Saturday, February 03, 2018

Donald Trump tweets that the Nunes' memo "totally vindicates Trump."

Courtesy of Politico:  

President Donald Trump said Saturday that the controversial memo written by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) and other GOP lawmakers "totally vindicates" him — a judgment shared by few but his staunchest defenders. 

"This memo totally vindicates “Trump” in probe. But the Russian Witch Hunt goes on and on," the president wrote on Twitter. "Their [sic] was no Collusion and there was no Obstruction (the word now used because, after one year of looking endlessly and finding NOTHING, collusion is dead)." 

Democrats and some conservatives said the memo did nothing to delegitimize Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation; if anything, some of them said it confirmed that the probe was not predicated on the anti-Trump dossier that the president and his allies have attacked.

It is becoming increasingly clear that Trump does not simply enjoy hearing misinformation that comforts him into believing that his presidency is going better than it is, but that he absolutely believes it to be true.

I read the memo yesterday, and if you read the memo yesterday, you know as well as I do that it did nothing to "vindicate" Donald Trump.

In fact it proved that the allegation the investigation was based on false evidence, completely false.

The initial investigation was the result of good intelligence, and the continued reevaluation of the FISA case against Carter Page demonstrated that there was increasing information that he was still clearly working with the Russians.

Oh, and just in case somebody fixes that tweet before this is published, yes Trump used the wrong "their" on his official Twitter page.


  1. Anonymous10:37 AM

    in the 3rd person?
    "What is 1st 2nd and 3rd person?
    If first person is someone telling you his or her story, and second person is you being told how you should do something, then:
    {3RD} third person is more like a CAMERA recording events. That's not to say it's necessarily an objective point of view.
    A third person narrator can be highly subjective."

    1. Anonymous11:19 AM

      He's fucked up - pure and simple. Can't even use the English language correctly!

    2. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Yeah, that 3rd person stuff is weird. I guess "Trump" is living outside his own body, like we all are since he became President.

    3. Anonymous1:58 PM

      third person it someone telling what everyone is doing but is not a person in the story.

    4. Anonymous2:25 PM

      dRUMPf says 'thank you' to shut people up and raises his hand to 'hold back' the response. Wp

    5. Anonymous9:08 PM

      He's like Smeogol and Gollum.

  2. Anonymous10:38 AM

    considering his supporters in the general public don't read dossiers and don't read memos -- his tweet rules. that is our problem - a serious lack of curiosity by trump supporters.

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      This memo is not meant for anybody who reads, just to dupe 34 GOP Senators so they will not impeach him. Job done, he thinks.

    2. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Good point. I have a Trump supporting friend who will believe anything never checking anything out.

    3. Anonymous12:51 PM

      The day after the SOTU, I was listening to the radio on the way to work. The news reporter came on and said that the address had the largest audience in history. The reporter is usually very good about getting it right so it was infuriating to hear him broadcast this inaccurate information.

      As soon as I got to work I texted the station and told them that it was actually the SIXTH largest audience for a SOTU - beaten by the first addresses of Clinton, Bush AND Obama - and asked them to please correct the next news update.

      Hopefully he did.

  3. Anonymous10:39 AM

    "This is an American disgrace!"
    "I am an American disgrace."
    Fixed the second error.

  4. WA Skeptic10:43 AM

    He's totally delusional...

  5. Anonymous11:01 AM

    What Trump fails to recognize is his Presidency is on Death Row. His last meal is set and all that awaits is his executioner to pull the lever of Justice.

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      It can't happen soon enough and I'll bet their are millions in America that would love to 'pull the lever of Justice'!

    2. Anonymous12:27 PM

      NOT their, but they're -- as in there are... Don't use stupid Trump grammar.

    3. Anonymous12:30 PM

      NOT their, but there. Don't use stupid Trump grammar.

    4. Anonymous1:07 PM

      Another fine 'example' of how Trump writes his communiques, 11:57 AM!

      "there are' is absolutely correct!

    5. Anonymous2:09 PM

      He needs to meet the same end as Sadam Hussein, his boys,Chemical Ali and the rest of his henchmen. Unfortunately, we're too humane for that.

  6. I am genuinely surprised that the "their" is still there hours after he sent that tweet.

    Where's Hope Hicks?

    Is nobody cleaning up after him anymore?

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Hope Hicks is just as illiterate as he is.

    2. Anonymous11:10 AM

      their there G.

    3. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Not only is he mixing up 'their' and 'there', but it looks to me like someone with a foreign language as their mother-tongue is writing his tweets. Capitalizing nouns is usual only in German, I believe...

