Thursday, December 28, 2017

Something to remember.

That is what a competent and historically significant presidency looks like. 


  1. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Just think, if the party of no had worked with instead of against his administration.
    Voters have had many complaints against every past president, but we are truly scraping bottom this time.

    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Mueller's resume vs Trump's resume. You decide whom to believe:
      • Born August 7th, 1944 in Manhattan
      • Grew up outside of Philly
      • Graduated High School in 1962
      • Won award as school’s top athlete
      • Went to Princeton
      • Graduated with a degree in Politics in 1966
      • Went to New York University
      • Graduated with Masters in International Relations in 1967
      • Partially in response to a friend getting killed in Vietnam he enlisted in the Marines in 1968
      • Attended officer training at Parris Island
      • Also attended Army Ranger and Army Jump School
      • Was sent to South Vietnam where he served as a rifle platoon Commander
      • In April of 1969 he was shot in the thigh, recovered and returned to active duty
      • He earned the following medals while serving in Vietnam
      o Bronze Star with Combat V; Purple Heart; Navy and Marine Corp Commendation Medals; Combat Action Ribbon; National Defense Medal, Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross…and several others
      • He returned to America and earned his law degree in 1973 from Virginia Law School
      • Worked for 3 years as a litigator in San Francisco
      • Worked 12 years in the US Attorney Office
      o Rose to chief of Criminal Division
      • Moved to Boston to work as Assistant US Attorney
      • Prosecuted financial fraud; terrorism; public corruption; narcotics conspiracies and money laundering
      • Worked in Boston at a private firm until 1989
      • Joined the US Department of Justice working on national security
      • Worked on the following cases…Manuel Noriega; Pan Am Flight 103 and the Gambino Crime Family
      • Moved between private and public service until 1998 when he was named the US Attorney for Northern California
      • Bush (W) nominated him for FBI Director in 2001 and he was confirmed 98-0
      • One week after taking the office came the 9/11 attacks
      • He remained in office for 12 years…the second longest term in FBI history
      • This long term required Senate Approval
      • He was replaced at the FBI in 2013 by James Comey
      • He had been teaching, speaking and consulting since 2013 when he was asked to run this investigation into Russian collusion
      Trump’s resume looks like this during those same years:
      • Sent to military school because of poor behavior
      • Faked bone spurs and dodged draft
      • Denied African-Americans housing for his daddy’s real estate business
      • Lied
      • Cheated
      • Grifted
      • Learned to Tweet
      • Lied
      • Cheated
      • Grifted

  2. Anonymous4:06 AM

    I just can't understand how the number one country in the world could go from having a man of Obama's stature serve as their President to actually electing an individual who is not fit to polish his predecessors' shoes.

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      trump* is not fit to lick dog poop off Obama's shoes.

      The idea of an asterisk when referring to the current president* comes from Charlie Pierce at


  3. Anonymous4:18 AM

    And now a checklist for a vengeful narcissistic bully and his cowering enablers to work their way down to undermine or reverse.

    It is electoral suicide, is it not? So why are they doing it besides revenge, or... burning the bridges as they retreat, knowing they will be defeated in the next election(s), unless they can rig them or sufficiently voter suppress or collude with cyber terrorists.

    It truly baffles the rational mind.

    1. Anonymous5:26 AM

      "It truly baffles the rational mind."

      And there's the key word - rational.

      I think there's certainly an element of revenge inspiring them and an all-consuming hatred for President Obama, who cleaned up their economic mess, accomplished legislation that no previous president had been able to, and is still highly respected and admired throughout the world while their last two presidents are international jokes.

      However, I believe the overall motivation is an insatiable greed for money and power. They know that their party is dying regardless of any scandals this administration be be guilty of. The demographics of this country are changing and their supporters are literally dying off.

      Since they know they're going to lose control eventually, they will do anything and everything they can to accumulate as much money as possible in the short term. If they can screw the blue states and Democratic voters - and reverse everything that black guy did - in the process, that's just a bonus.

      They are truly the ugliest examples of a warped and intentionally cruel political process.

    2. Anonymous5:40 AM

      Yes, just look at that list. Who would want to undo that? Farking Iceholes!

    3. Anonymous7:10 AM

      They HATE HRC even MORE...

    4. Anonymous1:58 PM

      After showing they only care about their pockets, there are still those who believe these people care about America and the American people.

      There is none so blind as those who refuse to see.

    5. Maybe they're counting on Trump declaring a state of "emergency" and suspending the elections until further notice.

      You know. Like Robert Mugabe.

  4. Anonymous5:17 AM

    how dare President Obama do all those things?! (Major eye roll here) no wonder people bought into MAGA and elect Trump.
    Every person who voted for the treasonist turd deserve ridicule. I’m done trying to understand them!

    1. Anonymous6:35 AM

      Same here! Let them drown in the Trump swamp!

  5. 4:06, I don’t get it either.

  6. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Nice fan list, but sorry, Obama was a mixed bag. Some of the accomplishments are a little/lot overstated, there were a lot of balls dropped, and A LOT of kicking the can down the road. But like many Presidents before him, he was the right guy at the right time, and likeable. That is good enough to get you elected.

    1. Damning with faint praise. Stay classy, Nancy.

    2. Anonymous7:40 AM

      No American president of either political party ever had to deal with the incessant, all-encompassing obstruction by the other political party in Congress. When the Democrats controlled Congress the Republicans stalled and obstructed and did everything possible to block progress; when the Republicans controlled Congress they obstructed and blocked everything possible.

