Friday, December 08, 2017

Barack Obama finally brings up Hitler while talking about his fears for the future of America.

Courtesy of The Hill: 

Former President Obama issued a stark warning against growing nativism in the U.S. and throughout the world at the Economic Club of Chicago on Tuesday, invoking growing complacency and the rise of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. 

Obama told the forum's audience during a question and answer session that the danger at hand was "grow(ing) complacent," according to newspaper Crain's Chicago Business. 

"We have to tend to this garden of democracy or else things could fall apart quickly," Obama said. 

"That's what happened in Germany in the 1930s which, despite the democracy of the Weimar Republic and centuries of high-level cultural and scientific achievements, Adolph Hitler rose to dominate," he continued. 

"Sixty million people died. ... So, you've got to pay attention. And vote."

Even if he did not mention him by name, we all know who Obama was talking about.

And it is time that he started to openly recognize what most of us have been talking about all along.

Donald Trump is a fascist and if not removed from office he will destroy this country.

We need people like Barack Obama and other leaders to start saying that openly and often.

Here is video of his speech.


  1. Anonymous6:35 AM

    You insinuate that Obama doesn't openly recognize that Trump is dangerous and that other people besides Obama have known this all along. That's completely wrong.

    1. Anonymous6:44 AM

      Lacking in comprehension skills much?

  2. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Gryphen, As a past president, President Obama has to be careful about how he speaks about the present occupier of the White House. There are polite traditions after all. That being said, President Obama has done everything but stand on his head shouting Trump's name in urging the American people not to give up but to persevere to do the best for the country. Trump and Co. understand what he's been saying. It's one of the reasons that Trump is so obviously out to destroy President Obama's legacy, even at the annual turkey pardon. On a supposedly fun-filled day, Trump tried his best to insult President Obama.

    1. I understand the traditions Beaglemom, but my point is that the old rules simply do not apply to our current situation, and that Obama and others need to forcefully explain that this new norm is unsustainable for the country.

      Sometimes Democrats are just too fucking polite and reasonable for their own good, or arguably for the good of the country.

    2. Anonymous7:27 AM

      And supposedly all because Trumplethinskin couldn't handle being panned at the WHCD. With every move, he only proves how shallow he is and how right those jokes were.

    3. Anonymous7:43 AM

      You’re right, Gryph, imagine that.
      The liberals out Jesus the Jesusy!

    4. Anonymous8:03 AM

      BULL FUCKING SHIT, Beaglemon!

      All you're doing is relegating President Obama, to the 'let's not be too upppity' category.

      Why the FUCK should he be quiet when he sees what's going on. HE more than ANYONE has a voice that is important to hear on EVERY issue.

      Trump has destroyed any norms of civil discourse and political tradition. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight or you'll end up dead.

      Enough of this sanctimonious crap that is coming out of Dems mouths. Fight fire with fire, because the asshat in the White House has no compunction of what is right or decent or expected behavior.

      President Obama MUST speak out and IS speaking out. As he should. Holding to 'traditions' can't be one sided. And by the way, it isn't just Obama that is 'breaking' this 'tradition', it's the Bushes as well.

      So enough of this shutting up the uppity black man. He needs to speak and speak freely.

    5. Anonymous8:09 AM

      I study liars. I’ve never seen one like Trump.

      He tells far more lies, and far more cruel ones, than ordinary people do.

      ...By telling so many lies, and so many that are mean-spirited, Trump is violating some of the most fundamental norms of human social interaction and human decency.

    6. Anonymous8:50 AM

      "rump’s lies differed from our participants’, though, was in their cruelty. An astonishing 50% percent of Trump’s lies were hurtful or disparaging."

    7. Trump did away with polite traditions, or traditions of any kind, the minute he won.

      Why should others hold themselves in check when Trump is running rampant?

      Obama will never be rude. It’s not part of his character. But he will, in a polite way. Hit his target with deadly accuracy every time, but never in a way that can be used to attack him for being rude or violating a tradition or taboo.

