Saturday, February 03, 2018

Here is the "stable genius" forgetting that he already introduced somebody only seconds earlier.

Courtesy of The Week:

 President Trump has boasted he has "one of the great memories of all time," although he didn't do much to prove it on Thursday during an appearance at the GOP retreat in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia. When Trump got to the end of thanking Republican leaders by reading their names off his teleprompter, he asked Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), "Did they forget your name?" 

They hadn't — just moments before, Trump had thanked the Senate majority whip by name. Trump, though, asked with light-hearted frustration: "What's going on here? John Cornyn, but everybody knows. They didn't put his name up but that's okay."

Holy shit!

He JUST said his name.

This is how you know that teleprompter Trump has no relation to the real Donald Trump.

Teleprompter Trump just reads the words that are put in front of him by his staff, but real Donald Trump is completely disengaged and has no awareness of what he is saying.

Just another thing about this lunatic in the White House that should scare the shit out of us. 


  1. Anonymous8:56 AM

    We went through this with Ronald Reagan. But Ronnie had his handlers too. Remember he and Nancy were being told things by a psychic and Nancy stood by Ronald whispering things into his ear. Melania is not doing her job.

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Melania can't even do her own "job," let alone look after the philanderer. Her body language speaks volume.

    2. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Nancy did more than whisper in Ronnie's ear,she was running the WH.

      She decided who had access to Ronnie and no one she didn't like got past her.

      Melanomia is too busy with her fashion magazines to be bothered with donnie.

    3. Melania doesn't care. She's fine with Trump's Alzheimer's being exposed and him getting kicked out of the white house. In fact, if he's ruled incompetent, as wife she becomes his guardian unless he's designated someone else. Which you know he hasn't.

  2. Anonymous9:05 AM

    IQ45 also thinks he is off the Russian hook due to the silly nunes memo. So Lol delusional... Too funny! Poor broke dotard cant pay his debts and will lose all protection when charged and impeached.

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Let him keep thinking that, it will be so much better if he is blind sided, won't have a chance to escape to Siberia.

    2. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Since he never listens to anyone except the voices inside his head, let him be convinced that he's off the hook.

      He'll let his guard down and keep blurting and tweeting out more incriminating comments.

    3. Anonymous10:08 AM

      9:59 AM - why his own lawyers said that talking to Mueller was a perjury “trap.” They know FULL well.

    4. Anonymous12:38 PM

      Fuck it, let him keep yammering his orange blabber hole. More evidence to hang him with.

    5. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Thanks Putin.

  3. Anonymous9:08 AM

    NO more tax dollars for Don John to go golfing. or the mrs. to go vacation. Use your own money if you have any, YOU ARE FIRED!!!!!

  4. Anonymous9:44 AM

    'holy shit'

  5. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Doesn’t that make us all feel good; the idiot just proved he gets his advice from Fox!!
    Trump seized on what memo could mean even before reading it
    By JONATHAN LEMIRE and ZEKE MILLER - The Associated Press

    WASHINGTON (AP) Even before he'd read the memo, President Donald Trump seized on what it could mean.
    The president first learned of the House Intelligence Committee document last month from some Republican allies in Congress and he watched it take hold in the conservative media, including on some of his favorite Fox News programs, according to seven White
    House officials and outside advisers.......

  6. Anonymous9:54 AM

    What's sad is that those two news people are trying to be polite about it. And this is the guy who is running our country.
    Ah, well, I guess it gives hope to dementia to become president.

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Nothing really needed to be said as it was all out there! Trump AGAIN showed his true condition and ailment to the entire country and world!

  7. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Gryphen, you and your little libtard blog buddies make me sick!! JUST STOP IT!!!

    Instead of celebrating the fact that a rapidly aging, ignorant, mean-spirited, incompetent, narcissistic, obese early-onset dementia patient is able to find meaningful employment and a reason to wake up every morning to angrily tweet his nonsense, you mock and denigrate him!! SHAME ON YOU!!! SHAME!!!

    He deserves a hug and maybe a cookie, not your relentless criticism!!! CANT YOU SEE HE'S A VERY SICK MAN??

    Your constant attacks say more about YOU than poor Mr. Drumpf who - bless his heart - actually thinks he's a 'very stable genius'.


    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      So get the Wasilla cokehead to do it.
      She's so proud of her "servant's heart" of which none is evident.

    2. Anonymous12:25 PM

      This has to be Beldar! Welcome back, you've been missed....

    3. Anonymous1:08 PM

      "If that's your real name..." :)

    4. Anonymous3:44 PM

      New Gov

      "Dunleavy's brother, key figure in J.P. Morgan scandal, will be i$$ue in Alaska governor's race"

    5. Anonymous5:37 PM

      3:44pm We definitely need a new governor, can't stand Dunleavy but really at this point anyone is better than our current Gov.

  8. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I think of teleprompter trump as a zombie, he is just reading the words without any comprehension.

    Worst “president” ever and I thank god everyday traitor trump has told me he is not my president.

    1. They go directly from eyes to mouth, bypassing brain.

  9. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Reading is Fundamental!

    Anyone who's worked with children just learning to read understands that there is an enormous difference between decoding (matching sounds to letters) and comprehension.

    Trump has such poor reading skills that when reading the teleprompter he is completely focused on decoding the words fluently. He can match the sounds to the letters and articulate them correctly, but it's such a struggle that it's as far as his process goes. You can always tell beginning readers by the lack of expression, a slow and constant pace, and monotone - no change in pitch. Listen to how his voice changes between when he's reading the teleprompter and when he's off script.