    4. Okay I don't know what you are insinuating 11:22, but I highly doubt that Angela Merkel is writing Trump's tweets for him first thing in the morning.

      I'm pretty sure that would have made it into Michael Wolff's book.

    5. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Check your reading comprehension, Gryphen. The other poster didn't suggest anything about Merkel. Many Russians are bilingual with German as their second language.

    6. Anonymous12:42 PM

      11:41 AM - WTH is wrong with people; take every last thing and read something into it.

    7. Anonymous12:58 PM

      12:42 needs to learn to read.

    8. Anonymous12:59 PM

      11:22 - I've actually seen that quite often in comments written by less-educated Trump supporters who apparently believe that Capitalizing the First Letter of certain Words emphasizes those words.

      I suppose that when your vocabulary and grammar skills are at the 4th grade level (although the 4th graders I work with speak and write much better than he does!), you can be expected to use those kinds of juvenile tricks.

  7. Anonymous11:11 AM

    A genius who went to the “best schools” does not confuse “there” with “their” as Trump did. Anybody whose mantra is that they are amazingly brilliant and “has the best words” speaks in a way that reflects their age and education. So there!

    1. Anonymous11:55 AM

      I'm his age and was educated in a school system obviously far better than his. But, then I wasn't of the elite and went to a Catholic school during my primary years.

      They (his parents) said he was a difficult child to raise (reason they sent him off to military school!) and watching and listening to him today shows he didn't adhere to rules and didn't learn much while in school!

      He's been a mental mess his entire life. And, only survived in business because it was 'his' and 'he' ran it.

    2. Anonymous2:09 PM


    3. Anonymous2:42 PM

      11:52 That and his father left him over $200,000,000.

  8. Anonymous11:17 AM

    "FBI agents — as well as other law enforcement officials — are furious with the Republican Party"

    "Carter Page knew about Nunes memo ‘months in advance’ during ‘nutty’ MSNBC interview last year"

  9. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Trump is an idiot and illiterate!

    He obviously didn't learn much in spelling, English, history, civics and vocabulary while in school (during his primary and following years).

    He's such an embarrassment to our country and I can hardly wait to hear of his impeachment!

    1. Leland12:44 PM

      I'd much rather hear about his successful conviction in the Senate!

      Of course, if he IS convicted in the Senate he would finally have something he can honestly claim he is the only one who was successful in that category. He would be the only President we have had who was convicted in impeachment processes.

      I'm not sure, however, that is something he would want to brag about.

    2. Anonymous1:04 PM

      At that point I would think he'd be crying buckets full of tears.

      Dress him in orange and send him to confinement, Republican Congress! He's going to take all of you down w/him!

  10. Anonymous11:28 AM

    'Hannity summarized the Nunes memo for his 4 million viewers. Every word is a lie.'

    "“It proves that the entire basis for the Russia investigation was based on lies that were bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton” Riiiggghhhttt.
    The memo actually explicitly states the opposite."

    1. Anonymous12:00 PM

      In alternative Drumpfworld, criticizing Drumpf or any Drumpf supporter is a capital offense punishable by summary execution and a possible lifetime prison sentence.

    2. Leland12:45 PM

      @ 12:00 PM

      "...punishable by summary execution and a possible lifetime prison sentence."

      Which would come first?

    3. Anonymous1:01 PM

      Damn, but it would be fun watching them haul off Trump and some of his administrative members (his communication woman!) to the slammer. There would be pure happiness throughout the country. But, then we'd have Pence and I don't like his holier than thou attitude. He's too religious to me and lies just as much as Trump!
      And, then there is Paul Ryan - another liar! What is wrong w/Republicans? What a deplorable bunch of white guys!

    4. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Where is the Bush family? They are the ones that hired and ordered the dossier on trump. Freaken Republicans are so stupid.

  11. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Uneducated creep, even Sarah Palin could do better.

    1. Now there's a low bar!

    2. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Sure about that? Peas in a pod.

    3. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Ask Alaskans! I seriously doubt it! She's as bad or worse than Trump.

    4. Anonymous2:43 PM

      Nope it would be the same mess

  12. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Kids and guns

  13. This is what I'm doing.

    1. I Googled my local FBI office (Richmond VA). Monday morning I will call them and tell them I am appalled and angry about the attacks on the them from Trump and Congressional Republicans. Will tell them I have full faith in their professionalism and integrity. I'll follow up my phone call with a letter.

    2. I'm making a contribution to the FBI Agents Association Memorial College Fund.

    3. I'm calling, writing, emailing, faxing my shithead Republican member of Congress and demanding that he denounce Nunes. Will put the same demand in a letter to the editor in our local papers.

