Friday, March 02, 2018

In attempt to make connection to real celebrity Bristol Palin claims to have read a book.

OMGD you guys! I just tried to read a book.
Courtesy of the Daily Mail:

As she copes with her recent split from her estranged husband Dakota Meyer, Bristol Palin is leaning on her Christian faith and reading the inspirational book Chris Pratt relied on during his breakup with his wife Anna Faris. 

The 27-year-old mother-of-three took to Instagram Stories on Wednesday to share a photo of Pastor Chad Veach's book 'Faith Forward Future: Moving Past Your Disappointments, Delays, and Destructive Thinking.' 

'I saw this on @prattprattpratt ig awhile ago, it is such a great read if you need a little kick in the @$$ (becoming a book worm lately),' she wrote. 

Let me just say that as somebody who has read way more than his share of Bristol text messages I find it quite unlikely that she could even sound out three syllable words without a tutor sitting right next to her. 

And as for her "Christianity" let me just say that her appearances at any Wasilla church while growing up were few and far between.

Christianity is just the disguise that the Palins wear in an attempt to hide their true nature.

I would not be at all surprised if Bristol actually held out some hope that Chris Pratt, of "Guardians of the Galaxy" fame, might actually reach out to her in response to this article and give her the opportunity to start working on making him her next sugar daddy.

After all a girl has needs.

And for a Palin those needs are mostly financial.


  1. Anonymous1:37 PM

    OT: Male tOO.

  2. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Never to late...

  3. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Bristol is living a beautiful life and is very happy how everything is going.

    She is about to be divorced from one of only seven guys on the planet dumb enough to marry her.

    She lives in a big empty house with several kids fathered by different daddies.

    She has no education. She has no job. She has no family support in Texas. She is deadly dull.

    Yes, all other girls are jelly of Bristol's fab life.

    Have a great day Bristol .. you earned it.

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Time to grow up, Bristol, and live life on your own. Stay away from the influence of your parents and grandparents, get a real job on your own and go after something you'd really like to do business wise, raise your kids as best you can, etc.

      You can become your OWN person and not that of a Palin!

    2. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Good advice for anyone, 2:52 pm. I would like to see someone encourage people like Bristol to do things like this.

    3. Anonymous4:42 PM

      But...but...but, that would require (Shudder!) work.

    4. Anonymous5:13 PM

      She allegedly graduated from a school to be an esthecian.

    5. Anonymous5:33 PM


      Well done! ^^^10k

    6. Anonymous8:22 PM

      Look, the reality is Bristol needs a keeper and that keeper is Sarah.

      Bristol cant make it in Texas on her own without Dakota or some other man telling her she is beautiful, she has never lived on her own without being around her family and lots of money to back up any stupid move she has ever made.

    7. Anonymous10:16 PM

      Bristol could never do Texas like she couldn’t do Kentucky. She can have babies up the ying but too immature to ever stray away too far. It’s like a bad game of “Mother May I” that we played in grade school 60s. She cannot do one thing for herself. A LOT. :)

    8. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Right, she can't even read simple birth control instructions, are we to believe she is reading something that might tell her she is kind of wrong. Yeah fucking right.

  4. Anonymous1:57 PM

    "rump also called for the return of Darrell Hammond, who played just about every politician of note on "SNL" over his 15-year career on the show. The actor known for his famous Bill Clinton impersonation -- and Trump -- left "SNL" in 2009.

    Baldwin, 59, has a made a handful of appearances on "SNL" over the past year. The actor will be debuting a talk show on ABC after the Oscars this Sunday."

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      I like Baldwin and think he did a great job impersonating the asshole in the white house!

      Trump just wishes he was half as well liked!

    2. Anonymous3:27 PM

      Dotard can't spell,and can't do math either.

    3. Anonymous5:34 PM

      What does this have to do with this particular post?

  5. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Becoming a book worm. A thing dumb asses say about people who read books. Wow Bristol that’s a good one.
    Great relief from the dangerous lunatic in the White House though. Thanks.

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      I am not sure of the term, but when you say things like "I'm not posting this because I think I'm cute" (or whatever the heck she said) or "I'm a bookworm" she is trying to convince us that she is something she is not.

