Saturday, March 10, 2018

Probably the best news of the week was that this guy is going to prison.

Courtesy of the Chicago Tribune:  

The smirk wiped from his face, a crying Martin Shkreli was sentenced to seven years in prison for securities fraud Friday in a hard fall for the pharmaceutical-industry bad boy vilified for jacking up the price of a lifesaving drug. 

Shkreli, the boyish-looking, 34-year-old entrepreneur dubbed the "Pharma Bro" for his loutish behavior, was handed his punishment after a hearing in which he and his attorney struggled with limited success to make him a sympathetic figure. His own lawyer confessed to wanting to punch him in the face sometimes. 

The defendant hung his head and choked up as he admitted to many mistakes and apologized to the investors he was convicted of defrauding. At one point, a clerk handed him a box of tissues. 

"I want the people who came here today to support me to understand one thing: The only person to blame for me being here today is me," he said. "There is no conspiracy to take down Martin Shkreli. I took down Martin Shkreli." 

I don;t typically like jury duty, but I would have GLADLY served on this jury just to watch this smug POS bawling like a baby when he realized that he was going to the big house.

Just in case you do not realize what a scumbag this guy is, let's take a walk down memory lane: 

Shkreli became the face of pharmaceutical industry evil in 2015 when he increased by 5,000 percent the price of Daraprim, a previously cheap drug used to treat toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection that can be fatal to people with the AIDS virus or other immune system disorders. 

Shkreli seemed to treat the case like a big joke. After his arrest in December 2015, he taunted prosecutors, got kicked off of Twitter for harassing a female journalist, heckled Hillary Clinton from the sidewalk outside her daughter's home, gave speeches with the conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos and spent countless hours livestreaming himself from his apartment. 

He also infuriated members of Congress at a Capitol Hill hearing on drug prices when he repeatedly cited his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. Afterward, he tweeted that the lawmakers were "imbeciles." 

Last fall, the judge revoked his bail and threw him in jail after he jokingly offered his online followers a $5,000 bounty to anyone who could get a lock of Clinton's hair.

It is no longer politically correct to wish that bad things happened to people in prison, but in this case I am willing to make an exception. 


  1. Anonymous2:03 PM

    In the end, they're ALL sorry.
    Eye roll.

  2. Anonymous2:22 PM

    but he only got 7 years and did he have to pay restitution or does he get to keep the $$$?

    Sounds like he is a sociopath, the crying was all an act, like wife beaters that cry they are sorry after they are caught.

    1. 7 years, a fine and asset seizure.

      No, he doesn't get to keep the money.

      He could have gotten 15 year so it could have been worse. But I think the punishment is sufficient to break Shkreli and get the message through.

      Even if he gets early parole, I think whatever time he spends in prison will have put the point across.

      Shkreli will never be able to do any of this again because he's lost everything and will never get it back.

    2. Anonymous3:26 PM

      I think he has to give up his Wu-Tang album.

    3. Anonymous3:34 PM

      I heard he pays restitution, 7+mil plus 75,000 or some such amount.

    4. Oh, yes. The court took that Wu Tang album with the other assets.

    5. Anonymous6:30 PM

      This post sounds like it was written by a Republican.

  3. Anonymous2:24 PM



    Holy crap this is why we need gun laws. I was just about to go to the Glendale Galleria and then I find out that there's an active shooter. Praying for everyone's safety.

    Please do not go to Glendale galleria there is a active shooter. I’m safe but shooken up!

    There’s an active shotgun situation at the Glendale galleria. My wife just had to call me from work to let me know she wasn’t dead. Fuck your guns.

  4. Anonymous3:06 PM

    "...he increased by 5,000 percent the price of Daraprim."
    Because if you want to live, you will pay ME.
    Buh bye, asshole.

  5. In other news, Ryan Bundy wants to be Governor of Nevada. Yeah, *that* Ryan Bundy.

    "Ryan Bundy, who was at the forefront of two armed confrontations between right-wing militia activists and the U.S. government over the past four years, said on Thursday he planned to run for Nevada governor on a states’ rights platform.

    Bundy, 45, said in a telephone interview he would mount a petition drive to qualify for the November ballot as an independent candidate, and canvass the state to gather support in “face-to-face conversations” with voters.

    “I intend to secure the sovereignty of the state of Nevada and its land and resources for the people of Nevada,” he said."

    1. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Those face-to-face conversations could get rather ugly! /s

    2. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Yadda,yadda,yadda. Others pay their grazing fees. What makes these butt plugs think they're special? Too cheap to feed their cows,so they get free grazing??NOPE. Your dad is an old cowboy,Gryph. .what does he think of grazing fees? Opinion??

    3. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Isn't he living in Emmett, Id?

  6. Anonymous3:33 PM

    The smirk has since wilted.

    1. Replaced by a blubber and sniff.

    2. Anonymous6:33 AM

      Are there any pics around of him crying? I’d love see them.

  7. Anonymous3:38 PM

    In my nonprofessional opinion he has displayed psychopathic behavior.

    1. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Haha. Well now a days you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out
      "Somethings wrong upstairs" with some folks. Obvious.

  8. Anonymous4:17 PM

    "jokingly offered"
    Lawyer speak.

  9. Anonymous4:58 PM

    These 2 'drug dealers included?
    Bitch McCONnell's Koke dealing wifey?

    "rump says US should consider death penalty for drug dealers"

  10. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Martin reminds me so much of Jared Kushner, Uday and Quasay Trump.

  11. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Couldn't happen to a more deserving person. Toss in another ten yrs for good measure. Sombodies going to knock that shit eating grin,while he's in there. ;) Karma bites. Just ask Sarah. Did the Barstool abandon the Junker kid? Alien baby??Best off with their dads. Nothing but meal tickets to Bristles.

  12. Anonymous4:22 AM

    And he’ll be in jail.
    House arrrst is for people who had morals and aren’t criminals.

  13. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Cadet bone spur and him can share a cell.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.