Monday, November 27, 2017

While attempting to honor Navajo code talkers, Donald Trump decides to attack Elizabeth Warren, insults all Native Americans instead. Update!

Courtesy of CNN: 

President Donald Trump, during an event at the White House honoring Navajo code talkers Monday, referenced his nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren, "Pocahontas," a label he has long used about the Massachusetts Democrat. 

"I just want to thank you because you are very, very special people. You were here long before any of us were here," Trump said. "Although, we have a representative in Congress who has been here a long time ... longer than you -- they call her Pocahontas!" 

He then turned to one of the code talkers behind him, put his left hand on the man's shoulder and said: "But you know what, I like you. You are special people."

I have a feeling that after that idiotic remark the Navajos in the room thought that Donald Trump was a little "special" as well.

Later White House reporters confronted Sarah Huckabee Sanders about this clearly racist remark, and she of course tried to turn it back to another attack on Warren.

Damn, she is just a terrible person.

Elizabeth Warren was also asked about this incident, and here was her response. For the record there is no evidence that Elizabeth Warren's career benefited from her claim that she is part Native American, and in fact there it no real evidence that she is not part Native American.

I think that like a lot of Americans Warren grew up hearing stories of her family's Native American heritage and took it on faith that it was accurate.

I myself have been told my whole life that I am part Apache, my grandfather actually met and married my grandmother on an Indian reservation in Arizona, but I have never done a DNA test nor have I yet utilized the services of

For all I know for certain my family could be full of shit, but as of right now I stand convinced that I am part Apache.

In other words this is a ridiculous attack, and Donald Trump's fixation on Warren's heritage just had him make a racially charged comment in a room full of war heroes he was supposed to be honoring.

Update: Apparently Trump has a long history or disrespecting native Americans


  1. Anonymous4:15 PM

    I have run out of adjectives for that asshole in the WH. There is no excuse for such crass behavior. He needs to apologize on prime time TV,not that he would mean it.
    Huckabee is another world class piece of crap.

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      Mike's evil spawn is a c*n*

    2. Anonymous5:33 PM

      I have grown rather fond of "shitgibbon in the WH"

    3. Anonymous4:17 AM

      Can we just call him President Shortbus from now on. Not to insult the intelligence of Shortbus riders.

  2. Anonymous4:25 PM

    I wish the guy would have spit in his face!
    Usual trump response, blame it on someone else.good for the press to keep asking Huckaliar the same question, she did a good job of making a fool of herself yet again.

  3. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Sarah Sanders once claimed that she always told the truth so she could set a proper example for her children. I can't wait until her kids turn older and they start giving back to her the same unkind bullshit that she deals out every day to the press and the American people. What a hypocrite.

    1. Anonymous3:28 AM

      Home schooled.
      Won't have a critical thinking neuron in their heads.

  4. Anonymous4:53 PM

    DNA is so random, even if your great gma was Native American, you may not have any of her DNA. It is weird how it all works. Science!

    1. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Obviously you missed science class!
      DNA is not random

    2. Anonymous5:35 PM

      You have NO understanding of DNA or genetics in general. You are WAAAAAY off base.

    3. Anonymous7:42 AM

      She should just take the DNA test. Why not?

    4. Anonymous12:32 PM

      So should Sarah Palin. Lying to Russia is a baaad idea...

    5. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Sarah Palin is out of Politics. She doesn't have to prove anything to anyone. Much less you 'the kid' comment person lol.

    6. Anonymous10:45 PM


      Well she couldn't prove Trig is her biological son. She could have shamed all those naysayers. She would have jumped at the chance with a DNA test. She couldn't. He isn't. lol. She's a shit headed liar who scammed millions of the brain dead. Folks like you.

  5. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Nearly ever day a new low. I fear our society is broken forever. Some Republicans hated President Obama and everything he stood for. This is the person they elected. They hate the United States and are NOT patriotic.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Same here. I don’t know about anyone else, but this holiday season isn’t cutting it.

    2. Anonymous3:29 AM

      Life isn't cutting it.

  6. Anonymous5:17 PM

    So these heroes went to the WH and had to endure being insulted by the so called president,so that they could be honored.
    Maybe it is time,the next time the WH calls,the honorees turn down the offer,publicly on the news.
    Thanks but no thanks,we don't care to be insulted.
    At least they could save being humiliated by the moron.

