Thursday, December 07, 2017

It's official, Senator Al Franken is resigning. Update!

Courtesy of TPM:

After eight women came forward to accuse him of sexual harassment over the past few weeks, Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) took to the Senate floor Thursday morning announcing his resignation from his Senate in the “coming weeks.” 

“Serving in the United States Senate has been the honor of my life,” Franken said, choking up as he read his remarks, and vowing to stay active in public life. “I may be resigning my seat, but I’m not giving up my voice.” 

With his staff lining the wall of the Senate chamber, waving at him in support, and several of his Democratic colleagues watching his remarks with grim expressions, Franken noted that “all women deserve to be heard and their experiences taken seriously,” but claimed that “many” of the allegations against him are false. 

“I know who I really am,” Franken declared. 

In a brief speech that swung between contrition and frustration, the Minnesota senator noted bitterly that accused abusers in the Republican Party, including Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore and President Trump himself, have yet to pay a political price. 

“I, of all people, am aware that there is some irony in the fact that I am leaving while a man who has bragged on tape about his history of sexual assault sits in the Oval Office, and a man who has repeatedly preyed on young girls campaigns for the Senate with the full support of his party,” Franken said, seconds after announcing his resignation.

I am heartbroken about this.

Even though I recognize that there really is no choice here. 

Update; The most important part of Al Franken's resignation speech.


  1. Anonymous8:22 AM

    " After the United States elected a man who once bragged openly about sexual assault, there have been a flood of revelations about men who seemed far more admirable than Trump, yet who are also poisoned by a similar disregard for women’s consent."

    1. Franken didn't betray anyone.

      He is the one that was betrayed.

    2. Anonymous11:07 AM

      mlaiuppa, Yes.

    3. Anonymous2:50 PM


    4. Anonymous7:10 PM


  2. Anonymous8:24 AM

    "A room service receipt for a lone club sandwich could prove Donald Trump a liar and Summer Zervos a sex crime victim."

    1. Anonymous11:33 PM


  3. Anonymous8:26 AM

    So congratulations to Roger Stone who I am guessing had a hand in this. And isn't it strange how after tweezer and the other lady, the accusers came out in two, spaced apart for the best impact. And let's be honest, filling and is going to use this in 2020. Now there will be no ethics investigation to put everyone under oath

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Love Al Franken! Will hate to see him depart Congress...we need more like him!

      Where, Republicans (males) on the other hand, are purely repugnant!

    2. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Damned spell check. Tweezer was supposed to be Tweeden and "filling and" is Gillibrand

    3. And ANONYMOUS.

      Plus the first two stated they did NOT want Franken to resign. I suppose they put that out there to put resignation on top of people's minds.

    4. Anonymous10:22 AM

      More than one of the accusations was on USO tours. I am wondering why it is alright for the USO to ignore women with the USO? No one cares if the USO is a set up where women can be used and abused and predators get a free pass?

      They aren't even curious what happened where they are concerned?

      USO must be a place for orgy like and dirty sex situations to go on with impunity. They want to keep it a secret and give the men offending women a pass.

      Another charity that sucks, another institution hiding secrets.

    5. Anonymous11:20 AM

      9:21 AM
      He is in the process of resigning, not yet resigned. You can still write him as a Senator in the Senate.

    6. Anonymous8:13 PM

      hate to see him depart SENATE.... it's a crime in my book.

  4. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Sad day for USA, Franken deserved better than to be forced out.

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Hopefully the Republican that wins his seat in 2018 is a moderate.

    2. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Not going to be a moderate. They'll make Pence and the Mrs. look like 'libruls'.

