Monday, February 26, 2018

Cadet Bone Spurs claims that he would have rushed in to save those Florida school shooting victims even if he didn't have a gun.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

President Donald Trump, who infamously avoiding serving in the Vietnam War by citing “bone spurs” in his medical examination, said on Monday that he would have personally intervened to stop Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz. 

“I really believe I’d run in there even if I didn’t have a weapon,” Trump said during a meeting with the nation’s governors, according to Associated Press reporter Zeke Miller.

Trump’s remark came as part of a broader criticism leveled at Florida deputies who did not act to stop Cruz while he was murdering 17 people at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. He said Monday that the deputies “weren’t exactly Medal of Honor winners.”

He actually said this out loud.

This is the guy who lied about having bone spurs to get out of serving in Vietnam and who is frightened by the living symbol of America.

What an asshole.

We know this candy ass would have been lying in the fetal postion in a pool of his own urine if he had heard a single shot fired.


  1. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Trump would have run in the opposite direction as fast as his waddling body could go. What an orange turnip he is!

    I'm especially proud of the teachers who stayed with their students during the massacre. Teachers take their jobs seriously. They don't get the pay, the benefits or the respect that they deserve.

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      If Trump wanted to do something for schools he would up the funding. Not only that he could put more monies into mental health. Such a bragging ass.

    2. Trump’s respect for teachers and education can be summed up in two words.

      Betsy DeVos.

    3. Anonymous4:05 AM


  2. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Our country bird doesn't like him! What more do you need people I can walk up to them. Can you?
    Yeah. I see how that's working out! Not! Haha.

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      I think it was an omen from the eagle. It didn't want to be anywhere near our Orange Turnip.

  3. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Oh, he is so full of shit. Take a gander.

  4. Anonymous1:44 PM

    There will be no escape from mass violence in the United States until its root causes are addressed

    The ongoing crisis of democracy has two markers: The erasure of memory and the politics of disposability.

    In the age of Donald Trump, history neither informs the present nor haunts it with repressed memories of the past. It simply disappears.

    This seems especially true regarding the current cult of violence, guns and domestic terrorism.

    Such violence is not only evident in the horrors of early fascist and Nazi regimes, but also in the massacre of Vietnamese infants and children at My Lai , and in the guns turned repeatedly on children in the United States, most recently in Florida.

    An estimated 188 shootings have occurred at U.S. schools and universities since 2000. There will be no escape from mass violence in the U.S. until it is placed within a broader historical, economic and political context to address the totality of forces that produce it.

    Focusing merely on mass shootings or meaningless gun-control laws does not get to the root of the systemic forces that produce America’s love affair with violence and the ideologies and criminogenic institutions that produce it. Historical and social amnesia in fact facilitates America’s addiction to violence.

  5. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Trump is so full of shit. There is no way he'd 'rush' in to assist! Watch him walk across a room to a podium - he actually lumbers and appears physically UNFIT even when he walks!

    He's nothing more than a friggin' liar and fraud. Impeaching his big ass is the ONLY answer.

  6. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Jake Tapper knocks Trump’s claim he’d confront school shooter: Same man ‘repeatedly sought deferments to avoid’ Vietnam

    ...“President Trump says he would have rush in the to stop the Florida gunman even if he weren’t armed,” Tapper began on “The Lead” Monday. “His military academy classmates who served in Vietnam could not be reached for comment.”

    “President Trump is pushing ahead on his proposals to try to prevent any further mass shootings in this country and he is railing against the police handling of the Parkland tragedy,” an incredulous Tapper said. “Today, President Trump said the school officer on the scene ‘choked’ and he declared that he, the President of the United States—and former military academy student who repeatedly sought deferments to avoid service in the Vietnam War—he would have run into the building, even if he didn’t have a gun.”

    Trump received four college deferments while receiving his undergraduate degree at Wharton. He later received a “minor medical deferment for bone spurs,” according to a statement from the Trump campaign.

