Saturday, January 27, 2018

Report finds that LGBTQ community is losing ground under Trump presidency.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

This is GLAAD’s fourth annual Accelerating Acceptance report and the first to find that fewer Americans say they are comfortable with LGBTQ people in public, in schools, and in places of worship. 

“Less than half of non-LGBTQ adults (49 percent) reported being ‘very’ or ‘somewhat’ comfortable with LGBTQ people across seven situations. This is a significant decline from 53 percent last year and the first time the Accelerating Acceptance report has shown a drop in acceptance for LGBTQ people,” GLAAD notes. 

According to the poll, taken in November of 2017, three in ten Americans (30%) now say they are very or somewhat uncomfortable with learning a family member is LGBT, up from 27% over the prior two years.


Reports of anti-LGBT discrimination have increased significantly.

55% of those surveyed say they experienced sexual orientation or gender identity discrimination. That’s an increase of 11 points, up from 44% over 2016. 

“In the past year, there has been a swift and alarming erosion of acceptance which can only be fought by being visible and vocal,” GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis said in a statement. “This report puts numbers to the bias that too many LGBTQ Americans have recently experienced. GLAAD is fighting the rollback by enlisting philanthropic leaders like the Ariadne Getty Foundation and global changemakers attending the World Economic Forum to use their platforms and move our community forward.”

And that is only in one year.

So now we know that it is not simply women, minorities, and non-Christians that are suffering under Donald Trump.

Which is kind of a shame because a lot of LGBTQ folks thought that since Trump was from New York and came from a show biz background that they would be largely unaffected by his presidency.

And then right out of the blue, halfway through his first term, he tries to ban transgender folks from joining the military.

Fortunately the courts have blocked that so far. but the message is clear, unless you are a white heterosexual male Christian, this  administration has no interest in protecting your rights.


  1. Anonymous4:22 AM

    If there is a hell, these so-called Christians will be rotting in it. Donald Trump will be there with them.

    1. Anonymous5:43 AM

      I may have left the Catholic church back when I was in middle school, but I don't remember Jesus being so intolerant of everyone. In fact, I seem to remember being taught the complete opposite.

      Did someone change the bible since I was a kid??

    2. Anonymous6:23 AM

      5:43 AM - Common denominator: They never got past the Old Testament.

    3. Anonymous8:03 AM

      And cherry picking the bable.

  2. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Dude this is a fucking stupid poll. Individual hearts not have changed in the last year in this Presidency. Who knows if the polls previously were correct? It is all push polls for each side of everything.

  3. Anonymous7:17 AM

    And yet I have gay and transgender friends that voted for Trump. My transgender friend complained to me last week and I told her she is getting just what she voted for and exactly what I warned her about. But, of course like most Trumpanzees, she isn't mad at his slimy administration but at me for explaining that his admin is to blame.

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      I have a friend who is very religious.

      In 2010, Republican Carl Paladino ran for governor of NY. He was a reprehensible human being who had widely circulated numerous racist and obscene emails. He made offensive comments about gays, Muslims, Native Americans, unions, poor people, and state employees. He was against the ACA, comparing it to 9/11, and pledged to file lawsuits to overturn it. He was the most intolerant, bigoted, nasty candidate that had run for governor in my 50+ years of living here.

      BUT...he was against abortion. So, despite all of the aspects of his character that directly went against the teachings of Christianity, my very religious friend voted for him.

      Thankfully, he lost the election and has since been removed from the Buffalo School Board for comments he made to an email from a Buffalo paper. What he would like to see happen in 2017 was for President Obama to die of "mad cow disease after being caught having relations with a Herford." About Michelle Obama he said, "I'd like her to return to being a male and let loose in the outback of Zimbabwe where she lives comfortably in a cave with Maxie, the gorilla."

      But he was against abortion, so 1.4 million people voted for him to be governor of NY, many ONLY because of his stance on that one issue. There is simply no reasoning with people who vote based on a single issue and ignore everything offensive about their candidate.

