Saturday, March 10, 2018

Another mass shooting, this one in a veteran's home in California.

Courtesy of SF Gate:  

A military veteran who had been treated for post-traumatic stress disorder burst into a veterans home in the North Bay town of Yountville on Friday with a rifle, killed three women connected with the treatment program and then killed himself, authorities and program officials said. 

Law enforcement officers found the bodies of the victims and the killer at the Veterans Home of California-Yountville shortly before 6 p.m., more than seven hours after the incident began, said Chris Childs, an assistant chief of the California Highway Patrol. 

Authorities had earlier said the gunman was holding staff members of the Pathway Home, a program on the Veterans Home campus that had been treating him for PTSD until he was asked to leave several days ago. 

One of those killed was the program’s executive director, Christine Loeber, the Pathway Home said in a statement. Also killed were Dr. Jen Golick, a therapist with the program, and Dr. Jennifer Gonzales, a psychologist with the Department of Veterans Affairs in San Francisco, the statement said.

The killer's name was Albert Wong, a man suffering from PTSD after serving overseas and fighting in the unnecessary wars started by the Bush Administration.

There are hundreds of similar afflicted veterans in this country, and virtually all of them continue to have access to firearms.

After all if you listen to the conservatives that was one of the rights they were fighting for over there. Which of course makes no sense.

"I was over there in Iraq shooting the enemy so that I could return back here and shoot a couple of doctors as is my God given right as an American."

Well I guess we have no choice but to install some bullet proof glass, add some reinforced doors, and post a couple of cops at all of the veteran's homes in the country.

I mean what other solution could there possibly be, right?


  1. Anonymous8:49 AM

    "Trump’s budget director has estimated parade could cost as much as $30 million"

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      He does not deserve that amount of money being spent to benefit him! They are nuts in accommodating him! Friggin' nuts!

  2. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Animal control. Knock out dart.

  3. Anonymous9:09 AM

    But let's ignore the PTSD! We got a parade to plan!

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Yeah, and why are so many veterans speaking out against said parade? Because they KNOW what it’s about.

    2. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Will the parade be open carry?

  4. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Just another Track Palin with guns.

  5. Anonymous9:38 AM

    This man was Asian, so conservatives will blame it on mental health and minorities. If it was a white, heterosexual, Christian man, then it would really be a wakeup call for them.

  6. Anonymous9:47 AM

    "The killer's name was Albert Wong, a man suffering from PTSD after serving overseas and fighting in the unnecessary wars started by the Bush Administration."....

    Wong served in Afghanistan 2011-2001... Obama years, (in an all volunteer army). Were any of those wars stopped by Obama?

    1. Obama tried repeatedly for years and was stopped by the Republicans every time.

      If you do not know that you better sit down and do some research.

    2. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Oh god Gryphen grow up.

      He was President and he could stop the war(s). And he continued to involve the US military in ADDITIONAL conflicts around the mid-east and Africa. Seriously, grow up Gryphen.

      Mr. Wong joined the military, during Obama's presidency, during wartime conflicts. Are you suggesting that when one joins the military (voluntarily) during wartime conflict... that they should not expect to see conflict?

      That is like a person joining the police and expecting to never have to deal with a criminal.

    3. Anonymous10:14 AM

      9:47 AM, did you stop watching the news during the Obama administration? Ever read a civics book? The president can't unilaterally end a war. Check and balances? Any of this ringing a bell?

    4. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Curious Gryph, do you feel that there should have been zero military response to Al Qaeda in Afghanistan after 9/11?

      World Trade Towers and Pentagon, and all the lives lost, civilian and military and first responders. There should have been no military response to this group which had already declared war on the west long before?.

    5. Anonymous11:38 AM


      Obama has and had the power of office to end involvement. It was his choice, after understanding the reality of 'the vacuum' possibilities, Obama made the decision to continue the conflicts. Not only that, but his 'drawdowns' which always makes good press... were typically filled in by mercenary corporations. So it just went more private than public.

    6. Do I think 11:32 that the appropriate response to the attack on 9-11 was to bomb the shit out of a bunch of Afghan cities, kill at least a million of their citizens, spend billions of dollars on a never ending war?

      Is that a trick question?

    7. Anonymous12:56 PM

      Well you certainly are not President are Gryph, or a member of the Joint Chief of Staff of the military, or the like.

      Oh, and regarding your 'kill at least a million of their citizens' comment...

      "During the war in Afghanistan (2001–present), over 31,000 civilian deaths due to war-related violence have been documented"

      Now that is of course over 31,000 too many, but it is hardly 'at least a million'.

    8. Anonymous1:02 PM

      11:38AM, not how government works. But thanks for playing!