  5. Anonymous8:36 AM

    As a woman, I am bitterly angry about Franken resigning. What are we coming to as a country when every female accuser's words are taken as "being true"--simply because she's a woman -- in the name of "politic correctness," with no proof required, only accusations? Are we now going with the thought that women never ever lie about sexual harassment? I personally know a young man who was falsely accused of rape when it was a "consent" situation. But the DA,who was running for office, was out to make a case and my friend ended up being his "tough on crime" sacrificial victim. This trend is scary to me -- way beyond the Al Franken situation, AND I will gladly agree that women are sexually hit on and assaulted very frequently. This is a huge social problem but the way it's being handled is like cutting butter with a chainsaw instead of a knife. I say this as an elder woman, who has seen a lot in her life.

    1. Anonymous9:00 AM

      As another elder woman, I certainly agree.

      It seems Republicans have no problem supporting sexual predators while the Democrats go to extreme lengths to show they are morally superior. Very sad to see a good Senator like Franken resign.

    2. Anonymous1:33 PM

      As a 50 something woman, agree too. I’ve experienced aggressive flirting, but never would I consider ruining a man’s career for that. I put it down to bad role models in the media and the expectations of a male in our society. No harm done to me, so why drag out all that baloney? Some women just like to play the victim and “make the guy pay.” If you were not raped, I say shut up, grow up, and move on.

      Did any of those stupid women experience any impact on their lives commensurate with destroying Franken’s career? Just burns me up. I’d day the same thing if he were a Republican.

    3. Anonymous1:42 PM

      As a seventy-three year-old woman, I also agree.

    4. Anonymous3:09 PM

      I think everyone is just way too sensitive to touch, flirt and basic heterosexual-normal behavior.

      It gets intense sometimes, but without it not a single one of us would be here walking this earth.

      What is going on in this world with all the sex-blaming. I feel sorry for all of these men that actually tried to make time with an adult woman and obviously stepped away before raping her, knowing where boundaries lie.

      None of this is going to end well for us as a country.

    5. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Is this a JOKE??? If a woman isn't it raped, she should just "shut up"? Stop attacking and demeaning women who have come forward.
      This is not a partisan issue, it's a human issue.

  6. Anonymous8:48 AM

  7. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I wished he would have fought this. But Gillibrand and others are doing this for political expediency so the hell with Franken. Do they not realize that they have confirmed to people like Stone and Cernovich et al, thought this is a way to pick off democrats seen as a threat. Half of these accusations are anonymous. I would be curious to know what politician the aide making the kissing accusation worked for. He had no choice when his caucas turned on him. But the end result is we still will have a self admitted sexual assaulted in the White House and probably a pedophile in the Senate. Norm Coleman is licking his chops. Oh, and name me someone from Minnesota who can take his place and win next year.

    1. If that aide worked for Debbie Wasserman Schultz then you have a bingo.

      You want a name? Keith Ellison. But I doubt the governor will appoint him to the senate. He'll let him die in the House and pick some loser toady who yes, will lose next yer.

    2. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Reports are saying he is appointing his Lite Governor, Tina Smith. She will then have to run for election in 201i, the same time that their other senator is running for reelection. Before she was Lt Gov, she was the Govs chief of staff. Be curious if ellison primaries her next year.

    3. Anonymous3:11 PM

      No one is going to vote for these snowflake ladies that caused harm to the party, trust me, they threw themselves under the bus while asking Franken to resign. Not a one of them is in an assuredly re-elecatble position so thanks girls, you just fucked your country hope you are happy.

    4. Tina Smith would be the STUPID choice, which is why he’ll appoint her. She has already said she won’t be running in 2018. So instead of appointing someone (like Keith Ellison) who would run and ben an incumbent while running, the Gov will throw that seat away and it’s open season. You think the Republicans won’t look to take that seat? Franken squeaked by the first time and won narrowly the last time. Republicans could take it back easily.

      I hope Franken runs for Governor of Minnesota and takes it away from this short sighted asshole.

  8. Anonymous8:50 AM

    If the democrats think forcing Franken to resign is going to help get rid of molester Moore, they are delusional. The republicans have no intention of doing anything to Moore other than giving him the keys to his office

    Headlines on CBC Franken resigns over allegations of sexual misconduct, insinuates he raped women

    1. Anonymous9:08 AM

      Geeze, I hope Democrats are not that lame.
      Forcing Franken to resign helps Moore and Trump. I only see Democrats have been weakened. The party was already in bad shape, this could be a big help in taking them down further. They will operate in name, but they are done to me.

