Tuesday, March 27, 2018

As their national presence grows the Right Wing is going to extremes to discredit Parkland students.

The above tweets features the always rational Alex Jones suggesting that Parkland student David Hogg is the new embodiment of Hitler.

Because you know that makes sense.

But the smear tactics did not end there. Not by a long shot.

Courtesy of Media Matters:  

Right-wing media outlets amplified claims that Parkland survivor David Hogg made a Nazi salute after his speech at the March for Our Lives event in Washington, D.C. But the gesture Hogg made was clearly a raised fist, not the Seig Heil salute.

In a March 25 article, Breitbart writer AWR Hawkins positively highlighted several Twitter accounts that claimed Hogg made a Nazi salute, although the image used to illustrate the article debunked the claim.

Writing for conservative pundit Ben Shapiro’s The Daily Wire, Ryan Saavedra wrote that Hogg “threw up a salute that sent Twitter into a frenzy.” Saavedra claimed it’s “not clear what Hogg meant by his hand gesture” but went on to include nine tweets that called the gesture, among other things, “Hitler-esque.” 

In a March 24 blog post, Alex Jones’ pro-Trump outlet Infowars called the march “the ‘Hitler Youth” invasion of Washington D.C.” and referred to the speakers as “young fascists-in-training,” specifically calling Hogg “the propagandist-in-chief”.
Here, by the way, is the video from which that image on the left was taken, just in case there are any trolls here who want to argue that the one of the right is not photoshopped.
And yes, there's more:  

And as of this weekend, this group of idealistic young people have officially become the right’s leading hate figures. 

The first and most repugnant strategy was to directly attack high-profile campaigners, especially students David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez. 

Running short of reasoned arguments, many attempted to push conservative buttons with high impact visuals. Alt-right social media company Gab was one of many that disseminated a doctored animation of Gonzalez in which she falsely appeared to be tearing up the US constitution. Cartoonist and Trump sycophant Ben Garrison depicted Hogg as an assault rifle, wielded by CNN, and loaded with Marxism. Breitbart re-published a round of tweets accusing Hogg of throwing a Nazi salute. 

On Front Page – an outlet led by David Horowitz, whose main stock in trade is virulent Islamophobia – Bruce Thornton decried Hogg’s “profanity laced tantrums” and reduced him and his fellow students to political “shock troops” being manipulated by a progressive “ideology of melodrama and moral exhibitionism”.

Though David and Emma have born the main brunt of the vicious attacks from the Right Wing, likely due to their effective messaging, other Parkland kids have also been targeted:  

Along with Hogg and Gonzalez, the right found some new targets among the Parkland survivors. The one who got the most scrutiny was Marjory Stoneman Douglas student Delaney Tarr, who spoke at the Washington rally. In her speech, she suggested that bump stock bans could be expanded into further gun control. Many rightwing outlets drew the inference that the movement would not stop at an assault weapons ban, but would try to ban firearms altogether. 

Fox News did not resort to calling the Parkland students Nazis, but they did call them sanctimonious pawns.
Keep in mind that these are children.

Children who just had their lives torn apart by gun violence, and many of whom lost friends to that same violence.

But to the Right Wing they are nothing more than adversaries who must be crushed under foot, and their suffering does not buy them any sympathy or empathy whatsoever.


  1. Anonymous4:03 PM


  2. Anonymous4:11 PM

    The RW propagandists/power plaers in this country are a bunch of lying craven s***heads. They have no shame. Sociopaths don't. Power and money is ALL they care about.

  3. Anonymous4:29 PM

    I keep in mind that the students are 'children', albeit young adults soon.

    I also keep in mind that these right- wingers are childish, selfish and hateful people who have no capacity to be 'adult' about anything. Discovering this is my reason for avoiding them at all costs.

    The people I erased from my life due to their blind allegiance to the loud orange trumpet have not been missed and I now have far more time to spend with considerate, intelligent and positive people.

  4. Anonymous4:32 PM

    I am so happy that you go to these right wing echo chambers so that I don't have to. My world is happy and hopeful, and wow these far right nutbags are just too much to comprehend.

    Glad I don't actually know any of them firsthand or I might have to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights upon them, in order to quell their stupidity ;-)

  5. Anonymous4:33 PM

    These Republicans are proving themselves to be the most hateful and evil folks on this planet! Going against children that have witnessed a shooting that killed many children.

    Satan holds the door to Hell open for these Republicans. And, they claim to be Christians! Give me a fucking break!

  6. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Al Sharpton’s half-brother charged in murder after marching against guns


    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Sharpton's a nutter, seems his brother is too.

    2. Anonymous8:22 PM

      Sharpton has provided a lot of positive input throughout the years. He is to be admired, not ridiculed by ??? (you name them!)

    3. WA Skeptic9:36 PM

      Consider the source: Washington Examiner.

    4. Anonymous10:13 PM

      Lol the source 9:36? This isn't an opinion piece. His half -brother is currently facing a capitol murder charge, essentially right after his participation in an anti gun march.