      Oh please Chris Pratt, do not like her post!

  6. Anonymous2:01 PM


  7. Susie Ethel2:08 PM

    "Bristol snapped a selfie with her only son, Tripp, to celebrate him getting his first contact lenses." WTF for a 9 yo boy? I hardly think this was his idea

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM

      No 9 year old is responsible enough for contacts. That won't last long. He'll get eye infections from going to bed in them. Because he's nine and his mother too stupid to stay on top of him about it.

    2. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Overboard. A friend's kid had to have them at 3. Parent has to parent, but kids manufacture fewer proteins so they can keep them in longer.

    3. Excuse me, but why the need to insert "only". Why not just say her son Tripp?

      Is there a bit of defense going on here? Sensitive to rumors. Protesting too much?

      Anyone seen TriG lately?

    4. Anonymous6:32 PM

      4:04 if your "friend's kid" needed them at three, it was because they had a serious eye issue like cataracts or a lens issue....there is not a reputable doctor on EARTH who would let a nine year, old ALONE a three year old, wear contacts just to correct vision.
      OMG Prepare for problems Tripp and/or Duhkota....also, too, will Bristle remember to reorder contacts every three months for him?

    5. Anonymous8:40 PM

      Trip hasn't been seen in glasses since she tried to pass him off as the kid in "A Christmas Story"....and that was several years ago.

  8. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Barstool needs to start looking for a JOB because she will need to not only support herself but her children at least 50% of the time here in TEXAS.
    Just practice this sentence Barstool " would you like fries or rings with that?" and she may just may qualify to work at Whataburger( hopefully one not near me)

  9. Anonymous2:19 PM

    This family is so stupid and anyone giving them attention is stupid as well.

    1. Boy you've got that ri...Hey!!

    2. Anonymous3:05 PM

      2:19, as are you.

  10. Anonymous2:21 PM

    "Book worm"? Why doesn't she try actually raising her kids?

  11. Anonymous2:22 PM

    What's next, the Judge Roy Moore route? Takes to Facebook, "I'm such a God-fearin' man but I'm runnin' out of money to pay legal fees for my pedophile actions, please help me fight these GD libruls that are responsible!" Uh HUH.

    "Moving Past Your Disappointments, Delays, and Destructive Thinking." Well, ten years of making the same stupid choices, that again is on her and ONLY her. Quit blaming others for being a fuck up.

    OH....and our two kids were 19 months apart, my husband and I held full time jobs, and "a book worm lately?" Shows what kind of mother SHE is; I barely had time to sit down.

    1. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Nice touch.

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Well, she doesn't work but, she puts her daughters in daycare so, she has plenty of time for reading.

    3. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Stay at home mom puts her daughters in DAYCARE? OMG. Now that is rich. Mind you, she has said her herself that $arah is her life coach and WONDER she's fucked up.

  12. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Chris Pratt??!! OMG that is so funny, Gryph, and she’s dumb enough to think that all she needs is an introduction and she’ll take it from there! Worked the last time! 3. 47 GPA my @ss.

    1. She'll be hustling to be the spokesperson for GOOP next.

    2. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Does the "younger version of Demi Moore" have her wonkey eye set on Chris Pratt? Is Mama Gristle pulling whatever strings she has left to arrange a meet and greet as we speak? Does Brissy doodle her name all over her realtor notebooks as Mrs. Chris Pratt?
      We all know she'll be looking for her next oppsie partner before the ink is dry on her divorce papers,after all,someone's gotta pay for the luxurious lifestyle she believes she's entitled to.

  13. Anonymous2:39 PM

    WHAT.... she did not read her MOTHER'S 'inspirational' book?! What kind of a daughter is she?!

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      How about her own ghost written memoir?

  14. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Really learn something.

  15. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I know very few parents of three young kids who like to read have the spare time to read much of anything. I smell bullshit.

    1. Anonymous3:57 PM

      She doesn't have a job and drops her kids off at daycare. She has nothing but time.

    2. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Uhm, 2 kids, worked p/t and finished my grad degree. Not that Bstool could do it. It takes planning and organization. And the brains and degree to get into grad school.

    3. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Dumkota gets the kids to daycare and school. No one lazier then Barstool.

