Sunday, December 24, 2017

Stephen Seagal has "written" a book, and look just in time for Christmas.

Courtesy of the AV Club: 

Apparently smarting after his interview with Piers Morgan was ridiculed far and wide for, among other things, obtusely arguing against NFL player protests and enthusiastically praising Vladimir Putin, lawman and blues guitarist Steven Seagal licked his wounds by writing a book, such that he could better explain his political ideas. It is written in the only language Seagal knows: that of a low-rent, straight-to-DVD action flick, its dual nature upheld by each side of the colon in its title The Way Of The Shadow Wolves: The Deep State And The Hijacking Of America. The foreword is by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, because of course it is.

The book follows John Nan Tan Gode, an Arizona Tribal police officer, described on the first page of the book as having “classic chiseled features,” who stumbles upon a conspiracy that reaches the highest levels of power. It is, in other words, a written adaptation of a Steven Seagal movie by Steven Seagal himself, a casting suggested most prominently by its cover, in which the legendary lawman saunters brow-a-furrowed out of some sort of wolf sunset.

I have seen a Stephen Seagal movie so I have been unable to take him seriously as an actor.

Since he started hanging out with Putin I have been unable to take him seriously as an American.

So there is absolutely NO way I am going to be able to take him seriously as an author of a book.

Besides I would be completely unable to read it.

Ever since I graduated from the first grade I have not been able to make heads or tails out of anything written in crayon.


  1. Anonymous6:22 AM


    1. Anonymous9:24 AM

  2. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Chuck inbred Norris, now Steven segal?
    A couple made for each other.
    Wannabe imbeciles.

  3. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Definitely upheld by each end of the colon.
    Bend over and cough, Mr. Seagal.

  4. Anonymous6:56 AM

    How sad, I watched his flicks and even dated a close look alike with the same strut. And since this lousy actor decided to get in the tank with sheriff joe in az and then head to Russia to become a Russian citizen? he is garbage in my book. What a treason soaked pos sob.

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Likewise Dennis Rodman and Sean Penn inre Kim Jong-un.

    2. Anonymous5:32 PM


  5. Anonymous7:18 AM

    " we need to understand this moment as emblematic of a larger GOP strategy evident not only in the current tax bill but also in other policies, such as healthcare, that involve government spending. And it’s not new to this Presidentila administration but rather than an ongoing Republican project this administration adopted.

    The dynamic we see at work might best be characterized as a “feed the beast, starve the people” strategy."

    Tax Reform czar Grover Torquiest
    ", Congress, according to former health insurance CEO J.B. Silvers, had already reneged on its promises to pay subsidies, having paid only 12% of its pledge. The result of Congress not disbursing the taxpayer money allotted for these subsidies, according to Silvers, was severe market de-stabilization that generated higher premiums and drove companies—and thus competition—out of the exchanges."
    "Our money collectively works more effectively and efficiently when we pool it together in the form of taxes to pay for services we share, such as education and healthcare."

  6. Anonymous7:36 AM

    OT? ME$AY!

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

    2. Anonymous9:01 AM

      "Many of Trump’s Christian supporters argue that the president is ending the alleged “war on Christmas,” which has been presented by evangelicals and Fox news anchors as a threat to America’s Christian culture. Trump supporters say Americans have become too politically correct when they wish people happy holidays, a neutral term that can be used for people who celebrate Hanukkah, Eid, or any other religious holiday that takes place around the same time as Christmas." "by weaponizing Christmas in this way, Trump is bringing a dangerous tradition of politicizing religious holidays into the United States, experts say. "In this context, Trump has been using the so-called war on Christmas to wage a culture war that pits multicultural liberals against Christian conservatives. He began doing this long before Christmas."Nazi Germany’s propagandists rooted their idea of Christmas in visions of ethno-nationalism. They rewrote the lyrics of Christmas carols, promoted Nazified holiday traditions and launched numerous Christmas charity events for poor Germans. The ultimate goal was to draw a clear line between those who belonged and those who should be excluded, those who could not benefit from the joys of Christmas."
      “Committed white nationalists love Trump's bring back Christmas campaign almost as much as evangelicals,” Dr. Randy Blazak, a sociology professor who studies white nationalism, told Newsweek. “His followers see this as gospel and a rebuking of multiculturalism and political correctness, and the growing influence of Jews, Muslims, atheists and other non-WASPs.”
      “Frankly, I’m not sure how far Trump himself is willing to go to use the holiday to promote anti-Muslim or anti-minority visions of America, or if he even really understands what he is doing with his ‘Merry Christmas’ tirades.”"