  7. Anonymous4:59 PM

    "Hogg Hitler! The little dictator in the making."


  8. Snopes is front and center with debunking right wing myths. Matter of fact, anything a wingnut spews is probably an outright lie.

  9. Anonymous5:08 PM

    GOP Congressman Steve King doubles down in his attacks on Emma Gonzalez and Stoneman Douglas kids


    Americans stand with Parkland teens as conservatives call them Nazis

    Parkland teenagers leading the movement for gun safety have the support of a vast majority of the country. And that's driving the conservative movement mad.


  10. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Supposedly their families are getting death threats too.

    Hope some attorneys offer their services pro bono and they sue all of the deplorables!

    1. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Yes! That would be great! I've been that same thing!

  11. Anonymous5:19 PM

    NRA-backed lawmaker caught lying about support for gun control


  12. Anonymous5:25 PM

    There is no way to attack these students and win. They have the nation's sympathy. These attacks will show them up as desperate losers in the end.

  13. Anonymous5:26 PM

    ....On Saturday, Hogg delivered a speech to a massive crowd of an estimated 200,000 people at the March for Our Lives rally in Washington D.C., and at one point, he raise a closed fist into the air.

    Alex Jones, founder of the conspiracy theory website InfoWars, took video of Hogg’s speech and dubbed it with audio of a speech by Hitler.


    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      You realize all of this is in the actual post, right?

  14. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Politico Comes Under Fire For Pro-Trump Ads Done For Cambridge Analytica

    ....The ad was called an “interactive graphic,” and it appeared to be a piece of Politco journalism like the articles that appear on their website. The title of the ad, shown on the graphic, was: “10 inconvenient truths about the Clinton Foundation.”

    The very powerful advertisement ran for many weeks and it was shown only to targeted people who visited Politico from a list of key swing states.

    What was not made clear to the viewers is that the piece was not a valid piece of journalism but was a pro-Trump ad produced by the in-house Politico team that creates sponsored content.

    The Cambridge Analytica “blueprint” discusses this Politico ad in great detail. They said it was remarkable in that it had “an average engagement time of four minutes.” According to business development director Kaiser the Politico ad was “the most successful thing we pushed out.”


  15. Anonymous5:33 PM

    If there are any doubts in anyone's mind about this crop of Republicans and how depraved they've become, I hope this behavior lays it to rest.

  16. Since that 16 year old just studied the Constitution in American Government class, I'd say they were probably better qualified to discuss the second amendment than these clowns. A 16 year old would certainly know the difference between a Fascist, a Communist and a Socialist.

    If I have to choose between Republican Fascism and Democratic Socialism I'll choose socialism every time.

    They're afraid of Emma Gonzalez, David Hogg and Delaney Hogg because they are poised, erudite, articulate and they know how to deliver a speech.

    Here is Delaney:

    "We are here to call out every single politician, to force them into enacting this legislation, to addressing this legislation, to doing more than a simple Band-Aid on a broken bone. The pressure is on for every person in power, and it will stay that way. Because they know what is coming. They know that if there is no assault weapons ban passed, then we will vote them out. They know that if there is no tightening of the background checks, we will vote them out. They know that if there is no shrinking of magazine capacity, then we will vote them out."

    That is what has them scared shitless. That they will be voted out.

    And they will.

    Parkland and the rest of this generation is just getting started. Those registration drives the day of the March are just the beginning.

    Just wait until they start campaigning for candidates.

    Just wait until they start running for office themselves.

    1. Anonymous6:59 PM

      We as adults were able to enjoy 8 years of Obama, now these kids will in time elect their own Obama and hopefully they won't let it all slip away as the Democrats did Congress in 2010 and then the 2016 Presidential election.

  17. Anonymous6:05 PM

    OT?'Despite these warnings 81% of White Evangelicals voted for Mr. Trump,"
    If you ask any given church-goer why they supported Mr. Trump, they are quick to point to the social issue of abortion. However, research from The University of Chicago Divinity School demonstrates the mythical nature of this claim.

    In FACT, the number one priority in this past election, for White Evangelical leaders according to the study was as follows: “Personal character of the candidate.”
    Yes, you read that correctly.

    Which begs the question: If the leaders of these churches believed Mr. Trump had the personal character to serve as President, how else should we have expected those within our pews to vote any other way?"
    "Dr. James Dobson, famed Christian psychologist, and radio personality took things a step further. He called for a
    “day of fasting and prayer,” to protect Trump “from those that hate him,” to avoid Trump’s impeachment."Whether agnostic, atheist, or believer, one thing is clear: It is well past time for evangelical leaders – particularly those of us who are White – to divorce Donald Trump.

    How about those calling ourselves evangelicals get off of our {4} high horse$ of privilege"


    "he four riders are often seen as symbolizing Conquest or Pestilence (and less frequently, the Christ or the Antichrist), War, Famine, and Death."
    " The Christian apocalyptic vision is that the Four Horsemen are to set a divine apocalypse upon the world as harbingers of the Last Judgment" This NEXT week endoftimes...