  7. Anonymous1:49 PM

    WATCH: Florida gun control advocates chant ‘vote them out’ as state Senate kills assault weapons ban

  8. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Error in your headline. Tammy Duckworth was a Captain when she was shot down. TheRump never made it beyond military school as a cadet. And That is what Captain Duckworth has christened him: CADET BoneSpurs. Please correct it.

    1. Done. And thank you for the correction.

    2. Anonymous2:15 PM

      @Anonymous1:49 PM, thank you. I never knew it was Tammy Duckworth that came up with that funny ass name for t-RUMP. That is too funny

    3. Anonymous5:25 PM

      And she was Senator DUsckworth when she said it (my hero.)

    4. Anonymous6:40 PM

      So proud to have Senator Duckworth as a member of the US Senate. She is an outstanding role model for our young women AND men, and wonderful example of courage and integrity.

  9. Anonymous1:50 PM

    My other response is "please do so."

    1. Anonymous6:23 PM

      That's what I thought...go for it big mouth. What are you going to do you orange oaf...beat the shooter to death with your golf club?

  10. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Watch Sarah Sanders flounder after CNN’s Acosta asked if Trump thinks he could have ‘saved the day’ in Parkland

  11. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Georgia GOP Threatens To Block Delta Tax Break Over Airline’s Severed NRA Ties

    This is all kinds of wrong. How is the NRA so fucking powerful that it allows politicians to threaten a corporate decision?????

    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Lol. They should just go ahead and take away the tax break, don't even give them time to reconsider.

    2. Anonymous3:42 PM

      I guess the politicians got a lot of money from the NRA?

    3. Anonymous5:26 PM

      And then Delata shoudl threaten to move operations to other states.

    4. Anonymous6:45 PM

      As a Lt Governor, I doubt he has the power to do much of anything, but the suggestion that he would even consider doing it is simply outrageous and, I suspect, illegal.

      Can you just imagine what the right would do if President Obama had threatened corporations with blocking their tax breaks if they didn't support Planned Parenthood?

  12. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Oath Keepers Plan To Station Volunteer Armed Guards Outside Schools

    Imagine if every school campus in the United States had its own volunteer security officer: a former police officer or military veteran equipped with an assault rifle.

    That’s the dream of Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes.

    In the wake of the February 14 massacre at a Parkland, Florida high school, Rhodes is calling on members of his far-right anti-government militia group to serve as unpaid and unaccountable armed school guards — whether teachers and students like the idea or not.

    One Indiana Oath Keeper has already deployed to a local school, even though the school district says there’s no need for him to be there.

    Rhodes wants the military and police veterans who make up Oath Keepers’ membership to volunteer for unpaid, rotating shifts at schools of all levels, and colleges, throughout the country. He and two other representatives of the fringe militia community will hold a webinar Monday night where they plan to encourage Oath Keepers to station themselves at schools “to protect the children against mass murder, and to help train the teachers and staff.”

    ...The group’s push for vigilante school security officers comes in the midst of a fraught national debate over how to curb school shootings like the one in Parkland that left 14 students and 3 staffers dead. President Donald Trump, the NRA and some GOP lawmakers all have suggested arming teachers who have firearms training, as a way to deter would-be school shooters — an idea Rhodes said he supports. But since training teachers will take time, he argues, it makes sense to use Oath Keepers volunteers in the interim.

    This is such a fucked up plan.

    1. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Oath Keepers are still around? I thought they were a faith-based Jesus group. Sorry, Rambo wannabes, you simply HAVE to get your nose out of the Old Testament.

    2. Anonymous3:27 PM

      Good news. Track Palin was rejected by Oath Keepers.

    3. Well, first, they don’t have that kind of manpower. (For free? Right.)

      Second, school districts and principals will NOT let these volunteer asswipes with visible guns station themselves outside of schools.

      If Trump thinks drills are scary, imagine what seeing these loons with guns will do to the poor children. Does he not realize that Kindergarteners will see them?

  13. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Trump Compares Arming Teachers With ‘Natural Talent’ To Baseball, Golf

  14. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Armed Extremist Militia Group Urges Members To Stand Guard Outside Of Schools

    The Oath Keepers are “one of the largest radical anti-government groups in the U.S. today,” the Southern Poverty Law Center says.

