Sunday, November 05, 2017

Today was the day the largest church shooting in the history of the United States took place. Just in case you were wondering. Update!

I think that 27 number might well change, but it will definitely not be going down.

Courtesy of the Daily Beast:  

At least 20 people are dead after a gunman opened fire inside a Texas church on Sunday morning, officials say. The shooting occurred at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, approximately 30 miles from San Antonio, around 11:30 a.m. 

The shooter, who is believed to have acted alone, fled the church on foot and was killed by police, officials said. Two county commissioners said at least 20 people were dead; a police commissioner told the BBC that 27 had died. 

Whatever the final toll, it is already the deadliest shooting at a place of worship in modern American history, surpassing the nine killed at Emanuel AME Baptist Church in Charleston, South Carolina in 2015. 

At least six helicopters transported injured people to hospitals, the Dallas Morning News reported, and a two-year-old child is among the wounded.

Here is more from the New York Times:

Albert Gamez Jr., another Wilson County commissioner, told CNN that he was told by the police that the gunman was chased into the next county and was killed, but it was not clear whether the police shot him or he killed himself. 

Mr. Gamez said he was told by an emergency medical technician that 27 people were dead and 24 others were injured. 

We do not yet know much about this, but what we do know is that it is tragic, unnecessary, and ultimately preventable if only we wanted to take the steps to keep it from happening again.

Update: Now we know why the Right Wing has not said much. It's probably a white guy.
If true we need to quickly expand that travel ban.

No more white men allowed in this country dammit.

Update 2: Yep, white guy. 
Update 3: From the killer's Instagram page.

 The gunman was also dressed in all black and wearing a bullet proof vest.


  1. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Well gosh he was just exercising his 2nd amendment rights and why didn't those people bring their AK 47s to church to stop him?

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

    2. Anonymous8:00 PM

      What's sad is there are so many mass shootings that we have begun to create categories for them like "church shootings", "school shootings", etc. This craziness has to stop.

    3. Anonymous3:43 AM

      I guess those who think the 2nd Amendment is sacred feel that the thousands of lives lost each year to gun violence is a small price to pay for the right to bear arms. Sick.

  2. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Your Thoughts And Prayers Aren’t Working: At Least 20 Killed In Sickening Church Mass Shooting

    To GOP politicians: When you repeatedly shed crocodile tears over mass shootings, then follow it up by refusing to do anything to prevent the next one, nobody hears you anymore.

    ...Fifty-eight in Las Vegas just last month. Forty-nine in Orlando last year. Thirty-two in Blacksburg in 2007. Twenty-six in Newtown in 2012. Fourteen in San Bernardino in 2015. Thirteen in Littleton in 1999. Twelve in Aurora in 2012.

    These are just a handful of high-profile mass shootings that have shocked the United States over the past two decades – but, unfortunately, it hasn’t shocked us into taking meaningful action to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

    Which is why on Sunday, in Sutherland Springs, Texas, this uniquely American bloodbath took the lives of more of our citizens – people who were attending a service at First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs.

    Trump will say how say how sad it is if he says anything at all. Republicans will send “thoughts and prayers” to the victims and their families, and then the violence will continue as nothing will be done. Because in Republican America, gun violence is a problem that they have no interest in solving.

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      I cannot imagine prayers working for the likes of Donald Trump! Does he know how to pray? Sincerely doubt it!

    2. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Didn't he say that he found the Lord again when he took office? Must have been that Palin/Nugemy/Kid Rock visit. They all got on their a little lower.

    3. I guess if you’re in a house of prayer and god can see it go amount of prayer is going to change the outcome. If there truly is a god wouldn’t he have prevented it in his own house?

    4. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Yeah, that's perfectly logical. Unfortunately religion (based on illogic) and reason don't often mix.

  3. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Can't imagine there wasn't another pistol packin bible thumper there to be a hero.

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM


    2. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Pack a gun w/you folks, wherever you go! I'm just waiting for the day another person (not a cop) is on the same scene and nails the person that is there to kill as many folks as he can!

    3. Anonymous3:56 PM

      2:06 PM - thank you for your martyrdom!
      Always look over your shoulder, they’re there!