    1. Anonymous4:09 AM

      When these very elderly heroes and other Native Americans visited the White House while President Obama was in office, they were always treated with the utmost respect. Trump, however, is known for his scathing disrespect for Native Americans. After all, some tribes also own casinos, the revenues of which are shared among all tribe members. I'm sure that Trump views Native Americans as "losers" anyway.

    2. Anonymous6:54 AM

      “I think I might have more Indian blood than a lot of the so-called Indians that are trying to open up the reservations,” Trump said during a 1993 radio interview with shock jock Don Imus.

  7. Anonymous5:22 PM

    It was so bad. And you could see that the vets had no idea what he was even referring to.

    Gotta add to google "AJ Benza Trump" and you'll see old articles and Stern YouTube audios about longtime reliable gossip guy AJ and the matter of Trump having spoken to him multiple times regarding Russian women and sex. I googled AJ after seeing that he and Tom Arnold are working on getting the racist Apprentice tape out there.

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Maybe they couldn't believe that he chose a ceremony to insult them.

  8. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Nobody in the trump administration are honorable people.

  9. Anonymous5:23 PM

    1/16th Cherokee here and proud of it.

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      1/32,000 Wicocomico and proud of that drop

    2. Anonymous6:41 AM

      Although I'm 100% northern European, I think Native Americans--and everyone--should be treated with respect.

      In the case of Donald Trump, though, he's making this VERY difficult....

  10. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Expected Donnie to tell them their grandfathers were dumb for selling Manhattan and only getting $34 for the island.

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      He saved that "joke" for lunch conversation.because no one is asking Warren about her roots.

  11. Anonymous5:36 PM

    '...We’ve seen Donald Trump use this kind of strategy before. He purposely creates a moderately bad scandal for himself in order to distract the media and the public from a far worse scandal that he knows is about to surface. There’s a reason he’s doing the most racist things he can think of. It’s the same reason he’s suddenly bringing up the old Access Hollywood tape, just so he can dispute its authenticity. Trump thinks an even worse tape about him is about to surface – and he’s hoping we’ll focus on his racial slur hurled at Native Americans instead of whatever is on that tape. Just how bad must it be?'

    1. Anonymous7:16 PM

      Too bad for trump,we are able to follow more than one story at a time

  12. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I wish Warren would just do the DNA and put it to bed. Then she could sue trump for being racist.

    1. Anonymous6:52 PM

      While racism is abhorrent, unfortunately it is not a crime punishable by law.

    2. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Why give into that asshole.
      Obama should have never produced his birth certificate either.
      It just legitimizes trumps bad behavior.

    3. Anonymous7:41 AM

      Lets start a campaign for Warren to take a DNA test so she can put this to bed forever.

    4. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Who got their DNA tested that upchucked graves in Russia?

    5. Anonymous12:33 PM

      Reason Palin resigned @ 821 :

    6. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Even if she took a DNA test and proved her right. Trump would continue to slur her because it has nothing to do with her heritage.
      He continued to claim Obama wasn't American after he produced his birth certificate.
      This is about power.

  13. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Was James Woolsey wearing a wire at Mar-a-Lago this weekend when he met with Donald Trump?

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Trump security would find it and toss him out.

    2. Anonymous10:27 PM

      I see no other reason for Woolsey to have been hanging around Trump and for as long as he did. With this Flynn/Turkey aspect of the investigation going on, a decent person would know to just stay away. Unless there was a good reason to cozy up to Trump.

    3. Anonymous10:35 PM

      Ohhhh not so fast 7:45.... Palmer Report is a bastion of inside intelligence and search for truth.... Bill Palmer.... Genius...


  14. It is obvious that Trump has no understanding of history nor the heroics of these Navajo warriors.

    I do believe Trump has a form of Autism and is just not aware of what comes out h is mouth...nor light behind his eyes.

    It is just a shame we nor powers that be
    seem to be able to remove his ass from the presidency. Time is running short.

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      I can't figure out whether he's not aware that what he's saying is insulting and racist, or if he just doesn't care.

      I'm not sure which is worse.

    2. Anonymous6:53 PM

      He's pretty fucking "special" that's for sure. I swear to god even though Palin only had an 83 IQ and seemed a complete idiot I still think she had more upstairs than this one does.

    3. Anonymous7:02 PM

      6:53 PM - Peas in a pod. Don't forget how she treated the indigenous of Alaska as governor.

      That's what's she's wants: everyone forgets with time. Well, THIS one does NOT.

