Saturday, December 23, 2017

Newsweek reports that veteran intelligence experts believe that Trump is indeed a Kremlin asset.

Courtesy of Newsweek: 

In a December 18 interview on CNN, retired Air Force Lieutenant General James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, virtually called Trump a Putin puppet. The Russian president, Clapper noted, is a former KGB “case officer,” or spy recruiter, who “knows how to handle an asset, and that's what he's doing with the president. That’s the appearance to me.” (Pressed to clarify his “asset” comment, Clapper said, “I’m saying this figuratively.”)

“Wow,” tweeted former CIA Russian hand John Sipher. “The rest of us try to find other clever ways to say the same thing. Good on him for having the courage to call out Putin’s behavior. Our president shouldn’t have fallen for it.”
Veteran spy handlers have judged Trump an easy mark for Putin, who spent years in the KGB sizing up and exploiting a target’s vulnerabilities. They note how easily he falls for praise, as when Putin thanked him and the CIA for helping him thwart a bomb attack plot in St. Petersburg. “POTUS is a [spy] handlers’ dream,” Asha Rangappa, a former special agent in the FBI’s counterintelligence division, said. “He responds, without fail, to praise and flattery and telegraphs his day-to-day thoughts on Twitter. Likewise, said Harry “Skip” Brandon, a former FBI deputy assistant director of national security and counterterrorism. “He often very publicly states he goes by his instincts. If that is accurate, he may be the ultimate unwitting asset of Russia.”

And so on. The steady drip of revelations emerging from multiple Trump investigations—his business deals with Russian investors, his associates’ many undeclared meetings with Kremlin agents, his resistance to accepting evidence of Russian meddling in the 2016 election and his indiscretion with Israeli intelligence—draws a far darker picture.

Some veteran intelligence operators think it’s well past time to shift the narrative on Trump’s disturbing affinity for Putin, which the president insists is innocent and good for world peace. “Everyone continues to dance around a clear assessment of what’s going on,” says Glenn Carle, a former CIA national intelligence officer responsible for evaluating foreign threats. “My assessment,” he tells Newsweek, “is that Trump is actually working directly for the Russians.”

For a while now I have started to think that the investigations are no longer focused on collusion, but instead are fathering information about a conspiracy between Trump and team, and the Russians.

It is not just that the Russians helped the Trump campaign, and the Trump campaign accepted that help.

It is that there was a long term strategy that Putin worked out to insert an actual Russian asset into the White House, and that asset is Donald Trump himself.

And if that is the case than it makes what Sarah Kendzior said the other day, all the more troubling.


  1. Anonymous4:11 PM

    This is going to be fun to watch if I wasn't so damn worried about our country. Trump will either end up in the slammer (w/some of his other buddies) with impeachment being the final declaration!

    But, then we end up w/Pence! He's too religious for me and I barf every time he kisses Trump's fat ass! He's made such a fool of himself!

    1. Anonymous5:09 PM

      It won't be Pence. He's got his own set of (cough) problems.


    2. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Mueller (at least I *hope*) is looking at Pence's 'dealings' as well. He's in this deep, too. I hope they nail him at the same time. But then we have (ugggh!) Ryan. But he's not clean either...I hope he's under the microscope, too...

    3. Anonymous7:29 PM

      President Oorin Hatch

    4. Anonymous2:29 AM

      There are no words or respect for Treason against the United States of America. It is the highest crime.

    5. Anonymous7:27 AM



  2. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Trump is such a toxic soul. I cannot think of a holiday season in my life that has felt like this. The dude is just plain evil hateful. Cant wait till this scam is over and he is out.

  3. Anonymous4:46 PM

    a former CIA national intelligence officer responsible for evaluating foreign threats. “My assessment,” he tells Newsweek, “is that Trump is actually working directly for the Russians.”

    For a while now I have started to think that the investigations are no longer focused on collusion, but instead are fathering information about a conspiracy between Trump and team, and the Russians.

    It is not just that the Russians helped the Trump campaign, and the Trump campaign accepted that help.

    It is that there was a long term strategy that Putin worked out to insert an actual Russian asset into the White House, and that asset is Donald Trump himself.