    2. Anonymous3:48 PM

      BINGO @10:52 ~IT'$ ALL about ABORTION
      “The Politics of Abortion and the Rise of the NOW Right” The Politics of Abortion and the Rise of the New Right argues that pro-life activists were pivotal to both the demise of the liberal New Deal Coalition and the rise of a conservative Reagan Coalition in the United States between 1973 and 1983. Prior to Roe v. Wade, the anti-abortion movement was single-issue.
      It sought to defend criminal abortion statutes and Republicans, Democrats, liberals and conservatives made up the small and predominantly Roman Catholic movement."
      "the National Right to Life Committee, pursued two campaigns to overturn the decision.
      One campaign sought to establish fetal personhood through a Human Life Amendment." This amendment granted fetuses the rights of citizenship from the moment of conception."
      " The other campaign sought to restrict abortion access within the confines of the decision, narrowing the window in which a legal abortion
      could be performed with the ultimate goal of making most abortions illegal. This campaign drew on a longer history of abortion opposition that sought to regulate women’s bodies and sexuality." FUCK YOU 666pence!

      "“Voters for Life” organizations. Five women oversaw the voter mobilization as congressional district heads, including Catherine Orth and Patricia Goodson. Orth had fulfilled her end of her promise to Dole. She and other activists had created a statewide infrastructure posed to make abortion a key electoral issue in every district. Kansas Right to Life also had expanded beyond the core sixty-four anti-abortion activists Dole’s staff had identified in February. Now, activists agreed, Dole should to live up to what they believed was his end of the deal. In a series of letters drafted at the meeting, they demanded a public statement from Dole endorsing a
      Human Life Amendment." END TIMESorGAME?

  4. Why is this a surprise.

    Racism and misogyny is up too.

    All because Hair Furor is leading by example.

    You put a racist, misogynist, lying, bigot and serial adulterer n the White House and what do you expect?

    I simply don't understand why the entire Republican Party isn't being tarred. I don't understand why Dullard Judas Dump isn't being run out on a rail. Why is he being given a pass by Evangelicals. Why are people making excuses for him or just plain ignoring his many, MANY faults, transgressions and down right incompetence?

    Why are our taxpayer dollars supporting a fool that not only isn't but CAN'T do the job for which THEY elected him?

    I know why our elected officials aren't doing THEIR job and getting rid of him.

    I just don't understand how he can still have support.

    Even the media. They report that he got through Davos without any major faux pas or globally humiliating the U.S. Well, isn't that special? Is that how low the bar has come? That we are relieved he didn't start WWIII.....YET?

    Meanwhile, Ivanka may be looking to replace Kelly, the ONLY adult in the room keeping the toddler from nuking North Korea,

  5. Anonymous10:40 AM


    "newlywed couple found a legal loophole in Moscow and exploited it.

    Yevgeny Voytsekhovsky and Pavel Stotzko, married each other in Copenhagen, Denmark, earlier this month and upon returning to their home country, the couple asked Russian officials to recognize their marriage certificate. a official worker stamped the marital status page on their passports “without any questions,” reported The Moscow Times.

    “He did not even change his expression,” the couple told Dozhd TV on Thursday.

    Although it is illegal to register same-sex marriages in Russia, the law states that all marriages from abroad will be recognized if it is legitimately processed in the country that it occurred in.

    The exceptions are unions expressly contrary to Article 14 of the Family Code, which prohibits incestuous marriages and bigamy but it does not rule out same-sex marriages.

    Pavel Stotsko shared the photo of his passport with the stamp to Facebook on Friday as proof that his union with Voytsekhovsky was immortalized in official documentation. He also claims, in the post, that the loophole was the reason that they could become the first same-sex couple to be recognized in Russia."

  6. Grey One talks sass1:12 PM

    Pence is the VP. Does no one remember how he viewed and treated the LGBTQA community as governor of Indiana?

    Trump welcomes Tony Perkins and the goons of ADF. He has a freaking evangelical prayer warrior crew. Of course the LGBTQA are loosing. Evangelicals keep spreading their lies and the peoples swallow the propaganda whole.

    It's not just Trump or Pence; it's all of them. If I had the power of the Universe I'd wrap them all in bubble wrap. No one can resist popping bubble wrap. Problem solved.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.