      Unfortunately he is speaking to the choir as only those that agree with him understand his meaning. That’s why those that are clueless are called Deplorable. Uneducated, ignorant, bigoted, racist, misogynist dumb fuckers. They don’t get subtle. They certainly don’t know enough history to understand what the fuck he’s talking about.

      But I’m glad he’s finally going there, albeit it is too late.

    8. Anonymous11:20 AM

      mlaiuppa - so many wanted him to speak out during the 2016 election. It wasn't his job to do so. Damned if he did, damned if he didn't.

    9. Anonymous2:25 PM

      One problem I always had with Obama is that is messaging was not always as straight forward as it could have been.
      He assumed that everyone could put two and two together and reach the conclusion that he was getting at.
      I thought I read somewhere that this was because he assumed everyone was as intelligent as he was or he had little patience for those less smart than him.
      All I can say is we sure don't have that problem with the idiot occupying the oval office now.

    10. 11:20

      Speaking out DURING the election is one thing. Speaking out now is another entirely.

      Obama may be a former president but he is also a citizen with all of those rights. Too keep silence due to some unwritten code of polite tradition would do a disservice to this country and the very foundations he swore an oath to protect and preserve.

      He's been silent long enough. Time to speak up.

  3. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Piece of crap Palin ghost'writer' Nancy French tweet storms.

  4. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Roy Moore Slams America, Says ‘Maybe Putin Is Right’

    When questioned about the fact that Putin held similar views, Moore gave an unconventional answer for an American politician.

    “Well, then maybe Putin is right,” Moore said. “Maybe he’s more akin to me than I know.”

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      And, they are saying this guy will win the election and be sent to Congress? Give me a fucking break! Surely Alabama voters aren't that ignorant?!

    2. Anonymous12:11 PM

      Yes. Yes they are.

    3. Anonymous12:53 PM

      sent to Senate

    4. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Pedophilia and incest are more popular in certain areas of our country. There are many in Alabama that do not consider either wrong. They know both are not socially acceptable and there are laws against certain things. That is where their God is important. Their God before man's laws gives them permission to do what they want and think they are blessed and righteous. Wives also have to accept men like this as the are.

      Too much of this in places like Alabama.

  5. Anonymous7:52 AM

  6. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Anti-Trump conservatives place $500,000 ad buy against Roy Moore

    ...“What if she was your little girl?” asks the narrator. “Your daughter? Your sister? What if she was 16 years old, or 15, or 14?”

  7. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Watch these fucking Fox bitches behave in the most vile and disgusting way.

    1. Anonymous10:55 AM

      Dyed blondes all of the w/boob enhancements!

  8. Anonymous8:05 AM


  9. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Elijah Cummings Thinks Trey Gowdy Is Trying To Protect Trump

  10. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Because nothing worse than an eloquent, compassionate, educated black man to show up all the whiteys. HOW I miss him.

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      I, too, miss having President Obama constantly on the national scene. He was/is a treasure and so superior to Donald Trump!

      Trump has flunked big time in his duties as potus and is an embarrassment to our nation!

  11. Anonymous8:18 AM

    (THREAD) Erik Prince—Trump advisor; ex-head of a murderous mercenary army; would-be head of Trump's private spy agency; would-be head of a privatized U.S. army—is a dangerous liar. He just testified under oath. This is a live reading of the transcript. Hope you'll read and share.

    BREAKING: George Papadopoulos told his fiancee he was in contact with Bannon and Flynn and that all his meetings with foreign officials—some Kremlin-connected—were campaign-authorized. He says he flipped once Mueller showed him how vast the conspiracy was.

    Rep. Castro says we'll soon learn "disturbing things" in the Russia probe. New York Magazine says, "We should probably be giving far more weight to the possibility the darkest interpretation of Trump’s relations with Russia is true."

