Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Well what do you know, Donald Trump is finally right about something.

Trump supporters will continue to say that Trump is not who Mueller, and his team of FBI agents, are ultimately targeting, but at this point you would have to be blind, deaf, and dumb not to realize that he is absolutely the target.


  1. Leland4:19 AM

    So what else is new? Humpty Trumpty ALWAYS says one thing and does another.

    It's like I knew immediately he was going to fire Mueller when he CLEARLY stated he was NOT going to do it!

    1. Anonymous6:56 AM

      he can fire Mueller but it it's not going to change the fact that most of America wants him gone. over by Christmas. trump may be over by Christmas. i know the republicans in congress are done. tax breaks for the rich, screw the middle class, try to kill the poor = no votes for you!

  2. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Oh yea. Talk to any fox no news zombie. They continue to be dangerously brainwashed. And now they are so paranoid that they want everyone armed. FOX no news must be completely removed and charged with hate crimes. Those viewers have to be informed somehow.

    1. Anonymous6:52 AM

      you think those morons will listen? there are people out there who think trump is the best president of all time. and, yes, many of those got fired from their jobs and removed from online because they were dumb enough to march with tiki torches in a hate march that the whole world saw, but still. was georgie zimmerman there that night? sounds like something he'd do.

  3. Anonymous4:54 AM

    And he didnt know it but was being investigated himself on some of those dates.

  4. Anonymous5:07 AM

    I don’t really understand the hullabaloo over the FBI agents texting about what a moron Trump is. Didn’t Mueller remove them way back in the summer, as soon as he was made aware of it? He didn’t keep them on the investigation. If he wants to get rid of everyone who thinks he’s an idiot, 70% of the US will have to leave. Then only crooks and idiots will be left.

    1. Leland5:52 AM

      Sorry, 5:07, but the crooks will leave, too, unless Humpty Trumpty owes them.

    2. Anonymous5:57 AM

      He did let them go. The desperate Republicans are grasping at any straws they can to try to impugn Mueller's credibility. This thing is a total non-issue.

  5. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Putin's Revenge Porn...2

    1. Anonymous7:19 AM

      pooty is WINNING!

    2. Anonymous7:37 AM

      "Putin’s payoff is Trump’s first year: a president who is simultaneously eroding some of our most basic norms, undermining some of our most cherished institutions and enacting a mammoth tax bill that will not make America great again." Given the power of the president to shape our public discourse, it’s chilling to imagine what four years and 8,000 lies or misleading statements from Trump will do to trust in government in America — and how deeply that will filter into society, giving permission to anyone and everyone to lie with impunity."His head of the Environmental Protection Agency has turned the E.P.A. over to the fossil fuel industry. Ditto at Interior. His I.R.S. is being starved of funding to do its job. And his secretary of state is gutting the State Department, shedding our most experienced diplomats and replacing them with … no one."
      "the G.O.P. Congress treated this one-in-a-generation tax rewrite with as much rigorous analysis as naming a post office for Ronald Reagan! This is how democratic institutions get soiled.

      And then there’s the future: Putin never could have dreamed up this deformed Trump-G.O.P. tax bill, but it is precisely how you don’t make America great again." "a tax “reform” bill that defies all five principles that made us great for two and half centuries."we have a bill driven by the need to reward big donors and to put “points on the board” for Trump before the midterms.

      Even Putin surely could not have imagined that Trump would be this foolish and the G.O.P. this cynical. It’s just the extra dollop of caviar on Vladimir’s Christmas blini."

  6. Anonymous6:48 AM

    “Before a show, I’LL go backstage and everyone’s getting dressed, and everything else, and you know, no men are anywhere, and I’M allowed to go in because I’M the owner of the pageant and therefore I’M inspecting it. You know, I’M inspecting because I want to make sure that everything is good. You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. ‘Is everybody okay?’ And you see these incredible looking women, and so, I sort of get away with things like that.”

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      you know all those women are liars. trump would never look at any woman except his illegal sex worker wife. who has enough sense to stay as far away from dumpt as possible. the trump divorce, soon as trump is removed from office, coming soon!

  7. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Wow p ryan can't work for his constituents, as he is only focused on congress!
    Why isn't this why he is ELECTED to his post? Work on behalf of constituents?!
    GOP, wow only few are working for US citizens.