    4. Anonymous7:31 PM

      6:06 PM - then no WONDER that MOH is divorcing D'OH. He doesn't want to take care of them either!

  16. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Well, Tripp has school & the girls have day care plus Dakota takes the girls over the weekend. I also heard that she’s “studying” to become a realtor in Texas.

    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Let me laugh 6 wk course.

    2. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Why are they in day care? you mean to tell me that lazy ass Bristol sits at home taking selfies, cant cook a thing and before you get on my case i look at cooking as a life skill that men and women should know, especially if you have kids.

      What does she do besides try to sell shit tea, spend money like water and bitch about her Christmas gift from her husband.

      It's all there in the videos Dakota posted. They are both asses. She spent his money like water and he is a blowhard. Perfect storm.

    3. Anonymous6:12 PM

      She's staying in Texas?!? Lots of luck on that Brissie.

    4. Anonymous6:51 PM

      I would rather not see the videos to find out about this awful Xmas gift from Dakota. Would someone please tell me what it was?

    5. Anonymous7:02 PM

      No offense to Realtors, but when I was looking for a job that needed no degree but would produce lots of money, I thought of becoming a realtor. But you have to be a good sales person & not be lazy. Good Luck Bristol!

    6. Anonymous7:39 PM

      6:51. Bristol's Christmas gift was a half whiskey barrel with a glass front that you put your wine corks in, apparently her neighbor makes them and she mentioned it to Dakota so he thought she liked it but alas she wanted him to spend a lot more money so she could brag about it and show off.Princess was insulted that it did not cost at least two thousand dollars! BWAHH

    7. Anonymous2:52 AM

      6:51, Bristol was swanning around in a fur jacket whining because it wasn't a better one.

    8. Anonymous2:59 AM

      She has to or abandon the girls, the Texas court system will not let her take those children away from their father.

    9. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Does Tripp like chasing rats like Daddy?

    10. Anonymous6:44 PM

      I don't think Bristol deserves a millisecond of thought. She and her whole family deserve never to be heard of again. BUT....even kids with a parent at home full time can benefit from daycare and being around a group of other kids with caring, trained teachers. Especially if their parents are less than educated, if you know what I mean.

  17. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Bristol’s the book worm. She also does not think of herself as a celebrity. But I’m still happy she lives true and left him upon his sudden change.

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Give it up.

    2. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Even you have to realize not a word you typed was true.

    3. Didn't Duhkota file for divorce?

    4. Anonymous4:51 PM

      My realtor in Texas works about 10-12 hs a day, Barstool could never do what it takes and no agency would hire her lazy ass.

    5. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Bristol the realtor? ahahahahahshs

    6. Anonymous5:28 PM

      She does not think period. It's too bad she spits out kids while she tries to find herself.

      Ya think maybe she needs to quit looking for a guy and take care of her kids? Ya think maybe she needs to grow up and quit demanding Lois Vitton purses and doing stupid "fish lip" poses thinking it's cute.

      Tripp is 10 years old and she got him contacts, God forbid the kid wears glasses for a few years or always.

      All she cares about is looks and i feel sorry for Atlee especially lets face it that kid is homely but i'm sure Barstool will fix it and teach her the true meaning of accepting yourself.

      If your shallow and stupid all you have is looks. God i pity her kids.

    7. Anonymous6:04 PM

      Remember when she got the chin job, excuse me, "jaw alignment surgery needed since birth," LOL or whatever the excuse was? They thought that they were the new Kardashians. Even Hollywood gave them an honest try, and they failed on every try at it.

      Yeah, that "we all vote Mom for fame and fortune veep candidate" came with a very high price and they're living it.

      Feel sorry for me.
      Buy my poop tea.
      LISTEN to us saying we're Christian.
      No way in hell.

    8. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Sarah's friend with the mother that went to prison for fraud can fix her up. She will not be able to do the work. It is not for birdbrains. They might be able to arrange a front like at the dermatologist office deal.

    9. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Dumbkota filed for divorce because she was breaking him finacially.

      Princess Bristol never heard of a budget so let her Mama support her.

    10. Anonymous7:28 PM

      6:22 PM - please go back to c4p.

