Thursday, January 04, 2018

How Donald Trump uses his tweets to control the narrative.

Yep, that sounds about right to me.


  1. Anonymous3:34 AM

    CBS news had some salacious items from the book by Wolff!!!!

    Trump called Sally Yates a c***! and Hope Hicks is a “piece of tail”, yep this book sounds exactly like trump. Sarah Huckaliar is going to have to work overtime to come up with lies for these items.

    It is hilarious that trump’s attorney sent Bannon a cease and deist letter for talking mean about little donnie, has that ever stopped little donnie from defaming people.

    His whole tenure has been tabloid fodder, so why should a book about it represent anything but tabloid stories.

    As for trump tweets, aren't people getting a little weary of his nonsense. I believe people are beginning to turn him out, he has cried wolf too many times and I don't think he is able to divert the attention like he believes he can.

    Of course I am not talking about his base, they will be remain stupid til the day they die.

  2. Anonymous3:44 AM

    I blocked him from the day he announced, so I never have to read his shit and you can't make me.

    It is all shit. Nothing but shit. Shit from a mental patient. Why should anybody read it, repeat it, retweet it or post it? None of Trump's shit means anything, he'll say the exact opposite in 19 weeks.

  3. Anonymous3:46 AM

    Trump has used words as tools and weapons. His tweets are not substantive nor is truth a value to him. The other notable tactic is projection while executing these tactics and splitting, the illusion he is the only truthful and honest person and everyone else guilty of lies.

  4. Anonymous3:57 AM

    And social media will take him down and out. This evil asinine pus filled useful idiot must be gone along with his enablers...

  5. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Never watched don john trump on tv or tabloids. I only checked him out after the elevator ride. It took me instantly to know that this guy was a lousy liar and actor. His previous crimes were all over the internet. His family sucks, he sucks, his business sucks, he is a empty suit of lies. He is the face of the corrupt Republican party of fools.

  6. Anonymous4:07 AM

    Donald Trump worries about being poisoned everyday but in return he causes everyone cancer. Trump poisoned America.

  7. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Forgot to add from CBS news another quote from Wolf book said trump is illiterate, sounds like the staff really knows him,i expect many to be departing unexpectedly.

    I'm not so sure trump is this smart to control the media,,his brain is scrambled eggs.
    part of the problem during the campaign was they gave him free reign,not so now except for fox.

  8. Anonymous4:35 AM

    That’s putting waaaaaay too much though into him. He’s just a dude with no impulse control and a fragile ego.

  9. Anonymous5:25 AM

    I think Trump is mentally ill, incurious, and narcissistic. However, he does have a knack for commanding attention. When will we quit giving it to him?

  10. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Those few damn electoral college shits who could have used their moral compass. They will go to hell.

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      More than likely the electoral college was threatened, bribed, extorted or hacked. No one in there right mind would endorse trump. Mueller might want to speak to each of them.

  11. Olivia7:03 AM

    There is nothing tactical about trump's tweets. They are the obsessive, irrational howling of a demented old fat fuck.

    1. Anonymous7:33 AM

      Not to mention stupid!

    2. Anonymous9:18 AM

      You may be confusing strategical with tactics. Regarding verbal communication “tactics” refer to verbal abuse using words. This article clarifies how the word “tactics” are meant, as in getting desired results from Psychology today

    3. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Correct Olivia. He’s incapable of thought or planning. All impulse in the service of his only concern: feeding his fat fucking ego.

      I still want to know who makes his hairdo every day.

  12. Randall7:09 AM

    Horse pucky.
    Calling Trump's tweets "tactical" is putting lipstick on a pig.
    Trump is in the throes of Alzheimer's and tweets whatever is crossing his feeble mind at the moment and sometimes those tweets seem to work in one of the ways suggested by Lakoff.

    But it's like calling a "hit" accurate because one of the BB's from a shotgun blast happened to hit one of four targets.

