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Always thought this dude looked like an extra on the Sopranos. |
Arizona Republican Rep. Trent Franks announced in a statement Thursday night he will resign from Congress at the end of January, after the House Ethics Committee said it would investigate allegations against him of sexual harassment.
The House Ethics Committee announced earlier Thursday that it will investigate Franks to determine if he engaged in "conduct that constitutes sexual harassment and/or retaliation for opposing sexual harassment."
In his statement, Franks acknowledged he made staffers "uncomfortable" and that he discussed fertility issues and surrogacy with two female staffers, but denied having ever "physically intimidated, coerced, or had, or attempted to have, any sexual contact with any member of my congressional staff."
"But in the midst of this current cultural and media climate, I am deeply convinced I would be unable to complete a fair House Ethics investigation before distorted and sensationalized versions of this story would put me, my family, my staff, and my noble colleagues in the House of Representatives through hyperbolized public excoriation," Franks said in his statement. "Rather than allow a sensationalized trial by media damage those things I love most, this morning I notified House leadership that I will be leaving Congress as of January 31st, 2018."
Now it was not made clear if Franks was simply discussing surrogacy with his female staff members, you know like somebody might discuss the weather, or if he was asking them to actually volunteer their uterus to carry his satanic offspring, ala "Rosemary's Baby."
The first might seem a little icky, but evidence of the second would certainly inspire a Congressman to pack his bags and get the hell out of Dodge.
And don't forget that unlike Al Franken, Frank's peers were not yet coming out and calling for him to resign.
However resigning also means that any ethics investigation grinds to a halt, so one might think there is more to this story than Rep. Trent Franks wants the public to know.
Update: Aha! I knew it!
Courtesy of Politico:
The sources said Franks approached two female staffers about acting as a potential surrogate for him and his wife, who has struggled with fertility issues for years. But the aides were concerned that Franks was asking to have sexual relations with them. It was not clear to the women whether he was asking about impregnating the women through sexual intercourse or in vitro fertilization. Franks opposes abortion rights as well as procedures that discard embryos.
A former staffer also alleged that Franks tried to persuade a female aide that they were in love by having her read an article that described how a person knows they’re in love with someone, the sources said. One woman believed she was the subject of retribution after rebuffing Franks. While she enjoyed access to the congressman before the incident, that access was revoked afterward, she told Republican leaders.
Yeah surrogacy my ass.
This old pervert was trying to get into the panties of his young staffers.
With a face like Frank's, he'd have to coerce, force, or physically intimidate a woman to have sex with him.
ReplyDeleteI’m surprised this dolt didn’t scream the ‘to counter all the leftists baby aborting murders!’
ReplyDeleteGross, I don't want to hear the details on how Frank's sexually harassed his victims.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like Roy Moore will do great with his election.
Here is a flaw with MeToo. How will Allred spin this? She ruins things for all her clients and women.
This is what the left does. They use women willing to lie like Gloria Allred and Neilson to exploit a serious allegation like sexual abuse. The Left does NOT CARE ABOUT WOMEN! #FridayFeeling #FlashbackFriday
Thank you Gloria Allred for doing your part in electing Roy Moore! #MAGA
BREAKING: Roy Moore accuser admits she forged yearbook ‘evidence’ (video)
She claims she added notes under his signature.
DeleteThat is not the same as forging the inscription.
If there is an explanation to ease up on this story, I hope they will be loud and clear and get it out. Especially in Alabama.
DeleteFOX Was Just Forced To Retract A Disgraceful Lie About Roy Moore’s Accuser.
DeleteFOX did not waste a minute. They took to Twitter to announced that Mrs. Nelson had “forged” the entire inscription. Two hours later, they deleted the tweet, but the damage was done http://www.vegashill.com/2017/12/fox-was-just-forced-to-retract.html
They are not stopping the campaign to deprecate accusers of Republicans and Gloria Allred.
Delete"Now please, stop ignoring due process and the fact that Gloria Allred forged a document."
"Alabama, PAY ATTENTION! If you vote for Roy Moore, then we know, for sure, that "Anti-Abortion" REALLY means "PRO PEDOPHILE"
"the harder line comes at a cost: It’s demonstrably false. Moore knows these women, and they have evidence to prove it. If Moore is fully investigated by the Senate Select Committee on Ethics, he’ll be exposed not just as a former predator, but as a current slanderer.