    2. Anonymous9:13 AM

      I agree with Ari Fleischer (not the part where he name calls): Franken shouldn't have resigned

    3. Susie Ethel9:40 AM

      Dems still think we can win with old school rules- that truth, honor and justice matter. the cons kicked hillary's ass because they knew that money talks and Kardashian/ Trump reality morality now rule.

    4. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Time to play dirty?
      Women or most likely MEN need to start outing all the Rethuglican perps of sexual predation en masse. We know they are out there. Taking ghe high road or holding it all in isnt working.

    5. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Moore is going to win his seat and we lose Franken next year to a Republican contestant. See how it works?

  9. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Very, very sorry to see him go.

  10. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Al Franken.

    He has shown he either has no spine as a man, or that he knows more is to come.

    What a shame. The Democratic Party has turned itself into a bunch of wussies. Good luck with that. People instinctively vote for leaders, not wussies.

    1. Anonymous9:31 AM

      I don't think it was Franken that wimped out. He is part of an institution and he works for the people. He did what he had to do in the position his party put him in.
      The Democratic party is what failed. They think they are fighting for women or something but they weren't in this situation. They cheated the voters and the people of Minnesota.
      I am curious to see what the weaken Democrats are going to do now for their causes. And the results they get. Al Franken will be fine.

    2. Anonymous1:40 PM

      The Democrats in the Senate are the losers today. And all of us have lost something precious too. Condemning someone when there's been no trial is a dastardly deal. I'm ashamed to live in a place where it could happen so easily.

  11. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Trump Jr. mocks Franken's resignation speech

    At Least 3 Dead In Aztec, New Mexico, High School Shooting

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      Let's see who has the last laugh when they haul Donnie Jr off to the big house and I don't mean the "dump" on Pennsylvania ave.
      Like father like son petty,crass white trash.

  12. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I don't want to see Al Franken resign. He's done a great job in Congress and is far superior to that guy that goes after kids/teenagers for sexual desires.

    I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that folks/voters from Alabama do not vote the sexual sick guy into Congress! Perhaps the polls are incorrect?!

  13. I'm glad Franken spoke out against Trump and Moore and basically shamed the Democrats for being the weenies that they are.

    Franken = Country before Party.

    Republicans (and those fucking Democrats that pilloried him) = Party before Country.

    I don't care if Kamala Harris is a Democrat and from California. She's not getting my vote. Good luck becoming the first woman president, Kamala. You just shot yourself in the foot. I bet I'm not the only California woman that is disgusted with her for this.

    Ditto for Gillibrand. She's not my state but if she has eyes on the Oval Office, she can kiss that goodbye. Not getting my vote.

    Both know it. I've sent them e-mails.

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      I feel the same way and will email them both. Democrats have no guts, no message, and no strength and that’s why they lose.

  14. Anonymous9:37 AM


  15. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Here’s Why Democrats Forced Al Franken to Do the Right Thing—And Why They May Come to Regret It

    Do you think we’d have heard all these calls for his resignation from his Democratic colleagues if Minnesota had a Republican governor? No way.

    So Al Franken is out. It was the right thing for him to do. I guess. What he did was wrong. It wasn’t asking-a-14-year-old-girl-to-take-her-clothes-off wrong, but it was wrong.

    ...Franken then noted the “irony” of the fact that “a man who has bragged on tape about his history of sexual assault sits in the Oval Office” and that another man accused of child molesting is running for the same Senate “with the full support of his party.” But even so, he said, he was going.

    Yes, he had to at this point. Still, two thoughts nag at me. First, there’s some opportunism at work here. And second, if the Democrats think that taking the high ground on this one is going to score them any points, my bet is they’re sadly mistaken.

