Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Attorney for Stormy Daniels says that she can describe Donald Trump's genitalia in "great detail."

(Relevant portion starts at around the 9:00 mark.)

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer to porn star Stephanie Clifford (better known as Stormy Daniels), said in a Wednesday interview with Megyn Kelly Today that his client has a whole lot more to say about her alleged affair with the president. 

The interview arrived after a 60 Minutes segment featuring Clifford in March, in which she described her interactions with Trump and claimed to have sex with the president shortly after the birth of his youngest son. In the segment, host Anderson Cooper focused largely on the timeline of events, as well as the threat she said she received in the parking lot of a fitness class while in the midst of sharing her story on Trump with a tabloid magazine years before the election. 

Apparently, there’s a lot left to be told about the affair. 

“When she sat for that interview, it actually lasted over two hours in length … the portion that the American public saw was only about 14 or 16 minutes,” Avenatti said Wednesday. “CBS, they’re a conservative network. There’s a lot of information that was said that did not make it into the final 60 Minutes piece.” 

“For instance, she can describe the president’s genitalia in great detail, that did not make it into the piece,” he added.

God I hate Megyn Kelly, who I still think is carrying water for the conservatives, but I thought that this interview was interesting and worthy of being shared.

I actually think that one of Trump's greatest fears is for one of the many women who saw his penis describing it on national television.


  1. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Stormy has seen a lot of weenies and Trump has one of the smallest ever.

    1. Anonymous4:43 PM

      I'd love to hear her description of it and embarrass the Hell out of him! Especially the size!!

    2. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Trump has a tiny two-toned weenie like Tawd's

    3. Anonymous4:47 PM

      Would like her to tell us if he had to use Viagra in order to keep his penis hard! He's in his 70's - overweight - probably has high blood pressure and would have a difficult time as to the entire sex act. She probably had to work hard just to gain pleasure for herself!

    4. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Donald was having sex with whoever he could, when Melania was pregnant, after she gave birth.

      Barron Trump was something like 4 months old. Donald was around 60 when he shared his privates to Stormy Daniels.

      Barron had his own place in Manhattan, with quarters for a mother and a nanny.

      "Barron Trump was born in New York City in 2006. (His famous father was 59 at the time, while his mother was 35.) He grew up in the family apartments in Trump Tower on Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue. Barron is said to have his own floor in their home, “complete with nursery, kitchen, living room and quarters for a nanny and Mom,” as reported by shortly after his birth."

    5. ibwilliamsi7:46 AM

      That's sick.

  2. Anonymous4:22 PM

    I just threw up.

  3. Anonymous4:24 PM

    His dick has to be covered with sores and crabs.

    1. Anonymous5:00 PM

      I don't think so. Then she would have made su he wears a condom. She said he went w/o one.

  4. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Megyn Kelly is a piece of shit. I wish she would get fired.

  5. Heck, one of my greatest fears is that one of the many women who saw his penis will describe it on national tv. I mean there are limits to what we can handle. I'd be joining Anon. at 4:22 kneeling over the toilet bowl.

    1. Anonymous11:27 PM

      So Lynne, how long ago did you dry up?

      Just wondering based on your picture.

      No prize either eh?

  6. Anonymous4:32 PM

    "that did not make it into the piece."
    I'll bet it didn't in more ways than one! :)

  7. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Little Sailor broke her left arm...wonder who was watching her? Kids will be kids for sure, but not all moms are created equal.

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Wow, that's sad! Poor kid, she already had a few strikes against her genetically and now this. Can't choose your parents, that's for sure.

    2. Anonymous5:02 PM

      May be they are back to hanging out and posing for pictures again. Duh loves making video but he could get distracted from the kids. Bristol must spend a lot of time trying on clothes, makeup and hair. Her house looks like it is not baby or toddler safe. I doubt either will tell what actually happened. They don't want the Texas CPS on their ass.

