Saturday, March 10, 2018

Well it looks like Trump will finally get his military parade and it will only cost taxpayers around 30 million dollars.

Courtesy of The Guardian: 

Donald Trump looks set to get the military parade he wants in Washington, on Veterans Day in November. 

But a Pentagon planning memo issued on Thursday and released on Friday said the parade being planned for 11 November will “include wheeled vehicles only, no tanks consideration must be given to minimize damage to local infrastructure”. 

In other words, heavy tanks could tear up the streets of DC and will thus not be allowed to rumble past the president on his reviewing stand. 

The event will “include a heavy air component at the end of the parade”, the memo said, meaning lots of airplane flyovers. Older aircraft will be included as available. 

The memo did not include a cost estimate. The White House budget director recently told Congress the cost to taxpayers could be between $10m and $30m.
I have also read that the parade could cost as much as 50 million dollars.

Just imagine how many children could be fed, homeless people housed, or veterans treated for their PTSD for 50 million?

But no, we have a conceited man child who needs to channel totalitarian despots by waving at members of a military that he lied about bone spurs to avoid joining. 


  1. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Clearly an ostentatious cry for attention.
    The stupid wasteful imbecile is loco.
    As a old combat vet geezer.
    I will not be celebrating anything Nov 11
    The Asshole president has literally turned everything that we have as sacred , into shit!.

    FU Trump !!!!

    1. Anonymous5:40 AM

      why will it cost millions? But I guess if a hammer bought by the pentagon costs $1000, getting a bunch of men to march has to cost $30 million.
      We are living in a Bizarro world. To all of you who didn't vote in 2016, FU.

  2. Anonymous4:41 PM

    All so the draft dodging baby man can swagger about like some type of tin-pot dictator.

  3. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Veterans Day is on a Sunday this year.
    Go to your churches, then come to honor the TRUE king.

    1. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Maybe he’ll ban the NFL from playing that day, also too?

  4. Anonymous5:01 PM

    As outraged as I am about this farce, someone on another thread ( Raw Story I believe ) wisely pointed out that this parade will be taking place after the November 6th elections...and if we do our part and the BlueNami sweeps the House and possibly Senate, it may take the wind out of Trumplethinskin's sails and he won't get the parade boner that he's hoping for! Another poster there stated maybe Mueller will send down indictments prior to that date so it'll all be moot.

    At any rate, I'm drafting a letter (my 2nd) to the Pentagon, letting them know of my displeasure, and have dedicated myself to volunteering on Veteran's Day at the same VA hospital that took such exemplary care of my father when he was diagnosed with dementia.

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      You go, girl, my father served two wars and he would be appalled at this. As much as I miss him, I'm glad that he didn't live to see this. I felt the same when my Mom died a month before Palin came onto the scene in '08.

  5. Anonymous5:17 PM

    There may be a parade, but cadet bone spur will not be there. He will be in prison. And it will be paid for by trump chum and Russian billionaires assets.

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      I'm still rooting for the massive coronary.
      Hate to admit it, but I am.
      His type live forever like a cruel joke.

  6. I read somewhere that the parade will include troops in "period uniforms" -- which, to me, means some of the troops will be wearing uniforms from Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Civil War, . . . .

    I'm an old soldier, 28 years an infantry officer. I can hear the troops now. Talk about pissing and moaning. They will hate it, but, they'll do what they are told to do . . . and vote against Trump for screwing up their weekend.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Have at me all you want to, anyone, but I really do wonder if serving in the military is as noble as it once used to be.

      You have talked so many times about the difference between then and now, Old Redneck, and I believe you.

    2. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Yup, troops being treated like government property which is what you are when you join, but nowhere was it said you had to march to a President to feed his ego. This is the lowest disrespect of all.

      Put on as show for a draft dodger because he wants to look patriotic.

      Thank you Old Redneck you get it too bad our so called President does not.

  7. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Can you imagine the time spent on this because Trump want's a parade.

    The military spending their time to appease Trump so he can stand on his throne and be saluted. Let's be real it is all about Trumps ego.

    Has he ever visited a VA hospital? Has he ever talked to real vets? That money should be spent on the vets he want's to use for his ego.

    I am frankly sick of vets being used as a political ploy.So the military will spend a bunch of time commanding troops to be a part of this spectacle.

    I hope they give him the finger. My Husband did not go through Vietnam as an infrantry vet to appease this idiot.

    I got news for you Trump vets need that money for PTSD. Generals have more to do than waste their time on your ego trip.It's disgusting and a waste of tax dollars.

  8. Anonymous6:53 PM

    "She had Donald Trump and Donald Trump’s family. My, my, my, we’ve come a long way, haven’t we. I’m now president and probably, you know — but think of it. I know her weakness. Wouldn’t we love to run against Oprah? I would love it. I would love it.
    That would be a painful experience for her.”"