    4. Anonymous7:22 PM

      He is just plain ignorant, white he chews with his mouth open also

    5. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Im not so sure Anonymous6:53 PM.

      Given if she had inherited money like donald t-RUMP's money she might have better appealed more to poor ignorant deplorables as completely like them, as trump did. It sounds backwards.

    6. Anonymous4:03 AM

      Trump was incredibly rude to the very elderly Navaho heroes who were visiting the White House. Their service to this country, which has treated their people so poorly, is simply beyond anything Trump, anyone in his family or in his administration, will ever be able to claim to have done. I simply cannot abide the thought of Trump being so petty all of the time.

    7. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Oh don't worry about it 702.
      What is to come will make her infamous for being EVIL.
      Not exactly the legacy Sarah wants. You get what u give.
      Sarah took, killed, lied. :/

  15. Walleye Hucklberry claimed that Trump did not intend for the term to be derogatory. BULL FUCKING SHIT!

    No wonder she replaced Sean Spicer. She LIES even better than Trump. If PieGate is any indication, she is a cumpulsive liar (like Palin) and lies about things she doesn’t need to lie about. She just lies to lie. She lies because she doesn’t know what is the truth and what is a lie; it’s all the same to her.

    Spicer and Priebus should thank their lucky stars they are out of there. I hope they are both writing tell all books exposing this corrupt cesspool of an administration for the lying assholes we all know they are.

    1. Anonymous7:24 PM

      She beat Palin,looks like both eyes are wonky!

    2. Anonymous7:59 PM

      I’d sure as hell like someone to point out in a “southern bible” where it’s okay to lie in the name of the Lord if it’s politics. We must have a different printing up here in the Northwest.

    3. Anonymous10:29 PM

      7:24, that is too good. I'm in the middle of brushing my teeth before going to sleep--bad idea because I just swallowed the toothpaste laughing.

  16. Anonymous6:17 PM

    POS in the wh! FLUSH it!

  17. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Freakazoid fuckleberry pos too!

  18. Anonymous6:25 PM

    How incredibly patronizing and demeaning he's behaving towards those men who deserve nothing but respect and admiration for their heroic acts.

    Every single day he manages to find one more way to disgust me.

    1. Anonymous7:39 PM

      Too bad they couldn't ask him about his military service: )

    2. Anonymous7:40 AM

      How was he patronizing and demeaning? He was very respectful and thankful towards these men.

    3. Anonymous9:30 AM

      7:40am, do you have brain damage?

  19. ". . . they call her Pocahontas!"

    Who is "THEY?"

    I'm aware of one and only one person who calls Senator Warren "Pocahontas" -- it's not "they," it's YOU, you brain-dead piece of shit.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Huckaliar wants an investigation into Warren's claim,sorry the press is to busy with the lies coming out of the WH
      Exactly how did this claim change the senate race?

    2. Dullard Drumpf. He's using the Royal Plurality in the third person. Who is "they?" WE are, meaning Drumpf.

    3. Anonymous4:54 AM

      11:31 Your comment gives me understanding now that saying “they” is the plurality in the third person when used like this. This is how the personality disordered get away saying poisonous things while shifting blame for what they are thinking, saying, and even planning.

  20. Anonymous10:32 PM

    I'm getting up at 3 AM to catch Morning Joe. They're going to lose it about the Pocahontas moment today, and I bet Trump then soon starts tweeting, or maybe he'll be able to force himself to wait a bit but it won't be for long. Everywhere today, the news on TV and online was on this horrible thing Trump did, and I'm eager to hear him defend himself Tuesday.

    1. Anonymous4:59 AM

      I saw a portion of it. I agree with the point that Trump is calculated playing to his base, not ignorant or simply ill mannered. Trump wants the reaction he could get at a rally and when he played the Birther card.

    2. Anonymous10:46 PM

      Well Trump sure likes playing cards. Explains the casinos.

  21. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Gracious Navajo vets sidelined by Trump attacks
    In a special ‘Rewrite,’ Lawrence argues that President Trump’s name-calling attack on Sen. Elizabeth Warren distracted from the bravery and graciousness of the ‘Navajo Code Talkers’ visit to the White House.