    Calling Trump's off-the-cuff tweets "tactical" is nonsense.

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Please read to understand verbal abuse tactics which is the reference intended about tactics.

  13. Anonymous7:46 AM


  14. Trump isn't smart enough to think tactically. And he's too stupid to shut his mouth.

    As the old saying goes.... It's better to say nothing and be thought a fool, than it is to say something and prove it.

  15. Anonymous8:22 AM

    "Neo-conservatives had bristled for years at the notion that the U.S. had gone to war for natural resources in Iraq and Afghanistan before Trump shamelessly came out and said we should take Iraq’s oil and Afghanistan’s minerals."

    "rump asked Bill O’Reilly, in response to a question about why he sticks up for a dictator like Vladimir Putin, “You think our country’s so innocent?” Similarly, the notion of nuclear brinkmanship as a pre-apocalyptic dick-measuring contest was a cliché long before Trump all but tweeted “mine’s bigger” at Kim Jong-Un on Tuesday:"who often takes a “size matters” attitude toward weapons of mass destruction. (Recall that it reportedly was his desire to have 32,000 nuclear weapons at his disposal, because that was the most any president had ever had,"
    1984"I think I had naively imagined that I would need to sneak around and eavesdrop on what men said in unguarded moments, using all my cunning to unearth sexual imagery. I had believed that these men would have cleaned up their acts, or that at least at some point in a long talk about “penetration aids,” someone would suddenly look up, slightly embarrassed to be caught in such blatant confirmation of feminist analyses.

    And later:

    A professor’s explanation of why the MX missile is to be placed in the silos of the newest Minuteman missiles, instead of replacing the older, less accurate missiles, was “because they’re in the nicest hole—you’re not going to take the nicest missile you have and put it in a crummy hole.” Other lectures were filled with discussion of vertical erector launchers, thrust-to-weight ratios, soft lay downs, deep penetration, and the comparative advantages of protracted versus spasm attacks —or what one military adviser to the National Security Council has called “releasing 70 to 80 percent of our megatonnage in one orgasmic whump.”’
    "There was quite a bit of tittering among analysts when North Korea began testing the “Nodong” missile (get it?), made worse by the fact that, as Jeffrey Lewis has written, this was a U.S.-chosen designation for the missile the North Koreans call the Hwaseong-7. Nodong refers to a village near where it was first observed, which is normally styled Rodong. Surely the emasculating connotations are just a coincidence, just as NATO just happened to choose the code name “Fagot” for the Soviet Mig-15 fighter jet, rather than any other word starting with F as required by convention."Anyone who has seen pictures of Hiroshima burn victims or tried to imagine the pain of hundreds of glass shards blasted into flesh may find it perverse beyond imagination to hear a class of nuclear devices matter of factly referred to as ‘clean bombs,’ ” she writes. “This language has enormous destructive power, but without emotional fallout, without the emotional fallout that would result if it were clear one was talking about plans for mass murder, mangled bodies, and unspeakable human suffering. Defense analysts talk about ‘countervalue attacks’ rather than about incinerating cities.” euphemistic phrases like countervalue attacks are very much a feature of the conversations of armchair nuclear analysts on Twitter during the recent tensions with North Korea and are “open to an Orwellian indictment that it is designed to make ‘murder respectable.’ {they REVEL in ~IT~}

  16. Lakoff has a blog that is really worth subscribing to. He doesn’t write often but when he does it is an excellent read. He did quite a bit of analyzing of Trump’s language, tweets and other aspects of the election.

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      "Louis XIV, King of France, was famous for saying, L’état, c’est moi — I am the state — a metaphor that a king could live by, or at least try to. Roger Cohen, on May 19, 2017, in a NY Times op-ed titled L’état, c’est Trump, pointed out ways in which Trump has acted as if he had absolute power, like a despot. True. But there is a lot more to say. When John Lengacher and I closely analyzed language coming out of the White House, it became clear that Trump has internalized and has been living by a central metaphor:


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