On Nov. 21, in an interview with Scott Beason on the Alabama Cable Network, Moore said his accusers weren’t just mistaken about what had happened to them or who had done it. He said the incidents they described had “never occurred” and were “made up.” On Nov. 27, Moore called their accusations “malicious.” On Nov. 29, he falsely implied that they had agreed to appear in TV ads against him, proving that they weren’t real victims:"
According the Mrs. Trump, mother of his first 3 children, Donald was not a hands on father. In that she raised them, he made appointments and did see them at times. But he was distant.
DeleteHe clearly favored Ivanka, she was something more to him. The whole family knows that, it is just the way it is, Trump being Trump. He also boasted on radio and other venues about his feelings and relationship with Ivanka.
When Donald Trump was a hands on father.
My understanding is there was a handwriting analysis done and the signature is his.
DeleteProbably said they can’t afford artificial insemination so they’d have to do it the old fashioned way.
ReplyDeleteDing! Ding! Ding! That or the fact that religious zealots are against IVF. My friend desperately wants a child but her religion forbids her to undergo IVF so she suffers instead. Either way, this guy loses.
DeleteIf they're that hyperreligious it is best they don't breed.
DeleteDing, Ding you win! The world is full up of religious folks and that's why we have wars and strife. No good comes from it and unfortunately they overbreed so every one of them that we can keep from reproducing is doing this world a favor.
Trent is connected to OIL and his fortunes went up $25 million over the years he de-regulated the oil industry. He offered $5 million for his Handmaid's Tale baby. Still unclear whether it was IVF or traditional.
DeleteWhat a line! Only a sick tea baggin republican would use that one.
ReplyDeleteWas Trent Franks binge-watching "The Handmaid's Tale"? Sounds like he was getting ideas.
ReplyDeleteRevealing insight into a Republican's take on women in the workplace. If he was suggesting to staffers that becoming a surrogate (for the boss!)was much more worthwhile than continuing with an uninterrupted working life, I hardly know what to say. Was a promotion to be included? What about a firing for having a glass of wine while pregnant or any number of other reasons?
So many questions...turkey baster or hands-on? How does he vote on family leave issues? How does he vote on insurance coverage for women's health?
Ick. Wild Tortoise
Delete"Trent Franks’ ability to profit off of industries he had the power to deregulate and assist with welfare checks is one of the main reasons why U.S. citizens don’t really have representation in D.C. While both sides seem to enrich themselves, at least Democrats vote for the people on crucial issues like healthcare. It is, however, only the Republican Party trying to make Atwood’s dystopian Handmaid Tale a reality."
For every one of these women speaking up, there's the Hope Hicks of the world that will jump at the chance to service the master. How we got our third lady.
ReplyDeleteIvanka Trump is the worst. How could Eric and Junior not know what went on with their sister when they were young? They are all complicit. Of course, Ivana. She went on to back track on her rape. Oh, the many transgressions of that family that they all keep concealed. Toxic secrets....
DeleteBy far, the most disgusting family to ever "represent" this country. In quotes because they don't come anywhere close.
DeleteI remember being 14. I have daughters and friends that remember being that age.
DeleteMost people would be looking at Ivaka and Donald like the man in the yellow sweater. WTF is that about?
Why do it in public? Is it that acceptable for a father to parade his love lust for his teen daughter?
Oh and look at little hands cheeto loser in chief's thumbs, tiny little stumps or fat worm.
WATCH: Roy Moore voter tells Vice how parents used to be ‘thrilled if a DA hit on their 14-year-old’
I enjoyed the woman defending him with the excuse there are more girls he didn't date than there he did.
DeleteIs logic an inherited trait? Because they sure bred it out of the folks in Alabama, guess it happens when there are no branches in your family tree.
These Alabama Women Are Using A Familiar Tactic To Protest Roy Moore
FROZEN~ $OOn to be NOT extra
Probably went right over their heads.
DeleteMy guess is the Franks got the bill for keeping the frozen embryos from the earlier procedure frozen.
ReplyDeleteOr, someone found out they were in the docs freezer and threatened to charge Franks with child abuse (this would be a logical consequence of Franks
every sperm is sacred theory of personhood from conception.) He panicked and needed a surrogate pronto to avoid the bad publicity.