    ...This is where I see some opportunism at work, in two ways. First, let’s cut to the chase: Do you think we’d have heard all these calls for his resignation from his Democratic colleagues if Minnesota had a Republican governor? No way. Maybe a couple senators would, but as a group they wouldn’t be nearly so cavalier about dumping him if they knew a Republican was going to replace him. And that’s fine; that’s politics. Newsflash: Politics is political. But it does make me take these high-moral-ground statements of his colleagues with a few grains of salt.

    ...The Democrats want to be able to say: See, when Al Franken and John Conyers are discovered to have done wrong, we don’t equivocate. We take care of it. Meanwhile, look at those Republicans. They’re all-in behind Roy Moore, whose alleged attacks on women make Franken’s look awfully tame. They have a congressman, Blake Farenthold of Texas, who reached a $84,000 settlement of his sexual harassment charge—paying it with taxpayer money—and still holds his seat with no one batting an eye. And of course, they have Donald Trump. When’s he going to be filing those lawsuits against those 16 women, by the way?

    It’s a contrast, and maybe it will impress some female swing voters in Alabama. But it seems more likely that the Republican way of handling these things is going to win. Deny, deny, deny. Lie, lie, lie. Pushback, pushback, pushback. Be so outrageous—the Republican National Committee officially supporting an accused child molester!—that people can barely wrap their heads around it. Sad to say, it wins.

    I’m not saying the Democrats should reduce themselves to that level. As I said, Franken should go. But I’m not sure what the Democrats are getting out of it. They’re losing one of their best and smartest senators, somebody who would have been a quite plausible presidential contender in 2020; and failing that would have been a great and important lifetime senator.

    ...And they’ve blurred the line, which I think should exist, between different categories of sexual crimes, some of which are obviously worse than others. The day will almost surely come when they’ll regret having established these precedents.

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      "...And they’ve blurred the line, which I think should exist, between different categories of sexual crimes, some of which are obviously worse than others.

      The day will almost surely come when they’ll regret having established these precedents."

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Hell, i think the Dems SHOULD go low. We are desperate.

    3. Anonymous3:36 PM

      I think the Dems did go low with what they did to voters, people of Minnesota and Al Franken.

    4. They’ll regret it in 2018 and again in 2020. The dumbshits never, NEVER learn.

  16. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Worth remembering that as Democratic women of the Senate rightfully stand up to call on Al Franken to resign, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel is funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars to child molester Roy Moore.

    1. Anonymous12:29 PM

      I don't think they rightfully stood up when most of the allegations were never proven.
      Now all the republicans have to do is find some woman to lie,then call for the guy to resign,they open Pandora's box.
      Maybe part of Franken's decision was due to his disgust with being attacked by his colleagues.

    2. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Rightfully my ass.

    3. Anonymous1:37 PM

      If I were a woman in the Senate, I would not have demanded Al Franken's resignation given the nature of the complaints against him. He had a career in comedy and he's a gregarious kind of person. He's not as villainous as eutger Roy Moore or Donald Trump. He's been railroaded and the women involved were put in an awkward position where they had little choice but join in the naysayers chorus.

  17. He did the right thing.

    The Republicans now face women voters with their leadership of perverts.

    Women will make the change the next election, but don't get your hopes up last time they voted for the pervert Trump.

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      It is too confusing. Who is a pervert? Rapist? Groper? Assaulter? Falsely accused? Incest? Too confusing.
      Lump them all together.

      Remember, if perps deny, don't recall blame others THEY ARE INNOCENT.

      When you apologize for anything, it means you did everything you are accused of. You don't deserve to be clearing in court or committe or in any way.

    2. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Nope, women ain't gonna do shit in the next election and a bunch of female senators just made themselves unelectable next time due to their weird feminist finger pointing.

      No woman in her right mind would vote again for these harpies.

    3. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Harpies. How totally sexist of you. Like this entire thread.