  12. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Mike Flynn Was Always a Fraud

  13. Anonymous8:25 AM

    "In the post-9/11 period, said the operative, the tactical creativity of American spies and intelligence analysts was heavily focused on the war against al Qaeda, the Islamic State, Boko Haram and other jihadi groups that just no longer made Cold War-style skulduggery a priority."From mid-2015 until the presidential election, the disinformation targeted Confederate flag sympathizers and tea party activists on the right and Black Lives Matter campaigners on the left. Women wearing veils were depicted as extremist advocates of Shariah law. Bogus gay and gun rights organizations, and even a phony dog lovers group, all went to war online."Depending on which U.S. agency one asks, the Lesin case either is the key to unlocking the mysteries of Russia’s labyrinthine effort to undermine confidence in U.S. democracy — including the suspected blackmail of former Trump administration National Security Adviser Michael Flynn — or is just a gruesome distraction."
    "he created Russia Today, later renamed RT."
    "RT initially said he had died of a heart attack, but a D.C. medical examiner’s report later said Lesin’s death was caused by “blunt force injuries of the head neck, torso, upper extremities and lower extremities.”

    "Unsuspecting targets who forget the Russian adage that “free cheese can be found only in a mousetrap” are vulnerable to blackmail"


  14. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Anyone who thinks we can remove the a..hole and still be OK, is dreaming! We cannot remove him - at least not in time. The only way our nation can be saved is by the a..hole CROAKING!

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Not even that will do it, but I certainly wouldn't mind it. Assholes, however, tend to live forever.

  15. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Democrats will rue the day they demanded @alfranken resign. They’ve given into the conflation of crimes (Weinstein, Moore) and power abuse (bosses) with boorishness. It won’t get more women voters and will lose more anti- PC men. Sucker’s game.

    1. Anonymous12:50 PM

      I agree with Alter.

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      I Believe Franken’s Accusers Because He Groped Me, Too

      TINA DUPUY DEC 6, 2017

    3. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Tina Dupuy, a columnist and one of eight Franken accusers

      It sounds like she could have used the Ethics Committee, but she doesn't want it. Now she is sour. What the Democrats did was not good for this woman. She blames Al Franken. It was his resignation and why would he drag up what his colleauges killed off? The past is past. He tried an apology and was misunderstood, why would he apologize again after that? Franken's resignation process is his, it should be about him. It's his call. He was also disappointed not to move forward to clear things up with the Ethics Committee.

      "I Believe Franken’s Accusers Because He Groped Me, Too" by Tina Dupuy.
      It is mostly about Ms. Dupuy and her thoughts and perspective. This is what she says happened (We posed for the shot. He immediately put his hand on my waist, grabbing a handful of flesh. I froze. Then he squeezed. At least twice.)

    4. Anonymous3:00 PM

      I'm sorry Tina, but you DID choose to write this. It's for YOU, not for other women, so stop with the martyrdom. He's left the Senate, you're just piling on.

      Get a grip...he squeezed your waist? Really? And you think that's some big deal? You compare that to women who TRULY have been assaulted? C'mon.

      I think you're just jumping on the bandwagon and it makes me lose respect for you. How dare you compare a squeeze around the waist with rape, and abuse and forced, coerced sex. Makes me think you're just uptight about ANYONE touching you.

      I'll forgive you the typo, but you have REALLY pissed me off.

      Democrats will rue the day they demanded @alfranken resign. They’ve given into the conflation of crimes (Weinstein, Moore) and power abuse (bosses) with boorishness. It won’t get more women voters and will lose more anti- PC men. Sucker’s game.


    5. As a sitting SENATOR, how many of these accusers? As far as I can count ONE. Tina Dupuy. And what is "grope"? Does it meet the standard of sexual assault?

      "He immediately put his hand on my waist, grabbing a handful of flesh. I froze. Then he squeezed. At least twice."

      I read the whole article.

      That's IT?

      This from a foster kid that doesn't like to be touched. Even her husband doesn't touch her in public.

      I get that. I really do.

