Thursday, January 25, 2018

Sorry, couldn't resist.

When I think of all the faux scandals that the Right Wing drummed up to go after Obama and his administration, and compare that to the very real scandals that seem to pop up almost every day with this new guy, I am almost left speechless.

If President Obama had one, even ONE, of the scandals orbiting around Trump they would have literally locked him up and thrown away the key.


  1. Anonymous3:04 AM

    Well, he wore a tan suit and ordered dijon mustard pn a burger once. Impeach!

  2. Anonymous3:09 AM

    Yeah, they tried to take President Obama down for wearing a tan suit!

    (I have always thought the faux outrage was because our President was extremely handsome in that suit, and the wrinkled old white men could have never pulled that off.)

  3. Anonymous3:10 AM

    I love to say “substitute the name Obama for Trump” every time There is a new controversy or tweet. Republicans hate it but it’s so enjoyable to watch them try to come up with excuses. They can’t lol

  4. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Trump is such a bully and an oaf! Even in that pic, President Obama has his hand on the outside of trump’s arm, which is respectful and the standard.

    tRump has his hand on top of the shoulder, that typically would be used for friends, siblings, etc. it’s not respectful at all, and is aggressive and dominating.

    1. Anonymous6:18 AM

      Maybe trump had his hand on hus shoulder because he needed help to stay standing upright.


  6. Anonymous3:54 AM

    There are none so blind as they who will not see. The full implications of what dumpster has wrought have yet to surface and, as they sink with the ship, his dumb@ss supporters will still be crying "MAGA!"

  7. Any Cult of Personality is bad enough, but to build one around *this* personality?! Incredible.

  8. Anonymous4:15 AM

    America no longer has any standards.

    And we'll all of us be dead and gone before American prestige is restored.

  9. Anonymous4:55 AM

    what exactly is real and what is drummed up, who knows in the swamp? all that matters to the fans are what team they support, that defines everything for them.

  10. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Sorry, couldn't resist. Me NEither! Golden $hitter!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.