Sunday, January 28, 2018

Donald Trump fudges the facts in Twitter fight with Jay-Z. That's right, the president of the United States is in a Twitter fight with a rapper.

Courtesy of CBS News:  

Jay-Z sat down for a wide-ranging interview with CNN's Van Jones on "The Van Jones Show" in which the two discussed the president's economic record among African-Americans and minorities. The unemployment rate among black Americans is 6.8 percent -- the lowest it has ever been, but far above the 3.7 percent rate among whites. 

Jones asked the rapper whether or not it was fair for Mr. Trump to "say terrible things but put money in our pockets." 

Jay-Z disputed that assessment, saying, "it's not about money at the end of the day. Money doesn't equate to happiness, it doesn't. That's missing the whole point." 

"You treat people like human beings. That's the main point," Jay-Z said. "It goes back to the whole thing -- 'treat me really bad and pay me well.' It's not going to lead to happiness, it's going to lead to, again, the same thing. Everyone's going to be sick."

Trump apparently missed that part where Jay-Z said the jobs did not make up for his blatant racism.

So he tweeted out this:
Once again that is the guy in the White House getting into a Twitter spat with a black entertainer.

But here's the thing, the black unemployment numbers were already rapidly going down BEFORE Trump took office.  

As you can see the both the black AND white unemployment numbers started to drop right around 2010, when PRESIDENT OBAMA'S policies kicked in.

If Trump had inherited a spike in unemployment, and then saw it reduce under his administration, he might have some legitimate bragging rights.

But this is like taking over the wheel from a captain who just steered the vessel safely through an enemy mine field, and then taking credit for a trouble free voyage.

Besides, exactly WHAT policies has Trump put into place that he could possibly credit for a reduction in the black unemployment rate?

No seriously, I'm asking.


  1. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Donald Trump is so proud to take credit for Obama's accomplishments it's only a matter of time before he bestows the Medal of Freedom on himself for ordering the killing Osama bin Laden and not Obama.

    1. Whoa! THAT is a very real possibility. Now, that would be the very essence of "fake news"!

  2. Drumpf can't point to a single policy that has done squat for anyone except the koch bros.

    He still is trying to take credit for all the jobs created in Obama's last three months.
    He also claims his policies defeated ISIS when he used Obama's strategies because he is too stoopid to think of one on his own.

  3. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Jay-Z is going to WIN tOO!

  4. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Van Jones: 'Jay-Z Is Setting A Better Example Than Donald Trump'

    A federal judge in Maryland ruled Friday that Jared Kushner’s family real estate company could not keep secret the identities of its partners in Baltimore-area apartment complexes that are the subject of a class-action lawsuit by tenants.

    Seems Ivanka was offended by his mere presence at the swanky affair.

  5. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Fuck Donald Trump! He's a racist pig and we all know it! President Obama was/is the star and Trump will NEVER accomplish as much or be admired and respected as much as President Obama.

  6. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Trump taking credit for low black unemployment is like a slave master taking credit for record cotton picking on his farm.

    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Ha, cleverly true.

  7. Anonymous3:50 PM

    According to Trump, Obama's Presidency was such a dismal failure, why does he always ride Obama's coattails as his own accomplishments?

  8. Anonymous4:01 PM

    I could see Trump being the 'master' and having numerous 'slaves' picking all the cotton on his plantation! He'd fit the role perfectly.

    Agree w/you 3:42 PM.

    He so needs to be impeached!

  9. Trump doesn't like Black folks making any real money, let alone Black people.

  10. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I never thought I'd see the day when I prefered the president get into a twitter war with a celebrity instead of doing actual work.
    However since traitor trump only works to the detriment of our country,let him continue to make a fool of himself and forget the working stuff.

    1. Anonymous6:59 PM

      It takes that to piss off more people, that otherwise probably would not be paying attention.

  11. Anonymous5:11 PM


  12. WA Skeptic5:21 PM

    Hey, Jay-Z; what's it like having a duel of intellects with an unarmed opponent?

    Asking for a friend.

  13. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Actually the artcle i read Jay Z spent more time dicussing trump's ignorant shithole comment,not unemployment numbers,guess trump was too chicken to go there again.

  14. Randall6:55 PM

    It's like Trump bought a well-tended orchard and is taking full credit for how sweet the apples taste on the trees that HE grew.

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It just goes directly to their thighs.