      But what she describes isn't GROPING. It certainly isn't sexual assault.

      *THIS* is the story that forced Franken to resign?

      Well, FUCK HER. James O'Keefe should give her his award. The Republicans should erect a statue to her. She's done irreparable damage to the Democrats. She is totally clueless to how she has played into the hands of Roger Stone, Steve Bannon and the rest of the Deplorables. She has fucked over her own party because she isn't comfortable with being touched.

    6. Anonymous3:22 PM

      Franken's seat is GOP in 2018, probably Harris and all of the other chicks that jumped on the "resign" bandwagon.

      This was not the way to handle this, but this is the way that spineless Dems always react, why do you think we're going to have a majority GOP Congress and POTUS until 2024, minimum?

    7. Anonymous5:36 PM

      He already resigned why did she coming out now?
      He put his arm around her waist during a photo shoot,give me a break.
      This has gone beyond ridiculous,if women keep coming out with these stupid accusations, people are going to tune ALL women out.

      I am waiting for men to begin coming out about how they have been harassed

    8. Anonymous9:26 PM

      Franken is resigning, NOT yet resigned, due to his colleagues and their political beliefs. He had intended to deal with the accusations and the Ethics Committee. He is not resigning for the accusers and he doesn't need to apoligize again. Tina Dupuy could write a sitting senator and give her speil and ask for an apology, did she? Did she just write for the Atlantic and do interviews?

      'He already resigned why did she coming out now?'

      I think Dupuy had more to say and this is her opportunity to get a larger print audience. She was able to write a long piece that no one would have read if not for bringing in a senator. And she said she wanted an apology.

      Did Franken remember her? Did he remember "He immediately put his hand on my waist, grabbing a handful of flesh. I froze. Then he squeezed. At least twice." the same? We'll never know. It doesn't matter because that is one of the more ridiculous accusations. And these accusers are done now. Tweeden is the only one that will probably be able to carry on with some version of her MeToo. She has been heard, but not a final determination about what happened.

    9. Anonymous4:43 AM

      I can only find 4 accusers for Franken
      Leeann Tweeden, the radio host who claims Franken forcibly kissed her and who was groped in her sleep by the Minnesota Democrat (USO tour to Afghanistan, 2006)
      Stephanie Kemplin, who alleges that Franken groped her during his USO tour to Kuwait in 2003 while she was serving in the Army
      Lindsay Menz, who was allegedly groped by Franken as she stood for a photograph at the 2010 Minnesota State Fair spoke to ABC’s Nightline.
      Tina Dupuy, We posed for the shot. He immediately put his hand on my waist, grabbing a handful of flesh. I froze. Then he squeezed. At least twice. (That is it)

      I've heard there are 7 or 8. They may be anonymous.

  16. Anonymous8:49 AM

    The rot afflicting the G.O.P. is comprehensive — moral, intellectual, political and reputational. More and more former Republicans wake up every day and realize: “I’m homeless. I’m politically homeless.”

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      Republicans are going to lose so many seats (national, state and local levels) in the next two elections. Can hardly wait to watch their demise in the U.S. Congress, state Legislatures and local Assemblies, etc. throughout the country.

    2. Anonymous12:17 PM

      And we're STILL not into this one year.

  17. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Being back Obama!
    Election do over!
    Fat cheeto has dementia. If gop want to keep him put him as a congressman and they will really see and know he is just not there!

    1. Anonymous9:38 AM

      They don't care! He gladly does their bidding. All they have to do is point, and he signs.

  18. Anonymous12:48 PM

    OT As California Wildfires Rage, GOP Plots To Take Tax Relief Away From Homeowners

    Trump and friends are worse than dead Adolph.... 420 “…[My] life truly began. I became a mom”

    1. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Don't see her saying much about Track these days, I'm sure in her older years she's wishing that Track would have actually met his father, as his father, instead of just some guy that was his Mom's friend.

      Palins: The land of misplaced paternity and misplaced children.

