Friday, February 02, 2018

Is James Comey calling Donald Trump a weasel and a liar, and comparing him to Joe McCarthy? Because it certainly sounds like it.

Damn! James Comey has certainly pulled off the old kid gloves.

But who could really blame him?

After all not only his the organization he worked for under constant attack, but the friends he left there are dropping like flies.

Trump, who can never let anything go, responded with this:
I bet Comey really wishes he could have a do over with that whole reopening the Hillary Clinton email investigation kerfuffle again.

You know what happens when you interfere in an American election?

You get a Donald Trump, that's what happens.


  1. Anonymous8:41 AM

    "The top Leadership and Investigators of the FBI and the Justice Department have politicized the sacred investigative process in favor of Democrats and against Republicans - something which would have been unthinkable just a short time ago. Rank & File are great people!"

    "“You had Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party try to hide the fact that they gave money to GPS Fusion to create a Dossier which was used by their allies in the Obama Administration to convince a Court misleadingly, by all accounts, to spy on the Trump Team.” Tom Fitton, JW"

    1. Has everyone forgotten the loose lips of the coffee boy? That's what started it all.

    2. Anonymous11:16 AM

      @11:06 "The state of our union was … covfefe."
      "That's what started it all."

    3. Anonymous12:21 PM

      “Russia Data Machine” 6/27/16
      It is said when you commit a crime, you make 20 mistakes. If you can remember 10 of them, you’re a genius. This means that even the slickest criminals leave a trail of bread crumbs that will trace back to the crime. In the case of the Trump Tower-Alfa Bank-Spectrum Health data transfer mystery, Tea Pain just found a doozy!"One of the facts that is not well known about this server is that it was a leased server physically housed in Lititz, Pennsylvania. It don’t take an orbital payload specialist to figure out why Trump Tower chose a leased server, not a managed, physical server in Trump Tower, to host all this treasonous data hanky-panky. This server was outside of the control of the Tower’s day-to-day IT department and would have eliminated gettin’ Trump’s IT personnel involved. Remember, the smaller the conspiracy, the more likely it might succeed."
      "the replication kicked into high gear! He made his mods, and like a Russian creature of habit, pinged the site to double-check his work. This came just a few weeks after Don Jr’s now-famous meeting with the Russians. The agreements were made, the changes were in place, and Trump’s “Stealth Russian Data Machine” just switched on the “Treason-Drive.”"

  2. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Old man trump sat on his wall waiting for the great big fall.
    Trump should not steal from the mob, it is not a good thing to do. If he thinks he can hide in our house, and steal our money and receive protection, he is a dotard useful idiot. His signed disclosures are just a piece of paper created for a paranoid delusional shithole of a human.

  3. And, as we all know, Drumpf had nothing absolutely to do with politicizing any gubmint agencies because he is so smart.

  4. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Just take one of those trump signs off a building and put it on a prison and lock him up today.

  5. Well, Gryph, why wouldn't, why sjhouldn't, he call Trump a weasel and a liar? Nothing wrong with telling the truth.

    1. Kinda insulting to the weasels.

  6. Anonymous11:36 AM

    FYI>'comparing him to Joe McCarthy' Giuliani & Hoover.

    "Republican National Committee endorses BAN on transgender military service
    The resolution called being trans
    "a disqualifying psychological and physical" condition."

    "The Democratic National Committee was quick to respond. LGBTQ Media Director Lucas Acosta released a statement Friday calling the resolution “hateful” because of the way it “only serves to subvert and further demean hardworking men and women who want to serve their country in the most honorable way they can.”

    “The RNC has proven they are more than willing to deny basic rights to LGBTQ Americans all while accepting money from an accused sexual predator and funneling money to an alleged child molester,”"

    1. Anonymous3:15 PM

      dRUMPf motor~boating Lady Giuli 2Billion?

  7. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Uh, you are aware that Comey was basically blackmailed into reopening that investigation, right? Check out the #trumplandia tag on twitter:

    1. Anonymous12:07 PM

      "Rudy Giuliani and Erik Prince are actually *on recordings you can access right now* confessing to the fact this conspiracy existed at the New York field office of the FBI. End of story."

  8. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Wouldn't this be backwards? As McCarthy was pointing fingers at alleged communists and communist sympathizers ... sort of like the democratic nutballs are doing today.

    ie, the dems are the modern day McCarthy's.

    Even though Russia is no longer communist.

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      12:21 likes Putin picking the American President. Communist or not, Russia is an adversary to the US. Putin didn't like that the US was more powerful (before Trump) than Russia.

    2. Anonymous2:00 PM

      You miss the point 1:46....

      If any group is pulling McCarthyism currently, it is absolutely the Democrats.

  9. Yes he is calling Trump a liar and comparing him to Joe McCarthy.

    You'll also notice that Comey is not using his own name @comey.

  10. Anonymous10:35 AM

    McCarthy's attorney was Donald's' mentor and the man was a confirmed sexual predator and pretty-boy sadist.

    You can be assured he schtupe'd The POTUS.

    Trump has no concept of the integrity of people in public service, Some do not register and therefore do not vote preventing any fashion or appearance of political favoritism.

    Our Finest in the Justice Department have sacrificed their highest Constitutional privilege in order to prevent any conflict of interest I their duties. Talk about good men and women!! They are the best!

    There is nothing remotely sacred as trump tries to lube it with his brand of snakeoil in front of the whole world, he is touching himself. What he is inferring is the seed of the theocratic sin that is used to separate themselves from the good and trustworthy who's very nature is a constant threat to their malfeasance and political debauchery.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.