    3. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Stool and DUH usually don't show her full-frontal but her FAS is so very apparent when they do. Bristol should be ashamed of herself.

    4. Was it a spiral fracture?

    5. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Lucky Sarah has another Daily Mail news story! How are they spinning this one?

    6. Children of her age do not break arms or legs. Their arms or legs are broken by someone. It’s called “child abuse” - I’m an EMT and have seen too much of it.

    7. Anonymous5:49 PM

      5:22 PM I was going to say their bones are not that brittle. My kids could be rough but never a broken arm or leg, even past toddler age.

      An older child or adult could do things to twist or cause a break or trauma.

      I take it this just happened? They posted bunny photos with the kids that must have been recent.

    8. Check out the photo of Sailor with her cast.

      The cast is on her left arm. Look closely at her right forearm . . . notice the web of purplish discoloration? That's bruising caused by rough handling -- squeezing, jerking, pinching.

      Also -- look closely at the area where her neck joins her shoulder, beside the brown curl . . . notice the red line on her neck?

    9. 5:22 Unless she has an underlying medical condition. But that’s rare and unlikely.

    10. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Bristol Palin's son dyes his hair blue and that is a headline. Bristol Palin's daughter breaks an arm, that is BREAKING NEWS!

      Since Bristol said nothing about the obvious pink cast on Instagram, you know she is hiding something. She would tell a cute story about her little tom boy if it was something she could say. Or she could lie, but to be silent? Silence can be the loudest of all.

      May be Dakota is one of those dads that grab a kid by the arm when they get mad. They both know people would be curious about an injured child so they get a photo out right away. They will just hide how the child was injured.

      In most places doctors are to report questionable, suspect injuries to children that age. They might make an exception with a Medal of Honor recipient and his religious wife. Hopefully, if anyone else saw or knows anything they will make a report. It is important to have a record. There may be more incidents to come. Remember how they roll

      Dakota may have been 'saving' the girl as she was going for one of his loaded guns. In his fury he injured her arm. The public knows plenty about their bad parenting. Bristol made TV shows about bad parenting and poor Tripp. There is a lot of back up for concerns about child abuse/neglect with both Dakota and Bristol.

    11. Anonymous8:31 PM

      was Sailor's "accident" caused by "rock-running"?

    12. Anonymous8:35 PM

      Do you think Dakota believes this now? Bristol does not cook or nurse.

      Those emails sound like BS. Both of them were in on the scheme?

      "So I just received some texts from my friends in Wasilla, and the scuttlebutt is that Bristol has been spotted NUMEROUS times bottle feeding Sailor in public."

      None of those kids are safe. Mental, emotional, physical.

    13. Anonymous9:04 PM

      Her face looks goofy in that picture, it could be Stool's bad photography. She only calls her a nut's name. Peanut. That does not help. According to Peanut's mother, she is a nut. She must be a goofball that inflicts pain on herself. Stool needs to show some respect and fill in the gaps in her photo media journal.

      Bristol may get more mileage out of a mystery and that is what she is going for. Kids are to be exploited.

      Isn't the other girl one a year old by now? I can't believe Bristol and Dakota haven't announced how much they love babies and they are having another one, or twins.

    14. Anonymous10:34 PM

      I can't find the Daily Mail story about Sailor Palin Meyer's broken arm. Anyone have a link?

    15. Anonymous2:58 AM

      Sailor is philtrum-less for sure!
      Spiral fractures are more sigs of abuse in infants. Toddlrs can get leg spiral fractures o sliding boards - #1 cause.
      Arms are usually a twist. Someone grabbed her too roughly? Maybe Tripp is becoming a psychopath? I mean ,the odds are for it.

    16. Anonymous7:44 AM

      Or,perhaps she fell from a swing,or off the porch,like any normal kid. You have a strange obsession with Sailor.

