Thursday, February 08, 2018

DHS head of cyber security says that the Russians DID penetrate voter registration rolls in several states.

Courtesy of NBC News:  

The U.S. official in charge of protecting American elections from hacking says the Russians successfully penetrated the voter registration rolls of several U.S. states prior to the 2016 presidential election. 

In an exclusive interview with NBC News, Jeanette Manfra, the head of cybersecurity at the Department of Homeland Security, said she couldn't talk about classified information publicly, but in 2016, "We saw a targeting of 21 states and an exceptionally small number of them were actually successfully penetrated." 

Jeh Johnson, who was DHS secretary during the Russian intrusions, said, "2016 was a wake-up call and now it's incumbent upon states and the Feds to do something about it before our democracy is attacked again.

"We were able to determine that the scanning and probing of voter registration databases was coming from the Russian government." 

NBC News reported in Sept. 2016 that more than 20 states had been targeted by the Russians.

Of course this reporting is followed up by the disclaimer that there is no evidence that the Russians altered the voting rolls in any way, but I am having a harder and harder time buying that.

First off why would the Russians work so hard to penetrate these voter rolls and then simply leave them untouched?

Secondly how do we know they were not altered since these are the main data bases? Is there a hard copy of these voter's names, compiled before the hacks, that these lists can be compared against?

Clearly the Russians were desperate to defeat Hillary Clinton and to put Donald Trump into the White House, and since he entered that building he has done nothing but undermine our democracy, sabotage our government, and attack the free press.

In other words he is doing precisely as Putin has commanded.

And here we sit doing nothing to prevent it. 


  1. Anonymous8:47 AM

    G. Do not count yourself out.
    ' we ARE doing SOMEthing to prevent it.'
    RIGHT here & NOW! Resi$T

  2. Anonymous8:49 AM


  3. Anonymous9:13 AM


    Are you having problems with your site? I have gotten so many "error" messages when trying to access it. On multiple devices.

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Russians? I always think so when that happens especially when I mention Putin. I am paranoid in this Trump era.

    2. Anonymous10:24 AM

      I sent a post yesterday mentioning that. I still have occasional issues accessing it. I thought it might me a denial of service attack. It usually takes 4 or 5 tries to get in.

    3. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Me too. Just started getting error this morning. Get an "oops" message after trying to access by Firefox. Now I'm going to MSN and getting access OK by searching there.

    4. Grey One talks sass10:41 AM

      I too have encountered the Blogspot whoops message for this and other blogs using Blogspot.


    5. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Russians! lol.

  4. Anonymous9:24 AM

    It's hard to find news things. Trump stuff is real. You can't make that shit up.
    But the news got fluffy in the last forty years or so.
    Remember Harry Reasoner and them use to just work hard to get the news out so deligently? Then the ratings war began and all went to shit? Now we as viewers have to strain our brain and determine for ourselves if that's news. And most people as we have learned would rather have you tell them rather than be discerning.

    1. Anonymous9:43 AM


    2. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Blame cable television, the internet, and the 24-hour news cycle.

      The need to fill up so much extra air time means unimportant news is covered with the same implied gravity as the critical information.

      In addition, the mass explosion of news outlets resulted in more coverage of the sensational and salacious in order to attract viewers/readers. Both of these factors make it nearly impossible for the average person to wade through all the noise and figure out what it true and important.

  5. Anonymous9:32 AM

  6. Anonymous9:40 AM


    Leo W. Gerard is president of the United Steelworkers union. President Barack Obama appointed him to the President’s Advisory Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiations. Follow him on Twitter @USWBlogger.

  7. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Trump wants a military parade to equal North Korea and Russias might so that he can show them that America is also unenlightened and will take with muscles.
    Oh, how far the mighty have fallen. Remember the good old days when we had a leader with eloquence and grace? Is there a way to have those days again? Or is America, the child now a nasty teenager now with a nasty leader for the days on end?

  8. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Joe Biden Comes Out And Says It: Trump Is Being Blackmailed By Putin

    ...With the Trump administration refusing to implement bipartisan sanctions against Russia, “emboldened” is probably how Putin is feeling right now.

    Watch Biden say what’s going on below:

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM

      "Andrea Mitchell asked Biden on Thursday why Trump was “so reluctant to take on Vladimir Putin” — and she got an answer she probably was not expecting." YOUR HUSBAND DE$IGNed this!

  9. Anonymous10:00 AM


    constitutional crisis yet?

  10. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Another few bite the dust. If you're following world news, you should be spotting a trend.


    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      "Australian among 36 arrested in global cybercrime ring that stole $677 million"
      "The Infraud Organisation — founded in 2010 by Ukrainian man Svyatoslav Bondarenko and operated under the slogan "In Fraud We Trust" "
      "The indictment unsealed in Nevada marks the first time the Justice Department has arrested anyone in connection with Infraud, which Mr Rybecki called one of the largest international cybercrime rings."
      "Thirteen people were taken into custody across the globe, including in California, New York and Alabama.
      Suspects arrested in France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Australia, Kosovo and Serbia were awaiting extradition."

  11. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Wishful thinking...

  12. Anonymous11:20 AM

    "“Why can’t we sink them?” Trump would sometimes ask about the boats."<cadet bone spur$

  13. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I want this country to return to paper ballots that are counted by real people - just as they used to be. No one needs to know the outcome of a national election by 10:00 pm the evening of the election. We should all be mature enough to wait until the tallies are in. We used to be.

    1. Leland1:26 AM

      Don't forget to include certified copies of our vote for the voter so ours can be recounted if there's a doubt.

  14. Anonymous1:11 PM

    How I wish President Obama was still our leader! He is missed by so, so many Americans, Europeans and Asians!

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      It does seem like a
      Obama when are you coming home, the babysitter is getting really weird kind of moment

  15. Anonymous1:54 PM

    ""It sounds we really had something to do with it," Sobchak told CNN's Christiane Amanpour. "If that's so, I want to say sorry."
    "It's unacceptable for any country to meddle into the affairs of another country,""They are afraid of Alexei Navalny," she said, speaking of the opposition leader who has been barred from running. But "they are not that much afraid of a blonde girl from TV shows."
    "In [a] totalitarian regime, this is in the only kind of thing you can do. You can make someone feel they can underestimate you, and then you do your job.""

  16. Anonymous2:07 PM


  17. Anonymous3:34 PM

    kebler elf BULLSHIT! FUCK U moron.

  18. Anonymous3:39 PM


    Torture>"Nielson acknowledged he had been gave input on “enhanced interrogation techniques,” but explained that final decisions had been left to senior officials."

  19. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Of course they penetrated the system; they've been at it for years, and not just here. It's a threat to all Democratic societies, and the trumps of the world have, long ago, sold is out.
    When Americans stop being afraid to admit this screw up, and tell the world we have a Russian pawn in the WH, and this country is crawling with the enemy, then we, and the rest of the democracies can began the work of ridding ourselves of them.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.