Thursday, February 08, 2018

Joe Biden comes right out and says that he thinks Donald Trump is being controlled by Vladimir Putin.

(The pertinent portions starts at the 5:25 mark.)

Courtesy of Addicting Info: 

As everyone else avoids directly addressing what is going on with Donald Trump and Russia, former Vice President Joe Biden just doesn’t seem to feel the need to mince words. 

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell asked Biden on Thursday why Trump was “so reluctant to take on Vladimir Putin” — and she got an answer she probably was not expecting. 

“Look, you know, I want to give every American, including the president, the benefit of the doubt, but I can’t fathom any reason other than he is concerned of what Putin might say or do, or what information he may or may not have,” Biden said, adding that the Trump administration was not making a sufficient effort to prevent Russia from again interfering in our elections. 

“But look, unrelated to the whole issue of whether or not there’s collusion, separate and apart from all that, it’s necessary for us to stem this problem,” he told Mitchell. “It’s necessary for us to corral the Russians.”

Leave it to Joe "This is a big fucking deal" Biden to come right out and say what so many of us know to be true.

Yes, Donald Trump is an asset for the Kremlin.

And EVERY American, without regard to party affiliation or ideology, should be demanding that he be removed from office.

I would also add that any American NOT calling for that is essentially a traitor to their country, and that includes every Republican in Washington working to undermine the FBI or to obstruct the Mueller investigation. 


  1. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I reapeat, he should be met with chants of Traitor T.Rump wherever he goes.

    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Until a complacent Congress comes out against, what's a bunch of people chanting? They don't give a shit about any of us, and I mean Democrats and Republicans alike!

      Try 360 million people refusing to pay their taxes. Now THAT would nail their asses to the ground. The ultimate FUCK YOU.

    2. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Yes and LOCK HIM UP! along with his family and cabinet.

    3. Anonymous10:10 PM

      Republicans all know that Trump is a Russian asset, as well, but they're too addicted to power to ever dp right by their country and stand up to this crooked and embarrassing "president".

    4. Anonymous5:54 AM

      5:07 I am right there with you. Do not pay taxes. I certainly don't want to and believe it is the only way to get our voices heard. Drumpf has incompetents in charge if he has anyone in charge at all - they could never keep up.
      Case in point: We had a mishap with taxes last year because our child who was filing for the first time claimed himself as did would not believe the hilarity that ensued. Our child received a refund check that was 5 digits without a decimal point. We have no fucking idea what they did, but we fessed up. It took US (his parents not the country) 6 months and US following up to correct it. Our kid didn't even make nearly what they refunded him. Like a 10 fold refund.
      Wonder what would have happened had he cashed it lol.

    5. Anonymous6:57 AM

      I was paid twice for the same wildfire one yr. It took a letter and 3 calls to New Mexico to straighten it out.

  2. Anonymous5:13 PM

    ‘He’d rather have a military parade than defend’ democracy from Russia..... Rob Reiner

  3. Anonymous5:16 PM

    In other words....

    Joe knows he is full of shit but is setting the groundwork for a potential 2020 run. Which is fine. If the DNC hadn't already chosen Hillary as the candidate prior to the primaries even starting, Biden probably would have run- and won 2016, and everyone would be happier.

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      I would support VP Joe Biden in 2020! He's served all of us for so many years and has done an outstanding job. Love the guy!

      His experience, over Cadet Bone Spurs, especially in foreign affairs is exactly what he need in our world of today.

    2. Anonymous6:47 PM

      You don't know that, 5:16 PM, maybe he just spoke his MIND. If memory serves, he had no interest in 2016 and said so.

    3. Anonymous8:50 PM

      Do you remember the pain that Biden was in from the death of his son? I think he needed time for that.

  4. Anonymous5:41 PM

    This B$!

  5. Anonymous5:43 PM

    It is pretty suspicious that traitor trump has absolutely nothing nice to day about anyone except for himself and the russians.

