Sunday, November 05, 2017

English professor with a law degree explains why today's revelation that Mueller may be ready to indict Michael Flynn is such a big hairy deal.

Well, isn't THAT interesting?

I actually think that Mueller is ultimately targeting Trump himself as well.

In fact I think Mueller is willing to hand out deals like Halloween candy to get the big fish.

And I firmly believe that big fish has an orange tinged anus like mouth on its stupid face.

By the way I agree with this as well.
Talk about schadenfreude


  1. Anonymous4:07 PM

    I am sending out positive thoughts:lock them up! Traitors

    1. Anonymous4:43 PM

      These True conservatives sure talk big when they want something.
      In the end they all soil themselves once they are caught.
      I hope I live long enough to see the stains and smell the stench from these traitorous disgusting sewer rats !
      Yeah, you too turtle neck.

  2. Anonymous4:22 PM

    The Trump-Russia floodgates are open and Donald Trump is drowning

    Over the past twenty-four hours it’s become clear that Donald Trump’s entire Asia trip was put together as mere cover for an emergency meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin – and it’s no wonder. The Trump Russia scandal floodgates are now so wide open that not only is Trump drowning in it, Putin just might drown as well. With each passing hour another major domino falls, even as the other dominoes panic and threaten to knock each other down. Now yet another major player in the scandal has been cornered and is about to hit the panic button.

    1. Anonymous9:54 PM

      This trip has been talked about for months and was planned to coincide with the Economic summit in Vietnam and to discuss NoKo with Abe and South Korean leader.

      Not everything is a conspiracy, plus the white house said that it's quite possible that Putin and Trump will meet in Vietnam as they are attending the same conference, it's not as if they are hiding it or it's some sort of last minute trip.

      Palmer needs to realize that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

    2. The cigar is a cigar, but it's on 🔥 🔥 🔥! Just like your ex-boyfriend/stalker just HAPPENS to ride through your neighborhood, just HAPPENS to turn up at the same restaurant, just HAPPENS to gate-crash the same party. An amazing coincidence, nyet?

  3. Anonymous4:24 PM

    If they are willing to sell out their country,why wouldn't they sell out trump.

    Trump is probably meeting putin to finalize his escape route,to putin's advantage,donnie doesn't know where Siberia is.

    Good thing the secret service is there to keep an eye on our worst president ever.

  4. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Mueller orders Manafort to hand over more financial info before he’ll grant bail

    1. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Bail,he is getting bail?with all the money he has stashed overseas,he'll be gone before the ink is dry.

  5. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Ex-federal prosecutor: ‘There’s no question’ more Mueller indictments are on the way

    Former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti told CNN on Saturday that “there’s no question” that special counsel Robert Mueller will indict more people in his investigation into the Trump 2016 campaign and Russian meddling in the election.

    Washington Post conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin said that Attorney Gen. Jeff Sessions “is going to have a lot of difficulty” in the weeks ahead due to his false statements to Congress.

    Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley said the Russia investigation is “closing in on the president like a vise grip” as evidence mounts that members of his campaign worked with Russian operatives to sway the election.

    Mariotti said that no matter what Trump claims, “There’s no serious question that the president is under investigation.”

    The types of documents that Mueller is requesting from the White House, Mariotti said, show that he is directly investigating Pres. Trump.

  6. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Best post of the day.

  7. Anonymous5:17 PM

    OT:"Mansour bin Muqrin, a Saudi prince, reportedly died in a helicopter crash near the Saudi border with Yemen"
    "It comes after the future Saudi king, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, tightened his grip on power in the Middle Eastern kingdom."

  8. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Meanwhile, Hope Hicks is jumping on the bed making slanty eyes.

    "Come here, my vixen." And we all threw up.

  9. Anonymous6:48 PM

    If Putin takes Trump to Russia in sanctuary, no one will care to go over and get him. Just like Edward Snowden, Putin can keep Trump.

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Just as long putin shuts down his Twitter account.

      Trump resort,Siberia

  10. Anonymous7:00 PM

    myfairlady • 6 hours ago
    Sarah Palin
    3 hrs ·
    According to a new report, Obama left the Department of Homeland Security unable to adequately do their jobs.
    Hey, $arah, you couldn't even do yours and hired it out at the Alaskan taxpayers' expense! You'd better do your homework and lay off the drugs.

