Friday, November 03, 2017

Poll shows that 59% of Americans believe this is the lowest point in US history that they can remember.

Courtesy of Vox: 

The APA has been conducting its Stress in America poll every year since 2007, and the latest one finds that 63 percent of Americans say the future of the country is a very significant source of stress in their lives. 

Even more tellingly, 59 percent said this is the “lowest point in our nation’s history that they can remember.” And this sentiment transcended generations: A majority of baby boomers, Gen X-ers, millennials, and adults over the age of 72 felt it.

I am definitely part of this 59%.

Even 911, which rocked me to my core, at least later left me feeling that we could overcome anything.

Right now there is just a feeling of hopelessness and helplessness.

The only thing that brightens my outlook is the knowledge that the Mueller investigation exists and the hope that it will eventually lead to an end to all this. 


  1. Anonymous2:10 AM

    I am a late boomer/early gen x person and this is definitely the most concerned I've been for our country's future. Nine eleven shocked me to my core as well but on 11/9 after realizing this orange buffoon was actually going to be president has been far worse. I've been shocked and disgusted by the election and by Trump supporters in general but Mueller's investigation gives me hope. Mueller is a smart, capable guy (everything that Trump is not) and he's not playing around.

  2. Anonymous2:48 AM

    9/11 rocked me to my core, changed my worldview,but not for the usual reasons.
    9/11 was allowed to happen.
    Project for a New American Century.
    We've been had.

  3. Anonymous3:11 AM

    Trump is bad for the health of everything. Total toxic waste of time and money.

  4. Anonymous3:33 AM

    I certainly think it is. The worst of it is that I also think that the previous eight years were, at least as far as the presidency was concerned, some of the best. Barack Obama was the best president I've known in my 73 years. And now we have the worst in our history.

  5. Leland4:05 AM

    It certainly feels like the worst. Put me in the baby boomer category!

  6. Anonymous8:28 AM

    "“So, you know, as bad as everyone FEELs and they have felt since Nov. 8, I know for me, I’ve been in a severe depression,” O’Donnell told Meyers. “Although, I’d like to say, today after your show I’m going to get a Bob Mueller tattoo. Because I LOVE him!”"<Rosey O.

  7. Anonymous9:12 AM

    You know in the end, it's going to take the people to remove this toxic sludge from office.

    1. Except there is no recall option for the office of President. Trump doesn’t give a fuck that the people have “no confidence”. He doesn’t believe it or the polls. He thinks he’s doing a fantastic job and everybody loves him. Part of his delusion.

      The only thing the people can do is remove all of those that refuse to remove Trump. That would be the Republicans in congress. 2018 is coming up. Just wait and see how that won’t happen.

  8. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Amusing, since many of them must have voted for the S.O.B.

  9. Anonymous2:27 PM

    jump ship
    "“Ralph Northam's gutless, politically senseless, and morally debased decision yesterday to openly backtrack on his commitment to standing up for immigrant families is a picture-perfect example of why Democracy for America never endorsed him in the primary and focused the entirety of our efforts in Virginia on down-ticket races, like Justin Fairfax's campaign for Lieutenant Governor,” DRA Executive Director Charles Chamberlain said in a statement. “It's also why, today, we're announcing that we will no longer do any work to directly aid Northam's gubernatorial efforts.”"

  10. Randall3:34 PM

    the lowest point in our history?
    I'm old enough to have lived through the Cuban missile crisis...
    The Kent State massacre - "Tin soldiers and Nixon comin'" and "should've been done long ago..."
    Iran Contra...
    and under George W. Bush and Darth Cheney
    we tortured human beings!
    We sanctioned torture of human beings...
    I used to think we were the good guys...
    That's just within my lifetime...
    The lowest point?
    Trump sucks, Trump is an asshole, Trump IS causing a top of damage - but the lowest point?
    I'm afraid we're hurtling towards that like a rocket sled going off the rails, but we're not there yet.

    1. Anonymous3:57 PM

      I am 64 and this really feels as frightening as the Cuban missile crisis even though I was just a kid at the time. My parents telegraphed the fear then. This feels different, but it is very frightening and disturbing. It's pretty damn low. At least at the time my parents didn't think the players were batshit crazy. With this swampmeister, who knows what might happen.


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