    Although he can decode on a remedial level, he has no comprehension of what he's reading, which is no doubt the reason for his admitted hatred of reading anything. If he can't comprehend what he's reading as he's doing it, he also can't recall what he just read, even if it's seconds later.

    I studied Russian in college 35 years ago. If I was given some Russian text now, with enough time and effort I could probably decode most of it - matching the correct sounds with the Cyrillic letters - but I would not know what the words meant. I suspect that's what happens to Trump when he reads anything off the teleprompter that's not at his 4th grade level and the same talking points he's been spouting for 2 years. That's also why every single one of his regular speeches sounds the same and uses the same limited vocabulary.

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      Great post, 10:20pm. Thank you.

    2. Anonymous1:07 PM

      11:11 - Thanks!

      I'm not a reading specialist, but I've picked up quite a lot after 20 years of teaching sign language and interpreting for deaf and hard of hearing kids who are just learning to read!

    3. Exactly. It's why so many of us called him illiterate during the campaign. Much good that did.

      I took German in high school and can "read" it prett fluently but can't understand what I'm reading.

      Trump can't even read at a 4th grade level. (The current 4th grade level.) That would be slightly above newspapers, which are 3rd grade reading level. He is more like 2nd grade, with the emotional stability of kindergarten. Although I've had kindergarten classes that could focus and retain better than he can.

  10. Anonymous10:25 AM

    diaper don$

  11. This simply proves what a puppet he is. He doesn’t even listen or pay attention to the stuff he’s reading. He’s basically a BAD ACTOR, as at least Ronald Reagan convinced you he was sincere and paying attention.

    This is performance and a poor one at that? Alzheimer’s? Could be. But Trump has never paid attention to anything that didn’t pertain to him personally. Thanking or acknowledging other people has nothing to do with HIM, so it’s unimportant. He doesn’t give a shit about these people so why would he remember any of their names. The only reason he mentioned John twice is that when he turned back in that direction he saw him standing there. Maybe the guy had moved and the line of people was out of order since the first time he turned in that direction. Who knows.

    It doesn’t PROVE he has Alzheimers, although he probably does. But it does prove he doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself and he’s just going through the motions and reading what he’s told to read. Mouth in gear but brain is disengaged.

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Is his 'charm'? He says 'Thank you' all the damn time.

    2. Anonymous12:23 PM

      Of course, 11:08 AM, because his puppeteers and Congress that could oust him keep him there at the expense of We The People. Wake UP.

    3. Saying thank you isn't the same as being thankful. If he is beholden to anyone, he eventually gets rid of them.

      If he owes, you go.

      That's Trump's loyalty for you.

  12. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Wow his face is becoming monster like. It is all distorted, bulging bags, ruddy, ugly, bleached out straw hair, thin pale lying lips, damn he looks seriously ill inside and out. He needs to prepare for his interview with team Mueller instead of playing golf on taxpayer dollars. He is such a crook mooch.

  13. Anonymous1:23 PM


    Maybe Trumps's new doctor is complicit in the hoax that Trump has no dementia or the doctor suffers from it himself.

  14. Anonymous2:12 PM

    $1.50 won't buy a shOt of covfefe.

  15. Anonymous2:40 PM

    OT?'cyberbullying in porn'

    '“Bullying took her life. If the harassment had not occurred, she would be alive today. She ended her life the day after the bullying began. To think they are unrelated is delusional.” "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is the second leading cause of death among individuals 15 to 34, and the increased stigma, cyberbullying, lower wages, and lack of mental health services provided to adult actresses only makes matters worse." "“I have suffered depression because of the way people view my job. That is the worst part of this job, the way people treat me because of what I do for a living.”

    Bullies are everywhere. We carry them with us in our pockets."

  16. Anonymous2:46 PM

    FUCK CHEATER tom brady. EAGLES Swipe!
    "What Tom vs. Time fails to mention: Guerrero has been investigated by the Federal Trade Commission for
    “making unsubstantiated health claims,” like promoting a supplement purported to protect athletes from concussions. (The FTC decided not to pursue a full-fledged investigation in exchange for Guerrero refunding customers money and closing shop.)"

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Puerto Rico!

    2. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Why Tom Brady’s New England Patriots Are the Most Tainted Sports Dynasty Ever
      Spygate. Deflategate. MAGA hats. Nazi fans. The Patriots are the closest thing to a villain in pro sports, which is why you should *definitely* root against them in Super Bowl LII."
      " discovered that over an eight-year stretch, right up until the moment when the New York Jets set up a sting to catch them, they were secretly recording opponents’ sidelines during games in order to decipher their signals. How often? Forty separate instances between 2000 and 2007, according to ESPN. They also allegedly sent low-level employees into visiting teams’ locker rooms to steal their play sheets, so the Pats would know opposing teams’ first 15-20 plays of the game."
      Go Eagles!

  17. Anonymous3:51 PM

    "Page’s admission in the letter, acquired by Time, disputes a key claim in House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes’ (R-CA) memo — that Page was unconstitutionally surveilled by the Justice Department and FBI. Republicans in favor of the memo argue that the controversial Fusion GPS dossier alleging ties between President Donald Trump and Russia was used as the primary factor in acquiring surveillance warrants for Page."

  18. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Trump is a "word caller" not a reader. He can recognize and say "the name" of most of the words he sees, but he lacks adequate reading comprehension skills.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.