    11. Anonymous8:10 PM

      7:23 PM - straight from Mommie. Suck them dry in more ways than one.

    12. Anonymous9:36 PM

      "But I’m still happy she lives true and left him upon his sudden change"

      Yes because when the going gets tough, the tough run away?

      It's nice to know how serious Bristol takes marriage, and her commitment before God..."left him upon his sudden change" indeed.

    13. Anonymous9:51 PM

      9:36 PM - was he (gasp) GAY, Bristol? Ya know, toots, you can say all you want concerning him but who is divorcing whom?

      “I ruined my life in Vegas” one night. Yeah, we all remember that, Better be careful how you come after people that you now whine about when it was YOU who did this to yourself, and now they will pay.

      Boy oh boy if that’s not right out of Mommie’s playbook. Having fun yet? Take your crotch fruit out of daycare, if true, and learn to be a Mom! You never had one.

    14. Anonymous2:42 AM

      The daycare might be a ploy to squeeze more money out of Dumkota in the divorce, but what possible justification does Brissy present for daycare without having a job?

    15. Anonymous2:57 AM

      Dakota dumped her whore ass and filed for divorce when he found out she was spreading her Ho thighs for another man.

    16. Anonymous6:04 AM

      2:57 AM - DUHkota should have known that when he met her. Hard to feel any sympathy.

    17. Anonymous9:28 AM

      He was her equal.Pot,meet kettle.

  18. Anonymous3:35 PM

    She is twenty something and has just figured out what a book is?

  19. Anonymous3:54 PM

    This girl will never live on her own. She’ll bounce around again to another man/boy, have yet more kids (gifts from God!) and stay in very close proximity to her parents. It just amazes me that when Sarah Palin abruptly quit her governorship to chase money, that she didn’t set aside a bundle of it to send her kids to college; and insist that they go. All of them. Track, Bristol and Willow could all have college degrees by now, earning good salaries and contributing to society. Sarah could have paid for her kids to go to college and get educated. Easily.

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Well she may move by her parents but her 2 girls with Dakota will not be leaving the state of Texas.

    2. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Hint: Too stupid to be accepted if they even graduated HS. FACT. They will shoot the moon trying to get you to believe something else.

    3. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Enough of this college crap.none of them are college material.
      They don't have enough work ethic to even hold down a job at McDonalds either.

    4. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Duh knows Track. He knows what he will be like after he gets off ankle monitors and his legal problems. Crazy Track could rage around those two girls. Who knows what could happen. I can't imagine Duh is going to want anyone he cares about in the state where Track is carry concealed and free. Even if he has restrictions, that can be broken.

    5. Anonymous7:16 PM

      6:40 PM - you want to be a cheerleader, let's see if you can fit into the uniform. I don't care what troll name people call you here, you are called by many, but, PLEASE, you only look more stupid when facts outweigh your rebuttals. Good LORD, give it a rest. You have now had your attention for the day.

      For all we know, you're Sally. LMAO

  20. Barstool, will you never learn? I told you to dot yer Is and cross yer Ts, not the other way around. Sheesh.

    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      I told her to open her eyes and cross her legs. She just won't listen.

    2. Anonymous6:11 PM

      LOL 5:07 PM
      Yes, Brissy, you really should listen.

  21. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Bristol found Jesus.

    He is the Mexican yard boy that Dakota found in bed with her.

    1. Anonymous5:45 PM


    2. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Why 'Mexican'?

    3. Anonymous8:27 PM

      7:19: because many Mexican men are called 'Jesus'. I don't know of any other country that has that many 'Jesuses'!

    4. Anonymous9:06 PM


    5. That's Hay-Soos instead of Jesus.

    6. Anonymous6:43 AM

      Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah
      Hey Suess! :)

  22. Bookworm? More likely tapeworm.

    About the same price as the book:

  23. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Brissy is trolling Chris Pratt by claiming to read a book written by Justin Bieber's pastor and Sara and Tawd were in attendance at Billy Graham's funeral. Praise Jeebus!

  24. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Oh BARSTOOL, you're such a celebrity that you can't even take care of your own children? You know, when you finally grow up, it comes from the inside, and you don't even have to publicize your every move to the world because they don't CARE.

