Thursday, January 04, 2018

Donald Trump's "Advisory Commission on Election Integrity" dies without even a whimper.

Courtesy of TPM:

Statement by the Press Secretary on the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity 

“Despite substantial evidence of voter fraud, many states have refused to provide the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity with basic information relevant to its inquiry. Rather than engage in endless legal battles at taxpayer expense, today I signed an executive order to dissolve the Commission, and have asked the Department of Homeland Security to review these issues and determine next courses of action.”

Gee, now who will chase down all of that non-existent election fraud? 


  1. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Ahhhh. Isn’t that nice that Trump is worried about “taxpayer expenses”, considering the taxpayer expenses involved with his “golf”.

    1. Anonymous6:37 AM

      Let alone his other expenses for his liar family and friends.

    2. Anonymous6:38 AM

      How much has this ass cost the usa taxpayer since his elevator ride down to hell? Trillions?

    3. Anonymous8:43 AM

      @6:38 100'$ of MILLION to date...

  2. Anonymous4:18 AM

    He is blaming the blue states for not complying with his fake commission,more likely they didn't find any illegal voters,except for those russians that voted for him.

  3. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Another blatant sign of a chaotic and crazy President. Yet where is the outcry from Republicans?

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Its easier to get what they want that way. Think of Reagan years. Repeat.

  4. Anonymous5:01 AM

    The Hill:
    Lawmakers briefed by Yale psychiatrist on Trump's mental health: report

    More than a dozen lawmakers last month met with a Yale University psychiatry professor for two days to discuss President Trump's fitness for office, Politico reported Wednesday.

    Dr. Bandy X. Lee reportedly met with the group of lawmakers on Dec. 5 and Dec. 6 and warned them the president is "going to unravel." All of the lawmakers in attendance were Democrats, except for one Republican senator.

    "We feel that the rush of tweeting is an indication of his falling apart under stress. Trump is going to get worse and will become uncontainable with the pressures of the presidency," Lee told Politico.

    Lee edited "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump," a collection released last October of testimonials from more than two dozen psychiatric experts assessing Trump's mental state.


  5. Most likely disbanded because what they found was many fraudulent votes cast for Trump. The election really was rigged, just like Trump said it would be. It was rigged in his favor, and when his personal witch hunters found that, he fired them all.

    1. Anonymous8:46 AM

      we have a WINNER!

  6. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Is Something Neurologically Wrong With Donald Trump?

    "I’m not alone. Viewers of Trump’s recent speeches have begun noticing minor abnormalities in his movements. In November, he used his free hand to steady a small Fiji bottle as he brought it to his mouth. Onlookers described the movement as “awkward” and made jokes about hand size. Some called out Trump for doing the exact thing he had mocked Senator Marco Rubio for during the presidential primary—conspicuously drinking water during a speech."

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM

      There is not enough legal booze or pot to have not noticed how the useful idiot dotard has behaved. Even the deaf dumb and stupid have been aware. And a few voted for it.

  7. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Disbanded. Eight lawsuits, including one by their own member, might have something to to with it.


  8. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Ringy ding dong...ding ding dong....Hello? don is the American people here calling you today. Did you happen to get the memo or tweet that you should quickly pack up the circus tents, camaras and con artist, ditch the clown car and leave the building? The party is over.

  9. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I'm also thinking that the lawsuits will uncover illegal acts.


  10. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Gee. He's kicking the ball to Homeland Security. This is not good news.

    1. Just ensures more losses in the courts. Homeland has no business assessing voter fraud.

  11. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I am slightly bummed as I was looking forward to the commission answering an important question for me. You see, Donald Trump and my former governor, Pat McCrory/NC, both claim they lost because of dead people voting. Trump claims that is why he lost the popular vote and McCrory claims that this is why he lost the whole election. But, Trump won NC. So my question is, Why did he dead people vote for Trump in NC and Clinton in NC? I have a few theories. 1. The dead people had to fly West to vote in both states, they had a layover and Hilary campaigned successfully in the airport. 2. The dead people hadn't been assigned to Heaven or Hell yet, they voted for Trump in NC but then realized they wanted Heaven and changed their mind by the time they got to CA. Anyone else have any good theories? To bad that this commission can't clarify this for me once and for all!

    1. McCrory should know why people voted for Trump and not for him. I imagine the people of NC would be able to explain it too.

  12. Anonymous9:36 AM

    It’s actually moving under the DHS. That’s what I read on one of the internets.

  13. Anonymous10:40 AM

    "[It’s a] bunch of balderdash,”"


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