Sunday, December 24, 2017

Fox News

Fox News almost destroyed journalism in this country.

But journalists fought back.

If it continues it may yet destroy our democracy.

Will we have the courage to fight back?


  1. Randall2:05 AM

    I wonder if Mueller is going to bring Trump down, and when he falls, he brings Fox News down with him?

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Then FOX will come out in full support of Pence! "Someone" (If there is a God) please protect the United States of America!

      We are in huge trouble unless we rid ourselves of the Republican majority in the U.S. Congress. Vote wisely, America!

  2. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Fox News is the equivalent to blogs.

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Only THIS blog is a shining star, especially when you compare it to FOX, 2:16 AM!

      Don't miss tuning in to IM on a daily basis. And, have done so for years!

  3. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Yes. REAL Americans will fight to their death for our democracy. Fox no news and the likes of are the enemy.

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      'REAL "TRUE BLUE" Americans will fight. PEACE!

  4. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Reagan was a failed president scam and lousy actor. The republican party is nothing more than a dirty laundering service.

  5. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Yeah, that "Saint" Reagan was a real peach.

  6. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Here's one very simple way to help fight back. Find yourself in a waiting room that has Faux Spew on? Ask them to change it or turn it off. If they won't, take your business elsewhere and tell them why you are doing so. Yeah, it's a hassle to change docs or cancel an appt, but ...

    If it's a bar or restaurant, leave immediately after telling them why, if they won't change it.

    1. Anonymous7:55 AM

      I've done that already and they didn't like it! Moved elsewhere and dropped them as to caring for my vehicle. Was easy and a good decision.

    2. Anonymous2:08 PM

      How about a receptionist in a medical facility that screams out that it is the fault of Obamacare for all the patients to hear in the waiting room?

  7. Anonymous5:07 AM

    So the republican espionage and treason go back even further to the "Red Scare" 40s. Lots of info online. I remember the drills in the 60s elementary school, get under the desk hurry. And parents so concerned. And here we are now, boomers and getting under the red scare desk again. The deceit and lies of the republican party for years and the trump scam. The sold out republican smucks and swamp dung conned our family members, friends, and business. And the current Trepublicans Gleefully stand clapping stand on the steps of Our House, built by our ancestors to protect our President and Constitution and freedom in the United States of America. We are today held hostage by a global political regime mob of cons and liars committing the ultimate crime of treason. Just imagine what Our Ancestors would say today on Christmas Eve. Who are the Americans whom allowed this? they would scream. Who started this silent war within our borders? Hunt them down they would demand. Who are they and what do they want?
    What are we as a nation going to do about it? Is this war at home? Did the rogue private military war machine bring war home? It kinda looks that way.

  8. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Are you paying for a cable package that includes Fox News? Then you're helping fund them. Is it time to start boycotting their advertisers? Blue states have a lot of purchasing power...

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Yes, although I never watch it. Explain steps to take to find a cable package that does not include FOX?

      GCI carries it (I've used them for years). GCI has eliminated channels since I've been using them, although nothing I've really missed. But, my bill remains the same!

      They are going to remove Channel 13 as of the end of the month IF (they say) they cannot come to an agreement w/the channel. That is how they announced the elimination of the last one, with the bill remaining the same.

    2. Anonymous7:54 AM

      I live in a 'red' state. What other steps/outlets are available that do not include FOX? Eager to hear the answer.

    3. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Well, our family has done without *cable* since December 2008. (I remember the date because a monster storm took the wire down in December and we sort of forgot about it until we wanted to watch Obama's inauguration.) We do have *broadband* service, so have internet, netflix, hulu, streaming radio, etc. How this will work with net neutrality gutted remains to be seen. We may yet succumb to our addiction to the Glass Teat. Or maybe we'll get a netflix dvd plan and read more books. But...boycotting Fox News advertisers should be a viable option.

  9. Marthe5:35 AM

    I'm so relieved and proud that Sun News (Canadian subsidiary of Fox) was rejected by Canadians. It started in April 2011 and ended in February 2015 because of extremely low viewership.

    It was even rebuked publicly by the Office of the Prime Minister for spreading false information.

    It's horrifying to see that so many in the US refer to this station as their main or only source of information when it's obvious that it has become the Trump's personal propaganda tool.

  10. Anonymous7:47 AM

    "You all just got a lot richer,"
    "It's going to keep companies from leaving our shores and opening up in other countries."

    Wanna BET?

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      this week:
      "“Merry Christmas, here’s your pink slip,” the worker said. “It’s affecting all states from Florida to California.”"

    2. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Well he told one truth, they will all be richer,but there is no incentive to bring jobs back.
      Trump and family could set an example and begin making their crap in America :)

  11. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Canada is far smarter than the USA. A family member has dual citizenship w/Canada and I couldn't be more happy for them. They might need it! Our future looks bleak in my eyes!

    Impeachment is the answer for Trump. Rally and become active, America, before he takes our country/citizenship down and controlled much the same as has Putin to his country and people.

  12. Anonymous9:43 AM


    "“From the top down, we have failed as a company to create a safe and inclusive workplace where everyone, especially women, can feel respected and thrive,”
    "they wanted to express “extreme regret for our role in perpetuating sexism in the media industry and society in general.” "Vice, which started as a Montreal punk magazine in 1994, attracted top investors in recent years as the multimedia company evolved into a news and entertainment platform that catered to Millennials."


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It just goes directly to their thighs.