    Did preacher Chad tell you that in his book? It's TRUE. We'll see if you take his advice. You children's lives depend on you doing so. It's NOT about you.

    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Straight out of Mommie’s book.
      We’ve all seen how that turned out.

    2. Anonymous3:01 AM

      Too bad nobody in her life ever taught her that learning to adult is SO MUCH EASIER when you don't have 3, 5, 7, 8 kids to take care of. The oldest Obama girl is in college, doing well and figuring out life. The younger one is older than Bristol was when she had her first baby. Chelsea Clinton went to college, went to grad school, then got a job, and THEN met someone and got married. Only after all that did she have a child. No trial daddies for her!

    3. Anonymous5:18 AM

      3:01 AM - there you go with that edumacashun thing again. If there's one thing the double digit IQed Palins hate!

      Miss Priss is in for one lonely life. No man worth his weight is going to take on three kids and a 27 year old with the DRAMA of that family no matter how good she is between the sheets.

      She can say anything she wants to but it was HER foolish choices that got her to where she is and, quite frankly, she is no more than average in the looks department to make that work for her either.

    4. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Perhaps having babies is the only way Bristol knows how to catch/trap herself a husband. She seems pretty needy. No job,no education. No goals. No personality. Drama momma.

  25. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Obviously we have low expectations for Bristol. The Palins chose the fast and big money for Bristol taking advantage of opportunities. Sad for her she had no preparation for the rest of her life.

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Let’s all sing.....”some day my prince will come.” She can’t even take care of the kids she made spreading her legs FOR that fake love. WOW. Maybe someday she’ll learn the difference.

    2. Anonymous10:55 PM

      Birth control Bristol!

  26. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Obviously we have low expectations for Bristol. The Palins chose the fast and big money for Bristol taking advantage of opportunities. Sad for her she had no preparation for the rest of her life.

    1. Anonymous5:38 AM

      All she saw was fame and easy money. That she's a d-list guffaw is her own doing. Lord knows that she was given every chance to be otherwise. I must admit that I do get a good belly laugh watching her trying to be relevant just like her "life coach" does.

  27. Anonymous5:59 PM

    How come Daily Mail continues to waste space on Brissy. This story only garnered 50ish comments-hardly any interest.
    I assume a palin submits the stories to Daily Mail, in hopes of staying relevant. Pathetic.

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Because Brissy gets paid for it.
      Look at me, PLEASE look at me!
      Sheesh. She should check comment sections that allow it.

  28. Anonymous6:32 PM

    sarah wrote on one of Bristol's Instagram posts that Bri looked like a young Demi Moore...

    1. Anonymous7:24 PM

      link or it didnt happen!

    2. Anonymous9:30 PM

      HAH! After chin?

    3. Anonymous10:22 PM

      Demi the "liberal"?

      Do-Me Moore is a bit confused (who wouldn't be after marrying asswipe Bruce Willis) but she doesn't get into drunken brawls with her family at parties she wasn't invited to.

    4. Anonymous4:54 AM

      Oh come OB, $arah, talk about pushing the envelope. Not even close.

    5. Anonymous5:14 AM

      B does not even remotely look like Demi. Bristol doesn't even look like Bristol, but that's what she wanted. Now,her implant,ect are becoming more obvious . She's developing a hard look with all the injections, lipo. No doubt nothing from her neck up is original. She looks like a woman in her 40s. She has a bit of a Witch look with that hook nose.

    6. Anonymous5:27 AM

      5:14 AM - and stay out of dark lighting photos. You can see everything she's had done. Yikes.

    7. Anonymous7:13 AM

      Butt that's the way Russia likes it!
      I mean, 514, they lied to them to start with. Now look where they are! Gasp! ;)

  29. Anonymous6:36 PM

    she can read at the level of a second grader. it's that how long she stayed in school? how Christian you must be to have 3 babies out of wedlock?

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Horseshack Welcome Back Kotter:
      "OOH pick ME Pick ME Pick ME!"

      You get knocked up, give birth, and you don't have to do a THING! Free money, and you can charge exorbitant prices for that roll in the hay.

