Monday, November 27, 2017

France leads the way.

Courtesy of Reuters:  

French President Emmanuel Macron on Saturday unveiled measures aimed at educating the public and schoolchildren about sexism and violence against women and improving police support for victims.  

During his campaign Macron, who won the presidential election in May, promised to rethink sexual politics and gender equality, which he made a national cause for his five-year mandate. 

The Harvey Weinstein scandal in the United States has accelerated a rethink of attitudes toward sexual harassment in France, a country that cherishes its self-image as the land of seduction and romance. 

“Let’s seal a pact of equality between men and women,” Macron said in a speech marking the International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women. 

About violence and sexual abuse, he said: “It is essential that shame changes camp.” During his speech, Macron observed a minute’s silence for the 123 women killed by their partner or ex-partner in 2016. 

That is the kind of national response that we need here in America.

And that is the kind of leadership we deserve.

In fact that is the kind of leadership we once enjoyed.....

 ...not so very long ago.


  1. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Democrat sex cult composite:

    Louis CK Franken-Weinstein

    Admirers: Charlie Rose, Mark Halperin,
    John Conyers

    Cult Leader: Bill Clinton
    Enabler: Hilary Clinton

    Any questions asshole ?

    1. No, no questions.

      Your lack of intelligence is obvious to all.

    2. Anonymous5:16 AM

      Hey there Conrad. 4:21. How’s the weather in Moscow.

    3. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Yes,have you met Roy Moore? Pussy grabber in Chief?Senator Larry Craig?

    4. Anonymous9:46 AM

      "women in biblical stories are often depicted as deceitful liars whose role is to lead men into temptation." Right Right?

    5. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Yeah, I got questions. Which mental hospital/prison didn't monitor one of its inmates computer time? Please come and clean up the nasty spill your negligence caused.

  2. Anonymous4:56 AM

    France also doesn’t slutshame females the way liberals do here.

  3. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Human nature is clearly problematic. No one party deserves more criticism for sex offenses. Work together without judgment.

    1. Grey One talks sass7:18 AM

      Perhaps you don't know sexual harassment isn't about sex. Oh sure, it's a convenient medium but it's not the core issue.

      The real issue to be addressed is abuse of power in positions of authority. The real issue is lack of impulse control in people. It's about boys will be boys.

      I can 'get along' with a person who believes I am "lessor than". Either we come to the table as equals with varying degrees of responsibility and compensation or... Well I won't be at a table where I'm not permitted equality.

      I'm guaranteed the same rights as every other American. For Some to deny me that right is UnAmerican.

    2. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Really 5:00 a.m. which party is trying to cut reproductive preventive health care? Which party sees nothing wrong with a 30 year old preying on a 14 year old? Which political executive just signed an executive.o. making it harder for women to report harassment. Which party let's a "leader" remain in place who has publicly made assertions that women let him grab them by the genitals because of his celebrity (even when 16 women claim otherwise?) Which party did 't want to sign VAWA? Which party has a second executive who takes a chaperone with him to all meetings with women? Which party continually tries to curtail women's rights to control their own bodies?

      That list give you an idea why your suggestion is laughable?

  4. Anonymous5:06 AM

    You know how conservative women are ridiculed for working yet liberal women are treated as gods? See a problem?

    Conservative women typical have kids who create their own lives outside parental business and Eg Sarah Palin and her 5healthy children who had no problems in school despite slandering. Though no one deserves judgment for entering politics because their father does.

    No politicians child deserves abuse the way many have received it. I’m sorry but I cannot stand by people who don’t agree with that. We know nothing about what people who are abused here have experienced with shitty media. We do know the people we collectively abuse here have a great family and had an amazing childhood something many are probably jealous of.

    1. Anonymous5:56 AM

      This comment reeks of Sarah or Bristol Palin.

      And what careers have Sarah Palin's children created for themselves? Posting photos of themselves for all the world to see and criticizing people they've never met? If they had become educated or acquired marketable skills and lived outside the Palin shadow, no one would ever say anything about them.

    2. Anonymous6:58 AM

      OMG,it is the "I don't understand the difference between slander and libel" troll.

    3. Anonymous8:44 AM

      I can say without equivocation that I have never been jealous of anyone in the Palin family.

  5. Anonymous6:54 AM

    European countries have always been more advanced concerning woman,starting with maternity leave and daycare.
    Americans have been duped into thinking we are progressive,when in reality we aren't and with trump in office,we will soon be behind most third world countries.

  6. Anonymous7:25 AM

    "The bastard cuck is marrying an older half African woman"

  7. Anonymous7:46 AM

    And the refugee Muslim population in France is totally on-board right?

  8. Anonymous7:51 AM

    tinyHandwalls 'rump knows nothing and seems barely coherent most of the time.'rump has revealed him$elf to be both incompetent and inept."

    '"Now, from 8 o'clock in the morning to midnight, HE's Working, Working, Working and everybody shoves at HIM the problem of the country,""I don't envy HIM, I think HE must be freaking exhausted.""

  9. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Good ole American ignorant culture. We feel the best when we can label and demean folks ,in order to feel good.
    Oh she's libtard,hes a rethug .he's white.shes black.
    If your an asshole? Then speak for yourself and quit judging others.Take some accountability for voting for a imbecile monster!

  10. Anonymous2:10 PM

    if only our president.....

  11. Mexico also leads the way.

    "Mexico has joined a growing global effort to safeguard the world’s oceans with the creation of a marine reserve surrounding Revillagigedo Archipelago, a chain of four volcanic islands off the country’s Pacific coast.

    At more than 57,000 square miles — roughly the size of Georgia — Revillagigedo Archipelago National Park becomes the largest fully protected marine reserve in North America, according to the Pew Charitable Trusts. All fishing and other extractive activities will now be banned in the area.

    Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto established the sanctuary via a decree on Friday. The archipelago and the rich waters surrounding it are critical habitat for numerous species and have already been recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 2016."

    "Meanwhile in the United States, President Donald Trump is considering shrinking two marine national monuments in the Pacific — Rose Atoll and the Pacific Remote Islands — as well as opening those and a third ― Northeast Canyons and Seamounts, off the coast of New England ― to commercial fishing, according to a leaked report published by The Washington Post. "

    And there you have it. The Deplorable Dotard further destroying our country. Maybe someone should tell him what France and Mexico are doing to outdo the U.S., make it a contest and he's LOSING! So what is he going to do to one-up them? Show them the U.S. is bigger and better and.....GREATER!

    That's right. You make a BIGGER marine reserve. Make TWO.

    Now, Mr. President, what are you going to do about sexual abuse?

  12. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Lovely picture, when most things were normal and sane in the wh.

    The disgusting oaf prez now just needs to be Impeached! And tell the little girl he raped he will do anything for her and also give his ill gotten gain away and slut and crap children can forage for themselves.

  13. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Good Macron. Make it happen.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.