    ...“The recent school shooting in Florida is now being used by the leftist ‘blood dancers’ to push for more infringements on our right to keep and bear arms,” reads the webinar description. “We will discuss the false choice that has been intentionally set up by turning America’s schools into disarmed victim killing zones.”

    The event description says politicians who are interested in infringing on the Second Amendment will cause a cycle of “repeated murder of children and raping of the Bill of Rights.”

    ...Oath Keepers are part of “right wing anti-government extremist movement,” Mark Pitcavage, senior research fellow at the Anti-Defamation League, told HuffPost.

    “None of these kids need those armed paramilitaries in front of their high schools or middle schools or what have you. That in itself is simply going to make the kids fearful,” he said.

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Not a great idea.

  15. Anonymous2:21 PM

    "We know this candy a$$ would have been lying in the fetal postion in a pool of his own urine" and his Xlarge depends would have been full of $HIT tOO!

    1. Anonymous3:25 PM


    2. Anonymous7:25 PM

      2:21. Exactly!

    3. He would have grabbed the nearest students to use as a human shield as he cowered in a corner.

  16. Anonymous2:21 PM

    My Kid Doesn’t Need Permission To Walk Out

    ...As walkouts take place and are planned across the country ― nationwide protests are set to take place in March and April ― these kids are not only leading the resistance to the gun lobby in our elections. As a father, journalist and historian, I also realize they are galvanizing the resolve of their parents and communities in a historic moment to find the courage and leadership for a broader change in policy-making.

    History reminds us that young people have often played this role as catalysts for resistance.

    ...Defying high-powered water hoses, police dogs and blows from police batons, hundreds of Birmingham kids were arrested, thrusting the brutality of the city’s segregationists into the national spotlight. Then-Attorney General Robert Kennedy warned Connor, among others, that “an injured, maimed, or dead child is a price that none of us can afford to pay.”

    Within a week of the children’s arrests, local leaders had negotiated agreements for desegregation at lunch counters and other businesses. Later that year, they had negotiated for desegregation in schools. Similar walkouts led by students in East Los Angeles, California, in 1968 reframed a national discussion on the inequalities of education from those most affected by failed policies: the students.

    Decades earlier, in 1903, children joined famed labor leader Mary “Mother” Jones as she marched from Philadelphia to New York to expose child labor conditions. Although it took years for states, and eventually the federal government, to pass child labor laws, the historic 125-mile march set off the ripple effect that first brought the issue to national attention.

    We’ve arrived a similar hinge moment in history.

    Thanks to the organizing tools of social media, as well as coverage in local and national news outlets, young people from Florida to Iowa to California have made it clear that they don’t plan to wait for years for our representatives in office to act on gun control and finally break from the grip of the NRA on state and federal levels.

    For that, they sure don’t need my permission for an excused absence. Instead, they have my gratitude and respect.

    1. A Texas school district has already threatened to suspend any student walking out to participate in a gun protest march. Right. Like that’s going to stop them.

      Colleges and Universtities across the country are putting out statements telling students that if they participate in a protest and are punished that will NOT be held against them for admission. Kinda takes the wind out of those district threats of suspension.

  17. Anonymous2:24 PM

    The fuck Trump would rush a building.. This from a man so insecure he hauls his Mistress to Vail, Colorado with the the wife and family. A man who is such a goddamn pussy ran offstage and Secret Service had to step in. A man who is so scared of being interviewed by Robert Mueller, that he'd go to prison because he cannot keep his trap shut and has to gloat.

  18. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Oh, please, he'd run the other direction. But it's ok. He'd only be about 4 blocks away by now.

    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      haha. Did you see that guy cringing, looking away?
      I caught that. Laughed!
      He couldn't believe what he was listening to. Shrug.

  19. Anonymous2:41 PM

    This orange piece of shit would be lying in the fetal position crying and sucking his thumb.