    3. Anonymous8:03 AM

      " Republicans are promising to do "everything" they can to block the president. ... Senate Minority Leader Mitch McCONnell summed up his plan to National Journal :
      “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”"<TREA$ONOUS FROM DAY ONE!

    4. Anonymous8:05 AM

      It is called living in the logical world 7:29. Not many people can grasp it, humans are naturally emotionally swayed.

    5. Anonymous9:03 AM

      @7:11 AM You are showing symptoms of Palin derangement syndrome. Why don't you direct your stupid advice towards the Drunken brawling, Daddy attacking, illegitimate baby making, fake pregnancy scamming, lying, needy Palins?

    6. Anonymous11:29 AM

      lol 9:03, why are you so obsessed with the Palins?

      She is a nobody. Her family is a bunch of nobodies. She hasn't been Governor for over 8 years lol. Put down the Palin obsession crack pipe and move on with your life.

    7. Not on yer life. They are just too incessantly whacko for words. Wouldn't miss their next disaster for anything.

    8. Anonymous8:02 PM

      @11:29 AM Are you campaigning to be the next unpaid Palin lawyer? Enjoy your New Year's Eve sober party with Track and his breathalyzer machine. Be careful that he doesn't find any guns to threaten you. Maybe you can help supervise Track's child visitation.

    9. Anonymous12:08 AM

      8:02: "Are you campaigning to be the next unpaid Palin lawyer?"

      Ahahahhaaaaa. You are so funny! You should totally do stand up or write for SNL..... hahahahaha I can't stop laughing your dry wit is going to kill me. I can't even get a breath in I am laughing so hard at your supreme comedy skills. Hahahaha. Oh mercy.... And definitely do all your material on the Palins as they are always relevant, totally, worldwide.

  7. Shoulda self-induced disaster....

  8. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Palin troll reporting for duty.
    The source LOL is a picture graphic and nothing more. If it was a book you'd find it in the fiction section except for Osama bin Laden dead and a few other things.
    ISIS was born under Obama. Never forget it. ISIS is no more thanks to Trump taking the gloves off of our troops.
    -Obama reneged on our commitment to put up missile shields in Poland and the Czech Republic.

    -Obama whispered to Medvedev that he should tell Putin that he would have more flexibility after he was elected.

    -Obama sneered at Mitt Romney in a presidential debate when Romney said Putin and Russia are dangerous.

    -Obama and Hillary left people to die in Benghazi while concocting a lie to protect his political power, because a terrorist attack would be inconvenient right before an election when he had been lying that terrorists were on the run.

    -Obama showed his lack of intelligence when he called ISIS the J.V. team, allowing the terrorists to build up.

    -Obama drew the fictional red line in Syria, which contributed greatly to the refugee crisis.

    -Obama failed to live up to our commitment to help Ukraine when it was invaded by Russia (international agreements meant nothing to Obama).

    -Obama was so arrogant and ignorant that he signed the Paris Accord, where he pretended that if people just give the government trillions of dollars, politicians can control temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity forever.

    -The way he was going to control the climate was by slowing the U.S economy and bankrupting coal companies and through stifling regulations. (I don't know why journalists and other Democrats aren't embarrassed by politicians who want to slow down the economy and make more people dependent on government.)

    -Obama failed to live up to his promise to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.

    -Obama used taxpayer money to defeat a candidate in Israel. (Aren't journalists and Democrats embarrassed to complain about Russia interfering in our elections when Obama interfered in someone else's election with taxpayer dollars?)

    -Obama continually said that as president he could not rewrite or ignore existing immigration law and did it anyway.

    -Obama and his staff lied to willing accomplices in the media about lifting up the major sponsor of terrorism.

    Now it appears that Obama cared more about his legacy on Iran and little about the terrorist group Hezb'allah and its drug-running. It is sad that Obama cared so little about the people who got and used the drugs and the terrorists attacks and so very much about his legacy.

    I remember that George Clooney, Democrats, and journalists cared greatly about Darfur and Congo when Bush was President, and that issue essentially disappeared when Obama was elected. Did Obama take care of that issue?

    I am actually not embarrassed about Trump and am proud when:

    -Trump told NATO's other members that they should pay what they committed to.

    -Trump actually lives up to our commitment to help Ukraine defend itself against Russia.

    -Trump continually stresses to China and Russia that they must help on North Korea instead of just watching North Korea build up.

    -Trump finished ISIS off in Syria and Iraq.

    -Trump understands that you need serious vetting to protect America from countries that are the most likely sponsors of terrorism.

    -Trump decertified the dangerous Iran deal.

    -Trump kept his commitment to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.

    -Trump pulled out of the TPP deal, knowing that smaller trade deals are easier to monitor and fix.

    -Trump is intelligent and modest enough to know that there is no way for humans to control the climate.

    -Trump knows that a president is supposed to enforce immigration laws that Congress passes instead of unilaterally picking and choosing which laws to enforce.

    -Trump travels around the world telling everyone that America is his first interest and that their countries should be first for them.

    -Trump and his administration lecture the U.N. instead of having the U.N. control us.

    1. Too late, Steve. Your goose is cooked.

    2. Anonymous8:24 PM

      I'm not Steve. And that response is down right lame.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.