    3. Anonymous10:09 AM

      I DO NOT say Merry Christmas. I used to, to those I knew celebrated, but never again. The Rump and the fundies just strengthened my resolve.

  7. Anonymous7:42 AM

    'They did disclose that the package was labelled as coming from "the American people."'

  8. Anonymous7:57 AM

    FB"It's been a rainy day in New York. It seems that the temperature is now too warm and the precipitation will pass before the thermostat drops to deliver on my annual hopes for a white Christmas. But in so many of the most important ways, I am counting my good fortune. Our family has gathered for the holiday, and after a disorienting, fitful, and often perilous year I feel a calm in being surrounded by the people I love.
    These are frightening times. I know that many face the hardships of life, health, and financial circumstance. I know that our divisions and inequalities are being stirred and fomented by many in political leadership. I know we face dire environmental and social challenges.
    But as I reflect on the Christmas spirit and as I look ahead to 2018, I refuse to let my optimism in this nation wane - at least when viewed over the longer arc of history. I think the vast majority of Americans are determined to strive to continue that unending quest "to form a more perfect union." I see acts of service, of political activism, and of empathy. I see steely determination that our nation should right its course. We are better than this. I know it. And I think most of you know it. Do not lose heart. And do not lose the will or courage to strive for what you believe to be the just and equitable destiny for the United States and the world at large. I know we can do great things as a nation, and as a global community, if we work together.
    And I would like to say to all of you who have joined me here that I am eternally grateful. You who have made this chapter in my life among the most meaningful and rewarding of my career.
    To all who celebrate this holiday, Merry Christmas. To all others, may you find peace and joy this holiday season."
    Dan the man Rather

    1. S'posed to hit 1 below tonight and we have some snow covering in NW iowa. Not enough to keep waterlines from freezing in an extended cold spell.

  9. Anonymous7:59 AM

    ANGRY "RU$H handJOB"
    "You all just got a lot richer,"
    "It's going to keep companies from leaving our shores and opening up in other countries." "RU$H handJOB"

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

    2. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Trump is looking forward to his standing ovation tomorrow in church.

  10. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Trump administration hemorrhaging staff

  11. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Who or what is a Steven Seagal?

  12. Segal is a fake.

    Meanwhile, if you thought 2017 was a rough ride, you'd best cinch up those seat belts tighter and hang on -- 2018 will be a sonofabitch.

    I've been stocking up on pistol, shotgun, and AR-15 ammo because of the two young Nazis who live 1/2-mile down the road from me.

    2018 will see a Constitutional crisis as bad as the Civil War.

    Sorry to ruin Christmas, folks -- but -- we're coming to Revelation 6:8:

    " And I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its rider's name was Death, and Hell followed after. "

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      Tombstone! Love that movie!

  13. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Blues guitarist? Now unlike Robert Downey below, this guy is a hobbyist musician that should probably stick to neck bending onscreen and leave the guitar neck to the pros. While playing an instrument can be healing to anyone who tries it, amateur and pro alike, there should probably be a license required before being allowed on a stage. This guy just strums with his thumb and pretends he's awesome and while RDJ actually has the chops as a hobbyist musician, this guy needs to stick to chopping heads off, figuratively of course. (Radio review)

  14. Anonymous10:18 AM

    His hair looks painted on.

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Shoe polish. Saint Ronnie used the same brand.

