Thursday, February 01, 2018

FEMA decides that they have done enough to help Puerto Rico. San Juan mayor disagrees. Strongly.

Courtesy of NBC News:  

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) said in a statement that commercial supplies of food and water have been re-established in Puerto Rico and that private suppliers are “sufficiently available that FEMA commodities are no longer needed for emergency operations." The supplies were scheduled to end Wednesday; Washington's decision to end aid to the island was first reported by NPR.

FEMA said most grocery stores are open, as are transportation systems, gas stations, banks and ATMs. FEMA staging areas are still open and have provisions for local mayors to obtain for their citizens, FEMA said.

Not so fast FEMA.   

The mayor of San Juan on Tuesday denounced the U.S. government’s plan to end emergency food and water aid to Puerto Rico, saying she had just sent powdered milk to a school that was still without power and struggling to find the necessary supplies for its students. 

“Yesterday, I had to help — because it is a moral imperative to help — a school about 45 minutes from San Juan that still has no water, no electricity and no milk for their children,” the mayor, Carmen Yulín Cruz, said at the Latino Victory Summit, a gathering of Latino leaders and activists that seeks to boost the number of Hispanics in elected office.

“While I’m standing here with you there are children without food in Puerto Rico,” Cruz said at the summit. 

She said she continues to see women crossing rivers using a rope, because their bridge was washed away, to get medication for their children. 

“We need the help and it’s not help, we have paid for it,” Cruz said, noting that Puerto Ricans have fought in every U.S. military campaign.

"There is a need in Puerto Rico, and we ask the president to, for once, do the right thing and not take the aid away from Puerto Rico."

"During all the humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico, there's been a feature of the Trump administration and that is that they take away the aid before it's done," Cruz said to reporters following her speech, citing the example of the withdrawal of the Army Reserve even though bridges still need building. 

Let's face it the people of Puerto Rico are simply not white enough for Trump to care about. 


  1. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Cookies and pocket bibles are more than enough, right, Franklin and $arah? SO tough doing the work of the Lord, isn't it.

  2. Anonymous8:09 AM

    'SHUT~UP'....NEVER....TIME'S UP....

    "BRAVE is her raw, honest, and poignant memoir/manifesto—a no-holds-barred, pull-no-punches account of the rise of a millennial icon, fearless activist, and unstoppable force for change who is determined to expose the truth about the entertainment industry, dismantle the concept of fame, shine a light on a multibillion-dollar business built on systemic misogyny, and empower people everywhere to wake up and be BRAVE."

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM


      “The time is now. We must organize, challenge and resist.”

    2. Anonymous9:46 AM

      @9:20 BLM

      ". “The Congressional Black Caucus can now answer the question he posed to the African-American community in 2016 with 100 percent certainty: African Americans have a lot to lose under the Trump Administration and we have lost a lot already, especially when it comes to his justice, voting rights, education, housing, and healthcare policies,” it reads. “President Trump is still who we thought he was and we won’t be fooled by this speech.”"

    3. Anonymous1:50 PM

      FB>"I debated whether to post about the State of the Union because I think that for all the time and attention it receives nothing really changed. I wonder what the ratings will end up being. Do the President's supporters care what he says in a forum such as this? Does the majority of the country who disapprove of the President want to spend an evening hearing him lecture to them?
      But I figured if I took the time to watch, I might as well say something. Because I think the most memorable thing about the speech is that it will probably soon be forgotten.
      This was an informercial for Donald Trump and his Republican Party. For make no mistake, there is no distance between the GOP and the Party of Trump. He owns it, and the members of Congress know it. Almost to a man (and they mostly are men), they pay fealty to their leader.
      As a newsman, I found no real news except tough talk on immigration (no surprise) and increased sabre rattling with North Korea (disquieting, but no surprise). So much of what ails us, as a people, as a nation, as a world went unsaid. And also left unsaid was the shadow that looms over all that has transpired in the last year and a half - the specter of Russia and now a criminal investigation.
      Presidents uplift. This one does not. Presidents speak to our common ideals. This one does not. Presidents seek to expand their base. This one does not.
      On style points, I thought it was well delivered, as far as that goes. Some analysts with amnesia may say that the President was presidential. But the storm clouds still gather, an itchy Twitter finger awaits, and the State of the Union is far from united."<Dan the Man Rather

  3. Anonymous8:19 AM

    The GOP will be sending Puerto Rico all their tots and pears.

  4. Anonymous8:24 AM

    They can not even vote for President either.

    Hope the ones that moved to Florida vote.

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      I think the voter turnout in Florida is going to be outstanding!

      There is a big push/organizing going on already to get the voters out! I seriously doubt they are going to be difficult in getting out to cast their heart-felt votes!

  5. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I don't spook easily. I was trained to do military analysis, specializing in East Asia -- China, North Korea, Vietnam. I am more worried today than at any point since 1994 DPRK nuclear crisis. US stands on the precipice of a catastrophic mistake on the Korean Peninsula.

    8:32 PM - 30 Jan 2018

    If you don't believe Trump would precipitate a cataclysmic war on the Korean Peninsula to distract from the Russia investigation and his Russian ties you need to rewind and rewatch the last two years of America

    3/ For Nunes to secretly make changes to his Memo post-Congressional approval is *insane*. It would take Trump ordering him to do it to convince him to take that almost impossible to believe and potentially career-ending step. You *don't* play games with classified intelligence.

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Correction>Alaska GOES 1ST.
      {ne·go·ti·a·ble collateral damage.}
      dickFUCKcheney WIN$

  6. Anonymous8:31 AM

    (THREAD) Trump's legal spokesman's resignation raises, in hindsight, concerns Trump attended or knew of the infamous June 9, 2016 meeting.