You said the magic words, 10:56 AM! :)
"Farrow, a writer and advocate for sexual abuse survivors, is the adopted daughter of Mia Farrow. (It was her brother, the investigative reporter Ronan Farrow, who authored the blockbuster New Yorker piece about Harvey Weinstein.) In 1991, Dylan was formally adopted by Farrow's then-partner, Woody Allen."
t-his tOO>
It's been a long, long time since I've watched a Woody Allen movie, but there was a time it would be hard to imagine they would be black balled. Tragic about Dylan Farrow not being heard all these years.
Delete'We are in the midst of a revolution. From allegations against studio heads and journalists, to hotel maids recounting abuses on the job, women are exposing the truth and men are losing their jobs. But the revolution has been selective.'........
selective, that's the truth.
It is complicated and unsettling. When a child is involved it is not always clear what was pshychological or physical. Perverse adults can easily twist a young mind.
Why Team Pedophiles=Trump/Moore are more severe than harassing adult women.
A vote for one pedophile in Alabama is horrible enough, in this case Alabama is voting for a team.
They are voting for pedophilia if they vote for Roy Moore.
Woody Allen is Exhibit A.
DeleteCreepy woody is exhibit a.
DeleteWoody creeped on his adopted daughter and then made her his wife. He's probably the creepiest guy that Hollyweird has ever offered up yet he's not in jail.
DeleteIf anything, he should be incarcerated just for all of the bad movies he's made, yet he walks free. Sicko.
Ex-RNC Chair Michael Steele Blasts GOP For Backing ‘Pedophile’ Roy Moore: ‘Get a Grip’
ReplyDelete...“The reality is, this is not a typical Alabama race,” he noted. “This is a race in which a pedophile is running for the United States Senate. And has the backing of the state party, the backing of the national party and has the backing of the Republican president.”
Steele added, “So that is a whole different dynamic. If it was just Roy Moore runoff candidate doing whatever, that’s different. But there’s a lot of baggage with this that has ramifications that go beyond Alabama. And that is the problem that a lot of people don’t seem to get.”
...“Here’s a man who is talking about better days, you know, we were all better and stronger back in the day,” he exclaimed. “Yeah, there was slavery, but — are you kidding me?! This is coming to the United States Senate along with your pedophilia? People, get a grip on what you’re about to vote on here!”
Roy Moore Accuser Hits Republicans Backing Candidate: ‘Is The Party More Important?’
DeleteAlabama voters would answer, yes, the party is more important and Michael Steel is black so what does he know? (clue - they wouldn't say "black')
DeleteThey also don't believe any of the women because they waited so long to speak, plus they all must be liars because of that one that "forged" that yearbook. "No wonder she wouldn't give it up to have it analyzed."
The brain dead Deplorables have an excuse for everything.
Moore will win by 3-6%.
Fox News Desperately Tries To Protect Accused Child Sexual Assaulter Roy Moore with Fake Claim of “Forgery”
ReplyDeletePartisan Fox News is so desperate to help Republicans keep the Alabama Senate seat that they are inventing lies to protect accused child sexual assaulter Roy Moore, who is running against Democrat Doug Jones.
Democrats Have A 9 Point Lead In 25 Critical GOP Held Swing Districts That Will Decide The House
ReplyDeleteThere is a wave brewing as a new PPP Poll revealed that Democrats are closing in on a double-digit in the 25 swing districts that will decide which party controls the House.
The PPP Poll:
But the election is 11 months away. They can't sustain it.
DeleteMay be ol Barstool is a surrogate
ReplyDelete"I am a vessel" with $$$$$$$$$$$$
How's that cracked out Mamma of yours? Gosh no stalking anymore?
Police tired of all yas crap eh?
If there were no NDAs, it would be common knowledge how preggers she was DWTS and afterward. As Betty White always said, "those things take a pounding," don't they, Brissy. LOL
DeleteNeed said his wife is in the hospital. Oh the humiliation.
ReplyDeleteSick Prick
This is some sick, sick, sick shit.
ReplyDeleteI served 28 years in the Army, retired in 1995. Two of my last three tours of duty were in the Pentagon where I was director of agencies in which 40% of the staff were female, both military and civilian. The ladies were young, middle-aged, and a couple approaching retirement -- single, divorced, married.
Not only did I NEVER touch, leer at, make comments about, make comments at, joke with, or in any other way act anything but professionally.
One randy young single male Army major joined by command and immediately my secretary -- a middle-aged lady -- told me he was hitting on the young women and bugging the shit out of them. I talked with the young women, got my facts straight, then I ended his career.