    “The RNC was hacked,” Kendzior said. “We don’t know what happened with those e-mails. We know that Lindsey Graham’s personal e-mails were also hacked and we know that Trump has a long track record of blackmailing and threatening those who he sees as his political opponents. That goes back throughout his entire career.”

    Kendzior reminded Reid that many Republicans benefitted in 2016 from millions of dollars of dark money donated by Kremlin-aligned Russian nationals living in the U.S. and that Graham is one of those politicians.

    “I think what concerns me most is that they seem afraid,” she said of the Republicans gathered to heap compliments on Trump this week. “They seem unable to stand up for themselves. They lack all dignity.”

    You have to be deaf, dumb, and blind, like all trump supporters, not to realize at this point that Trump along with a scary number of republicans are Russian assets.
    Americans have been so comfortable in their "secure" world, so fat and lazy, they have not been diligent about protecting this democracy for decades; this is the result. We have a traitor in the White House, many in the Senate and House, and many appointed by the head traitor. The damage being done to out democratic institutions will take decades to repair.

    1. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Time to get off your fat butts and work. Lose weight while you get paid for it!
      Get job (s) America! Hurry!

  4. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Reading this while watching HBO's The Americans on Amazon. Feels like free fall down the rabbit hole.

    1. Anonymous7:11 PM

      I've been watching it on Netflix.
      A movie-length version would be a great sequel to "Game Change".

      Wild Tortoise

  5. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Doesn't take a former CIA agent to figure out trump is working for putin..anyone that has read a spy novel could figure it out.

    The only question left is what is going to be done about it.
    Maybe melanomia will be "activated" and kill him,they will say he died of a heart attack,state funeral at taxpayers expense and all the files are sealed.

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      If those two aren't Boris and Natasha from "Bullwinkle" cartoons of my childhood, I don't know what is.

    2. Anonymous9:02 PM

      But boris badenough and natasha were not evil like donnie not goodenough and melanomia

    3. Anonymous2:45 AM

      Here comes Rocket J squirrel and Dudley Do right to the rescue.

    4. Anonymous2:50 AM

      Trump is more like the nasty looking it clown or the Grinch.

  6. Anonymous7:21 PM

    This is a terrifying scenario.

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      ...and a LOT of close-mouthed congress.

  7. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Why is Trump still in the White House if he compromised our country? Are there people in power helping this situation? Has to be. My bet is on Ryan and McConnell and the like.

    1. Anonymous4:29 AM

      The roots of theocratic fascism have been growing throughout all levels of government for years and are now starting to bare fruit for those seeking to turn America into a "Christian" theocratic autocracy. Politics

      The Deep Politics of God: The CNP, Dominionism, and the Ted Haggard Scandal (Part 1 of 2) by Terry Melanson · July 2, 2014

  8. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Even though trump is illegitimate, a loser, a liar and moronic con artist. He steals and cheats. He uses other peoples money. He gives wealth a bad name. The exploitation of the trump swamp world of nasty dirty lying con artist stealing your money and getting away with it EXPOSED. Trump is the face of fraud and abuse around the world. He is what we DO NOT WANT. greedy ugly lousy actors disgracing our history and ethics.

  9. Anonymous2:19 AM

    The cure for trump tumor cancer is radiation, chemo and surgery. The radiation burns it, the chemo poisons it. The surgeon cuts out the damaged tissue to remove it. Toxic trump cancer must be removed from the body of our society today.

  10. Anonymous7:23 AM

    ghost>:"rump perpetuated the illusion of a golden touch so successfully that he was able to get a piece of projects simply by lending his name to them. ""If Manhattan seemed to become a good place for celebrities to escape indictment, it was also a realm where the Trump name was increasingly a financial liability. The Trump SoHo fell into a steeper decline after LeBron James led by example what amounted to a boycott among NBA players. The wedding and special event business also dried up. What New York bride would want to endure the groping jokes that would accompany people hearing her reception was being held at a Trump establishment?"

  11. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Putin's Revenge | Part Two

    1. Anonymous4:40 PM

      For What? What did USA do?


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