Monday, November 06, 2017

Just your daily reminder that this is the worst presidency in modern American history.

I think it was just last week that a troll tried to convince us that a poll showing Trump's approval numbers were in the toilet were slanted by partisanship.

Of course the problem with that is that essentially ALL polls now show Trump to be significantly behind virtually every other president in the history of our country.

Kind of hard to dismiss ALL of the polling. 


  1. Anonymous5:41 AM

    We don't need a poll to tell us he is the worst president ever,all he has done for the last 9 months is play golf and put the world on the brink of WWW III.

  2. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I'm so happy a major newspaper posted that chart. We know that fat fuck is fuming after seeing it.

    1. Trump doesn’t read newspapers. He gets all his info from TV, mostly Fox and Twitter.

  3. What's stunning is Gearge H Bush's rating one year in. We all know how that turned out.

    At least with Trump the people taking the poll got it right.

  4. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Are we really surprised at those polls of late? Hardly! Trump has already proven himself to be the worst ever potus!

    He's a friggin' joke and he should have shown more respect to the elderly statesman of Japan. Remember, he does the complete opposite of President Obama!

  5. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Worst Leader: "If Hitler escaped Germany, he probably would not have gone to Colombia, but to countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay or Bolivia, where he would have found a support network of former Nazi officials." TRUE!
    " While Hitler may have never made it to Latin America, thousands of top Nazi criminals did — Josef Mengele and Adolf Eichmann among them — and in some cases were protected by government officials from Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil.
    To that, we should say, "Never again!"" BoyZ of BraZil

  6. Rasmussen polls are slamming Drumpfuck and wingnuts now disavow Rasmussen's usual rightward tilt. Too phunny.

  7. Anonymous8:09 AM


    "“So my relationship with Shinzo got off to quite a rocky start because I never ran for office, and here I AM. But I never ran, so I wasn’t very experienced. And after I had WON, everybody was calling ME from all over the world. I never knew we had so many countries.”"

  8. That’s 39 points LOWER than Obama.

    Poor Trumpty Dumpty. He can never erase Obama’s legacy and will never catch up, let alone surpass him in anything.

    Well, he does have a lower approval rating. But that’s probably not what he was going for.

  9. Anonymous8:39 AM

    "Now here we are, in the still-unbelievable conditions of 2017, with an erratic, vindictive and thoroughly incompetent president who finished second in the voting and is widely despised by the public. He sits atop a hollowed-out zombie version of the Republican Party, which has forged an especially noxious and nonsensical coalition of predatory capitalism and resurgent white nationalism. (I can hear my colleague Chauncey DeVega reminding me that that particular combination has a name.) That party’s base of support is nowhere close to a majority, yet somehow it controls all three branches of the federal government and 38 (or so) of the 50 states."

  10. Anonymous2:25 PM

    OT"“In loving memory of my father, Lionel Brazile Sr.; my beloved sister, Sheila Brazioutlanle; my fearless uncles Nat, Floyd, and Douglas; Harlem’s finest, my aunt Lucille; my friend and mentor, David Kaufmann; my DNC colleague and patriot, Seth Rich; and my beloved Pomeranian, Chip Joshua Marvin Brazile (Booty Wipes). I miss y’all.”"


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.