While I was in Vietnam on my second tour (1969-70) my wife was teaching English at a high school. One of the male coaches hit on her. She went to the principal and the coach was fired THAT DAY.
WTF IS GOING ON WITH THESE ASSHOLE MEN???? Trump may be one of the worst but clearly he's the goddam tip of a huge iceberg.
True that, OldRedneck, but not everyone is like you. Damned few, it seems.
DeleteFor the isolation, I've always thought that weird shit probably went on in the military. The Hollywood casting couch has long been a given and, as for politics, not surprising there either power.
I don't know -- I'm sixty years old and live a very simple life trying to get out of city government in two years for good. I never wanted any of that world, just to make a decent living but I'm unattractive enough that no one hit on me.
Trump gives them permission to hit on women. Hit on underage kids, incest is also acceptable. Trump makes a lot of people feel good and able to go with their most primal instincts and social taboos.
DeleteFrre blue pills.
DeleteWhat has changed is what happens after it's reported. Instead of the asshole being fired it's the women who are the targets. They are dismissed as liars. They are harassed for trying to ruin some "good guy." They, themselves, are fired.
DeleteWomen are no longer believed. They are threatened. They are threatened by the very act and then threatened if they report it.
"the NRA was spending $55,000 to send out postcards to boost Moore in the election this Tuesday. Mother Jones has obtained a photo of the postcard the NRA is mailing to its Alabama members. The mailer slams Doug Jones, the Democratic candidate, and does not make a single reference to Moore."
Also rawstory commenting is hilarious! On this poop.
ReplyDeleteHillary Clinton rips into Republicans
ReplyDeleteHillary is outraged that the Republican Congress has allowed the Children’s Health Insurance Program to simply fall apart for no good reason. She launched into a Twitter takedown in which she explained why that’s so harmful to kids, and how we can go about trying to get it corrected. Here’s how she started things off: “There’s a lot to be frustrated by right now, to say the least. Here’s something that we should be able to fix.”
From there, she continued: “The Children’s Health Insurance Program, which provides health care for 9 million kids & has been reauthorized on a bipartisan basis every year for almost 2 decades, is hanging in limbo because Congress let it expire over 2 months ago. Meanwhile, Senate Republicans rushed to pass so-called tax reform – a giveaway for those who least need it. It gets worse. During the campaign I warned that the Rs would come after social security, Medicare, & Medicaid & now they are. Imagine buying a Rolex & paying for it with money you saved to take care of your kids. That’s what Congress is doing w/ your tax dollars.”
Hillary Clinton continued to explain the dire need for action: “How is it that in the middle of dividing up $1.5 trillion dollars between corporations & the ultra-wealthy, Republicans can’t find the time & money to take care of children? These are perverse priorities. Congress needs to pass CHIP now, as they have every year since the 1990s. So in these surreal times, let’s rally together & take action. Call your House and Senate members at 202-224-3121 and tell them to take care of kids now and protect our seniors, the poor & vulnerable from future attacks. Tell them that it’s the very least they can do.”
Ivanka’s ‘special place in hell’ comments about Roy Moore greet Trump in Pensacola
I am certain Ivanka means there is a special place in hell for her dad, also, too. She can't break the silence.
He started grooming her so early in her life. It's all she knows.
Dustin Hoffman faces new accusations of harassment
O my, I'll have to check that out and see what his MO is about. I had the strangest encounter with him in a parking area, between 2 cars. I had no idea it was him until we were nose to nose. We are about the same height. I was moving fast, I didn't think of any kind of harassment, it was just wacky. I doubt I was between the cars more than 30 secs. When I passed the cars his wife was there and gave me the strangest look. That's what I visually remember more than him. It was funny to be suddenly looking into Dustin's eyes, but too close to remember the blur.
DeleteThe Vindication and Aftermath of My Weinstein Story
Harvey Weinstein Accuser Lauren Sivan Also Was Sexually Harassed by Roger Ailes
Trump loses nearly 250,000 jobs to outsourcing as job growth slumps to 6-year low
I remember when I was in Veterinary school at Mississippi state and the surgery instructor was hitting on Miss Steel Magnolia student. Everyone was grossed out how he kept putting his hands all over her while examining the animals. We had a meeting with the woman and the head of the department, but she didn't want to confront him.
ReplyDeleteGuess the A in the class was more important, so the rest of had had to endure this slimeball's behavior.
I often wondered who else was preyed upon later.he even use to bring photos of his ex-girlfriend in her underwear to the clinic to show around!