Saturday, March 03, 2018

Former Alabama Senate candidate, and accused pedophile, Roy Moore needs your money.

Courtesy of WaPo: 

Embattled former Senate candidate Roy Moore is making a public plea for help to pay the legal fees he faces defending himself from a lawsuit brought by an Alabama woman who says he touched her sexually when she was 14 years old. 

In a statement posted on his Senate campaign’s Facebook page, the Republican former judge made the ask in a grievance-filled note, saying that he faced a “vicious attack from lawyers in Washington D.C. and San Francisco who have hired one of the biggest firms in Birmingham Alabama to bring another legal action against me.” 

“My resources have been depleted and I have struggled to make ends meet,” Moore wrote, saying that his legal fees could exceed $100,000. “I have had to establish a legal defense fund, anything you give will be appreciated.” 

Leigh Corfman filed a defamation lawsuit against Moore in January, part of an emerging legal strategy of litigating sexual misconduct claims through civil lawsuits when the statute of limitations has expired for criminal charges. 

In November, Corfman told The Washington Post that Moore took her to his house, undressed her and touched her sexually when he was a 32-year-old district attorney in 1979, and she was 14. The accusations shook up the Senate race in the deep-red state, and helped catapult it to wide national attention. Moore denied the accusations, maintaining that he was the victim of a conspiracy by liberal groups, mainstream media organizations and others. Corfman claims some of the statements he made defamed her.

Man I am trying very hard to come up with even an ounce of sympathy for this POS.

Nope, I got nothing.

But wait, maybe this will help.
There you go, that, along with God's grace, should be all a religious man like Roy Moore needs to see him through these challenging times.


  1. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Nasty, lying POS. I have NO sympathy for child molesters, or any other pervert - like this piece of scum.

  2. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Let me get out my little violin, boo hoo hoo.

    Let him get the money from those so called Christians and trump supporters, they are stupid enough to give him money.

    If they were smart, they would ask to see the actual bills from the attorneys also. I can see him and his wife pocketing most of the money. Also the IRS should be looking for next years tax return and see if he declared it as income.

  3. Anonymous2:06 PM

    This is an old article but maybe the real reason Hopey had to leave the WH, especially after the white lies comment.
    Trump reportedly thinks Hope Hicks put herself before White House in the Porter scandal

  4. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Just sent Roy a $10,000 check payable when Hell freezes over.

    1. Anonymous2:34 PM

      LIKE^ ;-)

    2. Anonymous4:23 PM

      I sent 700 Confederate dollars.

  5. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Can't remember where I saw this, but he's asking in the realm of $240K and as of then had collected $32K. I STILL will never understand why anyone contributes their hard earned money to scum like him or any political candidate for that matter. You want to run, pay it out of your own pocket. Look how many got scammed SarahPAC and she didn't do jack shit.

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      $arah spent it on tacky clothes and fake breasts. she also used it to teach her kids they are royals. peasants! i shall never forget or forgive that! i work so hard for what i have and palins think they can just have it!

  6. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Hope people are smart enough, IF they do this, to sharpee out their name and account number.

    Like trolls here, "it's those damned libruls fault!," he says. No, @sswipe, it's YOURS.

  7. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Devil Dogs>
    "Like everyone else who works for Trump at this point in his career, after observing his chaotic and repugnant public life, she probably didn't get into his business or political orbit believing it would be a laudable public-interest venture. Trump's career is stained by race-based housing-discrimination, racial and religious insults, bankruptcies, business failures, class-action settlement on allegations of Trump University fraud, and boastful admissions of sexual assault."
    'Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller, who saw an opportunity to slow - or even end - this country's march toward demographic diversity; RACE GOD
    Jeff Sessions, who saw an opportunity to roll back progress in civil rights and drug enforcement; RACE GOD
    Scott Pruitt, who saw an opportunity to gut federal environmental protection laws and practices; LIFE GIA
    Ryan Zinke, who saw an opportunity to open fragile public lands and waters to drilling and mining; LIFE GIA
    Betsy DeVos, who saw an opportunity to cripple, if not outright destroy, public education; RACE GOD
    Neil Gorsuch, who saw his opportunity to join the Supreme Court and move it far to the right.' RACE GOD

    "Hicks also allegedly declared privately that Donald Junior's emails about that meeting would "never get out.""
    "Burnett reported one of Trump’s “close allies” told CNN that Trump asked Hicks after her testimony “how she could be so stupid.”"

  8. Anonymous2:36 PM

    He looks like a sorry-ass disgusting POS. He reeks pervy.

  9. Anonymous2:37 PM

    He can starve and die in the street for all I care. And he should take his shitty, evil, Jew-fellowshipping wife "Kayla" with him. They are both trash.

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      I couldn't care less about what religion people are. You watch what they do, not what they say. BYE, "judge."

  10. Anonymous3:02 PM

    "Hogg and Kasky also currently serve as co-founders of the #NeverAgain organization, which was created to fight for tighter regulations to prevent gun violence. The students have also appeared on multiple news fronts with Kasky most famously grilling Sen. Marco Rubio during the CNN Town Hall meeting on whether he would continue to accept NRA donations, being that he received $9,900 from the NRA's political action committee during the 2016 election cycle, according to filings from the Federal Election Commission.

    Unhappy with how the government has failed to make the proper changes for a stricter gun control, Hogg revealed to Maher that he declined an offer to attend Trump's White House listening session. While speaking with the White House, Hogg recalled angrily informing them, "I said, we don’t need to listen to President Trump. President Trump needs to listen to the screams of this nation and the screams of the children.""