  20. Anonymous3:15 PM

    When I saw Cadet BoneSpur's chest thumping display of false bravado all I could think of was the theme from Mighty Mouse ('Heeere he comes to save the daaaay!'): I posted it on another thread - here's another take on it that's a little more in keeping with what is going on:

    But on a more serious note:

    As an Ohio native, a local news item caught my eye. This little boy is trying to make a difference, and it's *not* by some stupid cocamamie 'arm the teachers' idea':

    It's entirely up to every individual, but if you want to contribute, contact the First National Bank of Dennison (Ohio) to donate in Kohlton Calvey's name. I've already emailed his mom, and pledged my support.

  21. Anonymous3:23 PM

    ""I think he was just stating that as a leader, he would have stepped in and hopefully been able to help as a number of the individuals that were in the school," Sarah guessed, "The coach and other adults and even a lot of the students stepped up and helped protect other students. I think the point he was making is that he would have wanted to have played a role in that as well.""Acosta pressed on. "Is he trained in firing a weapon? Is he trained in using a handgun or a firearm of some sort?"

    Well now, this one is harder.

    "I don't think that was the point he was making," she spun. "He was saying that he would be a leader and would want to take a courageous action.""

    $tealing Valor?

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Right, bcaue wanting to dosoemthign is the same as takign real action? Becuase attending a high school that has you wear uniforms that make you look like 200 year old soldier toys and sometimes make you march around the school yard is the same as actually serving during a war.

      Yep, he's nucking futz. And SArah Hucksterbee is a lyng fool - and damned ugly and unfashionable, too.

  22. Anonymous3:31 PM


    "November is coming. We need to work on getting our people elected and throw those bums out.

    We need to work at ending the obscene profits currently the deciding factor in every aspect of our lives, including health care." "We need to have some pride."

  23. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Wanna fly the unfriendly skies?


  24. abbafan3:51 PM

    fat donald blabs "I'd really believe I'd run in there"... - best fuckin' laugh of the day! He meant that he would ride a fuckin' golf cart in there; after all, one can't run with bone spurs in their foot dontcha know?? Didn't old fred pull strings and buy him FIVE deferments? The fat asshole thinks he is sooo tough; at the first sounds of gunfire, he would have shit himself with fear, just like the "macho" deputy did!!

    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Actually, the deputy was following police protocol. You shelter and try to find out where the bullets are coming from. One shooter or more. And you wait for back up, because if you go in on your own, and can't contact the "good guys" outside, they are likely to shoot you and then get shot themselves if they don't stay on high alert for the bad guy. Not to mention depending on what gear they had, all but the highest grade military (hard armor) vests will not stop an AR 15 bullet.

  25. Anonymous5:04 PM

    What does chicken little donnie think hr could do without a gun,talk the guy to death?

    He can't even find his way around the oval office without someone directing him and he thinks he can find his way around a high school in chaos,he sure has turned the presidency into a farce,a bigly farce.

  26. Anonymous7:22 PM

    I fucking laughed when I heard him say that on tv tonight. Man alive we sure can talk big when we are no where near the scene aye? All the gun totin' assholes are bragging now. One thing for sure it's easier said than done.

  27. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Flag FAILure.

  28. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Anti FB>


  29. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Gryphen has some globe trotters here tonight!
    Wonder what is so interesting to them? Hmmm.

  30. Paul in Minnesota8:28 AM

    Trump couldn't even go to their funerals, he'd rather play golf. While before he was President, Trump as usual, tweeted about President Obama not being at some funerals. So Trump was a funeral ghoul counter in the past and is now again a hypocrite about his own Presidential behavior (skipping funerals). Anyway, as if, he'd rush into an actual school gun situation at that school when it was happening. Uh huh ... more Trump lies. What would he have done if he were there during the shooting, have his caddy wander over and toss golf clubs at the gunman? While Trump cowered at his golf course clubhouse. Also while protected by the Secret Service. That's more typical Trump trueisms (cough, lies).

  31. Anonymous8:59 AM

  32. Once again, Pete Souza uses a photo and a tweet to throw shade on Trump.

    "The day after Trump said he would have "run in" unarmed to the scene of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting — implying that the school's security guard was cowardly for not doing so — Souza posted a photo of Obama bounding up a set of stairs to make a speech, with the caption, "Back in the day when our President could run.""

    And UP STAIRS.


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