  15. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Twas the night before Christmas, when through the White House
    Not a Kushner was resting, not even his spouse;
    The documents were hung by the shredder with care,
    In fears that Bob Mueller soon would be there;

    The staffers were nestled all snug in their beds,
    While visions of subpoenas danced in their heads;
    And Melania in her babushka, and Trump in his cap,
    Flew to Mar-a-Lago for a long winter’s nap,

    When on the TV there remained such a matter,
    There was Brennan, Podesta and man named Jim Clapper.
    With bribes fresh in hand, they flew like the flash,
    The greedy corporations did suck up the cash.

    The Congress rejoiced the records will show
    Feigned promises of riches to the peasants below,
    When, what to amazement FoxNews should appear,
    Took aim at Bob Mueller, with permission to smear,

    With disinfo flying, so rapid and thick,
    I knew in a moment it must be Bolshevik.
    More rapid than vultures his hackers they came,
    And they posted and trolled, as they sought to defame;

    “Now, Fancy! now, Cozy! now, Seaduke and BlackEnergy!
    On, Havex! on Sandworm! on, Skipper and CrouchingYeti!
    To the DNC server! Past the paper’s firewall!
    Now exfiltrate, exfiltrate, exfiltrate all!”

    Then the Kremlin called Julian, their reliable guy,
    To leak to the world, the docs that they plied,
    And the Stone who was named Roger bragged on it too,
    With the dirty tricks methods that Vladi knew.

    And they carried on lying that there was never the proof,
    They fogged and distracted and acted aloof.
    But their plan would unravel, spin wild to the ground,
    And the FBI went digging and looking all around.

    Then came the big man, he was Special Counsel to be,
    And he hired top lawyers, and then empaneled grand jury;
    There were interviews and hearings, this man would not slack,
    And he pressed forward justly, with a determined knack.

    His eyes were like eagles, they missed not a thing,
    His presence was heavy, his targets would sing!
    His sleuthing was famous, if you must know,
    And his integrity was solid, like the ground below;

    The facts that were surfaced he held tight in his teeth,
    And as he dug for truth morsels that were buried beneath;
    He was focused on the crooked, the wretched and smelly,
    They did shake full of fear as we watched on the tele.

    He questioned each of them from the son to the elf,
    And I rejoiced at the justice, then I thought to myself;
    Under orange little man with weird hair on his head,
    The great justice of America was certainly not dead,

    He did push and did pull but it just would not work,
    And did hit Twitter daily, to act like a jerk,
    And he threw little tizzy fits, like a toddler in chief,
    But we saw he was crooked, though no ordinary thief;

    Though it took time, and labor we could would no longer bristle,
    As we finally saw Congress call for his dismissal.
    And as justice was served, he was hauled out of sight,

  16. Anonymous10:53 AM

    He’s an old “has-been” who thinks he’s one of the characters in one of his cheesy movies. Who gives a flyin’ Fuck what he thinks.

  17. Anonymous10:56 AM

    ‘A really weird legal case’: Battle over Charles Manson’s body is ‘like a circus’

    The wonderful happy couple takes in a crazy homeless lady for the holidays.

  18. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Steven can write? I thought he became a ruskie,was this published in russia or did he use the free press in America?

    Saw a report on tv that at least 16 journalists have died mysteriously since putin has taken power,donnie better be careful.

    1. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Russians need to grow a pair. Come on people! :/

  19. Anonymous2:02 PM


  20. Anonymous2:29 PM

    " $284,460,000,000 dollars, but her minimum payment for the month of December was $28,156. She was given a full payment due date of November 2018, but it was still a major shock."

  21. Anonymous3:15 PM

    His "Alaska" movie "On Deadly Ground" with Michael Caine is one of the cheesiest bits of cinema ever created.

    We Alaskans had so much fun with how they misconstrued places, distances and, well, pretty much everything to do with Alaska.

    The best part was the opening scene where Seagal lit his cigar of a flaming oil well...we all do that sometimes.

  22. Anonymous9:22 PM

    An interesting read is #54 compare what it says to global current events! :()

  23. Anonymous9:29 PM


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.