05 PM

      Maybe they could get the family to agree to them simply filling in the hole as his grave

  5. Anonymous7:30 AM

    "“That’s a huge red flag for Republicans and an opportunity for Democrats,” explained Jesse Ferguson, a Democratic strategist. “There’s opportunity in these traditionally conservative suburbs with college-educated white voters who are unwilling to back a Republican candidate. It’s a function of and proof that Trump has tainted the rest of the Republicans running for office.”
    the Liberal Women of Chesterfield County after the 2016 election. “Once you wake up and see how important local elections are, it’s hard to go back to the shadows and stick your head in the sand. Now we have our eye on everybody, from dogcatcher on up.”

    Flush with success in moving a GOP stronghold to elect a Democrat, the group has now set their sights on Virginia Republican Rep. Dave Brat.

    “Everybody loves to hate Brat,” Wright said. “There’s something about his smug little face.”"

  6. Anonymous7:39 AM

    If you do a little research on this flat-earther, you will find he has shot himself upward in a home-made rocket before and almost killed himself. Perhaps this time he will actually succeed in removing himself from the gene pool! We have a lot of lunatics out here in the Upper Mojave Desert. There are groups who get on a plateau and mark out a large round landing pad for UFOs and wait for hours, days, weeks for that one UFO to take them up on their hospitality! Yeah boy!

    1. Leland12:07 PM

      He's 61 according to the article. He's long ago added his "genes" to the pool. RATS!

    2. So why is he doing it again? Didn't he "prove" it the first time?

      And what is this "proof" of which he speaks? Is he going to take a photo? Or are we taking his word for it that the earth is flat should he actually land without killing himself?

      If he's just trying to prove this to himself, then let him fly. One less Trump voter.

  7. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Even the Catholic church doesn't believe that story.
    How is this rocket launch going to prove the earth is flat and why does he care? Nothing in the bible about flat earth.

    1. Leland12:09 PM

      It is rather hard to see the actual curvature of the earth below his person. He'll see only the apparent flatness and be convinced even more it is flat.

    2. Anonymous12:29 PM

      Leland @12:09 EXACTLY my thoughts too.

    3. Flat Earthers claim the bible does prove the earth is flat as how can you have four corners if the earth isn't flat? Not only flat but also square, or rectangular.

  8. Anonymous7:55 AM

    The rocket will travel 500 miles per hour up about a mile above the California desert. Hughes previously traveled a quarter of a mile over Winkelman, Arizona, in a self-made rocket in 2014, but suffered injuries from the flight that had him using a walker for two weeks, The Washington Post reported.

    Hughes converted to believing in a flat Earth while fundraising for Saturday’s flight, and Research Flat Earth is the main sponsor of his rocket, which cost the 61-year-old limousine driver $20,000 to build, The Associated Press reported.

    He hopes a subsequent launch will enable him to get far enough away from the ground to take a photo of the Earth to prove it is indeed flat.
    So his last attempt a quarter mile up left him in a walker for two weeks. Insert giggling. NOW, he's attempting a mile; 5280 feet. Think the cost of jetliners and the space shuttles, and he's going to do all this on a $20K bottle rocket.

    Ah, Darwin, there will always be a list for those deserving of the "prestigious" award in your name.

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      OMG! Who is this person who posts entire articles in the comment section? Even Gryphen doesn't do that in the original post! Maybe the same person who posts multiple links in a 10" comment to "educate" us? Holy hell, stop it already!

    2. Anonymous8:46 AM

      GFY 8:32 AM.
      You don’t own the world.

    3. Anonymous8:52 AM


      Polishing up that sheriffs badge, eh?

    4. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Either do I but I find it annoying also.

    5. Anonymous9:16 AM


      Than skip it you brain dead dimbulb. I find your stupidity annoying.

    6. Anonymous10:44 AM

      And the nastiness of the narcissistic poster ensues! "You must all be educated by me!"

    7. Is he single?

      Nab him quick ladies. Then take out a YUUUGE insurance policy on him with yourself the beneficiary. Make sure this is covered. You could be a very comfortable, happy widow just in time for Christmas.

      (8:32. Also no link to original article or quotation marks to indicate what he cut and pasted.)

  9. Anonymous8:03 AM

    "Lisa Maria Boothe insisted that trees should be purchased at any price because it’s not possible to “put a price tag on Christmas.”"

  10. Hedgewytch8:44 AM

    The cognitive dissonance is rich with this one. Where does a person come up with the technology to build a rocket? Perhaps the underpinning of science gave him some help to get off the ground? Yet, not enough understanding of science to accept the fact of how and why gravity/force works in the first place? Guess he never rode the tipsy barrel at the fair (the one that spins and pins you against the wall - centrifugal force). Yeah, this 'experiment' will end well ..../s

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      "Also too," at 500 MPH he thinks he's going to snap pictures? I've been on that carnival ride, Hedgewytch, good luck to him. hahahahahaha

    2. Anonymous11:20 AM

      Uhm, grade schooler build rockets. Rudimentariest is baking.soda and vinegar.

    3. Anonymous1:53 AM

      You know, gravity IS just a “theory”.

  11. This is insane. This guy is going for publicity. 1800 feet...! Give me a break. Go climb a hill that is only 1900 feet and live a little longer. I predict he never launches because he knows he will pancake on contact.

  12. Anonymous10:21 AM

  13. Anonymous10:46 AM

    "“What an idiot,”"Was ~IT~ Ru$$ian backed? Again.

  14. Anonymous12:02 PM

    If the purpose is to get high enough to take a picture, wouldn't it be much cheaper and easier to just buy a plane ticket and take a picture out the window?

    He'd get a lot higher than he will in this contraption AND come down in one piece.

    1. For $20,000 he could easily take a trip to Pike's Peak and take a picture. Selfie even. Stay in all the best hotels on the way and back. Eat great meals. Plus have plenty of money left over for new curtains in the double wide.

      Trump voters. Deplorable and uneducated. This guy is the poster boy.

  15. Anonymous12:06 PM

    5 dead males

    1. What is your point? This has nothing to do with anything in this post or on this blog.

  16. Anonymous9:24 PM

    This is a publicity stunt by a moron for morons. An average commercial flight ranges from 28,000-35,000 feet. Why doesn't he just buy a ticket and take a few pictures out the window. What a bunch of asinine nonsense. This is a stunt to keep Trump voter 'intellects' occupied. It fits right in with the conspiracy silliness these low IQ and ignorant Hannity listening dopes believe in.

  17. Anonymous3:42 AM

    hope his organs aren't too crushed so they can save a life! I'm not sure if I'd want an idiot's dna though.....

  18. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Uncle G.,
    Please track this story for us!!


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