Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Nikki Haley announces that the US will cut 285 million dollars from the UN budget right after 120 nations criticize Donald Trump for recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Courtesy of the New York Post:  

UN Ambassador Nikki Haley announced Sunday that the United States negotiated a $285 million cut in the United Nations’ “bloated” budget for next year. 

“The inefficiency and overspending of the United Nations are well known,” Haley said in a statement from the US Mission. “We will no longer let the generosity of the American people be taken advantage of or remain unchecked.”

Haley added that the “historic reduction” in spending is a step in the right direction and that the US would make many other moves toward a more efficient and accountable UN. 

“In addition to these significant cost savings, we reduced the UN’s bloated management and support functions, bolstered support for key US priorities throughout the world and instilled more discipline and accountability throughout the UN system,” the statement said.

Haley said that she also hopes to make further cuts to the UN in the future.

Now Trump has been talking about how unfair it is that America pays so much to the United Nations essentially since launching his campaign in 2015.

However this announcement comes only days after this happened.

Courtesy of Yahoo News:  

The U.S. will cut its 2018 contribution to the United Nations by $285 million—nearly 25 percent—an announcement that comes days after more than 120 nations criticized the United States for its decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. 

Ambassador Nikki Haley made the announcement Sunday, but specifically blamed the world body for its budgetary excesses without making a specific reference to last week's vote on President Donald Trump's controversial Jerusalem decision.

You know if a Mafioso did not like it that a restaurant owner was not playing ball, he might say something like "This is a nice place, would be a shame if something happened to it." 

In a way this is essentially how Trump does things on a more national level.

UN members failed to kiss the emperor's ring and now he punishes them by cutting into their finances.

This is not how American presidents deal with the United Nations.

This is how dictators lose empires.


  1. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Yeah, so if we don't get our way, let's just take our toys and go home. Helluva way to run a country...into the ground.

    1. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Nope, our jewish masters are dictating our foreign policies. AIPAC buyss off our politicians to vote in israel's interest. Very rarely does a politician that israel does not aprove of gets into office. Aipac needs to register as a foreign lobby. We need to get rid of dual passport holding politicians, they maybe amareican but they will always side with israel b4 america. Get them out of office.

    2. Anonymous1:05 PM

      America first not israel

    3. Anonymous1:07 PM

      If you care about israel over America and you live here, how bout you move there instead of fucking over America

  2. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Nikki Haley is a stupid bully just like Trump and hopefully this will come back to bite her when she runs for president.

  3. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I use to think ol haley was the only one working. But this is good because Americans are about to cut off funding as in NO TAXES without representation. And no money for congress to waste and especially to not waste on the dotard illegally occupying our building. His funding is cut off, and he can stay at his pink pony dump indefinitely... pos lousy liar boar.

  4. The inefficiency and overspending of the U.S. defense budget is also well known. Are they going to cut that, too?

  5. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Fuck her and Donald Trump. Both are horrendous for the USA. Get both their asses out, out, out of the roles they care currently holding. Bad, bad, bad for our country. Reject, reject, reject! Rise up against them, America!

  6. Anonymous12:01 PM

    The US is finally showing some balls and leadership and the beta libs don't know what to do with themselves lol.

    1. Anonymous12:25 PM

      Hey, lol troll. This is not showing balls. Go fuck yourself and the rest of your Russian neighbors. No one cares what you think about how OUR country is run.

    2. Anonymous12:34 PM

      I am a republican , and the U.S. has tiny balls (Haley,trump).
      They have zero leadership skills Do not understand how to govern effectively.
      It's a big problem for all American's.

    3. Anonymous12:44 PM

      That amount of money is completely insignificant. All Trump has bought with those few pennies is yet more international disdain.

    4. Anonymous1:12 PM

      So it is 'disdain' when the US finally stops throwing money at countries that can never get their shit together other than hold out their hands 12:44.

      Fine... disdain away!

    5. Anonymous2:45 PM

      It does not matter what the useful idiot dotard wants. He is gone.

    6. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Dain Bosworth you mean? Snark

  7. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Nikki Haley is petulant just like Trump. And every time she speaks, she sounds like she is trying to sound like a tough person but failing miserably. Hope she knows that if they continue on this path, the US might just get out all together and she will be out of a job. The world will not collapse. If anything, the other countries will come to fill in the void and become new leaders. MAGA means moving a country forward not backwards. The world has changed. To be a leader is to be involved. To be a loser is to go sulk and play by yourself in the corner.

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      I hope she has a security force surrounding her the size of those protecting Trump. Who would pay for it? The United Nations or the USA?

  8. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Wow, that's close to three years of golfing vacations for the fat orange fuck.

    The truth is that Jerusalem isn't in Israel. Even the Jews aren't saying it is. The fat orange fuck is so stupid that he thinks he can personally "give" a city to its invaders from another country. Americans have always invaded other countries and always will, they are a war-making people, but most of their governments know to get the fuck out afterwards. Not Trump, his ignorance is breath-taking.

    $285m is nothing. But unhappily it's just enough to make Americans look like the stupidest people on the planet. The thing you should worry about is that Trump continually advertising this nuclear-level ignorance makes the US incredibly vulnerable. Putin must be pissing his pants laughing.

    And it's not only Putin who'll see there are opportunities to exploit the fat orange fuck.

    1. Anonymous1:07 PM


      you are obviously not familiar with the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995.... nor the fact that the last three presidents (yes, that means including Obama and Clinton) all supported and backed Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel... during their election campaigns, ony to back down soon after.

      Trump finally just enacted an old congressional law that was supported but kicked down the road by the last three Presidents.

    2. Anonymous1:26 PM

      We look absolutely petty, im sure Russia and China (Gina) are glad to step up our absence.

  9. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Wow yet another woman used. She is infront of the turd in the wh. He pulled her you know what.

  10. 285 mil should just about cover a Starbucks latte for the koch bros. Just about.

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Haha. Peanuts actually.
      That's NOT very much $$$.
      Globally speaking that is.

  11. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Gee, There's another 285 million dollars the Trump/GOP administration can "gift" those Americans who make over $500,000. if single and over $1,000,000. if married.

    How disgusting is this administration. GOP members of Congress who have any integrity left (are there any?) should weep in shame at how Trump and his pals act. this is absolutely disgraceful. We truly became a fifth-rate country with Trump's inauguration last January!

  12. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Anchor Baby Nimrata Randhawa should appreciate actually being allowed to become an American, but yet, even being from foreign parents she has jumped on the racist, hateful bandwagon.

    Guess she got hers, right, so she doesn't care if anyone else has same privilege as she so undeservedly received.


  13. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Heck we have spent more paying for trump golf weekly vacations.
    How did they come up with this amount? Is it the amount necessary to redecorate a trump property?

    Grumpy troll continues lol

  14. So are they going to use that $285 million "saved" to help rebuild Puerto Rico?

    Sorry. Thought was all needed a good laugh.

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Puerto Rico gets more than 21 billion annually in Federal aid.

  15. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Just business as usual. Nothing to do with US.


  16. Anonymous6:33 PM

    This is a ridiculous fabrication. It's part of a budget overhaul done every two years. Every country gets an across the board discount which equals 285M. The US claiming they were instrumental in negotiations looks hyperbolic at the most innocent. It's scary how easy for this kind of blatant lying to be propagated.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.