  22. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Trump clearly thinks all "Indians" are the same. He has no idea that a Cherokee is completely different from a Navajo, and that Pocohontas was from Virginia.
    Two things: among others, Sen. Jean Shaheen and Edith Galt Wilson, wife of Woodrow Wilson, claim to be direct descendants of Pocahontas. So he should go up to the Senate and start calling another Senator Pocahontas.
    Two, whatever Warren put on some forms, it had nothing to do with her employment and rise in the academic world. She's twice won the prize for best professor at Harvard Law School. She has a long list of "firsts" in all sorts of positions. She didn't get anywhere because of some claim to Indian blood, and no one who hired her claims she did.
    Should the public start making fun of Melania Trump, whose father was a Communist, and who cannot speak English? Who was imported to be a model and can barely tie her shoes? No, it wouldn't be sporting to poke fun at Trump's third wife, or that he can't seem to hold onto even one. Calling her Pinko wouldn't be sporting.

  23. If the Native Americans say it's offensive, it's offensive.

    While no one should be more offended than the victim, if the victim is offended, then it shouldn't be dismissed.


    Al Franken should NOT resign.

    And Dotard Trump is a fucking RACIST.

  24. There is so much wrong with this clown-show it's hard to know where to start. The man is nothing if not pathetic.

  25. Anonymous2:09 AM

    What's next, he calls Marco Rubio a "wetback" while elbowing and side-eying the Mexican ambassador?

  26. Anonymous3:27 AM

    I know she'd probably never do it, unless she donated the money to charity...but I think Elizabeth Warren should definitely do one of those Ancestry DNA commercials and have her native American-ness on the pie chart in every fucking TV in America!
    That would be EPIC.

    1. Leland5:36 AM

      I'm sorry, but I personally feel that would be a big mistake. That would be acknowledging the ignorance and insulting stupidity of Humpty Trumpty. She is doing far more by simply ignoring him, which will eventually thoroughly piss the SOB off and really get him going.

      I look forward to the day I can watch Humpty Trumpty get so pissed off he starts frothing at the mouth. THAT would make my day!

    2. Anonymous7:38 AM

      She would never do it because she knows she is lying about her ancestry and would look the fool.

    3. Anonymous9:31 AM

      There is nothing to indicate that she lied about anything, 7:38am. How are you so sure it's a lie?

    4. Anonymous12:38 PM

      Only one way to tell if she is not lying, a DNA test has been offered for free by Warren's opponent. Yet she still declines.

    5. Anonymous2:30 PM

      I disagree Leland.
      Rub it in his fucking orange face.
      He doesn’t respond to being ignored in this way- it just adds to his ammunition.

    6. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Trump keeps bragging he is smarter than everyone in the world,why doesn't the idiot take an IQ test and prove it.
      He claims he is richer than everyone else,show us his tax returns.
      At least he proved he is the worst dealmaker,all his businesses end up bankrupt

    7. Anonymous2:54 PM

      Declined? Or ignored their invasive foolishness?

    8. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Politician's lives get put under the microscope 2:54. There is no limit to 'invasive' when you have created a weakness and the sharks smell blood.

      She should take the test and put it to bed. If it turns out she has no Native American ancestry she can still say she was just going off what she had been told, which is what she has been saying anyways. If she does have Native American blood, then even better. Either way, she should deal with this before the next elections.

  27. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Ancestry DNA through several companies is evolving. The more submitted the clearer the ancestry. Depending on paternal or maternal a percentage will show up if she inherited the genes. People in same family do not always inherit the same combination of DNA. I believe she does have native American dna if she had ancestors living in OK. It would be common. Now trump on the other hand probably has DNA that stinks of liars and crooks. Rare genetic mutations of ugly, pathetic and lazy.

  28. Anonymous10:40 AM

    "“It doesn’t matter what the intent was… it’s not the insulter who gets to determine whether something is an insult — it is the people who are insulted,”
    "Our nation owes a debt of gratitude to the Navajo Code Talkers, whose bravery, skill & tenacity helped secure our decisive victory over tyranny & oppression during WWII. Politicizing these genuine American heroes is an insult to their sacrifice."

    Cherokee Language Hymns Trail of Tears Song #1

  29. Anonymous2:46 PM

    the movie "Windtalkers" showed just what these good men went though. without them things might have gone very badly. the Native Americans have been treated like shit. the casinos give them the help they wouldn't get. dumpt is just pissed because the N.N. casinos are doing well and like everything lit' donnie touches his went under. we should honor these men as we honor all vets. i will admit Navajo music is odd. i'm sure they think our music odd. the Native Americans lived with nature. they were not the savages-the Europeans were.

  30. Anonymous3:05 PM!/show


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