Saturday, December 02, 2017

The Trump Administration is considering the idea of outsourcing intelligence gathering and the capture of terrorists to a private company. So many red flags here.

Courtesy of Buzzfeed:  

The White House and CIA have been considering a package of secret proposals to allow former US intelligence officers to run privatized covert actions, intelligence gathering, and propaganda missions, according to three sources who’ve been briefed on or have direct knowledge of the proposals. 

One of the proposals would involve hiring a private company, Amyntor Group, for millions of dollars to set up a large intelligence network and run counterterrorist propaganda efforts, according to the sources. Amyntor’s officials and employees include veterans of a variety of US covert operations, ranging from the Reagan-era Iran–Contra affair to more recent actions in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

Amyntor declined to discuss the proposals, but a lawyer for the company said in a statement to BuzzFeed News that the type of contract being contemplated would be legal “with direction and control by the proper government authority.” 

Another proposal presented to US officials would allow individuals affiliated with the company to help capture wanted terrorists on behalf of the United States. In keeping with that proposal, people close to the company are tracking two specific suspects in a Middle Eastern country, the sources said, for possible “rendition” to the United States. 

A source speaking on behalf of the company stressed that while Amyntor officials are aware of and involved in the rendition plan, the company itself would not be involved.

What the actual fuck folks?

This is clearly an attempt to undermine the CIA and to engage in activities that the agency would never sanction.

Which seems to be supported by comments made by sources:  

Those familiar with the proposals say one of the driving impulses for privatizing some missions is a fear by some supporters of President Donald Trump, outside government, that the CIA bureaucracy has an anti-Trump bias that would thwart efforts to fulfill the president’s objectives. “The system does not work,” one source who is sympathetic to the Amyntor efforts told BuzzFeed News. “The people leaking this to you just want to destroy the president.”

Paranoid much?

The agency itself is located in the same small community of Whitefish, Montana which was also home to the company that received that sweetheart deal to restore electricity to Puerto Rico, and then failed miserably to do so. 

Gee, what a coincidence.

How could Congress even provide oversight to a private company like this, and how would the American people have any confidence that they were not breaking international laws in our name?

Such a bad feeling about this.


  1. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Whitefish MT is also home to Richard Spencer, white supremacist/alt-right poster boy. Coincidence?

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      And to former radio owner and shit spewing spokesperson John Stokes. Think minuscule Rush Limpballs. But Stokes sparked a ton of violence and almost destroyed the town, putting neighbor against neighbor in the Kalispell area. Look up public tvs' Point of View episode titled: The Fire Next Time.

  2. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Dear WH -- can we not have just ONE FUCKING DAY's peace? just ONE FUCKING DAY without some horrible idea that destroys democracy or the constitution or the environment or women's rights, or flaunts the checks & balances of government? just ONE FUCKING DAY without the jackass president giving the finger to someone or some nation? just ONE? ---------- this year sucks

    (Flynn flipping notwithstanding :D)

  3. They passed that fucking tax deform.

    Now this?

    How many stupid people are left to support these assholes?

    I guess we’ll know in 2018.

    If the Republicans are re-elected then we’ll know..

  4. Anonymous8:19 AM

    OT? Excerpt FB>"This is classic Trump, right here.

    According to CNN's White House senior correspondent, Jim Acosta "a senior WH official told CNN that the Obama admin 'authorized' Flynn's conversation with Kislyak. But former DNI Clapper just told CNN that's 'absurd.'"

    And it IS absurd.

    Of course it's absurd.

    It's OBVIOUSLY absurd.

    It's absurd on several levels. Every level.

    With the biggest absurdity being that Flynn wasn't charged with contacting the Russians -- which would be problematic enough on its own. Rather Flynn was charged with LYING ABOUT HIS FOREIGN CONTACTS TO THE FBI.

    And that is exactly what Flynn pleaded guilty to: one count of lying to the FBI.

    Obama sure as shit didn't authorize THAT.

    And it gets more and more absurd the more you look at it until you fetch up here: The White House is essentially saying that Barack Obama authorized his political enemies -- and specifically a former general who he had fired two years previously and who hated Obama's guts and who Obama himself had expressed warned Trump against hiring, yeah THAT guy -- to contact a foreign power in order to undermine Obama's own administration."
    Jim Wright

  5. Anonymous8:27 AM

    "What we do know about the bill is that it is really really good for the rich, and not so good for everyone else. We know that it eliminates the health insurance mandate, which means 13 million people will lose their health insurance. We know that it requires grad students to count their tuition wavers as taxable income, making it even more expensive to get a graduate degree than it was previously. We know that it officially declares that life begins at conception and allows oil drilling in Alaska, which definitely makes sense for a tax bill. We know that it eliminates the Johnson Amendment, which will allow people to write off their political donations as charitable donations — but not their home offices, or their staggering old-age medical bills and nursing homes."
    "because the people who are going to be hurt the most, you imagine, are the people you hate the most. Grad students, minorities, women, the non-religious, environmentalists, the kind of poor people you imagine are “just lazy” rather than “economically anxious” like you are (read: minorities, again), and most of all, all those smug liberals out there who think they are better than you. Right now, they, we, are all SO MAD ABOUT THIS TAX BILL! So mad about it! Because it is horrible and cruel and bad! And boy, our tears sure are delicious, aren’t they!"

    Read more at:

  6. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Old dotard is being hateful again. Let us HOPE that drumpf and organization will be home in his tower to prepare for his next BK, before year end. And take the cockroaches, ants and rats back home with them. Get out and stay out. Fired. Done. Over and OUT.

    1. Anonymous9:22 AM

  7. Anonymous8:46 AM

    And exactly WHICH Eric Prince company will that be?

    1. Anonymous9:22 AM

      aka dick FUCK cheney & co llc.

    2. The school Eric Prince went to is also getting their own personal little piece of pork in the new Tax Deform bill.

  8. Anonymous9:18 AM

    un-wel-cum homey>
    Chanting ‘Lock Him Up’
    “New York hates you!”

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow - Amy Winehouse

  9. Anonymous9:38 AM

    "The internet could not understand why Trump would break his Twitter silence on Flynn’s guilty plea with an admission of guilt."

    Want to bet it was a underage 'MARKED' 'party' tOO?

    1. Anonymous10:02 AM

      "Solomon Wisenberg, who questioned President Bill Clinton under independent counsel Kenneth Starr’s probe, told Vanity Fair this week about Obama playing a role in the Russia investigation. “Why is Trump trying to protect Flynn, saying ‘he’s a good guy,’ after all these people—the former president, Sally Yates—warned him?”

    2. Because he does not perceive it as an admissin of guilt.

      And so what? If there is any blowback he’ll simply say he never said it, fake news, and say something to contradict what he said. He does this all the time.

  10. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Flim flam Flynn Isis Just 'like' his LAST boss^

  11. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Somehow outsourcing intelligence gathering just sounds so wrong. . . .

  12. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Are they going to access to the CIA codes and info,gosh perfect way to stage a coup.
    Who came up with this stupid idea,trump? And of course it will cost us ten times more because these companies always over charge and no one is auditing them.


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