    17. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Do we? Have strange obsessions with Sailor? Too bad, so sad. We also have a strange obsession with Sarah’s 6 week pregnancy.... with Todd’s fuck buddy Shailey Tripp, with Track’s psychopathy..... lot’s of nuttiness to obsess over as this nutcase family was one heartbeat asay from the White House had McCain won. Saddly without Palin Drump would not be in the WH today. She paved the way.

    18. Anonymous10:09 AM

      7:44 AM Sailor needs Texas Child Protection to check out the Palin history and what happened to her this time. We don't know of any other 'accidents' she would go to a doctor for. There could be several. Most people don't care about those kids.

      The comments on Instagram are robots or family/friends/people who are bought and paid for. A few care to ask what happened to Sailor. You know if this was regular functioning folks it would be said what happened. If not, a genuine public would be insisting to know.

      Everyone knows when the slightest thing happens with Bristol, someone calls Daily Mail and submits a piece for publication. Maybe the ghostwriter is on vacation and will come up with something later.

      It is care and concern for Sailor and the kids, it is not obsession when you see an injured child. See something, say something. The parents are acting mysterious. Highly suspect.

    19. Anonymous12:57 PM

      I googled Sailor Palin, Daily Mail (arm).
      I got:
      "Bristol Palin shares video of Sailor gagging at 'poo-poo'"

  8. Anonymous4:55 PM

    A good court artist is needed for the official portrait. It's about time we see his taxes.

    union square…

    Silence speaks volumes: how Trump's Twitter feed reveals his blind spots The president is rarely at a loss for words, but he prefers not to mention the likes of Stormy Daniels and Stephon Clark – offering a window into his insecurities and prejudices

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      For a man on the world stage the US needs to give a realistic depiction of the newsworthy item.

      I don't need to see or hear it, but it is critical to the story. The world needs the whole picture. If he did not send her his cell phone images a good courtroom artist will be great. It would be a first Presidential Penis. You can't be more revealing than that.

      I hope he sues other women so they can describe what they saw. Comparisons will be relevant.

  9. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Let me guess: he is two-toned, just like Toad?

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM


      Essay: "I'm the proud owner of Karl Rove's father's solid gold cock ring."

    2. Anonymous8:32 PM

      “Karl Rove's father was not only gay, but a part of the early body piercing scene and a regular at 70s piercing parties... There are pictures of him on BME."
      Interesting 6:20

  10. ClassyGal5:06 PM

    I used to do in-home Elder Care; the ones in their 70's had saggy scrotii and shriveled penii. Not a pleasant thing to see or clean.

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Might not have been too shriveled since their affair was 12 years ago, but it probably was a teeny tiny weenie.

    2. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Or, remember SATC when Samantha dated the old guy - he wined her, he dined, he danced her, he diamonded her, and with help from the little blue pills, he even fucked her, but then he walked away from the bed and she saw that he had 'old man ass.' Fini.

  11. How is he going to deny anything she says? If he does, then he's open to "proving" it by examination of some kind.

    Didn't a similar thing happen in the Michael Jackson case?

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      Yes. It was like when they went for Manafort, except they were after penis evidence. There was no warning, they (not the FBI, local DA Sneddon) just came and took him for photos of his penis.

      It happens. Michael wrote a song. Can't imagine what Trump would do.

  12. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Please, please spare us the horror of describing the dumbass-in-chief’s ittty bitty penis.

    If Stormy must described it, hopefully it will stay.between the lawyers.

    1. Anonymous6:27 PM

      It is already on tape. Forever. When and how it will be public, who knows? Like anything, it is your choice to see or hear.

    2. Anonymous8:08 AM

      tinydjt>"So that happened. At Thursday’s GOP Debate on Fox News, Donald Trump bragged to America and presidential candidate Marco Rubio that his manhood wasn’t a problem.

      In response to a question about Mitt Romney’s critical remarks of Trump, Rubio said: “Donald has mocked everyone and has done so to people on this stage. If there’s anyone who deserved to be attacked it’s Donald Trump.”

