Thursday, February 15, 2018

Aw, Hope Hicks and wife beater Rob Porter are no longer dating? Say it ain't so!

Courtesy of the Daily Mail: 

White House Communications Director Hope Hicks and former staff secretary Rob Porter are no longer dating, according to two sources with direct knowledge of the bygone relationship's status. 

One person close to Hicks told on Wednesday that the dating came to an end after Porter resigned last week when his two ex-wives came forward to accuse him of abuse. 

The revelations by have set of a crisis in the White House over the handling of Porter's past. 

The pair were on their way to becoming a bona fide Washington power couple, as two of President Donald Trump's most trusted and closest aides. 

But their falling out was seen as inevitable, one West Wing aide said Wednesday, after Porter's two ex-wives accused him of spousal abuse. 

Gee, first Dakota Meyer and Bristol Palin call it quits, and now this?

It's like dysfunctional relationships just don't stand a chance anymore.


  1. Anonymous4:13 PM

    I'm glad to hear this, but am concerned since Hope seems to have terrible choice in men. Lewandowski and Porter. Not many choices in her small circle of people to choose from in her current position, plus I bet she needs the Dotard's approval.

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Her choice to work for Dotard, Her worst relationship choice.

    2. Both Beards.

      She's schtupping Dullard.

      She'll find herself another front man as soon as the media cease being distracted and the spotlight is on her again.

      Besides, she is one ambitious bitch. No way she'd settle for Lewandowski and Porter screwed himself when he had to resign.

      Hicks wants to be First Lady one way or another.

      She's close, oh so close.

  2. WA Skeptic4:14 PM

    She's smart enough to recognize the fact that all three of those women aren't "hysterical b*****s". I think it's great that she doesn't have to share photos of her bruises with the other victims.

    Hey, Porter, I hope you have a long, lonely life.

    1. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Since she is the one that wrote the original WH statements defending him,maybe they broke up because she only dates coworkers :)
      Interesting there is no WH rule about dating coworkers.

  3. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Rumors have swirled since the beginning about a relationship between Hicks and tRump. I'm thinking maybe the "relationship" with Porter was a convenient cover.

  4. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Some power couple, having drinks at Rosa Mexicano. She’d still be “ dating” him if he’d been allowed to stay at the White House. A woman who services Donald Trump is not going to care about wife beating.

  5. Anonymous4:41 PM

    C'mon Melania, you can do it!!!!!

  6. Anonymous4:57 PM

    There will always be power hungry, gold-digging women sure as there are prostitutes on street corners looking for their next buck. I have no sympathy for Hope Hicks.

  7. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Don’t paint her kindly. He has no job and no power now so she dumped him. She is as corrupt as they come.

  8. Hey! How about updating your "Blogs Of Interest" section!

  9. Anonymous5:45 PM

    She's a dumb woman. That idiotic statement praising Trump that had everyone laughing their asses off because it was so over the top.

  10. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Funny. She doesn't have three baby daddies and a divorce in her history.... You must be thinking of someone else.

  11. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Jeez, how long before the only one left for her will be lizardboy, Steven Miller? Wonder if any woman has been within arm's reach of him.

  12. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Next up: Rob Porter dating Bristol Palin. Just a hunch.

  13. I was SO looking forward to her coming to the next meeting or so with a black eye, dammit!


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