    The russians just lost their appeal for the doping athletes,waiting for comrade trump to invite them to join team USA.

    1. Anonymous5:57 AM

      Look - every country competing in figure skating trains in the US or Canada anyway. Many of them raised in the US but because they are of an ethnicity they skate for that country, after using OUR resources. Hackensack NJ trains the Israelis. Delaware has trained the Russians for YEARS - gave them free housing, best ice time, free coaching. Fucking BULLSHIT. Yet our athletes get very few subsidies.
      Detroit and LA also help train the world.

  6. Anonymous6:12 PM

    When the gov shuts down can Cadet Bone Spurs skip the daily routine and secretly play golf?

    Rob Porter’s ex-wife confesses she’s fearful for Hope Hicks: ‘I don’t think he’ll stop’

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      There’s some women that you just can’t help. Look at the Palins.

  7. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Hope Hicks has been warned and will be an idiot to stay w/the jerk. God, does Cadet Bone Spur know how to pick them for his administration!

    Impeach Trump! How many times have I type that on this blog the past months?

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Hicks has known for months, or longer. Unless you believe Kelly didn't know and would not warn her and Trump.

    2. Anonymous6:49 PM

      The difference between Hope Hicks and those that came before her is she has the knowledge they lacked. If she’s a moron and thinks it won’t happen to her, that’s her problem.

    3. Anonymous6:51 PM

      I just LAUGH at her. She's nothing.

    4. Anonymous9:52 PM

      She is the nothing that can turn the Trump administration into nothing.

      Nothing to Nothing

      Hope Hicks reportedly volunteers to tell Trump bad news because he takes it better from her

    5. Anonymous5:09 AM

      Hope was the person writing the statements defending the wife beater.

    6. Anonymous8:51 AM

    7. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Hope Hicks was also sleeping with Corey Lewindowski, who happened to be married.

      Here's an article from People Magazine on Hicks:

  8. Anonymous6:58 PM

    " Daily Beast article from late January based on a series of Twitter direct messages sent from WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange to an account impersonating Fox News’ Sean Hannity with the real host’s account was disabled. Unfortunately for him, Assange messaged the wrong Hannity, accidentally offering dirt about Warner to the imposter.

    The Daily Beast’s Ben Collins, who wrote the initial report, noticed the similarity when the Warner text story first “broke.”

    “I’ve reached out to Hannity, Fox News, and Assange asking if the ‘news’ Assange wanted to tell Hannity about Warner last week is, in fact, these leaked text messages that just appeared on Fox News,” Collins tweeted."

  9. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Watching the Olympics first night out, NBC can’t keep politics out of it. Good LORD, when is enough???

    1. Anonymous5:58 AM

      oh please, they are orgasmic over it. Tape it and skip thru the bullshit. That's what I plan to do.

  10. Anonymous8:12 PM

    OT RIP David Kernell.

    1. Anonymous10:02 PM

      I did not know he had MS. That is truly sad.

      Kernell served 10 months in a minimum-security prison for obstruction of justice because he destroyed the evidence from his computer

      Sarah Palin honed her skills to play a victim as Bristol lied under oath in a Federal Court.

    2. Anonymous10:30 PM

      He was an exemplary young man. Not that his mistake was the thing to do, but who he was is laudable.

      Kernell, once ranked in the top 10 per cent of chess players in the country, also enjoyed spearfishing, free diving, rock climbing, wilderness exploration and online games.
      'David did not let this incident define him,' the family said, according to Commercial Appeal.
      'He returned to UT Knoxville to complete his economics degree and further refined his programming skills by helping his local community.
      'He first volunteered his expertise to Tennessee Voices for Children, a child advocacy non-profit group. Later, he moved to California and worked to develop facial recognition software that could identify children at risk of abuse.'

    3. Anonymous1:49 AM

      Karma will visit you know who.

