Saturday, March 10, 2018

Trump supporters are the nicest people, don't you agree?

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

A pair of Trump supporters were caught on camera this past weekend issuing unhinged threats to a left-wing bookstore in Berkeley, California. 

The video, which was posted on YouTube by Berkeley’s Revolution Books, shows the Trump supporters coming into the store and confronting people working there. 

The video begins with a woman Trump supporter asking a store staff member if she really thinks “I’m racist because I support our president?” 

“Yes, basically, yes,” the staff member replies. 

A male Trump supporter, wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat, called the staffer “commie scum” and told her that “we’re going to burn down your bookstore.” 

The staffer informed them that she had video of them threatening to burn down the store and told them to “please leave” the premises. 

“This is America, f*ck you!” the man shouted at her.

And THAT is the result of being exposed to programming from Fox News, Sinclair Broadcasting, and Right Wing Twitter accounts.

Though to be fair this guy would clearly be a racist asshole regardless of where he got his news.

It's just that racist assholes know where to go to have their prejudices and hatred refueled with misinformation.


  1. Anonymous6:48 AM

    And ever since the 2016 election, we Democrats have been told to feel sorry for the Trump voters because they're good deluded people. They're jerks and potential criminals to boot. I hope the bookstore manager called the police and reported the threat.

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      To add to that, according to my husband it all happened because we progressives look down our noses at them. We should try to see their point of view.
      I don’t believe I should take responsibility for Trump supporters in any way shape or form. If half the country wants to steep themselves in the fakery of Fox, Breitbart, and infowars, that’s on them.

    2. Anonymous4:11 PM

      7:26. I feel that argument that we should try to understand them no longer is valid. When they support pedophilia in order to get a candidate who's going to vote for a tax cut for the rich, there's no reasoning with them.

  2. Anonymous6:52 AM

    It is no different than the trolls who visit here. There is no dissenting opinion allowed, only their views, and forget about any thoughtful, intelligent discourse. Name calling to the max and the louder the better. "I showed THEM," like a petulant child. Is it any wonder that tRump is their savior sent from God above?

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Name calling - when you have no cogent, reasoned rebuttal.

  3. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Call the cops, file report, get restraining order. Call the attorney general of your state, your democratic representatives. You cannot argue with these evil people. You cannot confront or rationalize with these people. They are mentally deranged and selected by the KGB to brainwash because they are lost souls, angry, easily swayed and have zero brains. As trump calls them the silent majority which includes, every nasty dirty low life on the planet in all walks of life. rich and poor of all nationalities. Be on guard, if you see something say something in your neighborhood and town. Got to put a stop to this shitshow from shithole trumpland.

  4. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Is that the 'lol' troll wearing the red hat?

  5. Anonymous8:00 AM

    this overt racism is all trump's part. but, in a way, it's useful because you can find these asshats now. easier to pull them into the open where they will lose their jobs, not to mention any respect normal people may have had for them.

  6. Anonymous8:00 AM

    And THAT is the result of being exposed to programming from.....

    presidential tweets, fixed it for you!!!

    He should use some of that money from Obamacare, I mean trumpcare for dental insurance!!!

    Where do these assholes get the idea they can go into a private business and threaten people, I would have called the police.

  7. Anonymous8:02 AM

    'many are calling for the unallocated funds that will be spent on the vanity project – estimates from the Pentagon are in the $30 million range – to be invested in America’s 40,000 homeless veterans instead.'

  8. Anonymous8:05 AM

    They're behaving like white men still pushing out the Indians.

  9. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Constitutional Duty as a American...

  10. Anonymous8:23 AM

    because 666pence is jackin off to ~IT~

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      "“Without a doubt, the Trump Presidency has been the worst moment in recent U.S. history,” Barrale told the Times. “The sham of calling what is going on in Washington, D.C. the Democratic Process boggles the mind. The saddest part is on a personal level, family and friend relationships are being destroyed by our differences.”"

  11. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Have YOU seen Red Sparrow?
    Hostel 1-2-3...

    1. Anonymous11:02 AM

      FYI BLM!
      "On its fourth Friday in theaters, "Black Panther" became the 33rd film in box office history to gross $1 billion worldwide, hitting the mark on its opening day in China."

  12. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I witnessed something like this recently. At the beach a toothless nasty dirty sob walked up to a crowd of people. He had 3 disabled dogs, he dropped a tennis ball and someone's dog grabbed it. He went nuts and nobody could rationalize with him. He kept calling everyone pos's and bad people. He then continue to stalk everyone and scream foul language. Then took out a phone and started filming everyone telling him to calm down. It was odd because his dogs were disabled and could not even chase a ball. He set up the situation and tried to start a fight. What is wrong with these people? Rotting teeth and infection to the brain? Trying to see their side of it is impossible. Looking down at them is not the problem.