    2. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Makes me think of Young Frankenstein.
      “Roll Roll Roll In The Hay!” Cloris Leachman.

      Do you GET why people make fun of you, Bristol? Not publicizing your every move and thought to tabloids might be a good start if you’re REALLY serious about getting right with God, but somehow I highly doubt this as does everyone else.

    3. Anonymous8:52 PM

      OOPS - correcting myself, Teri Garr was "Roll Roll." Mommie Dearest is Frau Blucher. Upkick and screaming from any horse in the area.

  30. Anonymous7:21 PM

    She can't not announce everything.

    She just doesn't get it. At all.

    1. Anonymous8:00 PM

      No she doesn’t.
      At ALL. Never will.

    2. Anonymous2:53 AM

      Brisdull is more likely only dimly aware there was something posted about her and a book.She studied the title and Chris Pratt's name during the hours her kids were in school and daycare.

  31. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Please, she hasn't even read her own memoir.

  32. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Hey Gryphen:

  33. Anonymous7:23 PM


    "“Hope Hicks feels like she can be more effective steaming the pants of those in the private sector,” he joked.

    When it came to Jared Kushner, he couldn’t believe someone would be so stupid as to hold a meeting in the White House for his own personal business affairs.

    “I want to see his birth certificate,” Maher said. “I think it’s going to say: Birthplace: Alaska. Birth name: Jared Palin.”"



    Also too: ARREST HIM!

    1. Anonymous9:00 PM

      When you're right, you're right!

  34. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Hey, Bristol, you wanna hear a song for your plight? Look up Stevie Wondwr “You Haven’t Done Nothing” You Tube. I’d provide the link, but that’s easy work you MAY be able to do for yourself depending on the day you had. Smooches!

  35. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Earth to Bristol: are you reading this thread?
    They’re mean.
    NO, we are trying to buy you a fucking clue.
    You REALLY need to get over yourself.
    It will only get worse, but to each their own!

  36. Anonymous9:46 PM

    She'll be 30 yes old with a teenager. The right thing to do would be to donate all her children to their alleged respective "fathers", and get the hell away from her mother for at least 20 years.
    Books are helpful, bristol, but your mother is killing you. Leave her. She is TOXIC.

    1. Anonymous9:57 PM

      I am SO tired of her whining.

    2. Anonymous7:24 AM

      Sarah made her codependent long ago!
      Barstool ran her mouth too much. When you screw over others, karmas waiting!

  37. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Does Texas law allow a mother to abandon her children to the State at hospitals, fire stations, churches, and police stations?
    She should do that immediately, many are saying.

    1. Anonymous10:32 PM

      Many whom? Do you forget who is the plaintiff? Keep spinning, or do you get all your info TMZ, Enquier, US magazine, Daily Mail, People?

  38. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Careful not to upset Jesus, Bristol, with books. Remember, an idea that does not pertain to directly worshipping a literal Christ is a Bad idea. All thought and action must be about christ-worship, or hell is waiting . He had nails driven through his hands and feet FOR YOU Bristol!

    1. Anonymous10:28 PM

      That’s right, Bristol, travel to c4p and rad what your mom’s biggest fans are all about. Be as nasty as you want by day as long as you “repent” by night, and tomorrow is a new day to start all over to do it again.

  39. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Why is Dakota's recliner at Bristol's house? Doesn't he want it? She used it for a photo shoot with the two girls.

    1. Anonymous5:11 AM

      I have seen that recliner at local (rural-ish) big box store. Wondered what sort of taste-deaf person might own one. Guess I know now.

  40. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Seems Barstool's $ will be better spent on that boys teeth. He has his gramps crooked teeth and recessed jaw. The kid won't want to care for the lenses and won't be wearing them a month from now. Or,they'll be lost. At one time id thought Bristol might make a good real estate agent. Not any more. That girl is lazy,and dumb as a brick.

    1. Anonymous7:13 AM

      Good idea. She couldn't fulfill it though, just like she couldn't fulfill staying with one guy at a time.

      Maybe she could get paid to hold mud in her hands. With practice she could be good at it.

  41. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Oh that picture of Bris makes my brain hurt! If we are going to have to look at a dumbass, at least we can look at Hope Hicks and not be frightened.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.