      Trump then recalled a Rubio criticism of his hands.

      “Look at these hands. Are these small hands?” he asked.

      “If they’re small, something else must be small,” he said, referring to his genitals. “I guarantee you there’s no problem, I guarantee you.”"

      lOOks to be about a 3/4 incheR,
      measured by his own tiny RIGHT hand.

  13. CorningNY5:17 PM

    OK, I'm certainly no expert here, but unless there's something very unusual about a penis--say, its size, or if the urinary opening is on the bottom (hypospadias)--aren't most penises roughly the same? Except for circumcised vs. not. Just saying...

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Sure, turn 'em up upside down and all men look the same.

    2. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Maybe it is crooked or is covered in warts.

    3. Anonymous7:31 PM

      It could be like his neck with waffles of fat hiding it.

    4. Anonymous8:15 PM

      lOOks like a cheetO

    5. Anonymous8:15 PM


      A dydoe?

      A Prince Albert?


    6. Anonymous8:21 PM

      My bet is that it's quite small. HIs general physique is strange -- the short fingers, sure, but small feet, short arms, no neck. He's got such a need to dominate, to be king -- probably because, in the bedroom, he's a pauper.

    7. Anonymous8:25 PM

      Or little blisters - like herpes.

  14. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Didn't we get NAKED statues of both Donny & Hillary? Isn't that enough? Still need details? Eww.

  15. Anonymous5:29 PM

    TMI ... at least for me. But I would like to hear what else she reveals.

  16. Anonymous5:52 PM

    More than likely it is old ugly tiny deformed red used abused and hiding about now. No amount of Viagra will help.

  17. Anonymous5:53 PM

    There is probably photos of "IT" on internet somewhere.

  18. a falafel and a loofah in the shower with a kkklown6:02 PM

    Bill O'Reilly is deep doo doo!

    "Disgraced former Fox News shill, Bill O’Reilly, has been reduced to running a little-visited video blog. His ranting is identical to the fact-averse garbage he spewed on Fox, but is only seen by a few hundred of Billo’s deadenders. For the most part he is too insignificant to bother reporting about. "

    OOOPS He's turning into another Sarah Palin?! lol. That's not the big news though...

    "A federal court just ruled on a motion by O’Reilly to suppress his past sexual harassment settlements. The court ruled against O’Reilly’s motion to seal the settlement agreements he had previously imposed on multiple women who accused him of harassment. As CNN reported:

    “Deborah Batts, the judge presiding over the defamation suit, ruled Tuesday that O’Reilly ‘has failed to present compelling countervailing factors that could overcome the presumption of public access’ to the agreements. Batts also said O’Reilly ‘has not even come close to rebutting this First Amendment presumption’ that favors public access to documents.”

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Outstanding news!

    2. Anonymous11:43 PM

      Bill O'Reilly's net worth is around 85 million. He'll be just fine.

    3. Anonymous10:22 AM

  19. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Wanna bet it is a micropenis to match his short stubby fingers.

    What is he going to do to prove her wrong other than tweet donnie has the biggest penis in the world ?

    1. More likely shriveled balls and only half mast.

    2. Anonymous8:22 PM

      His tiny fingers are a good indication of his penis size. Cannot imagine going to bed with him. He'd not be what I'd pick!

    3. Anonymous2:28 AM

      That is why he assumes all women have to be paid!! No willing partners are available to Don the Con.

  20. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Breaking News: Trump just checked in at Walter Reed Hospital urology clinic, for “enhancement surgery.” Details pending...
    back to you, Brian...

    1. Bwa ha ha. Mueller would subpoena before and after pics. So would Stormy’s lawyer.

  21. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Donald and Barron (March 13, 2007) Stormy Daniels era


  22. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Wouldn't it be hilarious if it is something kinky like piecings.

    Also donnie is very vain,he knew she did porn movies,i wonder if there is a tape.