    4. No. They won’t. That’s more of that Democratic thinking that loses elections.

    5. Anonymous9:09 PM

      3:14 gets it.

      And how do you all think the male vote going to go?

      yeah let vote for the crazy lady and cut off our own nut sacks.

  18. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Video Replay And Transcript: Franken Announces Intent To Resign From US Senate

  19. Anonymous10:11 AM

    " Nonpartisan economists have already predicted that, under the GOP plan, the deficit would increase by at least $1 trillion over the next decade.
    It became quite obvious that social safety net programs had been put in the crosshairs, and on Wednesday, only days after the Senate tax plan passed, Ryan confirmed as much."
    " "Frankly, it's the health care entitlements that are the big drivers of our debt, so we spend more time on the health care entitlements — because that's really where the problem lies, fiscally speaking." "This has been my big thing for many, many years. I think it's the biggest entitlement we've got to reform."

  20. Anonymous10:46 AM

    "“What you saw today was a lynch mob,” former House Speaker Newt GingrRICH said" This is just another manifestation of the emotional passions which resemble medieval flagelante in their desire to atone for something even if it is only the latest FAD.”Laura Ingraham agreed with Gingrich in the Wednesday interview, arguing that the decision to cut Franken loose is “nothing more than a political calculation” for Democrats in order to gain the MORAL high ground to effectively criticize Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore and Trump, who has been accused of sexual harassment by 16 women."

  21. Anonymous10:49 AM

    It's a shame.I really feel like AF is a "hugger" ,being short,his arm would rest lower on women's backs than they are used to.I also think that as a comedian,he participated in tasteless jokes that were liked by they military audience and others. But it's a real shame that he can't make amends and continue the fight.

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      He is a hugger.

  22. Anonymous10:52 AM

    "“What you saw today was a lynch mob,” former House Speaker Newt GingrRICH said" This is just another manifestation of the emotional passions which resemble medieval flagelante in their desire to atone for something even if it is only the latest FAD.”Laura Ingraham agreed with Gingrich in the Wednesday interview, arguing that the decision to cut Franken loose is “nothing more than a political calculation” for Democrats in order to gain the MORAL high ground to effectively criticize Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore and Trump, who has been accused of sexual harassment by 16 women."

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Newt would feel right at home here at IM with all the other victim bashers.

    2. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Anonymous5:21 PM

      LEARN TO READ. There is not much, if any, victim bashing here. You couldn't point it out if you tried because it's not happening.

    3. Anonymous8:21 PM

      You throw out the words 'victim bash". You have nothing behind it. You are empty. If you have something to say, say it with back up or be a useless troll.

  23. Anonymous10:53 AM

    "“What you saw today was a lynch mob,” former House Speaker Newt GingrRICH said" This is just another manifestation of the emotional passions which resemble medieval flagelante in their desire to atone for something even if it is only the latest FAD.”Laura Ingraham agreed with Gingrich in the Wednesday interview, arguing that the decision to cut Franken loose is “nothing more than a political calculation” for Democrats in order to gain the MORAL high ground to effectively criticize Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore and Trump, who has been accused of sexual harassment by 16 women."

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Sorry for the trI posting. IM saying it's been the plan.

      60 YEARS in the making.

  24. Anonymous10:55 AM

    With Franken's resignation, the Senate landscape shifts again

  25. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Tom Brokaw says Dems railroaded Franken: ‘The people who sent him to Washington were left out of the decision’

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM


    2. Anonymous12:32 PM

      That rule only applies to republicans.

    3. Anonymous1:31 PM

      I agree with Tom Brokaw. But Al Franken was first "railroaded" by the GOP. His public shaming of our elfin AG in Senate committee hearings has been punished.

      I am still a great admirer of Al Franken. I do not think that any of the accusations against him amount to anything serious. The whole country needs some perspective about this.

