Friday, February 09, 2018

“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

It should also be noted that none of Trump's family has served in the military, he aggressively attacked a former prisoner of war, and that he has done nothing to answer any of Russia's cyber attacks.


  1. Leland2:18 AM

    And he will continue to do absolutely NOTHING but divide and anger.

  2. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Cadet bone spur is weak but still able to bow to his tiny bald master. Congress is weak but still able to spend USA taxpayer money. While the little hard working americans slept before their hard low pay work day, congress stayed awake to play and vote for our future. DEBT, NO balanced budget, somebody must pay! I don't want to pay for a gift to shiny selfish wealthy traitors to America. NOPE. A parade of protest, revolt, resist, demands, and charges against the bad actors is the only solution right now until the military and law enforcement do their job and remove the crooks.

    1. Leland7:28 AM

      "...until the military and law enforcement do their job and remove the crooks."

      Sorry, 2:19, but I do NOT want to see our military EVER involved in "solving" our political problems. NEVER!

    2. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Talk about asking for a banana republic lol. 2:19- grow a brain!

  3. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Navy SEAL who says he killed bin Laden: "A military parade is third world bullshit"

  4. Anonymous3:52 AM

    I understand that Trump has the title of Commander-In-Chief but does that actually give him the authority to demand a military parade? Do the Generals have the right to deny a Presidential request?

  5. Anonymous3:54 AM

    Cut the CRAP. The creators of the reality shitshow "celebrity apprentice" confessed that the fraud and scam billionaire was created for "Donald John Trump". A rapist, abusive liar. And let us scam America in 2007-2016 using this fraud and liar. Lets hire the worst example of military, of people unqualified, of defects, of bad character. We are now exposed to the Viagra and ecstasy fueled nasty dirty child molesters, women abusers and overall generational defective genes of hate. Big liars, cheats and cons. We have been exposed to the sewer and swamp of career criminals. It is temporary but painful to watch those so corrupt taint our nation and world. But! we know who they are now and we will remove them, charge them and convict them. Yes we will be a wall and that wall will be built around these people. They will be shamed and send to their hell on earth. May a thousand camels fart in their face, may the earth shake them to their knees and wash them to their fate. Resist, revolt, and protest them. There is NO honor in liars and frauds nor empty words of deceit coming from ANYONE in that white house or cabinet. Anyone associated with Donald john trump or Pence are scammers including the religious mulligan crowd of grifters. ITs Over for them. GET OUT YOU ARE FIRED. ALL OF YOU!!!

    1. Anonymous5:03 AM

      Why are you blaming Viagra for sexual assaults? It isn't the fault of viagra,it is the fault of men.

    2. They also enabled his election since they have footage (worse than Access Hollywood) of his racist, misogynist behavior and suppressed it rather than expose it.

  6. Anonymous4:42 AM

    City officials in Washington, D.C., have nixed the idea of large military parade. Pennsylvania Avenue is not built to support such an onslaught. And, frankly, this member of "we, the people" doesn't want to pay for it!

    There's always been a strange but lovely ceremony at the White House when foreign leaders come for a State visit with a Fife and Bugle Corps all dressed up in 18th century military uniforms marching along to the tune of 18th century music. That's the tradition and that's what is appropriate.

    To have Trump standing there pretending he's Hitler or Mussolini or Stalin or Putin is just plain creepy and, dare I say, "unAmerican."

    1. Anonymous6:38 AM

      oops, it's "Fife and Drum Corps" that entertains foreign dignitaries at the White House, not "Fife and Bugle." It was way too early in the morning for me.

    2. If he can't do it in D.C., what do you wanna bet he'll try to do it in New York City, right past the front of Trump Tower. Have a little viewing stand built just for him and his family so he can wave and pontificate.

    3. Anonymous4:24 PM

      remember what happened to Mussolini.

  7. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Deferment donnie has wasted enough of our money,let him pay for his own parade.
    Hint,cash the check first because donnie doesn't pay his bills.

  8. Anonymous5:57 AM

    This mornings news from The White House. Trump orders bicycle for staff to get around complex. Male staffs have already named the bike, Hope Hicks.

  9. Anonymous6:30 AM


  10. Anonymous6:50 AM

    The stench of this weasel is disgusting!
    Stupid evangelicals,trump voters and all supporters,enablers.
    Always imbeciles!

  11. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Don't forget his respectful treatment of Gold Star parents and pregnant widows. Of course they were brown, so....

  12. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Donald Trump's grandfather was kicked out of his native Germany for failing to do his mandatory military service there


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