Saturday, December 30, 2017

White House officials found a meeting between Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel "humiliating."

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

President Donald Trump appeared to know little, if anything, about international trade deals during an exchange with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in March this year. White House officials reportedly characterized the talk as “humiliating.” 

The Republican Trump asked Merkel about creating a new, bilateral trade deal between Germany and the U.S., even though, as a member of the European Union, Germany cannot strike such a deal without the other 27 members of the union, according to The New York Times. 

Merkel was afraid to fully correct Trump since White House aides told German officials the four-term chancellor had been condescending to Trump during one of their first phone calls. 

Instead, Merkel eased into an explanation that an agreement could be reached in concert with the EU. 

“So it could be bilateral?” Trump asked Merkel, who nodded, according to those in the meeting. Trump responded: “That’s great.” 

Trump then turned to Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross and said: “Wilbur, we’ll negotiate a bilateral trade deal with Europe.” German officials were reportedly relieved that no incident occurred, but White House officials told The Times they saw the exchange as “humiliating.”

Every day. Every single day there is yet another reason to be ashamed of who is running this country. 

Angela Merkel literally had to talk to this idiot as she would a small child, while also hoping that she did not hurt his tiny feelings and cause an international incident.


  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    That is why Trumptards worship him, he is as stupid as they are.

    1. Anonymous11:39 AM

      We must remember that 9 and a half years ago Trumptards were Palintards. Funny thing is Righties reloaded with a bigger idiot named Trump/

    2. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Yeah, their reptilian brains (only type they have) always think bigger = better. Which is why the orange shitgibbon's obsession with size of crowds, polls and ...hands.

    3. Anonymous12:59 PM


    4. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Cousin phone today. I just don’t see why the church will not pay my every bill! Not why they’re there. Get off your damned ass, “but I’m a princess! The government should be!” NO. “But the brown people, they’re right up the street, sure many of them are illegal, and they asked Pastor to do church services for them! I have the crown!”

      They’re out there.

    5. Anonymous11:33 PM

      i had a close encounter with a homeless person on Christmas eve. a friend talked into to proving this person a motel room as the weather was dipping into 20 below temps. bought him some food. not a thank you. in fact, he got out of the car and said it was his worse x-mas ever! we saw him arguing with the clerk. we think we was trying to get the room refunded. i paid by credit card. a few days ago he called my friend because he was freezing and he needed more help. he was told to get a job or head for the shelter. my friend is pissed and i'm out $100.00. these people need to be taught that if someone helps you you need to show some gratitude. some homeless need help. some need to get off there lazy behinds and get a job. that is why i find $arah so awful. everyone owes her what ever she wants.

  2. Anonymous11:06 AM

    OT IRAN:

  3. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Poor Mrs. Merkel. I cannot imagine having to handle Trump when a leader of another country.

    Trump is not capable of leading our country and the world knows it. Impeachment is the only answer and there are multiple reasons and facts available to warrant it. He's a joke and idiot!

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      25th is much easier. Pence is so stupid not to go for it.

  4. Anonymous11:45 AM

    And Trump claims to know more about taxes than the "greatest" accountants and to know all there is to know about health care. But he doesn't know what "bilateral" means? Poor Angela Merkel - talking with Trump must be like trying to have a serious conversation about anything with a petulant four year-old child.

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Trumplethinskin just throws out buzzwords like "bilateral", often right after he hears them, to 'prove' how 'smart' he is. Next he'll be claiming to have invented the word.

    2. Anonymous11:19 PM

      we all know that he is like, a smart person. i don't know any smart person who talks like him.

  5. abbafan11:53 AM

    I just love how Chancellor Merkel gives fat-boy the "stink-eye"! No wonder she is the de facto leader of the G-7! His stupidity shines as bright as his "base"...

  6. Anonymous12:27 PM

    San Francisco. What are you worried about :( )

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      San Francisco? LOL. Intelligent folks reside all over the country. One doesn't post from your computer. That much is obvious. You are comfortable with a pathologically lying, narcissistic, vulgar, bullying child as President? Trump has spent nearly 25 percent of his days in office at one of his golf properties for some portion of the day. What a guy.

    2. Anonymous11:16 PM

      and his golfing is ruining small businesses in the area. they are not rich people so trump doesn't care.

  7. If they were humiliated, it had nothing to do with Merkel and everything to do with that demented toddler the Republicans put in the Oval Office.

  8. Anonymous11:12 PM

    the look on her face..


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It just goes directly to their thighs.