Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Okay seriously, what is it with Donald Trump and water?

Weird right?

And this woman is by no means the only one to have noticed this.

And keep in mind that he actually mocked Marco Rubio for drinking water during a speech.
Look I know that when it comes to Donald Trump there are much bigger things to be concerned about, but this is still really, really odd.

H/T to the Huffington Post.


  1. Anonymous4:11 PM

    maybe his hands shake and he is afraid he'll drop it?

  2. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Trump holds his glass with two hands like most old people in the early stages of dementia. Toddlers also hold their glass of water with two hands so I don't think this information is really odd. LOL!

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      You beat me to it! I was going to say because he is a toddler!

    2. Anonymous5:15 PM

      On CNN today they were calling it 'sippy cup hands' LOL!

    3. Anonymous8:24 PM

      Yep, he is a man-baby.

    4. Anonymous9:29 PM

      Yay! Cardinal Bernard Law should be entering hell right about now. He's dead! I hope this helps some of his victims find peace.

    5. Anonymous1:24 PM

      They say he's prone to tantrums. I wonder if he holds his breath til he gets his way? I'm so tired of his holding his hand up with forefinger to thumb. It looks like he's holding the last booger he picked from his nose,for all the world to see. Yuk.

  3. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Because he has little fingers and probably was never taught table manners.
    I bet he chews with his mouth open also.hard to chew properly with bad fitting dentures with a butt hole mouth

  4. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Okay seriously, his fingers are a lot shorter than normal.
    plus that is how i imagine a neanderthal would hold a glass.

    Don't gorillas and chimps hold glasses the same way? Not to insult the primates,because trump is lower down the evolutionary ladder.

    1. He also puckers his lips and extends them toward the cup or bottle like an orangutan.

      Hey, maybe Bill Maher was right!

    2. To me, the lip thing is more like suckling. Take that for what it implies.

  5. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Preznit Sippy Kup.

  6. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I would say it is from extreme anxiety. He's well over his head and afraid that he will be found out. He's just trapped and frightened and it manifests itself in a simple inability to drink a glass of water in public.

  7. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Prezzie short fingered vulgarian.

  8. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Late stage syphilitic dementia ..

    1. Anonymous9:17 PM

      possible. he showing other possible signs. unlikely, however, these days.

    2. He doesn’t have syphillis. He’s too germaphobic. It also would have been caught early by a doctor and he’d get treatment.

      It’s dementia/Alzheimer’s just like his Dad at that age.

  9. Anonymous4:34 PM

    That people celebrate him as 45 even more odd.

  10. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Hmmmm? A dehydrated dotard? Reverting to infancy baby bottle? or practicing his pucker sucker moves? who knows?

  11. Anonymous5:16 PM

    I think he may have had a minor stroke recently. Mental confusion, balance and dexterity problems, all symptoms.

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Slow, slurred speech at times. Yep!

    2. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Let's hope is that's true he has a much stronger stroke or heart attack soon. The healthiest individual every elected to the presidency, indeed!

  12. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Remember, this guy drinks 12 cans of diet soda a day. It is probably the only water he drinks. Like a thirsty buzzard.

    1. I doubt he’s ever drunk from a can. If it’s served in a can, there is a straw in it. Otherwise it’s a fast food cup with lid and straw. Coffee from a mug with a handle.

      I’m not sure he’s ever drunk water from a glass.

      And he’s certainly never drunk anything straight from the bottle.

  13. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Trump reminds me of a 2-year-old struggling to keep the tippy cup upright.

  14. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I like the picture of him standing behind the podium playing the game "find the water bottle" best!

  15. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Drumpf is exhibiting many of the symptoms of what my father suffered at that age after years of abusing his body; MANY years of hard living (drinking to excess, overeating, smoking like a chimney, and ragaholism); inevitably, he succumbed to TIA's, aortic dissections, and finally dementia. I had to assume guardianship over him because he was unable to make rational decisions for himself. Although many of his physical abilities declined over the 18 month period of his illness, when he wanted to fight the nurses (he was termed 'noncompliant') he was STRONG. I think of Drumpf and his pull-and-yank handshake, and shoving the PM of Montenegro out of the way for that plum photo op...but then this frail look, and the wandering off many times now - often with a dazed look on his face; and not noticing people who are right there with him (Guiliani, Melania)! I believe he is having TIA's, possibly due to blocked arteries b/c of his abysmal diet of many years and lack of exercise; this may be leading to vascular dementia.