  19. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Obama is a scholar and a teacher. He can say a lot without crude name calling and using the tactics of the uncouth idiots that won an electoral college vote. I am sure he is sensitive to timing and how much is too much. I have confidence he will continue speaking. He doesn't need to sling out zingers to get clicks and likes.

  20. Anonymous1:15 PM

    "According to Friday’s filing, Mueller’s team of prosecutors has collected more than 400,000 items and another 2,000 so-called “hot” documents, or those that contain potentially crucial evidence."

  21. Anonymous2:02 PM

    OT-FYI: "The women’s bobsled team from Nigeria has gained entry to the Olympics."

  22. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Trent Franks’ Corrupt Handmaid Tale Gets Even Worse As He Got The Cash By Deregulating Oil

  23. Anonymous2:22 PM

    GOP Rep Franks resigning immediately after announcement of probe into sexual harassment claims

  24. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Roy Moore accuser Beverly Young Nelson hits back at yearbook forgery claims

  25. Anonymous2:39 PM

    ‘Hey little girl’: The internet can’t stop laughing about this incredibly creepy Roy Moore ad

  26. Anonymous3:08 PM

    New Dustin Hoffman Accuser Claims Harassment and Physical Violation on Broadway

    Kathryn Rossetter performed eight times a week with the star in 'Death of a Salesman' — but, she writes, a dream job soon became "a horrific, demoralizing and abusive experience at the hands (literally) of one of my acting idols."

    ...I was going to be on Broadway in one of the most iconic revivals of the time. Dustin took me to his home for dinner to meet his wife and called my mother to tell her I was going to be on Broadway. The whole experience was overwhelming. He was my hero.

    Three days later, during the first week of rehearsals, he took me to lunch. Walking back to rehearsal, he said he had to stop by his hotel room to pick up something he forgot. I asked, "Why a hotel room?" He only lived a little over a mile away. He said so he could take naps at lunch, if needed, and when they were working on scenes he wasn’t in he could go there and relax and study his lines.

    When we stepped into the room, he jumped on the bed and said, "Give me a back rub." He pulled off his shirt. I didn’t know what to do. I said we had to be back at rehearsal in 15 minutes. He said, "Just a quickie." I was a nervous wreck, but sat on the bed and gave a very lame rub. The maid walked in and I almost fainted. He laughed. As we prepared to leave, he looked at me and said, “Now we have our 'hotel room.'” Ah, I thought — Method Acting! I was his mistress and our scenes were set in a hotel room and Biff walks in. He told me to return to rehearsal a few minutes after he did and left me there.

    That was the beginning of what was to become a horrific, demoralizing and abusive experience at the hands (literally) of one of my acting idols.

  27. Anonymous5:38 PM

    There are two kinds of humans in the USA. The Democrats are people who are educated, polite to a fault, into quality not quantity, and they continue to grow in all their personal learning. Then there are the Republicans. Christians. White. Paranoid. Racist. And self entitled to be the mediator to God. Meaning they translate for God, everything .
    Now we have this huge clash being played out in our politics. I imagine Putin sits by with a smug lil smile on his ugly face and dreams of the days when he can deboard Air Force One to the White House. He's taken before. He'll do it again.
    Then in between the Democrats and Republicans are those that have their heads up their asses and are trying to make the best of a bad situation.
    Obama probably wanted to be screaming that Trump is Putin's pussy boy but he couldn't. But we did. On this site. We knew it from day one. We knew. We know. It's not gonna be pretty when this shit gets played out more and more. We are just seeing the tip of the iceberg. Hitler lives on but not in Trump but in Putin.

    1. Anonymous8:38 PM

      That is a very simple world you have created for yourself. No basis in reality, but... simple.

  28. Anonymous5:46 PM

    thank you, President Obama-i feel a weight fall off my shoulders. we won't let it happen. trump supporters are not enough-as long as we fight. i miss you, Mr. President. we could rely on you to do the right thing.


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