    9. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Actually 1:02, it is. Obama had the power to end the wars and he didn't. Probably because Obama is and will always be a middle ground guy. In other words, the political loss he would have taken from pulling out of all the conflicts, and the potential repercussions, would weren't worth it.

    10. Anonymous2:10 PM

      1:47 PM - you were not privy to what went on behind the scenes, so your opinion is just that.

    11. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Well, regardless 2:10, he is a longer wartime presidency than Bush Jr had.

    12. Anonymous4:22 PM

      1:02 haha yeah!

    13. Anonymous9:38 PM

      Got it..... 10:14... 1:02

      Nothing was ever the Presidents responsibility, fault, problem during Obama's term, as that is just "not how government works".

      Does that also count for Trump?

    14. Anonymous4:49 AM

      11:42; the response to 9-11 was for Bush to attack Iraq, a country that had nothing to do with the attack (15 of the 19 bombers were Saudis).

    15. Anonymous4:50 AM

      11:42; a few years after attacking Iraq, the Bush administration went after Afghanistan...a country that nobody has been able to conquer. Not the British, not the Russians, not the USA.

    16. Anonymous9:55 AM

      uhhhhhhhhhhhhh 4:50 this whole comment thread.... and the post by Gryphen is about a soldier that served IN AFGHANISTAN.... the question, to Gryph, was that would his response, would be to do nothing if he were in charge?

      Then of course he greatly inflated number and smudged reality, but that is what liberal blogger bullshitters do... expected.

      Now to address 4:50... The US officially started the War in Afghanistan in 2001 after the attacks on US soil (unofficially- within hours of the attack from what I understand there were special ops on the ground). The Iraq war was not started until 2003....

      Where do you get you stupid incorrect timeline from? Iraq- several years AFTER Afghanistan.

      OK nutjob?

  7. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Kind of curious as to why an ex service member with PTSD was kicked out of a program for PTSD....... What the very program (is supposed to be treating- and guessing they consider themselves top notch)...

    There has to be more to this story, the man, and his unfortunate victims.

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      My guess would be he threatened people there with violence.

  8. "The only way to stop a bad mental patient with a gun is a good mental patient with a gun." - Wayne La PepeLePew Pierre

    Let's all remember who signed off on allowing he mentally unstable to buy guns. Our mentally unstable Commander and Thief.

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      'MENtally unstable$'^


      "The Obama rule would have prevented an estimated 75,000 people with mental disorders from being able to purchase a firearm. It was crafted as part of Obama’s efforts to strengthen the federal background check system in the wake of the 2012 massacre of 20 young students and six staff at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut."

      "While the law did not change who is required to be the subject of background checks, it is true that Trump signed into law the repeal of a measure that would have plausibly prevented certain classes of mentally ill people from purchasing firearms by allowing a new data source to be included the system that runs those background checks."

    3. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Wayne La PepeLePew Pierre.

    4. Anonymous2:42 PM

      So that is at least two mass shootings that trump has blood on his hands.

  9. Anonymous10:57 AM

    You got that wrong. They need to arm everyone who works at a veterans' home. Of course.

  10. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Biden/Duckworth 2020!!

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

    2. Anonymous1:30 PM

  11. Anonymous11:00 AM

    OT-FYI Nun no more:

  12. How or whatever they are treating vets for PTSD is not working. There is no hope this administration will do the job. No way for Drumpf to profit from it.

  13. Wasn't it Screwdy Rudy Guiliani and dumbass dubya's EPA that told first responders and others the air was safe to breathe during 9-11?

  14. Anonymous1:19 PM

    "The hostages who died were named as Pathway Home Executive Director Christine Loeber, 48, the program’s clinical director, therapist Jen Golick, 42, and Jennifer Gonzales, 29, a psychologist with the San Francisco Department of Veterans Affairs Healthcare System."

  15. Anonymous1:28 PM

  16. Anonymous2:41 PM

    If the veterans in the home had been armed they could have taken him out. They can mount the AK-15 on their walkers
    NRA response

  17. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you, it is too soon to talk about gun control
    Republican Congress and the White House

  18. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Well you all shit on the Nam vets. They fussed, but realized no one cares and went to work.
    Got a life, trying anyways. Now we got Iraq Vets doing shit Nam vets woulda got a severe beat down for. They kept each other in check. "These folks got nothing to do with what we saw in Nam". Ask any Nam vet. If they say no then they have no honor. Drop em.
    Now their too old to babysit the Newbees from Iraq. Pop a cap in em, more likely their response.
    I don't know what they think of this happening. Probably Shrug.

    1. Anonymous10:51 PM

      Seether - Remedy

  19. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Yes so let's put combat vets who want to be teachers in schools....

    1. Anonymous9:22 PM

      Not the PSTD ones U dumfuk!


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