    All my neighbors are doing the same as well as every member of our rescue squad and volunteer fire department.

    Join us.

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Good for you Old Redneck. Those are great ideas.

    2. Anonymous2:06 PM


  14. Anonymous12:54 PM

    The trumpy troll bots are out today feeding the dotard. Did everyone buy their trumpy bear? find the secret zipper and pull out the flag. All marines buy trumpy bears and display on their hog while riding free down the road. Oh My Gawdy, Lol this bunch of useful idiots are too much. A fu*king trumpy bear. Lol what a dope. How much do they pay these lousy actors to push this crap for the rump.

  15. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Sounds wonderful, 12:46 PM. I have an FBI friend and he is appalled at Trump and his ilk. And, rightly so.

    We need to support our FBI group of outstanding men and women! Same for our volunteer fire and rescue men and women. They ALWAYS do a superlative job! Bake goodies too and take them to the fire department personnel nearest you. Show your appreciation in some manner or form.

    1. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Dummies, what you think he would only go after coloreds and Rosie O?
      Demented dotard

  16. Anonymous12:59 PM

    trump troll bots are harassing, here are some numbers they use
    Dir Assist MA 617 555 0003 and
    917 341 2213
    and scammers saying they are fraternal order of police. turn them in to state attorney general.

  17. Anonymous1:05 PM

    And so the article said, the government is asking the federal judge to dismiss manfarts case. Really? oh the stinky scared republicans are trying everything today. Aint gonna work. Trumpy Bear is going to be indicted and charged with collusion, obstruction, treason and theft.

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      It needs to happen today, what a total user! Trump is.

    2. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Hope hickies can have him!

    3. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Lock them up and stop the insanity

  18. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Ryan eats trumps sheet.

  19. Anonymous2:39 PM

    What a bunch of useful idiots to Russian and Chinese dictators.

  20. Anonymous2:48 PM

    FBI Director’s Message to Agents Under Siege: ‘I Wish Every American Could See What I See’
    In a video message, FBI Director Christopher Wray told the bureau’s rank-and-file that he stands
    ‘fully committed’ to its mission."

  21. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Bill boards movie, I need to buy a bill board in ryan mcconnel state and state russian affiliates or some such thing.

  22. Anonymous2:51 PM


  23. Anonymous2:55 PM

  24. Anonymous3:39 PM

    "Josh Campbell, a former supervisory special agent who worked as an assistant for former FBI director James Comey, publicly announced his resignation in the New York Times on Friday. (Trump’s firing of Comey, who bucked entreaties to soft-pedal the Russia investigation, led to Mueller’s appointment.)

    “After more than a decade of service, which included investigating terrorism, working to rescue kidnapping victims overseas and being special assistant to the director, I am reluctantly turning in my badge and leaving an organization I love,” Campbell wrote in the Times. “Why? So I can join the growing chorus of people who believe that the relentless attacks on the bureau undermine not just America’s premier law enforcement agency but also the nation’s security. My resignation is painful, but the alternative of remaining quiet while the bureau is tarnished for political gain is impossible.”"

  25. Anonymous4:07 PM

    What an idiot. The republicans keep spinning the story as if it gets better but it's a dire day in America when our so called president doesn't know the difference between there and their. We now live in the age of stupidity.

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Right? It's the little things, the misspelling on the State of the Uniom (sic) tickets, the "covfefe" episode, confusing "consensual" with "confidential" and on, and on, and on.

      The Idiocracy has been waiting for their leader for decades now, and finally, they have him.

      They are the minority in this country but unfortunately our entire nation is being judged by a handful of deplorables and their leader is destroying the nation for ALL of us from within, however the deplorables will no doubt end up feeling the most pain, and that's what keeps me smiling.

  26. Anonymous4:21 PM

    The Memo Doesn’t Vindicate Trump. It’s More Proof of Obstruction.

  27. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Donald Trump has two weeks of oxygen left

  28. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Poll shows just 38% of Republicans now view FBI favorably, possibly imperiling Mueller investigation

  29. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Memo is just a sideshow put on by all of President Trump's men

    All the President's Men, 2018.

  30. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Nunes And Trump Humiliated Again As #YoMemoJokes Rocks Twitter

    1. Anonymous8:26 PM

  31. Anonymous6:31 PM

    The Nunes Memo Mystery: Why Did Trump Release This Dud?

  32. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Fox Fume:
    "Trump claimed he was wiretapped. The memo says Carter Page was wiretapped. How does that vindicate him?"


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.