    1. Anonymous8:07 PM

      You are scaring me. Damn gop, have this old demented thing in highest public office.

  16. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Late night killed it. Funny chit.

  17. Anonymous7:07 PM

    It appears he has developed a neurological disorder.

  18. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Water? You think that's water?

    1. Anonymous9:25 PM

      trump doesn't drink booze or smoke. rotten luck for us. it's a good thing he eats a crap diet.

    2. Anonymous6:45 AM

      So he says,and he never lies right:)

  19. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Trying to think if I’ve ever seen an adult hold a cup and drink this way.... nope, never have. Something’s off. Wonder if he’s always done this?

  20. Anonymous7:43 PM

    I wouldn't be surprised to find out he drank a baby bottle well into his teens or even beyond. I had a camp counselor who was 18 and still drank from hers at night. She also held her glass that way.

  21. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Keep an eye on his hands if he raises them individually. He may have serious health problems and is showing signs.
    There was an analysis of video showing hitler reviewing young boys and old men before the defense of Berlin. He was showing signs of serious illness, quite possibly parkinsons. This kind of thing makes me think of that video.

    1. Anonymous9:25 PM

      oh yes, definitely hitler, good of you to make that comparison, again. he is just like hitler. lol.

    2. Actually, his hands mirror each other a lot. When he gestures it’s both arms and his hands are identical.

      The man is just weird. Try moving your mouth the way he does. It’s almost inhuman. I don’t see how he can talk pursing his mouth all the time like that.

    3. Anonymous1:23 AM

      LOL 9:25, he would be if he could be. What a cluck.

    4. Anonymous1:27 AM

      He has authoritarian desires just like Hitler. Only a dumb bitty like you can't see it.

    5. Anonymous4:46 AM

      There are a LOT of defenders of dump and paylynn on here lately. We see you 9:25.

    6. Anonymous5:25 AM

      Laughing at amateur overly analytical dramatic morons that go straight for the jugular of Godwin's Law, does not make one a supporter of Trump or Palin 4:46. Just makes you laughable. In your teeny world of thinking. haha. see?

      Do you 'see me'? Right here, laughing!

    7. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Touched a nerve didn't we. And that is exactly why we are laughing at you and your kind. Trolls like you are so easy to troll. Bristle?

  22. Anonymous9:04 PM

    I said before bullshitting causes dehydration.

  23. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Mika B nailed it "Small hands!".

  24. He’s spent his entire life drinking soda out of a cup with a lid and straw, or coffee out of a mug with a handle. They man simply doesn’t know how to use a glass or drink straight from the bottle.

  25. Anonymous1:44 AM


    Yay! The tax bill passed. Screw the 99.9% /s

    1. They'll pay for it in 2018. People will have already realized how much this is fucking them over and whose fault it is. All any Democratic candidate has to do is point to a Republican and say "You know how to blame. We had nothing to do with this."

  26. Anonymous3:33 AM

    I think Trump, the healthiest man who has ever held political office, has arthritis in his hands. I do so it would be about the only thing that I could ever sympathize with him about. However, if I were going to be standing at a podium and on camera, I would have a small carafe and smallish glass handy so that I could pour my own water. That's what other politicians and presidents have done. Trump's fear of germs is absurd if that's what's keeping him from the water carafe. I think the water bottle is too heavy for him to handle singlehandedly without fear of dropping it and that's why he's two-handed with it.

  27. Anonymous5:12 AM

    I’d love to see a picture of him drinking from a glass 10 years ago. I really do think he’s gone down hill tremendously in the past year

  28. Maybe he's trying to (subtly) push his false teeth back into place.

  29. Anonymous6:35 AM


  30. Anonymous6:48 AM

    He has carpal tendon syndrome from tweeting 24/7 and has lost all feeling in his hands and fingers.

  31. Anonymous8:35 AM

    He’s like a 4-year old. I remember when I stopped holding drinking glasses with both hands. It stopped about the same time I stopped putting both feet on a step when walking upstairs. When I was in Kindergarten.

    1. LOL. He doesn't walk down steps either.

  32. AuntieRuth3:29 PM

    I have been on statins to lower cholesterol. Various brands. They ALL cause me to have severe tremors in my hands, especially when speaking in public, which is an essential feature of my job. I'm not defending him - I loathe him. But when I have been having statin-induced tremors, that is exactly how I drank water.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.