      We watched a 1950's movie last evening about a media newsroom - with plenty of (in today's suddenly puritan-ish atmosphere) questionable behavior between male and female work colleagues. And last week we saw a local production of the musical "Annie" which unfortunately made me think a few times of Roy Moore's his chasing after young girls in his younger days. Would never have noticed absent today's hysteria about male/female relationships. Frankly, I'll be glad when this whole thing calms down a bit. Will the GOP be satisfied with having destroyed the political career of one Democratic senator? Or will others have to be sacrificed too? Remember that no one, from either side of the aisle in the Senate, demanded that creepy David Vitter resign.

  26. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Newsflash: Politics is political. But it does make me take these high-moral-ground statements of his colleagues with a few grains of salt.

  27. Anonymous12:11 PM

    The NRA donated over $54,000 for attack ads against Roy Moore’s opponent

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      And Putin's Russia supports the NRA.

  28. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Stephanie Ruhle explains why booting Franken could lead to Trump’s impeachment

    ...“Look, there’s going to be a party that countenances with sexual harassment and there’s going to be a party that doesn’t,” Pesca said. “If we have to sacrifice Franken to brand ourselves the party that doesn’t, that’s what we want to do.”

    ...“Is this not the year of the ultimate age of hypocrisy?” Ruhle said. “For Lisa Murkowski, a Republican, to come out and call for Al Franken to resign, does Lisa Murkowski not remember that her, our president of the United States, Donald Trump, who she stands behind, has more accusers than Al Franken and have accused him of worse. How does Lisa Murkowski stand up and say I think Al Franken need to step down and stand silent when it comes to our president, our Republican president?”

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      How does she stay silent on trump.easy she keeps her mouth shut.

      Forcing Franken to resign will not lead to impeachment because republicans are morally bankrupt

    2. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Franken was only accused. That is not the same as being a sexual harasser.

  29. Anonymous12:25 PM

    RNC: 'We Warned You Gay Marriage Would Be A Slippery Slope Toward Accepting Pedophilia'

  30. Anonymous12:35 PM

    or that he knows more is to come........ More was to come if it was a set up from adversaries. Franken would not know about specific future plots to ruin his place in the Senate. I wish there is a way to investigate and charge any schemes with an intention to have a man lose his job.

    'MeToo' Silence Breakers are victims when their movement is used for wrong.

  31. Anonymous12:53 PM

    So that's it? Al Franken rolls over and dies? And self confessed pussy grabber and that teenager lover run the country? Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Something stinks to the high heavens. And you say the religious people support Moore and Trump? The world will be run by thieves and molesters in the name of God. Hmmmmmmmmmm. I can smell the rot, can you?

  32. Anonymous12:55 PM

    'Only Women Bleed - A Tribute Video Against Violence'

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      FYI "What makes it even easier to critique the TIME coverage of “silence breakers” is this simple fact:
      In 80 years, no American woman has WON TIME’s “Person of the Year” by herself." "in the past 91 years the magazine has selected only one American woman—Wallis Simpson, “who earned the title in 1936 thanks to her relationship with King Edward VIII, a relationship which eventually led to his giving up his throne.” "Evidently, TIME uses a calculus that makes dozens of women equivalent to one Trump."
      "Then there’s this. TIME ends its story with Megyn Kelly, who, predictably, reveals some internalized misogyny. Her call to survivors of sexual harassment and assault? ““What if we did complain?’ proposes Megyn Kelly. “What if we didn’t whine, but we spoke our truth in our strongest voices and insisted that those around us did better?’” It is a tone-deaf choice in the context of this movement to grant the closing reflections to a former Fox News anchor who has been widely criticized for targeting Black activist groups and shaming women for plastic surgery."

      "There Was Blood Coming Out of Her Wherever""

  33. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Then someone said, "people of his state didn't have a say, he was railroaded"
    But, but, that would be loser in chief's statement.

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Tom Brokaw is not a loser in chief. It is a statement of fact. It doesn't matter how you qualify it.

      Citizens of Minnesota had their voice stolen for the dumb idea of not allowing a man an ethic committee investigation.