    4. Anonymous5:05 PM

      There was a 'another pistol packing' "As the suspected shooter left the church, a local resident used their own rifle to engage him, Martin said. The shooter then fled the church, while the citizen pursued him."
      "After a brief chase, law enforcement later found the suspect dead of a gunshot wound inside his vehicle. Authorities said they don't know if the wound was self-inflicted or the result of the resident who fired on the suspect, Martin said.
      The shooter was killed after a brief chase north into neighboring Guadalupe County, Guadalupe County Sheriff's Office spokesman Robert Murphy said earlier on Sunday."

    5. Anonymous5:11 PM

      I carry every now and then as I still have my concealed carry permit that I got when I was a process server. I tend to carry when I go to anchorage because it's rather sketchy even in certain areas where the shopping centers are. Nothing wrong with being prepared to take care of an asshole if life requires it, but proper training is a must.

    6. Anonymous3:20 AM

      So, the "local resident" hears gunfire, grabs his penis extender, and steps outside and starts firing towards the church. Hope none of his missed shots went into the church and hit more people. Every hunter knows - identify your target, and make sure the background behind it is clear. Sounds like this "local resident" just wanted to play Rambo and fired indiscriminately and maybe got lucky and hit the guy.

      Wanna bet the NRA gives him a medal and he becomes the poster boy for more gun ownership and vigilantism.

  4. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Trump and Republicans (majority in the U.S. Congress) will again sit on their asses and do nothing about this massive shooting. Just watch!!

    Gun laws anyone? Yea, right!

  5. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Said it before, and I'll say it again. It WILL happen again, and again and again and again.

    For every one of these, there'e someone out there saying, "I can outdo that!," and they put their mind to doing so.

    Church, school, theater, mall, street....when will it be enough? I'm more and sick and tired of the usual politicians' response, "our thought and prayers." BULLSHIT. If they cared, they'd do something about it. Unfortunatly, it's so far out of control that they cannot possibly rein it in.

    Eff YOU, Reagan and Dubya.

    1. Anonymous1:37 PM

      agreed. it will be never enough. get rid of one child killer and another pops up. these $@$%^%@ do not care if they kill every child in sight. i wish my tears could do more.

    2. Anonymous7:26 PM

      When you see a Congress person’s kid get massacred, you watch how fast the legislative wheels’s disgusting how removed from real life the people who enact our laws are.

    3. Anonymous8:26 PM

      I don't know, @7:26pm. Steve Scalise was shot and damn near died himself and he's made it clear that he has no interest in pursuing any type of reasonable gun control. Just like supporting Trump, the way these people worship guns is downright cult-like.

    4. Anonymous4:41 AM

      I don't understand the Reagan comment. Didn't he support the Brady Bill?

  6. Anonymous1:32 PM

    1. Fuck him.

      He's getting ready to take away the healthcare of the survivors and then raise their taxes.

  7. Anonymous1:33 PM

    i think if you can't be safe in church you just can't be safe. are you happy now Mr. President? is America great again? how about you NRA? you gonna tell how safe we are because we have guns? fuck the lot of you.

  8. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Must be a white guy since he isnt identified yet despite having a wallet yet we knew everything about the isis guy in like what 20 minutes?

  9. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Second Amendment solutions for what ails ya! RIGHT, $arah Palin? As she sits reading her Bible because it's Sunday. There's people that actually believe that shit, also too!

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      Maybe she'll learn it when one of her grandkids die from guns left in the open.

    2. Anonymous8:04 PM

      Bristol is safe, she goes to a big mega church, not far from the little church. Doubt she goes to church, but she can use it and they can use her since she says she is a churcher.

      People being shot dead and maimed in a church will mean about as much to her as the Texas hurricane floods. She can always go with the fake husband to one of his deals where he is doing something for the military. They can pose and their suckers will think they are doing something for others. Sarah is so proud.

      How is Track Palin these days? Has he found another baby-mama yet?

  10. Anonymous2:05 PM

    "Devin Patrick Kelley, the Sutherland Springs shooter, recently posted a picture of himself with an AR-15 online."

  11. Anonymous2:06 PM

    If Sandy Hook didn't put a stop to this bullshit, nothing will. I am so sick of these gun humping death fetishists.

    1. Anonymous2:43 PM

      Sandy Hook was my "holy crap, they will never get it." NRA Wayne La Pierre's response was the most callous I have ever heard.

  12. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Gunman is 26 year old Devin Patrick Kelley

    1. Anonymous4:50 PM

      dishonorable discharged from the army I think...why? Crazy? Not supposed to be able to get a firearm if dishonorably discharged.

    2. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Now that is some Irish name! Euro Caucasian.