  11. OT:

    How badly does Trump want to beat Obama?

    "U.S. President Donald Trump has received two nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize that the Norwegian Nobel Committee says are forged.

    It’s the second year in a row that someone has nominated Trump for the prestigious prize after assuming the identity of a qualified nominator, said Olav Njolstad, secretary of the Norwegian Nobel Committee.

    Njolstad told The Washington Post that the same person is likely responsible for both fake nominations, which the committee discovered after reaching out to the individual whose name appeared on the letter recommending Trump. Njolstad did not identify that person."

    Eric? Junior? Donnie himself?

    "Njolstad told the Post that unqualified people are often recommended for the peace prize, but that “as far as I know, this is the first example of someone nominating someone by stealing another person’s identity.”

    According to several press reports, an unidentified American nominated Trump for the 2017 prize, saying the U.S. president should be honored for his “ideology of peace through force.” The same argument appeared in the nomination for this year’s prize, Deutsche Welle reported."

    Okay. James O'Keefe? He would steal an identity to do this. Richard Spencer? Peace through Force so sounds like White Supremacist bullshit.

    "The matter has been referred to the Oslo police, The Associated Press reported, quoting the NTB Norwegian wire service. Norwegian authorities have contacted the FBI for assistance and are planning to meet next week, said Rune Skjold, head of the economic crimes unit of the Oslo police force, reported the German wire service DPA. Skjold said forgers can face several years in prison."

    Oh, I so hope they uncover the forger. I really, really, really do.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Well he does deserve the Nobel Peace Prize for stupidity

    2. Anonymous8:11 PM

      I would not be a BIT surprised if those eloquent, organised, and brave young survivors of Parkland haven’t been nominated yet. If so, I fervently hope that they win!

  12. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Oh the thoughts and prayers checks are brilliant. We can send those to many shitholes around the country.
    Did everyone get their "spam" caller today from NY 914 886 8680 or maybe the citi group phone call now in charge of your Home depo credit card? Yep those shiny fish are something else. Their stirring and in panic mode.

  13. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Certain constitutional sheriffs such a joe apario and several others around the country are running for office. Send those trump sheriffs a thoughts and prayers check for their campaign.
    Not sure whats wrong with these guys brains but they are aiding the enemy that threatens this country. Their oath to serve and protect and the Constitution of the United States of America is not about that. Guaranteed.

  14. Anonymous3:30 PM

    OT: "With Daniel Baldwin saying he had a special caller to the show, his brother was already in character and immediately attacked — himself.

    “First of all, everybody knows that Stephen Baldwin is the best Baldwin, OK?” Alec said while using Trump’s voice, referencing the one Baldwin brother who is a supporter of Trump.

    Baldwin’s Trump then proceeded to talk about all the great work he was doing when he wasn’t at the golf course while continuing to attack Baldwin for hurting America."

    vs Real dRUMPf:

  15. Anonymous3:40 PM

    "The Florida Senate Is Holding a Special Weekend Session to Debate Arming Teachers"

  16. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Pony up LLC $$, $arah, boys will be boys!

  17. Anonymous4:43 PM

    "Michael McFadden was convicted of sexually assaulting six children but was freed from jail when the Colorado Supreme Court refused to reconsider a lower court’s ruling that he didn’t get a speedy trial."
    "Prosecutors had said that McFadden selected families with young children, most frequently boys, who he molested while riding four-wheelers and dirt bikes.

    “He gets into a situation where he has access to those kids, and he grooms them pretty heavily,”"
    "McFadden had to register as a sex offender because of a previous conviction and didn’t do so, which is why he was re-arrested Friday night in Colorado Springs."

  18. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Sarah has distanced herself for a reason. Morals.

    To voters, if Bristol's 9 yr old can understand that liberals who abuse his mom and family with slander are sociopaths(funniest and best video from last year ever), then voters can get ROYBOY out.

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Here we GO!

    2. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Has grandma explained to grandson how grandpa being a pimp is a necessary part of life?

    3. Anonymous5:30 PM

      For distancing herself, she sure can't wait to be invited back into the fold, now CAN she?

    4. Anonymous3:16 AM

      How does Barstool explain to her son that her latest relationship is over because of her spreading her legs for another man?

    5. Anonymous1:34 AM

      3:16, by now he has learned that Trial Daddies don't last. Bristol said on her TV show, she will get him a new Daddy. It's all the kid knows in his short life.

  19. Anonymous6:07 PM


  20. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Palin and Moore both born on Feb 11. Both are horrible people, bottom of the barrel STUPID AS SH#T, sooooo stoooooopid+++++

  21. Anonymous6:41 PM

    If Roy lets Trump bang Kayla, that's for sure worth $132000.
    Mind you, she's a little less stormy than Stormy, so the 132K may need to be in installments.

  22. I'd rather send a check to her.

  23. Anonymous7:34 PM

    OMG SNL open!
    Steel the show !

  24. Anonymous12:08 AM

    I would write a check directly to the 'Jew' lawyer! (whom I heard quit, good for him)

  25. Anonymous12:14 AM

    OMG! He's Dorian Grey! Nail the attic and cover the portraits!

  26. Anonymous3:14 AM

    Well since I'm not the praying kind I guess I will just tell him to pull himself up by his bootstraps.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.