    4. Anonymous5:13 AM

      For the millionth time,he did not hack her email,he guessed her password,big difference.

      The people of AK should have given him a metal for exposing palins emails.

    5. Anonymous6:00 AM

      Thanks 5:13 as going to skool people as well.
      He just GUESSED her very insecure password.
      You know, MS can be brought on by chemical exposures.
      Did Vlad help out a friend?

    6. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Did he even guess her password? I thought he just guessed her security questions (Where did she meet Todd? - Wasilla High) and Yahoo let him reset the password.

  11. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Look at that interview. How much i miss a calm intelligent person!

    We now have a petulant child as President, waving his tiny hands and everything is negative. MAGA? How? by tearing down the FBI and all that was sworn to protect us.

    Trump wants to be a dictator with full power, his kids are given jobs in the White House and the Republicans sat back! Do you think if President Obama had let Malia if she was older do the same thing and they would not have a fit?

    I am so tired of this butt hurt idiot with no class and no brains being our President.I am afraid we will forget what a steady calm hand means and this asshole Trump will be accepted as the norm. We are all in deep shit if this is considered the new America.

    1. Anonymous4:48 AM

      Many, many of us agree with your "tiredness." We are so tired of this man - he wore us out during the campaign with his meanness and stupidity and now we have him all day, every day.

  12. Anonymous8:59 PM

    O MY O
    ""Celebrity Big Brother" on Thursday that she wouldn't vote for President Trump again "in a million years, never." Newman said she found it hard to separate her long-time loyalty for Mr. Trump when she worked in the White House.

    "If we become friends, you'll see how loyal I am, like maybe to a fault," Newman said. Alluding to Mr. Trump, she added "it's just been so incredibly hard to shoulder what I shouldered for those two years because I was so loyal to a person. And I didn't realize that by being loyal to him, it was going mean I was going to lose 100 other friends.""

    1. Anonymous7:11 AM

      Once a snake,always a snake.

  13. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Someone at the White House just threw Don McGahn under a bus

  14. Anonymous1:20 AM

    But G, we've all been saying long before Trump was elected that he is a Russian asset. We knew Putin pulled the strings. The night Trump was elected we knew we were duped. We felt an awful movement in the force for good.

  15. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Trump is not American, he is a nasty dirty lying whore for putin. Using America to pay off his mob debts is the ultimate crime. It is time for the sway backs in DC to stand up instead of waste our time and money playing to this scam. Kick his traitor ass out of our building along with his deplorable lousy bad actors TODAY.

  16. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Taxation without representation is a crime. What will get attention? NO money? A parade? A protest? Cadet bone spur is guilty, he is there to bow to putin and pay his outstanding debts. He is a weak broken little man in a big position. His day is over along with his friends. Tighten the sanctions on his tiny DICKtater master.

  17. Anonymous1:54 AM

    The list is long on what damage Trump and constituents did to damage a work in progress that is America. All for the rich to gain more power, and Putin to be their king. It's a sad situation and maybe we won't undo it because money talks.
    The country that was America is but a wispy dream that almost was. Now we just fight for survival in name only.
    Putin and his cohorts own this one.

  18. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Bravo, Joe Biden.

  19. Anonymous7:37 AM

    prick 666pence

    "“The vice president president is not speaking the truth about what he knows in these instances and trying to limit his downside vulnerability and exposure on some issues of controversy,” Heilemann said. “The broader thing, of course, here is like almost everybody else, the one thing he has in common with Gen. (John) Kelly and others is, someone has a documentary out now called ‘Everything Trump Touches Dies,’ and it seems as though, again, everyone who is associated themselves with Donald Trump is in a worse position reputationally than the day they met him — and that’s true of Vice President Pence.”" {he isis/was worse}

  20. Anonymous8:28 AM

    jew Andrea Mitchell is the alt/media that kellyanne CON-WAY
    Emulate$^ to deceive us all. Biiitttccchhh$!


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