    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      A lot of the Evangelical vote for Trump can be attributed to this pseudo-prophet. When an article with his prophecies came out a couple years ago, it spread online like wildfire.


    2. WA Skeptic9:40 PM

      Oh, please; enough of the superstitious nonsense in order to frighten the peasants.

  18. Anonymous6:10 PM

    As congress thumbs their nose at you. It's not about us anymore. THEM.

  19. So the neo-Nazis are saying being like Hitler is bad? Maybe that's a good sign. :) (Even though his gesture looks more like the Black Power salute from the 1968 Mexico City Olympics.)

  20. Boy, do I miss the Fairness Doctrine and the Seal of Good Practice.

    Remember those...?

    1. Anonymous6:59 PM

      I do, dvlaries, those behind it, and who lifted the assault weapons ban.

  21. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Two Teachers:



  22. Anonymous6:58 PM

    These are young people they are attaking here, i won't call them children because unfortunately they have seen too much and have to live in a world where innocence is long gone.

    For them unlike me who is much older their grades have become second place. I can't
    even imagine sending my kid to school anymore.

    What kind of disgusting piece of shit do you have to be to attack kids who are afraid and our sick of it!

  23. Anonymous7:44 PM

    6.10 The moment that you accept that "them" is the employer than you need to either take a history class or read the Constitution of the United States of America.

  24. “Breitbart re-published a round of tweets accusing Hogg of throwing a Nazi salute. “

    Wouldn’t that actually make Hogg popular with the Breitbart audience? I don’t think they’ve thought this through.

  25. Anonymous7:58 PM


  26. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Pop Evil - Waking Lions

    You woke up the lions in them.

    Good luck with that.

    Go Newbies!

  27. Anonymous8:44 PM

    "And these children that you spit on

    As they try to change their world

    Are immune to your consultations

    They're quite aware of what they're going through"

    David Bowie

    1. Anonymous12:09 AM

      Thanks for that - it’s perfect!

  28. Anonymous8:54 PM

    This post shocked me, I don't follow the hatred.
    The cult of Christianity has destroyed the minds of these haters, they made-dead the meaning of the death of Jesus by turning him into an idol, when the death itself is to show us humans that to define and fix authoritatively any consciously conceivable set of "meanings" would be to kill them - which is, of course, what happens in dogmatic and historicizing theology.

    1. Anonymous9:19 PM

      Mythic images (ie religious symbols like Jesus) can't point "to" themselves, only "past" themselves. They point toward something that cannot be known; IT is not IT.
      (cue the worshippers, who closed the metaphor, losing the Message, because they concretized a metaphor)

  29. Anonymous8:58 PM

    They are killing Jesus by worshipping him, or waiting for his salvation. Just like was done to him 2000 years ago. They misses the message of his death!!

  30. Anonymous10:33 PM

    WTF is Roseanne Barr's pandering to Trump supporters for in her shoe's reboot? Tokenism. Political. Bullshit.

    Fuck you Roseanne Barr.

    You should have said all along "I want to give the political party I support some politics disguised as entertainment, god knows republicans don't make entertainment because they are LITERAL minded and therefore unable to animate the transcendent through art."
    I would have watched, but I don't watch LYING BITCHES on TV.

    Fuck you Roseanne Barr. Stay the fuck in Hawaii.

    1. It's gonna tank her show.

      Guess she didn't learn anything from Tim Allen.

  31. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Seems to me there are multiple pictures of their Dear Leader giving an actual Nazi salute to his adoring crowds. Didn't seem to bother them then.

    1. Yeah. I'm surprised no one has countered with Trump giving a real Sieg Heil. He's done it more than once.

  32. Anonymous11:13 PM

    the shit they were talking at the pee pond yesterday and the day before was so egregious that I felt compelled to broadcast it all over the internet as a warning. Naturally I gave Sarah Palin the credit. It won't hurt the world to know that those dangerous freaks worship her, but I'm sure they wouldn't want all the world reading the turd-fueled utterances that they share with each other, and blaming Sarah Palin- too bad, I'm going to continue spreading the bullshit from the pond where the slime grows.

  33. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Sad that the NRA has these people out there attacking the young people in a desperate attempt to keep their products of death on the market.
    I don't respect these people. I also don't believe that they really believe in the 2nd amendment with any real common sense other than the fact that they just love being obnoxious.

  34. Anonymous3:27 AM

    Anyone who says these kids are doing a Nazi salute is a complete moron who knows nothing of history. You can find WWII pictures all over the Internet featuring Nazis. They NEVER saluted with a closed fist.

  35. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Santorum attacked these kids and so did Rep. Mary Franson of Minnesota. She got slammed so bad by comparing the March For Our Lives kids to Nazi Youth that she ended up deleting her FB. She's still on twitter though getting slammed as she deserves for being so hateful. #FakeChristian


  36. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Jones is an opportunistic stooge. Anyone of even minimal intelligence can spot this huckster. RWingers lack minimal intelligence. Every conspiracy he spouts is reality to them. They are retards.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.