    3. Anonymous8:01 PM

      And spent 12 months in prison for assault of ex wife and child. Hasn't "no guns fro domestic violence perps" been a Dem mantra- constantly blocked by the ReTHUG gun humpers?

    4. Anonymous8:12 PM

      Yep. Why it was so very important that Track Palin not be exposed for his stolen valor (not a combat vet, military experience questionable but for sure used for propaganda).

      Very important when he beats or threatens women with automatic or any guns, that he is not charged. He would have to give up his collections of weapons. That can't happen to Sarah's fake combat vet. The lies must go on and on and on.

  13. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Insanity reigns in the right wing minds. Just got yelled at big time and it only happens if there is a shooting and I say we need to go back to outlawing the rapid firing guns, have background checks for ALL sales. Unbelievable how ridiculous the right wing minds are, saying the deaths had nothing to do with guns because trucks and explosives have been used elsewhere.
    I see no ability to reach the rw nut jobs, mostly white males and the utterly ignorant women who voted against their own interests. Even some of the women willing to excuse the sexual assaults. Are we totally screwed as a nation with what has been unleashed on us, or will Mueller bring some civility to us once again with his charges? I see him as our one last best hope since the Rethugs are such righteous unbelievers in the rule of law and this administrations inability to do ANYTHING wrong!

    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Yes, we are, and the reason I will be moving to Canada if another ReTHUG becomes Prez and Congress remains ReTHUG.

    2. Anonymous4:45 AM

      It's not like the Fed's don't have weapons to use against the armed-to-the-teeth populace that'll kick the ass of any automatic firearm (or PGF). Try holding and aiming a gun while the Fed's sound cannon forces you to your knees as your skull feels like it's splitting and you're vomiting and shitting uncontrollably. The ammosexuals don't want to think about that.

  14. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Probably that same outfit that you posted yesterday that wanted to start a civil war.

    1. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Could be this dipshit read and wanted it to be blamed on antifa

    2. Anonymous5:40 PM

    3. I'm sure they'll blame Antifa since he was dressed all in black and may have been an atheist.

      BTW, the all black thing usually denotes ANARCHISTS who tend to piggyback on marches and protests just to cause trouble.

  15. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I'm watching a 'live feed' Everyone Pray.
    "Pomeroy called his daughter “a beautiful, special child.”"

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Why pray?
      What the fuck will praying do?
      When will people realize THERE IS NO FUCKING GOD.
      What kind of god would let this happen?
      It's stupid to believe in a sky fairy. Don't you think these people were beseeching god as their innards were being exploded by bullets?
      Does your god get off on suffring?

    2. Anonymous5:56 PM

      I believe In God.
      I also believe that they're ID-10-Ts.

  16. Anonymous2:56 PM

  17. Anonymous3:28 PM

    The NRA is a terrorist organization,only 3% of Americans belong to the NRA,yet they are holding every American hostage.

    1. Anonymous4:46 AM

      It's the lobbying agency of munitions manufacturers, that's a FACT.

  18. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Hey, c'mon Republicans. How about doin' something different about THIS shooting? Send your cogitations and supplications. Yup. That should take care of it.

  19. Anonymous3:39 PM

    these things are unimaginably sad.

  20. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Thank you, Gryph, this had nothing to with church nor those who attend. You could have said a LOT, RWNJ sites will. Why I'm here because my opinion is everything and I'm so wonderful. ;-)

  21. Once again the 2nd amendment gun worshippers have trumped our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    1. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Because Jesus said: They don't agree with you? Fucking kill them.

      That shuffling of papers you hear is not indictments, just me paging through my Bible for chapter and verse. This could take awhile......

  22. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Money Over Lives: The NRA Invested Over $50 Million In Trump And GOP Candidates In 2016

    If you're wondering why Republican leaders refuse to act after such unspeakable violence, just follow the money.

    Another White Mass Shooter Strikes In Sutherland, Texas And Trump Says Nothing

    A disturbing pattern is emerging in the Trump presidency. After the mass shooting in Sutherland, Texas, Donald Trump and his White House issue generic statements as a white shooter doesn’t get the same attention from this president.

    Here is the only tweet posted to Trump’s Twitter account:


  23. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Texas Attorney General: The way to stop mass shootings is for more people to carry concealed weapons

    Fucking NRA stooge!