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      3:28 i think they were talking about trump as loser in chief. He would be the one to use that, his electoral college win.

  34. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Sen. Merkley said, “What we do know is this. That the individual running in Alabama, Roy Moore, has done things that are incredibly egregious, and he should drop out of that race right now, and by the way, for that matter, the President should resign because he certainly has a track record with more than 17 women of horrific conduct.”

    1. Anonymous3:01 PM

      The democratic way is to roll over and give your seat to a republican in 2018 and I've got a grand bet going with my partner that this is exactly what happens in 2018.

      Dems are a bunch of pussies, snowflakes, roll-over-and-show-your-belly types and it won't play out well for them in the end and we can blame all these "high and mighty" dem chicks for not playing the game and giving up and giving the Senate and even bigger majority in 2018.

      Thanks gals, grow a spine.

  35. Anonymous2:53 PM

  36. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Jeff Merkley: 'Trump Should Resign, Because He Has A Record' Of Sexual Assault
    During an interview on Meet the Press, Senator Jeff Merkley said what all Democrats should be saying every day whenever they are in front of a reporter or a camera: Trump must resign. Roy Moore should drop out of the race.

  37. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Has LeeAnn lost her job.forced to resign since she is also guilty of sexual misconduct. She patted a few guys on the butt and wrapped her pelvis area around another at the same USO show

    This MeTro movement is going to end up blowing up biggly and women are going to pay for the backlash.

    1. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Nice victim bashing.

    2. Anonymous6:33 PM

      How is that victim bashing?
      That was what her job was. She pats butt and wraps as good as any pro.

      You will never know if she is a victim or not. She made a claim it will not be determined if she was correct or not. You can hear her claim and only know what her claim is.
      Al Franken has not been able to counter except to say he did not remember the same as she claimed.

      The MeToo movement can do fine when some of the kinks are worked out.

    3. Anonymous7:32 PM

      @:5:22 it is not victim blashing, there is video of her doing those acts.

  38. Anonymous4:14 PM

    It's been going on for years, many in authority do not want to help kids or deal with pedophiles.

    Remember what Corey Feldman has endured (1993), trying to do what is right and to help get pedophiles out of society, away from kids.

  39. Anonymous4:16 PM

    What if that was your daughter asleep while Al Franken was touching her breasts and mugging for the camera? Would you think he was so wonderful then?

    He got trapped in the changing attitude toward mistreating women. I'm sorry to see him go too but let's stop attacking his victims.

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Ok you are sick,you are condemning a man on a hypothetical situation and that is why people like you are going to destroy the metro movement
      He was not touching her breasts.

    2. Anonymous7:45 PM

      You don't know who the victims are, because they aren't victims, they are accusers.

      The ANONYMOUS accusers are void because there is no way to learn if they are credible or not.

      The woman in the photo accepted Al's apology for the picture. But no one has dealt with what was actually going on. It is possible she was in on the gag and not sleeping.

      If you saw her other performances, it's the same kind of bawdy humor as the photo mocks.

      Her parents are no doubt used to what she does and would only think different of Franken because of politics. It is not fair about the actors and their performances and them letting off steam, if some are allowed to play and tease while others are not. Not fair. What kind of place is that USO?

      Franken was NOT touching her, you can tell in the photo. He was mocking and it was tacky looking. He apologized. She accepted.

      The USO does not have a problem with any of what they are involved with. If you don't like this never send the USO any money and never support them.

      If this woman was violated in anyway on a USO tour, they are really egregious when they do nothing about it.

      Imagine all the secrets the USO has passed on. All the women and men that have been harmed on tour and the USO does nothing. It is a seriously flawed charity, needs to be called out. USO start being accountable.

      Women and men need to know truth so they won't volunteer for such a lousy organization.

      Leeann is a model and performer. If she was wronged on tour, let the USO do what they do to deal with those things when they come up on tours. If not USO and Leeann are void and never to be believed. We listened to her.