  7. Anonymous8:32 AM

    A professional observation: this is how criminals act, and someone who repeatedly acts this way—over many months—is almost certainly a criminal. I know this from many years working in the criminal justice system, and most of you know it from common sense.

  8. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Trumpster blob and his cabinet of defects and criminals continue to insult and harm Americans and her territories. It is a shameful example of criminal insanity coming from this group of blobs for the mob. Totally nasty dirty evil boars.

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      One more time, the word is boors. Or bores if they put you to sleep listening to them.

    2. Anonymous2:32 PM


  9. Anonymous9:07 AM

    '"not white enough for Trump to care about."

  10. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Richie Havens - Long Train Running

  11. Anonymous10:46 AM

    That little gal has worked harder for the state of affairs in Puerto Rico than any of the federal folks that were sent there.

    I admire her tenacity and strength. Donate to her directly folks and not through outlets that go directly to the federal government folks!

  12. Anonymous1:16 PM

    "pledged to increase law enforcement efforts against illicit opioid use. That will not work. Incarcerating people who have a disease will not help them get better, and history tells us that the war-on-drugs approach hasn't worked. "

    Why is there still no commitment to funding more than 90 days after the declaration of a public health emergency?

    Will funding go directly to communities of greatest need - a "Ryan White" approach for the opioid epidemic?

    Will the federal government engage its powers to the full extent and negotiate prices of the opioid overdose antidote naloxone?

    Will the president push for regulations to increase addiction treatment?

    Will the president reverse proposals that are detrimental to treating addiction?

    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

  13. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Heck, I would like to help out. Maybe there is somewhere on net matching a financial or otherwise donor to a family to monitor and help out.
    I mean I would be a low financial donor. Match people up and help people.

  14. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I know Bethany helps.

  15. Anonymous2:28 PM

    OT? Wal-Mart is NOW officially Walmart
    Why the switch? It's a nod to the digital era and its biggest rival, Amazon.

  16. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Good God! NO!

  17. Anonymous3:32 PM

    AF-LACk insurance =~IT~'s a duck.

  18. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Lol. She will never be a political superstar no matter how hard she fakes it.

  19. Anonymous7:55 PM

    "Let's face it the people of Puerto Rico are simply not white enough for Trump to care about."....

    As you post a picture of a white governor and a white guy standing behind her.

    lol. It is beyond clear you have no idea what you are talking about ever.

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      FUCK OFF! Are you standing in front of a mirror?
      "lol. It is beyond clear you have no idea what you are talking about ever."

      "Carmen Yulín Cruz Soto was born on February 25, 1963, in San Juan to Carmen Irene Soto Molina from Lares and Pedro Cruz Vega.[1] She has a brother named Pedro José Cruz. Cruz inherited the second part of her given name, Yulín, from her paternal grandmother, Lutgarda Vega"

  20. Paul in Minnesota9:11 PM

    Sadly the last two comments are by a racist Trumpite that cannot face that his hero is indeed a racist to the core. Has been forever. Trump does hate anyone who is not white enough to rent to or occupy space in one of the Trump Towers or Donnie might like to have as a rich neighbor or associate with as a donor. Might help if you're name is Anglo-Saxon Protestant too. English, Scottish preferred. Protestant German rates high. Scandinavian is also great. Some other people if they money is vast enough. Otherwise, nada, if you're a poor white or brown or yellow or red. You're just out of luck as a common American and totally mucked if you're not an American at all. Quick call ICE, you're to be deported unless you have a VISA to work here at Mar-A-Lago.

  21. Anonymous6:47 AM


  22. Anonymous8:34 AM

    ~IT’s utterly disingenuous, not to mention a logical fallacy, to compare construction of a private building to the permitting process for public works, especially across the span of a century."
    "On March 12, 1928, exactly two years from the day the reservoir began to fill, the St Francis Dam failed. Catastrophically. No witnesses survived the actual event. The dam failed so completely and so suddenly that the entire reservoir, 38,000 acre feet – that’s something in the neighborhood of 12 billion gallons – emptied in less than 70 minutes. A flood 140 feet high killed the dam keeper’s family a mile below the dam. Five minutes later, the deluge, still 120 feet high, destroyed the power stations and killed the electricians and their families who lived in a small town nearby. The flood roared downstream, wiping out ranches and electrical workers and the towns of Fillmore, Bardsdale, and Santa Paula, before pouring into the Pacific Ocean. Bodies were found as far away as Mexico. 431 people died. Tens of thousands were displaced. The environmental damage was catastrophic, as was the damage to property and infrastructure. The monetary loss was in the billions, in 1928 dollars."
    " I wrote “self-taught engineer” after William Mulholland’s name. We don’t allow that any more either, engineers in every state must meet the requirements and accreditation set forth by their state board of engineers. In California, licensing of engineers began specifically because of Mulholland’s spectacular failure.
    Yes, we are a nation of builders."
    " These projects are designed to serve the public, to benefit the nation, to advance future generations. And if they are to withstand the test of ages, then we must not only take the time to build them right, but take the time to ensure they best serve not only the current public interest and that of future generations as well."
    "If Trump’s hotel goes bust, or burns down, or stays empty because he planned poorly, he can go bankrupt and stick it to his investors." "Every point, every single one, is the same as this, empty statements wrapped around logical fallacies that say essentially nothing upon examination. Each point of Trump’s address serves only to demonstrate Trump’s profound ignorance of history and the basic functions of both civilization and good government.
    More, it demonstrates the shallow mindless unthinking patriotism of those who would cheer him.
    And in that regard, ironically, Trump’s address is indeed a testament to the sorry state of our union."


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.