  24. Anonymous4:25 PM

    NRA-enabling Republicans get deluged with criticism for ‘thoughts and prayers’ after church massacre

  25. Anonymous4:30 PM

    ‘Spineless sack of sh*t’ Paul Ryan lambasted for saying Texas shooting victims ‘need our prayers’

    ...Given the Republican party’s unrelenting need to kowtow to the National Rifle Association (NRA) and its pathological aversion to any form of gun safety regulations, many people were unimpressed with Ryan’s sentiment.

    'On a day like this, remember you get bribed by the @NRA to do nothing about gun regulation'

  26. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Just another reason to "build that wall", on the northern border of TexAss to protect the rest of our country.

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      May not be good enough. Those durned Mexicans are kinda squirrelly.

  27. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Rand Paul Got 5 Ribs broken!

    1. Anonymous9:25 PM

      sorry about his ribs. not sorry for him.

  28. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Victims named>

  29. Anonymous5:19 PM


  30. Anonymous5:37 PM

  31. Anonymous6:46 PM

    It doesn't matter to the GOP. They will give meaningless rhetoric all week, and then go back to square one where they've been stuck since forever. Until the next shooting. Over and over. Again and again. Money talks with these boys.
    At this point no body gives a flying fuck about the Right's useless prayers, and empty thoughts. No body. Been there and done that. Next.

    1. If they didn't give a shit about the children of Sandy Hook, nothing was going to motivate them.

  32. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Why is it when there iis more to come out about Russia? There is an incident. First, Las Vegas, now this? Getting rusty Putin...we see you...

    1. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Because Trump and company is up to their eyeballs in Russia and we have too damn many guns in this country. It's not a conspiracy.

    2. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Really? Seems to me its always BEFORE or AFTER a big announcement about Russia.
      If that isn't pre-planning, I don't know what is. Evil men.

  33. Anonymous8:04 PM

    He is a former member of the U.S. Air Force who served in logistics readiness at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico from 2010 until his discharge in 2014, according to USAF spokeswoman Ann Stefanek.

    The Air Force said late Sunday that Kelley was court-martialed in 2012 for assault on his spouse and their child. He received a bad conduct discharge, a 12-month sentence in a military prison and a reduction in rank for the offense.

  34. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Bit concerned about all the and he "liked" (fb) atheist cites. Not certain if true at all, and the same bullshit that fires the Islamaphobia.

    1. Anonymous10:33 PM

      It's not as if we Atheists are widely accepted as it is, I think we'll be okay.

  35. Anonymous8:11 PM

    The findings are consistent with findings by experts who say that mass shooters and terrorists share one common trait: They are nearly all domestic abusers.

    “Time and time again, spasms of violence in public places have been followed by investigations into the attackers and suspects. Many of those probes have unearthed reports of violence or threatening behavior against women in their lives. While research has shown that domestic violence is not universally a factor preceding public attacks, it has cropped up often enough following high-profile incidents to constitute a disturbing, recognizable pattern,” said The Washington Post after the murder of Charlottesville, VA protester Heather Heyer.

    1. This.

      So, when gun regulations are revised (yeah, like that's going to happen) first on the list should be if you're a domestic abuser, you can't own any guns of any kind.

      There is a big gaping loophole in this, however.

      Girlfriends don't count. Wives, ex-wives and live in partners, yes. But girlfriends? No. Big problem.

    2. Anonymous4:49 AM

      $ara Palin hopes you all ignore that.

  36. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Paul Ryan Wants To Steal Your Healthcare And Raise Your Taxes In The Same Bill

    ...For those of you who thought that Republicans couldn’t possibly make their tax cuts for the rich legislation worse, the GOP has managed to outdo themselves by adding the potential repeal of Obamacare to the mix. Republicans are so worried about losing the House and Senate next year that they are trying to bundle everything that they haven’t been able to get done into one giant act of legislative evil.

    'Paul Ryan on @FoxNewsSunday: Repeal of ACA mandate “being discussed,” could make GOP tax bill “even better.”'

    1. He also wants to undermine Rowe V Wade and destroy the separation of church and state.

      "When Republicans unveiled tax reform legislation on Thursday, discussion surrounding the bill centered on its potential impact on middle-class households and its apparent giveaway to the economic elite.

      But another proposed change ― featured way down on pages 427 and 428 of the 429-page draft bill ― is raising a red flag for advocates of the separation of church and state.

      The legislation proposes changes to the Johnson Amendment, a 63-year-old tax law that prohibits churches and other tax-exempt organizations from participating in political campaigns. Under the Republicans’ proposed bill, members of the clergy who endorse candidates from the pulpit would be legally protected."