  13. Anonymous8:54 AM


    PLEASE RETWEET THIS LIST so that we can stop reading think-pieces in which Trump allies—or journos who don't follow the Trump-Russia story—sagely advise us that America has absolutely *no* evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.

    We uncovered bizarre new details about the Trump-Russia-NRA connection

    Trump Spoke to a Russian Activist About Ending Sanctions—Just Weeks After Launching His Campaign“I know Putin, and I’ll tell you what, we get along with Putin… I believe I would get along very nicely with Putin, OK? And I mean, where we have the strength. I don’t think you’d need the sanctions. I think we would get along very, very well.”

    Here’s the video of their exchange.

    BREAKING: Trump wrote a letter to Putin before traveling to Moscow in November 2013—and in it he mentions wanting to see Moscow's "beautiful women." What I don't know is why WP doesn't include that Trump told FNC he spoke to Putin by phone while in Moscow. (so much more!)

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      Why third wife will never get one ounce of respect from me. She certainly does not respect herself to put up with it.

    2. Anonymous2:55 PM

      I can't wait to see how the republicans are going to rationalize not impeaching traitor trump.

  14. Anonymous10:58 AM

    A lot of Americans are not healthy people. We eat the worst foods. We get no exercise but sitting in front of the television, and internet. These so called Trump supporters have a lot of anger issues, and now that Trump, Putin and the devil gave them permission they are on a rampage.
    It did not help that conspiracy theories, and sensationalism have been our main course since the internet has been in our lives. Now we are seeing the results.
    Our voice is now heard, and it isn't a pretty voice of reason, it's what's on our minds in general. I mean all you have to do is read comments on anyone's site, and people who don't know you will comment on your business. Yet, I walk in the biggest cities and people don't look at each other. They stare down at their little phones like hynotized zombies. It's like on of those seventies horror movies where everyone is infected.
    The Trump zombies are the scariest because they are enraged and can actually attack you.
    Too much. Internet without knowledge can be a dangerous thing.

  15. Oh, look. Kushner is trying to pull a "trump."

    "Federal officials are advising a New Jersey city to help it create a ferry service and rebuild a pier that are next to a beachfront resort co-owned by senior White House adviser and Donald Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, The Associated Press reported.

    It’s the latest in a number of troubling conflict-of-interest issues highlighting Kushner’s dual role as a White House official and a private businessman.

    The ferry project, which would help bring New Yorkers practically to the doorstep of the resort, could boost the value of the 269 condos, which are currently selling for up to $1.9 million each, a former local official told AP, which discovered the connection between the ferry proposal and the Kushner property."

    "An Israeli insurer invested $30 million in Kushner family properties shortly before Kushner traveled to Israel last May to discuss Mideast peace. Insurer Menora Mivtachim invested the money in Maryland apartment complexes in which Kushner still holds a stake.

    The New York Times also reported earlier this month that after the CEOs of Apollo Global Management and Citigroup attended meetings at the White House arranged by Kushner, the companies loaned the Kushner family business more than $500 million.

    Representatives of Kushner Companies, including Kushner’s father, met with the Qatari finance minister in New York last April in a failed bid to secure Qatari financing for the firm’s troubled signature property, 666 Fifth Avenue, The Intercept reported. In a surprising move in June, the U.S. backed a controversial blockade of Qatar led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

    If it turns out Kushner retaliated against the Qataris because they refused to invest in his family’s property, he “has to go,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos.”"

    I guess Mueller will be moving on to Kushner next. Tightening the circle. No wonder Trump wants to dump Jared. Poor Donnie thinks if he gets rid of the focus of Mueller's investigations he'll be safe. Poor deluded Donnie.

  16. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Why is steve bannon allowed to travel to other countries to continue the hate and racist shit? Why are these countries allowing him in? His passport should have been revoked and he should be in jail like the rest of them. He is a dangerous ugly nasty blob. The guy has a violent history and should be stopped from spreading ignorance and hate.

    1. Anonymous12:16 PM

  17. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Ni&&er!'“Yes, I’m threatening you,” James allegedly confirmed after threatening to cut off the trooper’s head.'

  18. ibwilliamsi2:41 PM

    Seriously - who ARE these people? They've broken several criminal laws on video, why is no one looking for them? Are they too busy kick homeless people quietly eating a meal out of McDonald's?

  19. Anonymous5:09 PM

    "Bossaer was in a car with two visitors from Indiana who he was hosting: his former high school classmate Gretchen Marshall, 23, and her boyfriend, Jordan Volz, 30.

    Marshall and Volz were traveling to Green Bay to attend the Packers game the following day. According to the police report, the three had “gone out to dinner” at a place Volz identified as the Great Dane Pub and Brewing in a Facebook check-in."


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.