  11. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Republicans always accuse others of that which they are guilty of themselves.

  12. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Insider: Donald Trump’s scandals go “far beyond” what you can imagine, and Robert Mueller will expose it all

    ...Years ago, Tony Schwartz ghostwrote Donald Trump’s book Art of the Deal. He’s since come to conclude that Trump is a criminal sociopath, and has become one of Trump’s most vocal critics. Here’s how Schwartz now characterizes the investigation: “Mueller’s findings will be devastating to the Trump presidency and far beyond what most people currently imagine. Trump has a terrible past.” Based on the most recent stunning revelations, it’s not difficult to see where he’s coming from.

    On Sunday night the New York Times and the Paradise Papers revealed that Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and his Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross both have deep financial ties to Vladimir Putin and Russia, which they had previously tried to disguise. Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is also reportedly on the verge of arrest. This is all in addition to Trump’s own long history of shady financial deals, which Schwartz may be referring to.

  13. Anonymous8:56 PM

    The Kremlin invested 'hundreds of millions' in Twitter and Facebook through Kushner associate Yuri Milner

    Newly-leaked documents show that the Kremlin invested hundreds of millions of dollars into Twitter and Facebook through a business associate of President Donald Trump's senior adviser and son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

    According to the "Paradise Papers" — a trove of more than 13 million internal documents released Sunday that show how the world's wealthiest use offshore tax havens — two Russian state-owned entities with close ties to Vladimir Putin invested money into Facebook and Twitter through the Russian-American tech investor Yuri Milner.

    Milner currently holds a stake in a real-estate project that was founded and is partially owned by Kushner. When Kushner first joined the Trump administration, he failed to disclose his holdings in the project.

    Russia's state-owned VTB Bank gave Milner $191 million to invest in Twitter, according to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, which obtained the Paradise Papers. The bank, according to The New York Times, frequently embarks on "politically strategic deals."

    Documents also show that Gazprom Investholding, the financial arm of the Russian state-operated energy firm Gazprom, backed a company affiliated with Milner which owned approximately $1 billion in Facebook stock shortly before it went public in 2012.

    Gazprom is one of Russia's largest energy companies and Putin is said to wield significant influence over the firm, which is stacked with the Russian leader's allies and associates.

  14. Anonymous9:23 PM

    On Friday, the Department of Justice filed an astonishing appeal with the Supreme Court, urging the justices to intervene in the Jane Doe case that seemed to have ended last week. Doe, an undocumented 17-year-old in a federally funded Texas shelter, was denied abortion access by the Trump administration, which argues that it can force undocumented minors to carry unwanted pregnancies to term.

    On Oct. 24, the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that Doe must be allowed to terminate her pregnancy, which she did the next day. Now the DOJ is urging the Supreme Court to vacate that decision — and punish the ACLU attorneys who represented Doe.

    Make no mistake: With this filing, Attorney General Jeff Sessions' Justice Department has declared war on attorneys and groups who dare to oppose it in court.

  15. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Russia used Instagram to influence the 2016 presidential election — here are some of the posts

  16. Anonymous9:56 PM

    The Wall Street Journal Is Echoing Trump's Derangement, and Its Own Reporters Are Appalled
    Staffers fear the opinion page has begun undermining the newspaper's credibility.

    1. Anonymous7:10 AM

      DAHHHH...."Staffers fear the opinion page has begun undermining the newspaper's credibility."
      Would those be 'real' JOURNALISTS?

  17. On top of the shooting, on top of the tax plan with all of it's crapload of hidden, disgusting, undermining, on top of the judges McConnell is ramming through we have this.

    "A man who once claimed that the air in America was "a little too clean for optimum health", has been appointed to an advisory board of America's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

    Robert Phalen once claimed that children’s lungs need to breathe irritants so their bodies can learn to fight them."

    Because Scott Pruitt is a dick and the orange anus that appointed him is an even bigger dick (with a really tiny one.)

    Day after day of this shit and we don't even know what the eventual fallout is going to be from all of the shit Trump is dumping on us.

    I'm ready to sell my house, sell, give away, store or ship the contents and move to Panama. My pension will go a lot farther there and I will be cushioned from all of the crap Trump is doing. The only thing that's holding me back is my elderly dog and my elderly parents. Once they're gone I have no more ties here.

  18. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....


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