      "Republicans slipped anti-abortion language into the draft of the tax reform bill they released on Thursday. The move is part of an effort by the Trump administration and House Republicans to define life as beginning at conception, with an eye to rolling back Roe v. Wade.

      Buried on page 93 of the 429-page tax proposal is a provision that would allow fetuses to be named as beneficiaries of college savings accounts known as 529 plans ― investment vehicles that come with a range of tax breaks.

      Pro-abortion rights advocates were quick to call out the language. “This is a back-door attempt to establish personhood from the moment of conception,” Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.), co-chair of the Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus, said in a statement. “The tax code is no place to define what constitutes an ‘unborn child.’ What’s next, giving a Social Security number to a zygote?” "

  37. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Uh oh, watch out Atheists, you're about to get slimed.

    Texas gunman discharged from AF for assaulting wife, child; Also insulted Christians, preached atheism online

    1. Anonymous10:30 PM

      First of all one doesn't "preach" Atheism, it's a lack of belief rather than some sort of alternative religious doctrine, also Atheism is not about bashing religion, so he was rather misguided in his approach to Atheism, not really too much of a surprise after reading some of his writings, he seemed intellectually stunted, to put it kindly.

      All people, regardless of religion or lack thereof are capable of terrible acts.

    2. Anonymous4:39 AM

      Every human is capable of killing. Every one of us. When emotion takes over our thinking, putting rational thought off-line, THAT is when one is most capable of murdering another human being.
      Lt. Joe Kenda (Homicide) said something very similar to that at the beginning of his true crime show that used to run years ago. He solved almost 400 murders before there was DNA testing and such. The man knew human nature, and it's ugly to say the least.

    3. Anonymous4:51 AM

      Waaaaaaaay more modern day kreeeeschun shooters than any asshole claiming to be an atheist who goes postal. Don't just take my word for it, I looked it up and so can you.

  38. You know the shooter is white.

    Because he's described as "a man". Not a black man, a hispanic man, a muslim or a terrorist.

    Trump (once again) calls this "evil", not domestic terrorism. So you know he's white.

    Give it a few hours and there will be the normal excuses about his mental state, blah blah blah.

    Republicans will send hopes and prayers and say this is not the time to talk about gun control.

    And so it goes.

  39. That's the kind of gun you use to hunt deer? Bear? Wild boar?

    You need that big of a magazine in case the first 19 bullets don't kill whatever?

    What kind of a lame ass, shit for brains loser kind of hunter needs that kind of overkill?

    Oh, that's right. These weapons aren't for subsistence hunting (which should be the only legal kind there is: eat what you kill). These weapons are for killing PEOPLE.

    Enough with the thought(lessness) and prayers (that you'll be re-elected.) Time to fish or cut bait. Neither of which involves using a fire arm.

    There are plenty of countries that have strict regulations for fire arms, yet still allow what we would consider "2nd amendment rights". Their citizens have hunting rifles, not hand guns or what amount to machine guns with a few modifications. None of them have magazines that can hold enough ammo to kill a platoon ..... or a church full of people.

    We need to get SANE.

    Unfortunately that will never happen with the INSANE asylum currently in power in Congress and the White House.

    So we need to think what we can do to really protest the shit for brains that are running this country? I really don't think walking the streets for a day in brightly colored knitted hats is going to do it.

    Are we really so powerless against these Fascist Oligarchs?

    1. Anonymous4:55 AM

      NO WE ARE NOT!!!

      Google "October Revolution 1789".

      Amazing what a number of fed-up, pushed to the brink women can really do. And these ladies did way more than march about wearing knitted pussy caps and carrying signs; they scared the shit out of the establishment/monarchy state that threatened the existence of their families and made CHANGE HAPPEN.

  40. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Story of the guy who chased the shooter down:

    Driving 95 MPH and weaving thru traffic, talking on a cell phone while driving, a guy in the passenger seat with a loaded rifle ready to shoot out the window at the fleeing suspect - Oh yeah ! That's REAL safe ! Untrained pursuit and a miracle he didn't kill an innocent bystander along the way.

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Plus the guy just admitted publicly that he committed numerous traffic violations. Think he'll be ticketed ?

  41. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Douglas Arthur Meyer: We need gun control laws not thoughts and prayers. The NRA is the most dangerous terrorist organization on the planet!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.