    There has to be something since he spent and is spending a lot of time and energy to keep a one night stand quiet.

  23. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Hey trump would want a pro for a sex tape filming of himself. He likes to watch himself. He probably did what Anthony weenie did and showed the world his weenie.

    1. Anonymous7:43 PM

      Barron is twelve. He must be very restricted on the internet.

    2. Anonymous7:47 PM

      He'd have to lift up that big FUPA and find it first.

    3. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Poor Barron. He will have to endure the photos of his mother having sex with other porn type female models, and now little Donald?

    4. Anonymous10:56 PM

      Poor Barron. Those porn pix of Mom are readily available...his classmates will soon be taunting him about them, if they aren't already. 12 year old boys love visuals, and Barron's mom provided plenty.

  24. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Trump claims to be a germaphobe yet he had unprotected sex with a porn star and a playboy bunny. Can the pee-pee tape be next?

    I'm sure both women needed tweezers and microscopes.

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      A magnifying glass, tweezers.... and pepper!

    2. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Extremely good point - A germophobe!!!

    3. Anonymous10:07 PM

      Men believe that sex working pros are clean because they must get medical tests and check ups or they can't work in the industry.

      Trump also believes in fast food places. Although they are infamous for the stories of workers pissing and shitting in the food that is served.

    4. Anonymous5:33 AM

      >>>Trump also believes in fast food places. Although they are infamous for the stories of workers pissing and shitting in the food that is served.<<<


    5. What kind of fucked up fast food restaurant did YOU work in?

      What you describe was certainly not my experience.

  25. Anonymous7:45 PM

    DJT. Small dick, treasonous prick. ADX Florence awaits.

    Because traitors serve time.


    1. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Lol. Fool. Publicly. You shouldn't be so public and remove all doubt.

  26. Anonymous8:03 PM

    I thought I heard her say she only had sex with him one time and that it was in his hotel room. I don't believe there is any hard evidence, but the speculation is equally damaging, and I'm sure her lawyer is aware of that.

  27. Anonymous8:05 PM


  28. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Sailor's arm broke because Jesus doesn't love her and Jesus will never save her.

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Duh is serious about being the protector, he makes a big deal out of it. He needs multiple weapons and keeps them loaded so he can protect himself and his family.

      Protecting Sailor and the family is Duh's job. He believes as a Christian, he would say God gave him the job to protect and he is honored. He would take it extremely serious, at least that is how he talks when he is on.

      Whatever happened Duh talks and writes about these things when they happen. If he was there or not there he is going to be passionate about his first daughter's first broken bones. If he wasn't there he will feel bad about it and need to get it off his chest. That is how he rolls. If he was there he will want to OwnTheDash and talk about it. Sailor is his baby girl, he is not going to suppress what he is thinking and feeling about this incident.

      He appreciates that God has given him the strength to be the protector. He is head of the family, if the mother can't speak, he will cover for her.

    2. Anonymous10:45 AM

      Did God tell him to stalk? Oh that was $arah. My bad. :/

    3. Anonymous12:47 PM

      8:36 PM Sailor's arm broke
      Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS)

      Child abuse and neglect.

      Report By Phone: 1-800-252-5400
      Call the Texas Abuse Hotline at 1-800-252-5400 for situations including but not limited to:
      Serious injuries
      Any injury to a child 5 years or younger

      Texas law says anyone who thinks a child, or person 65 years or older, or an adult with disabilities is being abused, neglected, or exploited must report it to DFPS.

      Anyone who does not report suspected abuse can be held liable for a misdemeanor or felony.

    4. Anonymous1:33 PM

      lol. You be the first to call 12:47!

      Would one of you nutcases finally follow thru on your veiled threats of CPS

      Don't forget to provide them all your personal information and address where you can be located too. And let them know how you gleaned all your important information and facts from an internet blog Palin hating comment section lol.

      Certainly no child has ever had an accident in the history of the world! Must be child abuse lol.[

      Do it! Make that call!