    1. Anonymous9:03 AM

      sucks to be in Wisconsin at the moment. good news, however. ryan says hes not running for another term. he knows that not even the kock brothers (who own our once beautiful state) can't buy him out of this mess.

    2. They guy who wants Ryan's seat is a NAZI.

      Wisconsin better get on the ball and vote all these assholes out. Ryan is a good start but you have to get rid of Scotty Walker.

  8. Anonymous7:14 AM

    "rump and the Republican Party lack the minimal decency required to take their tax cut for the rich and theft of healthcare from 13 million people and quietly go away. rump and his party are the thieves who stole your wallet and then hold an event in front of you bragging about their crimes."All that matters to Donny rump is “WINNING,” even if the “victory” is going to cost Republicans CONgress." more like~IT~ will cost the world.

    1. Anonymous7:43 AM

      FB>"Last night at midnight, the Trump Administration took the White House petition site,
      WE THE PEOPLE, offline.
      Since taking office 11 months ago, 17 petitions have gathered more than the requisite 100,000 signatures each requiring Trump to address them.
      He has responded to precisely none ZERO-- including the largest and most popular petition in the history of the government site, "Immediately release Donald Trump's full tax returns, with all information needed to:
      verify emoluments clause compliance."
      America, you have your answer." Jim Wright

    2. Anonymous7:45 AM

      FB>"I hope Trump supporters drop the teat of the Fox News Mother long enough to simply look at this photograph and fix it to some spongy memory-bank they may yet possess in their milky brain.

      YOU! The gentleman sprawled on the filthy ground with that heavy-lidded stare, holding that wrinkled, green lizard with the milky flume bubbling betwixt your bruised lips...yes YOU...

      Behold these three.

      The biggest theft of treasure in history.

      The Bob Corker Kickback provision (added at the end)—THAT provision alone will cost the treasury $414.5 Billion in revenues.

      That provision allows people who hold real estate holdings through a limited liability company to be able to take advantage of a new deduction for “pass-through” businesses —even if they have few employees. Pass-throughs are companies that pay taxes through the individual, not the corporate side of the tax code.

      Trump—that smug asshole in the Middle— Trump will be a direct beneficiary of the Corker Kickback provision.

      So in a couple of years, Mr Milk Baby, when the majority of Mom’s nursing home costs come out of YOUR pocket and you wonder what happened to that government program that used to pay for it...remember these three faces when you hear the answer from your favorite Republican politician. “...we had to make cuts somewhere...”

      Those smiles convey one simple message this Christmas Season:

      “Fuck You, America; Sucks to be You!”

      Ho.Ho. And Ho."

    3. Anonymous8:19 AM

      @7:45 $wamp Mon$tErs are
      aynrand Ryan
      dotard dRUMpf
      bitch McCONnell

      All $porting Rictu$ $miles$=Jizzing!=WINning!

    4. Anonymous8:30 AM

      "Un has upped the ante in his war on Christmas with a new rule that prohibits any "gatherings that involve alcohol and singing.""

      "The army of 'robots', as they were described, live and die for the hermit nation's dictator and would be prepared to do anything for him.
      "It comes as speculation surfaced of the dictator killing off his government officials in what could be a purge among Pyongyang's top brass.
      "In the latest statement, the Foreign Office Minister Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon said: 'The UK's National Cyber Security Centre assesses it is highly likely that North Korean actors known as the Lazarus Group were behind the WannaCry ransomware campaign - one of the most significant to hit the UK in terms of scale and disruption."

  9. Anonymous7:22 AM

    KOROSTEN is here xxx--->>>

  10. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Wisconsin citizens should begin a recall right now.
    Nah citizens are just letting all these robbers take whatever amount of cash they want. Talk about iskanka being complicit.

  11. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Yeah p ryan needs to fix congress and stop sexual harrassment payments.

  12. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Stop payments with us citizen money.

  13. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Here we go, China will release oil futures for sale and will be only bought with yuans. People, no US dollar.
    Now US dollar will fall.
    Here we go, buy gold jewels.

  14. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Maybe that's why the us is trying to get Jong to start war. Us dollar will fall if China can stop use of us dollar.


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