    1. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Preznidint Mighty Mouth: "I’m now president and *probably, you know*..." [emphasis mine]

      What the *feck* is 'probably, you know' supposed to mean?!?!? Is he implying that he's gonna be president indefinitely? ("Maybe we'll give that a shot someday...." -said to members recently at Mar-a-Loco, after hearing of President of China making himself president for life)

  9. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Check this out we have so called President who you would not let your kids listen to his speech!

  10. Anonymous7:02 PM

    If MOH recipients are to be surrounding tRump, does that mean DUH will be there with "I love our vets more than anything" flag-clothed ex-MIL arms around him with all is forgiven crocodile tears? Because that's how RIDICULOUS this is.

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Oh you can bet Dakota Meyer will be there too bad he dumped Barstool it would have been a shining moment for Palin and Barstool.

      Bhahh! Barstool and Sarah are already plotting how they can get their faces on camera, hey it might sell more shit shakes.

    2. Anonymous10:41 PM

      Duh didn't like the idea of a parade, why would he want to be part of it? He wanted the money to go to vets, PTSD. It will only be a commercial benefit for him. He could make a public statement why he will not attend. Or he can sell out and be part of the show.

    3. Anonymous7:15 AM

      He already sold out. It's bad, his own fan boys are calling him out. The ones that are not bots. He must be desperate for money. Barstool is coming after anything he has left. He might have to take her back if he can't kept up his new house and lifestyle. He is doing video with his girls. What happened to Tripp?

    4. Anonymous12:38 PM

      He is taking financial advice from the Palins? He must be in dire straights to be selling out like this. He also does single father videos with the two babies. It's his therapy I guess. His PTSD therapy, I don't think he misses Bristol at all. He wanted to be a father. The husband part must have been awful for him. Now he can be the father he wants to be. It must have freaked out the former wifey.

      Dakota sells out: " You selling diet plans now Dakota?" Paul Beseler
      "Unfortunately Dakota has sold.out beyond what I can handle. Such a shame." Caleb Catron

    5. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Perhaps Duh can lead the parade marching in his flag onesy.

  11. Anonymous7:06 PM

    So everything the founding fathers worked for, and every other American fought for is null and void with Herr Drumpf. America as we knew it no longer exists. And it happened in one year. Thanks a lot Putin!

    1. Anonymous6:17 AM

      It would not have worked if there were not so many gullible, stupid people in this country.

  12. Anonymous7:23 PM

    And he wants to be surrounded by MOH recipients. Piss on that! This rude vulgar man want's to bask in a glory he was too chicken shit to do.

    "F" you Trump you priviliged draft dodging idiot! You spend almost every weekend at Mar A Lago and you want a parade well maybe you should spend some time at the VA with real vets you piece of shit.

  13. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Here's an idea. Let's all refuse to pay taxes because we fucking don't want our taxes going for this shit. He is a child.
    Hopefully he will be in handcuffs by then.

  14. Anonymous7:59 PM

    We now have a so called President who uses "Son Of A Bitch" in a public speech, do you feel proud? because i don't.

    1. Anonymous11:24 PM

      Yesterday wasn't the first time either. He's called kneeling NFL players and Chuck Todd both SOBs. He's sooo klassy.

    2. Anonymous11:02 AM

      He's such an ugly monster and such an embarrassment to America! He cannot go away soon enough.

  15. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Can't we just get him a hooker instead?

  16. Anonymous8:21 PM

    You just know Fox News is going to telivise that shit. We will be subjected to propaganda and told if you don't like it you are not true Americans.

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Don't watch FOX! Simple as that!

  17. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Hey Trump. The military are not trained to dance for your own amusement.

  18. Anonymous9:25 PM

    When I first met him I didn't know nothing about no Palins. I was still in high school.

  19. Anonymous5:14 AM

    And a gigantic military display in the middle of the capital is exactly the opposite of what Nov. 11 is all about. For most countries, it's called "Remembrance Day" and is commemorated in sober ways - religious services with prayer and silence, wreath laying on graves of Unknown Soldiers.

    What a crass, insensitive, ignorant goat donned trump is. (I've decided his name does not deserve any capital letters now.) WWI was hoped to be the war that would end all wars. And now trump wants to make a militaristic display to taunt the world about his power to start wars. It will have nothing to do with remembering all those who gave their lives for moving some mud from here to there and back again. The four years that ended on November 11, 1918, brought death and tragedy to millions of people and became one of the root causes of the even worse conflagration that began in 1939, even earlier in the Far East.

    This news is too much for a Sunday morning. But it is so donald trump.

  20. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Way to go, Jackass Donald. I've never been a gunhumper and since thedraft ended, not at all sympahtetic to former military. Theychose to be there and get shit tons more benefits than the rest of us, many for what amount to "deskjobs." Now I'll be certain reverse observe veterans day.

  21. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Why is this costing $30 million, is trump going to be selling his "trinkets" along the parade route and where is the money coming from? the veterans affairs budget?

    All of this for a 5 time draft dodger!!

  22. Marthe1:53 PM

    Every stupid decision, such as this vanity parade, and crass comment that he makes will remain part of his legacy as president. History will not be kind to him. Shame on him, shame on his family and shame on those who voted for him or enabled him.


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