    5. Anonymous1:34 PM

      It would be up to the the doctor in the ER to call protective services.

    6. Anonymous2:57 PM

      I doubt I am the first. Texas needs a record. ER should be the first and if there are previous accidents with any of the kids. It is hardly one thing that is of concern. Like Warren Jeffs they need to start somewhere. It will take more than the first 100s of reports from concerned citizens, but each report is important and they matter.

  29. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Even if she had sex with him one time, she'd most likely remember how teeny it was. The reason for that one time thing.
    If he was big she'd have gone a second round. A rich guy with a big penis. Melania wouldn't have that sour puss frown on her face if Donald had the goods. Just saying. No matter what a douchebag personality he has.

    1. Anonymous10:08 PM

      Excellent points.

    2. Anonymous10:24 PM

      'I don’t think you really understand how hard it is to take a good family pic.'

    3. Anonymous10:58 PM

      I think that's Porn Model's default expression. Her smiles are few and far between, even when Barron is with her. She seems like a miserable person. I do hope her weekly checks are worth it.

    4. Anonymous2:46 AM

      Sorry but don could have a prize whopper and it would not be worth the world of shit that goes with it. Just being associated and married to it sucks.

    5. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Melania sold her soul when she married Trump! She looks so unhappy in every photo. Her eyes are always like steel - dead - no expression and stoic. She rarely is seen smiling. (And, you don't ever see a smile on the face of Barron.)

      Don't feel sorry for her as she made the decision/choice to hook up with him for U.S. citizenship, the money and to bring her parents to America (they live w/her in case you don't know it!). Nothing more and nothing less.

      I feel for their son, Barron. I'll bet he hates his Dad as much as Melania detests her husband!

  30. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Small Hands has a small,orange withered carrot that matches the Orange,wrinkled face up top.

  31. Anonymous9:45 AM

    OT? "O’Reilly desperately wanted to keep his sexual harassment settlements secret. Now we know why.>
    "The settlements contain several extraordinary provisions that explain why O’Reilly was so determined to keep them from public VIEW."

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM


      Statement by Mark Fabiani on Behalf of Bill O'Reilly Relating to the New York Times Smear Piece

      October 21, 2017

      Once again, The New York Times has maliciously smeared Bill O'Reilly, this time even failing to print a sworn affidavit from his former lawyer, Lis Wiehl, repudiating all allegations against Bill O'Reilly. The Times ignored that evidence, sworn under oath, and chose to rely on unsubstantiated allegations, anonymous sources and incomplete leaked or stolen documents.

      Here are the facts: after the Chairman of Fox News Roger Ailes was fired in July 2016, dozens of women accused scores of male employees of Fox News of harassment - including the current co-president of Fox News Jack Abernathy.

      21st Century Fox settled almost all these cases, paying out close to $100 million dollars. Six months after Mr. Ailes left the company, Fox News Corporation signed Bill O'Reilly to a record breaking new contract after the company had analyzed and considered all allegations against him.

      In its first article about Mr. O'Reilly on April 1st, The New York Times printed inaccurate settlement figures while fully understanding that O'Reilly and his counsel are legally bound by confidentiality and cannot set the record straight.

      In its latest diatribe against Bill O'Reilly, the Times printed leaked information provided by anonymous sources that is out of context, false, defamatory, and obviously designed to embarrass Bill O'Reilly and to keep him from competing in the marketplace.

      Finally, in the more than 20 years Bill O'Reilly worked at Fox News, not one complaint was filed against him with the Human Resources Department or Legal Department by a coworker, even on the anonymous hotline. The New York Times has copies of two letters written by 21st Century Fox lawyers attesting to that fact.

      The Times failed to print them, tOO."

  32. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Hang in there, Sailor. Just because you weren't conceived under god's wishes doesn't mean we won't try to save you from your violent alcoholic mother.
    Hide your other arm so your mom doesn't break it.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.