      Leeann Tweeden is professional and highly successful, a beautiful model.

      She deserves to have the USO do right, if she was wronged.
      She said she accepted the apology but if that was not enough she can complain to the USO. Or her word is crap, never to be believed.

    3. Anonymous9:15 PM

      Franken is resigning 7:45. you can stop the monologue of trying to steer the conversation to blaming the USO for an individuals actions.

      By the way, don't remember Franken blaming the USO?

    4. Anonymous9:40 PM

      He didn't mention the USO. Leeann threw shade on it and brings up many questions. It is not about individuals, it is about an organization that is not looking like the way they want to pretend they are.

      It may be the connection to the military. Military hides a lot of crime and most of anything with their sex problems.

      USO just has a front and good for Leeann for shining the light. No it won't go away. I don't think that if anything happened once that that is all there is to what the USO is hiding.

      They could have answered many questions, there is a reason they decided to keep secrets.

  40. In more irony, who is defending Al Franken and saying he should not have been forced to resign?

    Newt Gingrich and Dr. Laura.

    The Democrats continue to alienate their base and appear more and more weak. High moral ground? For what? If they think this is going to give them any leverage against Moleser Moore or Pussygrabber Trump they are full of shit.

    I saw Tom Perez foaming at the mouth demanding Al Franken resign. Wish I could have reach through the TV screen and punched him in the face. Fucking MORON. I said from the start his “leadership” was going to be a disaster for the Democratic party.


    1. Anonymous4:40 AM

      Yeah, Tom Perez as dnc is not right. They need a better public servant. I did not like his swearing.

  41. Anonymous7:14 PM

    "The millions of women in America who feel a sense of rage at the fact that a man can admit groping women on tape and be elected President of the country in which you live is going to put a lot of new women in the Congress in 2018" -

  42. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Sheriff Joe Arpaio ‘Seriously, Seriously’ Considering Senate Run

    1. Anonymous4:38 AM

      Omfg, society is crap. There are millions of people in Phoenix area and so they still vote old farts?

  43. Anonymous11:22 PM

    After Trump enthusiastically endorsed GOP nominee Roy Moore this week and the Republican National Committee resumed its financial support, GOP senators are bracing for an exceedingly awkward situation if he wins.
    “Clearly, part of the wager here was to try to force Franken out before Tuesday, to draw a bright line around Moore’s alleged transgressions. Tuesday will be the test,”
    Next Tuesday will answer another question: Will Bible-Belt Alabama send to the Senate a Republican who faces credible accusations of having made sexual advances on teenagers when he was in his 30s?

    Franken’s resignation also establishes a “new standard,” in which behavior that predates an official’s election can be used to judge fitness to hold office.

  44. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Six former staffers accuse Reagan appeals court chief judge of forcing them to watch porn or imagining them naked

    ...“I was in a state of emotional shock, and what I really wanted to do was be as small as possible and make as few movements as possible and to say as little as possible to get out,” revealed Heidi Bond, who clerked for Judge Kozinski from 2006 to 2007.

    Judge Kozinski served as chief judge of the 9th Circuit from 2007 to 2014 and remains on the court to this day. Judge Kozinski was appointed by the appeals court by President Ronald Reagan in 1985.

    Another 9th Circuit clerk, Emily Murphy, recounted an incident at a legal reception in San Francisco when Judge Kozinski revealed he was imagining her naked.

    “It wasn’t just clear that he was imagining me naked, he was trying to invite other people — my professional colleagues — to do so as well,” Murphy said. “That was what was humiliating about it.”

    Two of the six women coming forward to allege sexual misconduct said Judge Kozinski made them watch pornography with him in judge’s chambers.

    “So, we have for not illegitimate reasons, we have made it much easier to keep track of people and to have the past revealed and in some cases that’s justifiable for the protection of society,” Judge Kozinski told the Charles Koch Institute in 2015. “But I think we have gone too far. I think there’s such a thing as privacy, there’s such a thing as forgiveness.”



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